Read The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Online
Authors: John Hamer
But what if virtually the whole of the history of our species was distorted and inaccurate as well as our current reality not being as portrayed?
What if so-called mainstream science, history and education could not be trusted to give us truthful interpretations of the universe around us?
What if we humans were not whom we have been portrayed as being, by the prevailing wisdom, for centuries?
What if we have all been lied-to on a scale that beggars belief, all our lives, not just about history and science, but also religion, politics, archaeology, anthropology and many other subjects?
This may seem like a bizarre series of rhetorical questions, but as strange as it sounds, many respected researchers outside the mainstream whose numbers are growing daily, believe that these questions are pertinent exactly to the state of affairs in existence today.
Why are they outside the mainstream?
Simply because as with most, if not all elements of modern life, mainstream thinking is under the strict control of this insidious, largely invisible Elite group who protect and enhance their own positions of money, power and influence by fabricating and maintaining a hugely distorted version of history and reality that suits their own agenda and keeps the ‘huddled masses’ in a tiny box of totally manufactured ignorance.
The world is a far, far different place to what one imagines or is conditioned to believe.
We have in place as our ‘norms’, rigid, immutable laws of physics and the five-sense reality that most of us believe is the be-all-and-end-all of the universe, but our reality absolutely does not work in the way it is popularly portrayed.
Anything at all is possible, yet we are all conditioned and mind-controlled from cradle to grave, to believe that the lies and distortions we are given by figures of authority and teachers are sacrosanct and unquestionable.
However, there is much evidence emerging now that proves that the received wisdom regarding the nature of our ‘reality’ is false.
For example, the power of thoughts and human consciousness to physically affect material substances, the interconnectedness of all physical and non-physical matter, remote-viewing and also the interchange-ability of cause and effect are areas to consider in this regard and these are but four small examples from a long list of potential others.
Also consider the fact that matter itself is far from being as is popularly described.
An atom (of which all ‘solid’ matter in the universe is composed) consists of 99.999999%+ empty space with just a tiny nucleus in the centre and several even smaller electrons orbiting this insignificant nucleus.
To illustrate this point, imagine that an atom is the size of a cathedral and then understand this; on the same scale, the nucleus would be the size of an apple seed, the electrons the size of grains of sand and the rest… empty space.
And all this is what 100% of the matter in the universe consists of?
How can this arrangement possibly present an appearance of solidity?
Everything is indeed all an illusion, but as Albert Einstein himself noted, “...the Universe is an illusion, but a persistent one, nevertheless”.
In addition there is much compelling evidence emerging from many different scientific sources that human souls, far from existing only in spiritual or religious fantasies are in fact a real entity and live on after death, to be re-incarnated in another body, life after life for millennia as we all experience the learning process leading ultimately to perfection, that each individual life on Earth or indeed countless other worlds in other Universes gives us.
I refer to the pioneering work of Dr. Michael Newton in this respect.
It was Michael Newton who ‘discovered’ that our souls do live on after death by entering a different dimension known colloquially as ‘spirit world’ and he has backed-up this work by the meticulous recording of many thousands of individuals’ hypnotherapeutic regressions into the spirit world itself and our ‘lives between lives’.
As outlandish as this may seem to anyone unfamiliar with his work, the evidence he and his colleagues have painstakingly amassed over four decades of research is virtually irrefutable, but as always completely ignored by the mainstream.
“Step by step and day by day, the claims of what must be real have become increasingly outrageous, as the history and excuses used to defend them have become more fragile, ridiculous and indefensible.”
Les Visible, musician and researcher
So, presenting us with a false version of reality is an intrinsic part of the way we are controlled.
We are all part of an ‘infinite consciousness’ linking all sentient and indeed non-sentient entities together at a very basic, sub-atomic level.
This is not simply my own speculation but the opinions of a growing number of independent-thinking ‘mainstream’ scientists and researchers.
If we knew what power we really have as individuals and collectively as a species and what infinite possibilities exist it would be impossible to control us effectively, so a system has been devised and evolved which keeps us in ignorance in our narrow little ‘box of reality’ and if we question it or try to move outside of it, we are instantly slapped-down or ridiculed, not just by our masters but also by all the other ‘sheeple’, our peers and our ‘gatekeepers’.
And thus within this self-policing paradigm we find it difficult – if not impossible – to accept anything that is not part of our pre-programmed reality.
Anything that appears to fall outside the narrow boundaries of what we have been told and accepted as absolute fact all our lives is regarded and treated as simply ludicrous by the ‘ignorant masses’ and I include in this term even those supposedly well-educated persons who ‘benefitted’ from a ‘first-class education’ at the world’s premier Universities.
Actually no, allow me to revise that, I would say especially those supposedly well-educated persons who ‘benefitted’ from a ‘first class education’ at the world’s premier Universities, usually followed by a career in politics or an Elite corporate, scientific, medical or educational environment.
