The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (5 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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“I'll show you politics in America.
Here it is, right here.
'I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.'
'I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.'
'Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!'”
Bill Hicks, late US comedian

Indeed, the very minor differences exhibited by our major political parties and their continuing, utter failure to have any positive impact whatsoever on the quality of life of us ‘ordinary’ people, should be enough to demonstrate to us all that there is a major background conspiracy in operation to convince us that we live in a country where freedom of choice reigns supreme.
But of course, most people are unaware of this, largely due to the complicit media puppets and their relationships to the controlling Elite who blatantly perpetuate this great myth of freedom.
The enormous power of the propaganda generated by our controlled media cannot be over-estimated.

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Former US President, Thomas Jefferson

"Republicans ousting Democrats is like the Gambinos replacing the Bonnanos.”
Gerard Celente, trends forecaster

"Sooner or later people will wake up.
First we have to dump the trap of right and left.
This is a Hegelian trap to divide and control.
The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them.”
Dr. Anthony Sutton, historian

The Democratic and Republican parties offer the masses of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people the de facto non-choice of either euphemistic death by drowning or death by hanging.
Thus, no real choice is offered at all.
As the politicos of the Democratic Party foxes and the Republican Party wolves feed, like swine, from the bottomless blood-drenched financial trough of the corporate/military elite, democracy is rendered null and void.
Larry Pinkney, ‘Online Journal’, 15th October 2010.

From the food we eat, to the air we breathe, from our so-called healthcare systems to covert genocide, humanity is under siege.
This truth is of course concealed at every turn by the 100% compliant, Elite-owned mainstream media (written press and TV / radio) who spare no expense in covering-up the real truth behind world events whilst presenting a completely distorted view of the same.
Indeed the popular image projected and carefully nurtured by these organisations is one of a caring government, doing its level best under trying circumstances to maintain a fair society for all and to keep its citizens safe from harm in this dangerous world.
And yet whence does this ‘dangerous world’ spring?
I would venture to suggest that it originates from those same governments, who hand-in-hand with multi-national corporations and the military, all controlled of course by bloodline, Elite families, far from protecting us, actually intentionally cause all of the extensive misery, poverty and ills existing in the world today whilst maintaining a pretence of trying to end it.

“Unfortunately, most people have believed the line that government exists to take on the responsibility of looking after the People.
The People have been sold an image of government as some kindly entity which somehow looks after everyone in the nation no matter if they be young or old.
This is the result of aeons of propaganda which has been perpetrated by the royal-political elite, who use pomp and circumstance, parades, fly-bys, flag-waving, national anthems, patriotism, royal weddings and the kissing of babies as a tool to fool people into thinking that they have some kind of group membership to a nation which has at its head either a king, queen or president that represents their wishes and protects their families.
It’s a lie.”
Chris Everard, British researcher and film director.

We are moving rapidly now into an era where the gap between the haves and have-nots is not only increasing at a staggering rate but, as is intended by the hidden, prevailing agenda, the truth is that the so-called ‘middle-classes’ are being systematically eliminated.
The ultimate goal of a tiny Elite minority, their every need being catered for and served by an army of mind-controlled drones and slaves, is drawing ever closer as each year goes by.
I firmly believe that the only reason that we, the ‘huddled masses, yearning to breathe free’ are allowed to exist is for the same reason we were ‘created’ in the first place – to fulfil our eternal roles as economic slaves to the system, built, maintained and run for the sole benefit of the tiny Elite minority.
Once we have outlived our usefulness and we are now fast approaching that point, then we will literally be systematically ‘phased-out’ and replaced by modern technology.
This I suggest is the real reason for all the current wars, ‘natural’ disasters, diseases and destruction.
Of course they cannot do this overtly as they well know that we are far too numerous and powerful as a group were we ever to get our collective act together, so they must contrive various other covert methodologies with which to dispose of us.

America, once hailed as the great bastion of freedom and the land of opportunity, is now being rapidly subsumed into a fascist-communitarian state totally controlled by corrupt corporate and banking cartels.
The role of American president, once dubbed the ‘most powerful role on Earth’ is now no more than that of a puppet, manipulated, cajoled and coerced by vested interests to fulfil their own private agendas and sick ambitions of global conquest in the name of profits.
Western armed forces have become the private mercenaries of the super-rich Elite whose media lackeys spin us fairy tales of ‘global terrorism’, ‘global warming’, ‘weapons of mass destruction’ and the great ‘Muslim threat’ in order to justify the subjugation of us all and the conquest, financial exploitation, rape and destruction of third world countries and their helpless populations in reckless pursuit of their obscene profits.

I would also venture to suggest that it is no coincidence that it is the Muslim economies and their total rejection of usury (lending money at interest), rather than their so-called terrorism that offer the bigger threat to Western capitalist interests and world domination by their financial Elite.
Does not this latter statement alone impart sense to much of what is happening in the world today?

