Read Sisterhood Of Lake Alice Online

Authors: Mari M. Osmon

Sisterhood Of Lake Alice (27 page)

BOOK: Sisterhood Of Lake Alice
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Chapter Twenty-Six

Fun in the Sun

The days flew past in a blur. They washed clothes, packed, unpacked, and packed again. They raided the storage room of Claire’s and found some great summer outfits, the leftovers from last season. Lindy had her sister overnight some of her favorite summer outfits, complete with matching hats and shoes. None of them could stop talking about Rebecca’s wonderful surprise vacation.

Before they knew it, they were piling their luggage in the trunk of the limo that would take them to Fargo. Warren and his daughters were on hand to take photos of his friends, all dressed in matching Hawaiian blouses, standing in two feet of snow beside the stretch limo. His daughters had happily agreed to dog-sit while their friends were away. They stood at the curb and waved good-bye to four very happy ladies.

It was cold and snowing all the way to Fargo. However, they sat comfortably in the back of the limo with hot chocolate mixed with Baileys Irish Cream and Monica’s oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. After an hour of nonstop chatter, they arrived at the small airport and boarded their private jet for the final leg of the adventure. The pilot and copilot greeted them warmly, and within a short time, their plane taxied down the runway. As the plane lifted off the ground, they all cheered; then they settled back for a delightful once-in-a-lifetime flight.

Lindy cuddled close to Rebecca and helped her adjust the oxygen mask shortly after takeoff. For the first time, Grace and Emily realized just how ill Rebecca really was. Within minutes, Rebecca was asleep, and Lindy watched over her for the rest of the flight.


Three hours later, they stood in sunny Ft. Lauderdale, where they quickly shed their winter jackets and reached for their new Christmas sunglasses. The hotel was beautiful and unique with its round design; there were breathtaking views of the port where the cruise ships docked across the street. After they settled into their suites, Rebecca decided it was time for her to once again rest. Lindy tested her oxygen tank and adjusted her mask. Within minutes, Rebecca was sound asleep.

Grace, Emily, and Lindy decided it was time to take a walk around the property. They strolled past the winding, aqua blue swimming pool, complete with small bridges, and the palm trees. Emily hugged Grace and said, “Pinch me and tell me this is not a dream.” Grace simply smiled as she assured her that this was very real. They found a small outside table overlooking the pool and ordered drinks as they enjoyed the sun warming their Minnesota-pale white bodies.

As the sun was setting, they slowly walked back to their rooms. Just as they entered the hotel room, Rebecca called to them to come quickly. They raced to her side asking what was the matter; she simply smiled as she pointed to the balcony, where they went to witness an incredible sunset over the water. The sky turned shades of yellow, then orange, and finally purple before the sun slowly faded into the ocean.


Because of their concern for Rebecca, they ordered room service for dinner that evening. They feasted on lobster bisque, shrimp, assorted salads, and a massive chocolate cake filled with chocolate mousse for dessert. After dinner, they settled into Rebecca and Lindy’s room to watch the movie
The Way We Were
on TV. They decided that young Robert Redford was the man they were all looking for and would never find.

Grace and Emily were shaken as they watched Lindy help Rebecca with a handful of pills and get her comfortable in bed as she adjusted her oxygen level. Within a short time, they had all fallen asleep while the movie played on. It had been a long and very eventful day. By midnight, they crawled into their beds, once again dreaming and trying to imagine what the next seven days would be like.


It was nine o’clock when Lindy woke up Grace and Emily to tell them that breakfast was being served in Lindy and Rebecca’s room promptly at ten o’clock. They quickly showered and dressed; they arrived just as the food was being rolled into Lindy and Rebecca’s suite. As they stepped onto the balcony, they came to an abrupt stop. There across the street, the Star Princess Cruise ship was docked. It was beautiful and big, and seemed to glimmer as the water and sun bounced off her.

They sat in awe eating their breakfast and trying to take in everything that surrounded them. Finally, Lindy raised her glass of orange juice to offer a toast, “May this time bring us meaningful memories, lots of laughs, great looking pictures, and an opportunity to celebrate our incredible friendship.” As they clinked their glasses together, each had a tear in their eye and a smile on their face.


