Sixx (The Stone Society, #7) (26 page)

Read Sixx (The Stone Society, #7) Online

Authors: Faith Gibson

Tags: #shapeshifter romance, #shapeshifter, #action and adventure, #post-apocalyptic, #sword fighting, #gargoyles

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“What am I supposed to wear?” she asked as she took in his appearance. Michael had on tan cargo shorts and a tight t-shirt.

“Do you have one of those cute dresses you used to wear? The ones with the skinny straps? It’ll show off your ink.”

“I have several. Is that okay to meet the King in?” Desirae didn’t think a sundress was suitable for royalty, but then again, Michael was in flip-flops.

“Doll, this is us having lunch with friends. Kaya will no doubt be wearing shorts and some type of maternity top, even though she isn’t showing quite that much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in a dress.”

“So they aren’t high profile royalty?” Desirae chewed on her lip as she flipped through the various items of clothing that were now strewn across their bed. When she called it
bed earlier, Michael had gone into a long lecture about everything in the house being hers, too.

“Oh, Rafael can make a suit look almost as good as I can,” Michael smirked. “But he’ll no doubt be dressed as casually as I am, except maybe sans flip-flops.”

Desirae laughed at her Goyle. She was still getting used to the fact he wasn’t human. On the outside, he appeared to be a virile man, but he was so much more. “I’ve never seen you in a suit, but I’ll take your word for it. How about this one?” She held up a floral number that didn’t do anything for her boyish figure. Then again, none of her clothes helped hide the fact she had no curves.

“I like it. The green matches your eyes.”

The top of the dress had a built-in shelf bra with spaghetti straps. Desirae removed her bra and stepped into the cotton dress, pulling it up over her body. She smoothed her hands over the skirt, turning to look at her profile in the mirror. Frowning, she muttered, “I need a boob job.”

Michael growled and grabbed her shoulders a little tighter than he probably realized. Turning her to face him, he tipped her chin up as he scolded her. “You are perfect, Doll. I don’t want you to ever think otherwise. Your body is lean and powerful. Your breasts might be smaller than some, but I love the way they fit into my mouth. You are the most striking woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and nothing you do would improve on what you have naturally. Are we clear?”

God, she loved this creature. His blazing eyes matched his words as he raked them down her body. He honestly liked what he saw. “We’re clear,” she whispered. His finger that was holding her face traced the outline of her lips before he pressed his mouth to hers.

When he released her, he said, “Good. Now find some shoes so we can hit the road.”

Desirae did as instructed, slipping her feet into a pair of wedged sandals that zipped up the back. Her hair was almost dry from their shower, so she hurried into the bathroom and zapped it with hairspray before fluffing it with her hands. She found Michael in the kitchen looking at his phone. Instead of invading his space, she waited by the door. She didn’t like the frown he was wearing, but she still didn’t interrupt.

When he was finished with whatever it was, he slid the phone in his pocket and asked her, “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”  Desirae wasn’t sure what to expect, but she was interested in finding out more about the people and Gargoyles who were going to be a part of her new life.

When Michael led her to the garage, she frowned at the expensive sports car, all sleek and shined up, ready to whiz them down the hill. Not that she had anything against the Bugatti, she was just more of a four-wheel drive kind of girl. “Michael, can I ask a favor?”

“Sure, Doll. What is it?” Michael asked as he rounded the car to open the door for her.

“Can we go in the Jeep?” Desirae loved the wind in her hair.

Michael grinned at her. “I should have known. My girl hasn’t changed in all these years.” He strode the few steps it took to get to her and picked her up in his arms. She slid her arms around his neck and kissed him behind his ear.

“Thank you,” she husked. “How long will it take me to get used to being near you? Whenever you touch me, all I can think of is getting naked.”

“Rae.” She didn’t have to look to know his cock was hard as stone. His tone spoke volumes.

“I’m serious. I’m doing my best to tamp down these urges, but you’re one sexy beast, Michael Gentry. By the way, you never told me your middle name.”

Michael laughed as he walked out of the garage to where the Jeep was parked. He placed her in the passenger seat and made his way to the driver’s side. She buckled up and waited to see if he would answer her.

Michael started the vehicle and turned the radio down. “My full name is Michele Frederico Giannino,” he admitted in an Italian accent. It was the sexiest fricking thing she’d ever heard. Grinning, Michael turned the radio back up and winked. Could he get any more perfect?