And of course any evidence presented, even backed by substantiated research and proof, that contradicts the official position is either blatantly ignored, subtly swept aside or ruthlessly destroyed to protect current, accepted wisdom and knowledge and thus the positions of those in whose best interests it is to deceive and manipulate us for their own nefarious ends.
As already stated, the world has been co-opted by a covert group, generally known as the Illuminati, or as I will refer to them in this book, the ‘Elite’.
This group has been in existence under several names and guises for several millennia and its central ‘core’ comprises of the same thirteen bloodlines that have remained virtually unchanged since Sumerian times and probably long before that.
Since those times, these people have infiltrated and hijacked almost every aspect of human life, including governments and the multi-national corporations, to ensure that they remain in control of all humanity and they have lied on a grand scale, cheated, stolen, manipulated, murdered and committed genocide throughout all recorded history, in order to facilitate, sustain and further the continuance of their own power-base and immense wealth.
“At present, more than 90 percent of the world's wealth, in a world of six billion people, is controlled by less than 10,000 individuals, mostly from two dozen families who can trace their blueblood lineage back many hundreds of years.
At the head of the line is the Rothschild family, which controls all the others.
It has been estimated that the aggregate Rothschild wealth is at a minimum 5,000 times greater than the annual gross national product of the United States, although it's difficult to calculate, because the Rothschild octopus (and its loyal lieutenants of the Rockefeller family) literally own the US money supply, the Federal Reserve and all the major banks of the Western world.
Henry Kissinger is the chief lieutenant of David Rockefeller, who is the American commissar of the Rothschild Empire which runs just about everything.
There are no real enemies, only those created by the powers that be to create the chaotic conditions to both cull the population and profit from the sales of weapons to both sides.
It has been that way throughout the 20th century, and doubtless long before.”
John Kaminski, independent researcher
These people do not represent any single country, race, political persuasion or religion.
Rather they are a hybrid of all of these elements, transcending all countries, races and religions.
In fact a good case can be made for suggesting that countries, racial divisions, political divides and religions were actually manufactured by them as part of a plan to ‘divide and conquer’ which has long been a central plank of their strategy for the total subjugation of mankind.
If you believe that senior politicians, prime ministers and presidents control the destiny of the world, think again.
These people are merely puppets of the Elite, bought-and-paid-for lackeys who occupy the lower fringes of the Elite pyramid.
They are often groomed from birth, often because of bloodline, to fulfil their apparent positions of ‘power’ and are controlled by the threat of losing their lucrative positions of apparent influence (and worse); such is the forward and long-term strategic planning of this cabal.
They are nothing if not extremely patient in the pursuit of their master-plan for absolute and total world domination.
“I have this feeling man, cos you know there's a handful of people actually run everything. That's true, it's provable.
A handful, a very small elite group run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media.
I have this feeling whoever’s elected President, matter what you promise on the campaign trail, 'blah, blah, blah', when you win, you go into this smoky room in the basement of the White House with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scum-f**ks who got you in there and you're in this smoky room and the little screen comes down and a big guy with a cigar says 'roll the film'.
And it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before... that looks suspiciously off the grassy knoll.
And then the film ends, the screen goes up and the lights come on and they say to the new guy, 'Any questions Mr. President?'”
Bill Hicks, comedian, shortly before his premature death from cancer in 1994
“World events do not happen by accident, they are made to happen.
Whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, they are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings”.
Denis Healey, former British deputy Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and member of the secretive Elite-run and controlled Bilderberg group who are in effect the real world political policy-makers.
So what exactly is their clearly-stated and documented ‘master-plan’?
It is actually nothing less than total control of all of the Earth’s resources, finances, military and populations.
Their aim is to create a society that would make the world described by George Orwell in ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley in ‘Brave New World’, look like a summer Sunday afternoon picnic.
They plan to impose a world-wide military dictatorship via the mandatory micro-chipping of all, a reduction of population to less than 500 million (95% less than the current figure), a fascist-communitarian one-world government, a one-world-bank cashless-society linked to your implanted micro-chip and a society of slaves (the ones ‘lucky’ enough to survive the cull) controlled by mind-altering chemicals and both subcutaneously implanted and remote electronics, to serve them and their families.
All this of course would then be controlled and enforced by a one-world army.
This is exactly where we are headed and soon, unless the world wakes up to their sordid scheme.
Everything that happens in the world is but one tiny step further down the road to achieving this hellish scenario.
They are not so stupid as to make the mistake of trying to achieve their nefarious ends by making radical changes in a series of giant leaps, rather they use the tactic of metaphorically speaking, ‘keeping the frog in the pot’ by heating the water one degree at a time instead of throwing the frog straight into the boiling water, as it would very quickly escape, albeit badly scalded.
This is a tactic described aptly and succinctly by researcher David Icke as the ‘totalitarian tiptoe’.