At 1:00 PM, the very handsome cruise director named Kevin O’Brien escorted Grace, Emily, Lindy, and Rebecca onto the ship. He had been advised that this party of four was to be given VIP status for the entire cruise. He presented them each with their keys to the Presidential Suite, a long-stemmed red rose, and a gold lapel pin, which he told them that he hoped they would wear while on board. This pin would alert all of the ship’s staff to their special VIP status and give them priority treatment wherever they went on the ship.

They had their welcome aboard photo taken, and then they took the glass elevator with a view of the nine-story, sun-filled atrium. They giggled like schoolgirls as they were led down the hallway on the Baja deck to their suite. Kevin stopped in front of double oak doors, which had each of their names on a small plaque next to the door. As he opened the doors, a soft light came on overhead. Lindy insisted that Rebecca be the first to enter their home at sea. However, Rebecca insisted they all hold hands and enter together.

The first thing they saw was the highly polished Italian marble floor, with a golden starburst design embedded in the middle of the floor. Just off center sat a white grand piano with a sparkling crystal chandelier hanging over it. It cast a soft golden glow over the large entrance area. Behind the half wall, there was a beautiful living room with a butter-colored soft leather sectional, which filled almost the entire room, and glass tables. There was also a glass dining table with another crystal chandelier and a small private kitchen area filled with all of their favorite foods. The wall of windows led out to a large veranda furnished with four plush chaise lounges and a table for four; tucked into the corner was a large hot tub. To both the right and the left of the living room, there were two large bedrooms and gleaming marble bathrooms with two vanities and gigantic whirlpool tubs.

As they whirled around the suite, Kevin cleared his throat and told them that he wanted to introduce their staff. Joseph, their butler, assured them that he would provide all of their dining, snack, and drink requests. He handed each of them a packet with all the excursions that would be available in the ports. He would personally arrange for any excursions, or he could also find other options. He could arrange for appointments at the spa, beauty shop, or special exercise classes. He finished by saying that he wanted to make sure that this was a perfect vacation for them.

Maria and Theresa were introduced as their private attendants, who would make sure that their clothes were unpacked and pressed, as well as keep their suite spotless. Kevin explained that there would be someone available to them 24/7 and that they should never hesitate to ask for anything. They had an option of having their meals in their suite or in the main dining room, whichever they preferred.

After Kevin left, they all ran around the suite giggling like the little girls they had been long ago. Lindy said that she felt as though she had just won “queen for a day.” Little did anyone know that they were just four simple girls from Fergus Falls!


At 4:00 PM, they all stood on the veranda toasting each other as the ship left the dock. Once again, they thanked Rebecca for this awesome gift. Lindy added that she was very grateful for Rebecca’s wise investments and asked her to teach her the secret of successful investing. Dinner was served on the veranda that night, with candles flickering as the world drifted away and their adventure began. They had already explored the ship and found the theater, casino, gift shops, and nightclubs. Each of them had taken turns wheeling Rebecca around in her wheelchair with a small portable bottle of oxygen attached to the back.

At 8:00
, there was a knock on the door. Grace answered it and greeted a very tall and handsome Italian man who introduced himself as the ship doctor, Dr. Sal D’Amato. He came to check on Rebecca and make sure that she was comfortable. After a brief examination, he left, taking Lindy out in the hall with him. Lindy confirmed all of the information that had been forwarded to him. She promised to keep him posted of any changes, and they arranged to talk each day. Dr. Sal smiled as he left and asked Lindy if she would like to join him for dinner some evening. She quickly agreed, and they promised to share dinner sometime during the cruise.

As she walked back into the cabin, all eyes were on her. Lindy blushed as they laughed, teasing her that the ship should be called the
Love Boat
. The rest of the evening was spent out on their veranda. They were overwhelmed by how black the sky turned with the absence of any city lights and by the thousands of stars that filled the sky. Their adventure had just begun.