Chapter Twenty

ixx wore a happy face for his mate, but he had a nagging feeling in his gut. The text he received from Thane saying there was no sign of Desi yet didn’t sit well with him. He knew it would take a while for his son to arrive in New Fresno, but he should have been there by now.

After they’d driven a few miles, Rae turned the radio down and asked, “Your last name’s Giannino?”

“Yes. When you live as long as I have, you need to reinvent yourself every so often. I have used several different surnames with Gentry being the latest. Rafael’s last name isn’t really Stone, it’s Di Pietro.”

“From everything you’ve told me, that makes sense. I wish I could have changed my name and moved away,” Rae muttered.

Sixx reached over and entwined their fingers together. “I’m sorry, Doll. If I could go back and change the way things happened, I would. All I can do is try to make up for everything going forward.” She nodded and turned the radio back up. That was the good thing about his mate – she didn’t dwell on things too long. At least she hadn’t in the past. He was still learning this older, more mature version, and so far, she seemed to be as level-headed as she had been when he first met her. When one of his favorite songs came on the radio, she turned it up even louder and sang along. They rode the rest of the way to Sin’s house enjoying the music and the California sunshine.

As they were pulling into Sin’s driveway, Rafael was putting luggage into an SUV. He parked beside them and hurried around to help Rae down out of the Jeep. “Rafael, are you leaving?” He knew by the look on Rafael’s face something had happened.

“Unfortunately, we have to cut our stay short.” He turned his eyes to Rae, and Sixx made the introductions.

“Rafael, Kaya, I’d like to introduce you to my mate. Rae, this is our King and Queen.” He had told Rae meeting them would be informal, but he could feel her turmoil inside. He was waiting on her to curtsy or something equally as cute.

Rafael fisted his heart and bowed his head. “On my honor.” Rae’s eyes widened. She hadn’t expected the King of the Stone Society to bow to her.

Kaya stepped forward and placed her hands on Rae’s upper arms. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Desirae. I was looking forward to spending time with you, but it seems we’re needed back home. Could I convince you to go with us? We could talk on the jet.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well. Michael has been badgering me about visiting New Atlanta. He thinks I need the other mates’ guidance.”

“Kaya, if you don’t mind, I need to speak to Rafael a moment.”

“Of course. Come on, Rae. Let’s take a walk.” Kaya motioned for Desirae to follow her toward the back of the house. It only made sense she would take her to Sin’s garden so they could enjoy a peaceful chat while he and Rafe discussed Clan business.

Once they were out of earshot, Sixx asked, “Has something happened?”

“My office was broken into. The files were removed from my desk drawers, and the security feed was erased. The apartment was also ransacked. With Mason watching over Willow at her home, nobody was there when it happened. Nik said the balcony door was unlocked, so whoever broke in was most likely a Gargoyle.”

“If they have the files, they know where you are building and can sabotage the sites.”

Rafe crossed his arms over his chest. “Exactly. If Alistair was behind this, why not hack in and steal the electronic files? Breaking in showed their hand. Either Alistair’s men are getting sloppy, or this was someone else.”

“Does anyone else have the capability to erase Julian’s security protocols?” Sixx asked.

“It isn’t likely, but I’m not going to count out the possibility. Still, I need to do damage control and make sure each property we are working on has extra security.”

“I bet Julian is beating himself up over this.”

Rafael sighed. “He will be when he gets back from the Pen. Katherine Fox has been arrested.”

“Arrested? For what?” Unless it was protesting, Sixx couldn’t see the petite redhead causing trouble.

“Being a spy. Selling classified information. The Feds were tipped off to crates of guns and military computer equipment being stored inside a house out in the country. Even though Jules did a thorough background check on her, the house is in Katherine’s name. He’s thinking the same hacker who is giving him hell is behind this. It wouldn’t take much to forge the paperwork.”

“I thought Alistair sent word he was calling a truce to get his daughter out of jail.”

Rafael ran a hand through his hair. “It’s what the letter said, but I don’t trust it for a second. He’s hated our family for far too long to simply let things go. Carter called Dante to let him know that Alistair hasn’t left his villa since he received Theron’s body. There have been few vehicles coming and going. Their man on the inside is basically in the dark, so to speak. Alistair is keeping whatever he’s planning quiet. I don’t have to tell you to guard Rae with your life, Brother. None of the mates have gotten by unscathed as of yet. I seriously doubt yours goes unnoticed, either.”

