Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows (52 page)

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Authors: Sr. David O. Dyer

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows
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She cupped her breasts in her hands and studied them. “Do you think hers are prettier than mine?” She crawled into his lap and hooked her right arm around his neck. She shivered when his hands began to knead her breasts.

“Lovely Lady, boobs come in all shapes and sizes. To me, they're all beautiful, but there's one tremendous difference between you and ... what is it she wants us to call her?"


“Yeah. There's one tremendous difference between you and Debbie. I'm in love with you."

She tightened her grip on his hair and gently sucked his lower lip. “Frank. Do you think they will give me my money back at UNC-Charlotte?"

He pulled his head back and looked at her. “What are you talking about?"

“I ... I think I made a mistake."

“June, you've been out of school a couple of years, but it'll come back to you. You'll do just fine."

“I'm not worried about the work, honey. I've been reading the syllabus and textbook. This whole bookkeeping class is geared to computers—something they call a spreadsheet. I don't know anything about computers and I can't afford one anyway."

“What do they cost?"

“I've been checking ads in the paper. They start around fifteen hundred and go up from there."

He inched his hand up her leg and sucked hungrily on the breast they named Desire. “After the class, the computer will be used for keeping my books,” he said, “so it's a legitimate business expense."

She pushed his head to Magic, and moaned as she felt his tongue circling her nipple. “I can't ask you to buy a computer for me,” she said.

“Have you talked with Sean? I understand he's Dot's resident computer expert."

“I haven't talked with anybody about it. Oh,” she squealed as he slipped his fingers under the crotch of her panties.

“What's his last name?"

“Oh, mercy, Frank. That feels so good. His name is ... is ... Taylor. Baby, it's time to take this show to the bedroom."

He stood up, holding her in his arms. “You go turn back the sheets. I'll join you as soon as I make one phone call."

She went to the bathroom and stepped out of her panties and skirt. She pulled the precious box from the medicine cabinet, sat on the commode and carefully inserted the diaphragm. After replacing the now empty box, she wiggled her hips until she felt comfortable with the foreign object inside her, went to the bedroom and pulled the spread and top sheet to the foot of her bed.

He likes the blue teddy, she thought, but I wore that last night. What can I do different today that will excite him?

Frank came into the bedroom removing his shirt and froze as he gazed at June on the bed. She was nude and laying on her back with legs high in the air and spread wide apart. Her left hand was pulling Magic's nipple and the middle finger of her right hand was stroking her clitoris.

“If you don't hurry,” she gasped, “I'm not going to need you."

He tore off his clothes and jumped into the bed, his thumb quickly replacing her finger. He felt her shudder as the first orgasm engulfed her and he traced a path with his tongue to her navel. As his hands found her breasts, he looked up. “We have to hurry. Sean has a used laptop he will sell me for five hundred. He said he would meet us in his office at three-thirty."

“Screw the computer,” she screamed.

He kissed Magic. “I'd rather screw you."

* * * *

Deborah sat on the bottom basement step. Her body was filthy and covered with perspiration. “I didn't think we could do it,” she said, “but this basement is as clean as a hospital operating room."

“And it's only six-thirty,” he said, checking his watch.

“We have a huge pile of trash in the back yard, but you have a number of nice things that should sell quickly in a yard sale. The chiffonier should bring five hundred easily."

“I've been thinking about what you suggested—you know—getting an appraisal on some of this stuff. For all I know, the chiffonier may be an antique."

He picked up the cattle prod.

“Buzz,” she cried in alarm. “Did I do something wrong?"

“Yeah,” he said, looking at the prod, “you did."

“But I worked my ass off. There hasn't been one cross word. I didn't even complain when I fell off the damned ladder. When you made me go into the back yard to piss and stood there watching me, I didn't say a word."

“That's the problem,” he said seriously. “I've been looking forward to shoving this thing up your ass and zapping you for five or ten seconds, but you are so damn obedient, I have no excuse."

She took a deep breath, stood and bent over, pulling the strap to one side. “If it pleases you, do it."

He stuffed the prod into his back pocket and softly patted her buttocks. “A deal's a deal,” he said. “You'll slip up sooner or later. We still have nineteen days to go."

