The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (3 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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“There’s no way to rule innocent men.
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens?
What’s there in that for anyone?
But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted and you create a nation of law-breakers and then you cash in on guilt.”
Ayn Rand, ‘Atlas Shrugged’

It is now said that there are so many laws, rules and regulations in the first world that each person breaks at least one law per day, if not many more – without even knowing it.
But governments are now becoming more obvious and blatant in how they go about making everyone a criminal and fining them ridiculous amounts of money in doing so.
Recently, an American family who said they were simply trying to teach their son about responsibility and entrepreneurship was fined $90,000 by the USDA because the teenager sold $4,600 worth of rabbits he had bred and reared himself, in one calendar year without a licence.
Not only were they ordered to pay $90,000, but were told that if they did not pay within a short period of time the fine could increase to as high as $4 million.
This one case alone goes to show how easy it now is, within the system, to take any small transgression and in effect blackmail someone for every penny they have – and much more.

This situation is being exploited to the full by authorities who openly state that ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it’.
This is in itself a very dangerous state of affairs for the ordinary ‘man in the street’ as it is now possible for surreptitious, pernicious new laws to be passed solely with the intention of entrapment.
Who among us is aware of every law and statute passed by our governments in the last two years, let alone the last one hundred years?
However this lack of knowledge may well be used against us at any time it suits, in order to ‘protect us’ by curbing our freedoms.

“When even one American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.”
Former US President, Harry S. Truman

In May 2011 in a decision that shocked the independent media community but went entirely unreported in the mainstream, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that citizens have no right to block a police officer’s entry into their home, even if the officer does not have a warrant.
The officer also does not have to give any clear indication as to why he wishes to enter their home, meaning he can enter without just cause or suspicion.
So, if he wishes to walk into a house, for any reason, he may do so, without a warrant and without even knocking.
The householder may not block his path, cannot close his door and lock it and cannot physically restrain him.
The householder cannot even discuss the matter calmly with him beforehand, he can simply walk in and he is fully legally protected.
If the good citizens of Indiana are not even aware of this law then how dangerous might it be to attempt to physically prevent a police officer from entering their homes?
I submit that this policy could well lead to many of them being shot dead on the spot for what amounts to nothing at all.

“The USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, the TSA, the FDA, the CIA, renditions, assassinations, multiple and continuous wars, torture, bailouts, inflation, false flag events, secrecy, illegal searches, spying on citizens, private property confiscations and much, much more is now commonplace.
It is now considered to be a crime to grow your own food, to film the police, to sell lemonade on the street corner, to protest and in many cases just to speak out against the State”.
Gary D. Barnett, September, 2011

I am afraid that in Britain now at least, with the rest of the world rapidly following in our wake, we live in a ‘surveillance-based’ police-state with cameras in every shop, bank and public building and at virtually every street corner in our towns and cities as well as every few hundred yards along our highways.
This situation has been imposed upon us by stealth, ostensibly ‘for our own protection’ whilst we all watch our favourite soap operas and game shows, play mind-numbingly violent computer games around the clock or spend 90% of our waking lives wearing headphones blocking out the world around us whilst listening to the latest appalling trash masquerading as music and worship at the altar of the great ‘celebrity cult’.
The result of which, over time has been the systematic but nevertheless steady loss of most of our basic freedoms today – all as planned and facilitated partly by the fake ‘war on terror’ of course, that perversely seeks to enslave us in order to ‘preserve our freedoms’ and which has gone-by un-noticed by the majority.
And now we have the great ‘global warming’ latterly re-branded as ‘climate change’ scam which is designed to surreptitiously impose even more onerous taxation and curb our rapidly diminishing freedoms.