Their first day was at sea, so they moved around the beautiful ship and had manicures, pedicures, and facials, while Rebecca had her breathing treatment. A wonderful lunch of fresh fruits, salads, and warm brownies, swimming, and a game of cards filled the afternoon. The ship was even more beautiful than they dreamed possible. The next day followed the same routine except in the afternoon; they all went to a pottery class where each of them decorated a special plate to celebrate this incredible vacation. As usual, Lindy’s plate was full of swirls of bright colors, while Grace’s and Rebecca’s were more focused on the cruise theme. Emily asked for each of their handprints on her plate, and in the center she simply drew SOLA with the date.

On New Year’s Eve day, by 4:00 PM, they all decided to take a nap before the beauticians arrived at 6:00 PM to fix their hair and apply makeup for their dinner with the captain in the main dining room. Promptly at 7:45, Kevin, the cruise director, arrived to escort them. As they entered the dining room in their matching sequined jackets, Kevin led them to a table where a waiter stood behind each of the eight chairs. Captain Giovanna arrived a moment later, along with Dr. Sal and the Chief Operations Officer, named David L’Heureux. The meal was a delightful time, with great food and friendly chatter. Lindy and Dr. Sal agreed that this did not count for a quiet dinner and made plans to meet again the following evening for a more private dinner.

After dinner, the girls were escorted to the front-row seats in the main theater for the Broadway-style musical show. After a full day, they pushed Rebecca back to the suite, singing and dancing down the hall. From their veranda at midnight, they toasted the new year’s beginning as they watched the beautiful Caribbean sea gently float by them. Silently, they all felt an overwhelming sense of peace and a deep appreciation for their friendship.

The view of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, greeted them when they awoke the next morning. Kevin arrived to escort them off the ship to their private van, which took them on a tour of the enchanting island, from the rainforest to a butterfly farm and then to the old city of San Juan. After dropping Lindy and Rebecca off at the ship, Grace and Emily still had enough time to go shopping before the ship sailed in the late afternoon.

That evening, they watched Lindy get dressed for her date with Dr. Sal. Grace helped her pick the perfect dress for the evening, loaning her some of her favorite earrings. Emily styled her hair and applied her makeup. By the time Dr. Sal arrived, Lindy’s face glowed with a day in the sun and with a sparkle in her eyes that they had not seen in a long time. Grace, Emily, and Rebecca had dinner out on the veranda again, breathing the fresh sea air and feeling the soft, tropical breezes against their sun-soaked skin. By 9:00
, they were sound asleep. They never heard Lindy quietly come in at midnight.


Lindy’s evening with Dr. Sal was a wonderful surprise. They quickly discovered that they had much in common and truly enjoyed each other’s sense of humor and sense of adventure. Lindy danced for the first time in years. As Dr. Sal gently glided her across the dance floor, she felt truly happy for the first time in a very long time. As Sal brought her back to the suite, he gently kissed her and asked her if they could spend some time together the next day while they were in St. Thomas. He wanted to be the person to show her Megan’s Bay, one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world. Lindy answered with a smile and told him that it all depended on how Rebecca was feeling.

As Lindy got ready for bed, Rebecca woke up and asked her how her date went. Lindy answered without thinking, “I think I just fell in love.”

Rebecca insisted that Lindy keep her date with Dr. Sal the next day while she spent her time resting and enjoying some shopping with Emily and Grace. She promised to use the wheelchair and return if she felt too tired.

Lindy and Sal spent the day at Megan’s Bay floating in the sparkling, clear blue water and resting under a giant umbrella, telling each other the stories of their lives. Sal told Lindy that this was his last cruise. He had grown tired of the adventures of a life at sea and was looking forward to getting a “real” land-based job. Although he had been born in Venice, Italy, most of his family now lived in Chicago. They were excited to welcome him to the Windy City. They all had a single woman that they wanted him to meet, marry, and have cute little bambinos with.

Lindy talked about her life in Fergus Falls and New York City and all of the happy memories as well as the painful times she had faced. She told Sal about the girls' reunion and their wonderful Christmas together. She talked about her love of nursing and her plans to get back into her career. However, for the time being, it was on hold until Rebecca no longer needed her. They talked about Rebecca’s serious health concerns. Lindy told Sal she was dedicated to helping Rebecca’s last days be days of blessings. Sal admired her commitment to her friend and her gentle, loving care. By the time they came back to the ship, they both felt they had found a new and meaningful friendship.

BOOK: Sisterhood Of Lake Alice
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