She stood erect. “Are we going to start on the attic now?"

“You're trembling. Is it from fear of the prod or fatigue?"

“Buzz, you won't let me eat anything but dry toast and rabbit food. I'm weak."

“Oh, I imagine you fixed yourself a couple of peanut butter sandwiches when you got home last night."

“I told you I will obey you for three weeks. I was tempted, but I didn't do it."

“Not even one little pancake this morning?"

She shook her head.

He smiled. “I'm going to get that extra weight off you, so I'm not changing your diet, but I am going to give you a break tonight. Did you buy a sexy bathing suit like I told you?"

“I bought two. One is a skimpy two piece bikini. The other is once piece, but it's a little snug. I think you will like it."

“Did you bring a change of underwear?"

She nodded.

“Living at the golf course, you have pool privileges at the Dollars’ playground, don't you?"

“I've never used the pool, but yes, we can go there tonight if that's what you have in mind."

“Don't you think the water will make those aching muscles feel better?"

She grinned. “I have an idea you won't let me relax very much."

“You're damn right, Teach. Swimming is great exercise. You're going to swim the length of the pool repeatedly. Get your fat ass up the steps and take a shower. After I've cleaned up, we'll go to your place and see what you look like in the one-piece suit. Your ass is too flabby for the bikini, but that will change."

As she forced her aching legs up the steps she said, “It will be faster if we shower together."

“Yeah,” he said as he followed, watching the cheeks of her buttocks grinding together.

Deborah soaped his back and buttocks. Her finger lingered on his anus. He did not complain. She ran the bar of soap over the rippling muscles of his chest. She rubbed his flat stomach as she pressed her breasts against his back. She felt him widen his stance and let her fingers work lower. His penis was flaccid. She worked up a rich lather in his pubic hair and let her fingers juggle his testicles. She felt him growing in her hand.

“Buzz,” she whispered. “I want it inside me. Please. I'm so small down there,” she pleaded, “it'll hurt like hell. You like to hear me scream. Please, Buzz."

“I like to hear you scream in pain—not pleasure. Just keep stroking, bitch."

Chapter Fifteen

“Good morning, Greta. Is Frank around?"

Greta shook her head. “Him and Hank are working at the Dollars’ place this morning, Buzz. Something I can help you with?"

“Who is Hank?"

“New man Frank hired Saturday."

“Shit. Uh, excuse me, Greta. It's just that Frank offered me that job and gave me until today to think about it."

“You ain't working at the grocery no more?"

“No. I was counting on this job with Frank."

“Maybe he'll hire you too."

“I don't think so, Greta. My understanding is that he needed you to run the shop and one more man to work in the field."

“Maybe so, but...” She reached beneath the counter and placed a spiral bound notebook before him. “This here is Frank's schedule book,” she said, thumbing through the pages. “I was looking at it this morning. I don't read so good, but it looks to me like he has more work lined up than any two men can do."

Buzz turned the notebook around so he could read it.

“Mr. Elliott came by this morning angry as an old wet hen. He says Frank was supposed to be doing the landscaping on three houses he's built for the Dollars on Lumbermill Road. He said there's three more needs doing next week."

Buzz winked. “Thanks for the head's up. I think I'll drive out to the Dollars’ place and see if I can talk Frank into taking on another hand."

He started for the door, but turned back to her. “Greta, have you done something different with your hair?"

She smiled and shook her head.

“New makeup?"

“Ain't wearing none."

“Well, it's not the clothes. I've seen you in jeans and a tee shirt many times, but there's something different about you this morning—something good."

She smiled. “Don't reckon I know what it could be."

“That's it,” Buzz said. “It's your smile. I've never seen you smile before. You must really like working for Frank."

She grinned and nodded. “That must be it."

* * * *

“No, I did not tell you I would hold the job open until Monday, Buzz. I said I had ads in the newspapers, but if the job was still open today, you could have it if that's what you decided."

Buzz looked at Hank, riding the mower towards the smaller of the two Dollar ponds. “I guess I misunderstood.” He pulled the signed school contract from his hip pocket and handed it to Frank. “I got the school principal bitch to sign your contract."