“Somewhere in our own inner darkness, thinking the worst that we can about ourselves, we still are hard pressed to reach the depths of depravity we confront daily in the stark facts of the world.
All the big news items of history, when analysed at a later date, turn out to be hoaxes, false-flag operations conducted for an ulterior motive always hidden from the public. And those bits of common knowledge we always accepted as ‘gospel’ as children almost always, when analysed from the perspective of a future we did not know at the time, turn out to be quite different from what we thought they were and would be.”
John Kaminski, political researcher, December 2010

Our physical health and mental welfare is also under systematic attack from this Elite group, one of whose clearly stated and documented goals is the reduction of the world population by more than 95%.
It is certainly not by accident that the giant, multi-national pharmaceutical companies have completely infiltrated all of the important healthcare organisations from cancer research charities such as the huge American Cancer Society (ACS) to the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to the British and American Medical Associations (BMA and AMA) and even medical education establishments across the Western world.
Indeed, many of the pharmaceutical super-giants (Big Pharma) have at their disposal, substantially more financial power and resources than many medium to large-sized countries and the totally corrupt FDA, far from acting as the protector of people’s health and well-being from greedy corporate interests, as is its mandate, is provably culpable for allowing highly-profitable yet highly-toxic, substances into the food chain in what can only be described as at best, irresponsible and at worst, criminal activities.
The upper echelons of the FDA and Big Pharma / Big Food would also appear to operate a ‘revolving door’ policy whereby senior executives from both sides of the supposed ‘divide’ regularly trade positions in both organisations.
No conflict of interest to be seen there then.

‘Big Pharma’ is also responsible for the wholesale, mass propaganda affecting not just the layman, but even medical personnel – from the highest-paid professor of medicine to the lowliest trainee nurse.
It is this propaganda which implants the now ‘received wisdom’ that cure is better than prevention and illness and disease can only be effectively treated by artificially manufactured chemical, pharmaceutical products (which they are of course, very happy to supply at grossly inflated prices), rather than natural foodstuffs and a healthy diet.
Unfortunately there are no vast profits to be made in the prevention of disease by proper nutrition and nor would a happy, healthy population be in their best interests.
Vitamins and mineral supplements and other ‘natural’ and dietary remedies are under such severe attack by these organisations and their lackeys, that we are now seeing them increasingly being made illegal or legislated against as ‘untested’ or ‘un-approved drugs’ via organisations such as the Codex Alimentarius committee and the aforementioned FDA.
It can even be shown from readily available evidence that indeed, Big Pharma is actually responsible for ‘inventing’ many new diseases simply in order to profit from their ‘cures’.
It is not only possible, but absolutely true (as outlined in the section on health).

“I would like to dispel the myth that the pharmaceutical industry is in the business of health care and healing.
Because, in fact, what the pharmaceutical industry is in the business of, is disease maintenance and symptoms management.
They are not in the business of curing cancer, Alzheimer’s or heart disease because if they were, they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business and that does not make sense…. The pharmaceutical industry does not want to cure people.”
Gwen Olsen, former pharmaceutical industry insider and author of ‘Confessions of a Drug Pusher’

However, perhaps the single, greatest criminal act of the pharmaceutical cartel is the great cancer hoax.
Cancer is not incurable or unpreventable as their propaganda makes widely believed, but all forms of cancer can be treated and prevented very effectively, easily and inexpensively using simple, readily available nutritional supplements and vitamins and if this statement is untrue, why then would they cause such unnecessary suffering on such a grand scale by spending millions fighting and suppressing these proven remedies as they do?
Several reasons spring to mind.
Firstly, we cannot exclude the fact that cancer is a huge destroyer of human life and as such is a valuable tool in their self-admitted goal of large-scale human population reduction.
There is also much truth in the premise that ageing populations are extremely expensive for governments to maintain and so how much better for them that people should die on average ten to twenty years sooner than they naturally would and thus reduce the overall financial burden on the state?
However, the primary reason for this cruel deception is the great god of profit.

Cancer is absolutely without doubt a multi-trillion-dollar industry employing millions worldwide in the form of researchers, charity workers and carers, before we start on the vast armies of medical personnel dependent on cancer for their careers or livelihoods.
Take away the disease and you remove the huge annual profits associated with its useless and deadly drugs in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and also surgical procedures.
Significantly, in a recent, mainstream-ignored (of course) survey, 91% of oncologists said that they would not undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy if they were ever diagnosed with the disease or indeed allow family members to do so as these treatments ‘poison the system’.
In addition, there is also the vast, vast amount of money that is siphoned from us through our generous contributions to cancer research ‘charities’ each year, often in the face of extreme emotional blackmail, the vast majority of which never even reaches the medical research teams anyway.
Big Pharma spends many millions per annum in the perpetuation of this hoax through the infiltration and ‘incentivising’ of such organisations as medical societies, the medical profession itself, medical education and ACS, Cancer Research, MacMillan etc.
I have no doubt that there are many decent, caring people in these organisations who are striving hard to discover a pharmaceutical-based cure against all odds, but they and humanity as a whole are being duped by these truly evil organisations on a grand scale.

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