Sixx bristled at the truth. “I’m not worried about Rae. Desi’s the one out there alone right now, and Thane hasn’t heard from him yet. I can’t leave Rae by herself, but if we don’t hear from him soon, I’m going to look for him.”

“Do you think we could convince your mate to return to New Atlanta with us?”

Sixx shook his head. “Not without me. She was nervous as hell about meeting the both of you. I can’t imagine she would be comfortable in a jet alone with you for several hours. Besides, I’m not letting her out of my sight.”

“I can’t blame you there, Brother. We don’t have long; the women are coming this way. If Desi is missing, I’d bet Alistair is behind it. I’m not letting Kallisto out of the Pen anytime soon, nor is her sidekick getting anywhere near her again. Gregor said Sergei tried to warn Kallisto to be quiet, but he still caught all of their conversation. She is one pissed off female. If we thought she was venomous before being held in the prison, there’s no telling what she’d do if we released her. I’m rethinking my decision about injecting her with a tracker and sending her home to Greece.”

Before Sixx could respond, Rae and Kaya returned. “How was the garden?” he asked his mate.

“How did you know that’s where we were?” Rae cocked her head to the side, studying Sixx.

“Because it’s where I would take a new friend to get acquainted. It’s so peaceful back there. You should see Rafael’s garden. It makes Sin’s look like a window box.”

“I heard that. If you’re going to diss my garden, you can stay out of it,” Sinclair joked as he met up with them. Rae gasped when she got a look at Sin. She looked back and forth between him and Rafael.

“Rae, I would like you to meet Rafael’s brother Sinclair. And no, they aren’t twins. Sin, my mate, Desirae.”

“On my honor.” As the others before him had, Sin pledged the sacred oath to Sixx’s mate. Rae must be getting used to the vows. She was no longer bewildered when the Clan greeted her in such a way.

“Well you certainly look like twins. Do your other brothers look like you, too?”

Rafael explained, “Not really. Gregor is shorter with blue eyes and favors our mother. Dante has lighter hair and green eyes. We have no idea who he takes after. But we were all there when he was born, so we cannot deny he is a Di Pietro. Sixx, I apologize for cutting this short, but I really must return home. Desirae, please consider visiting New Atlanta. I’m sure Kaya filled you in on how wonderful the other mates are.”

“She did. Between Kaya and Sixx, I feel as if I know most of them already. Thank you for the offer. I’ll talk to Michael about coming to visit soon. I will definitely be there for the baby shower.” Rae’s eyes lit up when she mentioned the shower. Maybe she wasn’t opposed to babies after all. Or it could be that she was remembering the months when she was pregnant with Desi. Either way, Sixx was thrilled to see his mate smiling.

After the men shook hands and the women hugged, Sixx helped Rae climb into the Jeep. He wasn’t going to worry about Desi yet. He would give their son a little more time to arrive at his destination before Sixx freaked out. He was, however, going to take a little ride in that direction. Just in case. “It’s your birthday. What would you like to do?”

“I’d really like to go surfing, but we don’t have our boards, so how about we go for a drive? We’ll pick up something to eat at a drive-thru and just see where the road takes us.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sixx beamed. It shouldn’t surprise him that Rae was still easy to please. Sixx had been a suit and tie kind of male for so long. Working in the financial world was stuffy, and humans expected you to act a certain way. Now, he was back to the casual life he preferred, and his mate was right there with him. She really was perfect for him.

He pulled into an out of the way chicken place. One family-sized order of spicy chicken tenders with steak fries and rolls later, they were on the road again. It was like old times – his female by his side, good tunes on the radio, and riding with the wind in their hair. They didn’t need to talk in between bites of food. They were comfortable just being together. Life was perfect. Or it would be once he knew their son was safe.

If Rae figured out where Sixx was headed, she didn’t let on. She did check her cell phone several times. Sixx hadn’t heard any notifications of incoming texts or calls. Even if she’d had it on vibrate, he’d have sensed it. It was obvious she was waiting on Desi to let her know he was safe. The loneliness Rae must have endured these last years hit home with Sixx. He had lived over five hundred years having family and Clan around him constantly. Rae had lived alone having little interaction with anyone other than Desi. Their son was her whole life, and if anything happened to him, Sixx didn’t know if she’d be able to withstand the loss. The farther they drove with no word from Desi, the worse the feeling in his gut became.

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