“How'd you do that?” Frank said as he turned to the last page and found Deborah's signature.

“She doubled the negotiated amount, too, Frank. Hell, man, keeping that place up is hard work. Your bid was too low."

Frank grinned and cocked his head to one side. “I don't believe this."

“The bitch screwed me over four years ago when I was one of her students. It's been eating away at me ever since. Saturday I decided to talk with her about it. Hell, Frank, within an hour the arrogant bitch was crying and begging me to forgive her. Since she was on her knees anyway, I decided to lower the boom. I told her everybody in Dot hates her guts and incorporation is going to fail because of her."

“What did she have to say to that?"

“It takes too long to tell. The bottom line is, she's going to try to make up for her past transgressions. It was her idea to sign the contract and double the figures. She's been going around town apologizing to people and, shit, she's at my house right now, helping me get ready for a yard sale this weekend."

“Yeah,” Frank smiled. “I thought she was going to give me a blowjob in front of June yesterday at the Korner Kafe. Look, Buzz,” he continued, thumping the contract against his open left palm, “I appreciate this. I owe you one."

Buzz raised his eyebrows. “I was hoping you'd feel that way. About that job..."

“I'm sorry, man. I don't have a job open right now. If Hank doesn't work out..."

“I went by the shop this morning,” Buzz interrupted. “I don't want to get her in trouble, or anything, but Greta showed me your schedule. You're busier than a damned worker ant. You can use an extra hand."

Frank nodded as he smiled. “I am busy, thank God. I've always heard that word of mouth is the best advertisement. Now I'm a believer. The truth is, I could use you for the rest of the summer. Unfortunately, grass does not grow during the winter. I'm going to have a hard time paying Greta and Hank during the slow months. There's no way I can pay you too."

“I can understand that. How about giving me a job until I can line up something else?"

“Seven bucks an hour is all I can pay."

Buzz stuck out his hand. “That's better than nothing."

“We work six days a week from six in the morning until it gets too dark. That okay with you?"

“Yeah, but I need this Saturday off. Like I said, I'm having a yard sale this weekend."

“Damn, Buzz. You begged me for a job and are already asking for a day off?"

“You're right. Maybe I can get Debbie to run the sale for me."

“Debbie? Oh, yeah. That's what Dr. Andrews wants us to call her now."

* * * *

Sandra watched Frank and Buzz as they stood beside Frank's truck at the end of her driveway. I haven't given up on you yet, Frank Skinner, she thought. If I can get you between my legs just once, you'll be my slave for life.

She cut her eyes towards the man riding a mower near the small pond. Good for you, Frank. You have some help now. That gives you more time for me.

She watched as Frank climbed into his truck and drove away. The other man followed in his car. She cut her eyes back to Frank's helper, who was now mowing a path from the pond back towards the house.

“Oh, shit!” she cried aloud. “It can't be. Damn, it is him. It's Hank Elkins!"

She flew down the steps, forgetting that she was still in her nightgown, and threw open the front door. She raced across the porch and down the steps, forgetting that she was barefooted. She ran across the lawn towards him, forgetting that Tim was at home and might be watching.

Hank slowed the mower and shut off the engine as she approached.

“Sandy? My God, is it really you, Sandy?"

“You know damn well it's me,” she said. She could feel his eyes burning away the transparent fabric of her gown and enjoying the view of her breasts. She covered them with her folded arms.

He grinned. “I always did prefer tiny tits,” he said appreciatively.

“Then why did you bring home that damn teenager with foot-longs?” she demanded.

“She had a hell of an ass on her, Sandy. Not like that bony butt of yours. Besides, you were getting too bossy."

“You let them damn near torture me to death."

“No, I didn't. I talked them into tying you up naked in the woods and letting you starve to death. I came back for you, Sandy, but somehow you got loose and were gone."

“Bullshit. Why are you in Dot, Hank? What do you want?"

“So help me, baby, I did not know you were still alive, let alone in Dot. I'm out on probation. I got a job working for Frank Skinner. I'm renting a room from a woman named Greta Dominick. That's the whole story."

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