“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
Adolf Hitler, ‘Mein Kampf’, 1923

In late 2010, amidst a veritable blaze of zero publicity for obvious reasons, the US Senate passed Senate bill S-510 (the Food Safety and Modernisation Act) by 74 votes to 25, which effectively banned the growing of any foodstuff, vegetables or fruit on one’s OWN land or garden and the sale of any such produce at farmers’ markets or at the roadside – all under the frankly laughable pretext of preventing food smuggling and enabling ‘food safety’.
Ever heard of food smuggling?
I didn’t think so, neither have I, but anyway this bill will definitely prevent it, whatever it is.
This quasi-fascist piece of legislation, provably written by Monsanto lobbyists, also makes illegal the saving and storing of fruit or vegetable seeds for future use in propagating next year’s crops, seriously detrimentally affecting the livelihoods of farmers and independent food producers.
Also, believe it or not, it is now illegal to save and/or store rainwater that falls on one’s own house roof or land in that wonderful ‘land of the free’.
After all, the profits of the water companies must be protected and we wouldn’t want anyone to escape their daily dose of ‘soma’, sorry, fluoride, would we?

So why do you think these frankly draconian, invasive laws have come to pass?
The answer, as always is complex, but to try and simplify it into three distinct reasons may help.
Firstly it is about control, the control of populations and also the control of the food supply.
Should the Elite decide to restrict food or water supplies in any way or in any specific geographical area as a population control mechanism (and they will, one day very soon, see section on Agenda 21), then it will now be much simpler to achieve.
Secondly it drastically reduces or eliminates the opportunities for us to source local, organic, healthy, untainted produce.
And last but certainly not least, it is also about boosting the corporate profits and furthering the agenda of such horrendous organisations as Monsanto, in their sick and demented quest to ‘corner the market’ of the entire world’s food supply.

Now Americans are being forced by this legislation which was of course bought and paid for by Elite corporate lobbyists to eliminate competition and boost profits substantially, to buy food from the huge corporate food conglomerates (Big Food) and supermarket chains only.
This is now food, which if the Elite desired (and they certainly do) can be tainted in any way they choose, be it with dangerous pesticides, harmful chemicals, genetically modified organisms or even if they wished with mind-altering chemicals.
First, America and then the rest of the world will follow as always.
How long before this abomination is foisted on all of us?
If this is living in a ‘free country’ give me tyranny any day.

“Control the food and you control the people.”
Henry Kissinger, 1973

The last Labour Government in Britain 1997-2010, was responsible for more new legislation being instigated, than in the entire previous history of Britain as a nation.
Much of this legislation has been introduced to curb our freedoms in the guise of ‘anti-terrorist’ policies as a by-product of the fictional war on terror.
So yes, we are ‘free’ in a sense.
Free to do as we are told – or else suffer the consequences.

“In Britain, there is no need for tanks in the streets.
In its managerial indifference to the freedoms it is said to hold dear, bourgeois Britain has allowed parliament [this century] to create a surveillance state with 3,000 new criminal offences and laws: more than for the whole of the previous century.
Powers of arrest and detention have never been greater.
The police have the impunity to kill; asylum seekers can be ‘restrained’ to death on commercial flights and should fellow passengers object, anti-terrorism laws will deal with them.
Abroad, British militarism colludes with torturers and death squads.”
John Pilger, investigative journalist, 2010

Each element of this great conspiracy to totally subjugate humanity, when taken in isolation is often made to appear an individual, isolated anomaly, which as a result may be easily dismissed by those who wish to deceive us, as nonsense or at worst an unfortunate ‘coincidence’.
It is only the unification of all these individual elements that presents us with a clear and undeniable, composite picture of the truth.
A partially-completed jigsaw puzzle does not reveal the whole picture and indeed until the puzzle is almost complete, it is difficult to connect the subject matter with that depicted on the box lid.
This is in fact, the very essence of the struggle between those of us who have actually mentally completed the jigsaw puzzle as it were and those who are aware of none, one or just some of the component parts of the conspiracy.
The latter will simplistically dismiss the former as ‘conspiracy theorists’, encouraged and cajoled all the while by our masters and further dismiss the individual pieces of the whole, as random aberrations in the overall grand scheme of things.

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