Sizzling Erotic Sex Stories

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Authors: Anonymous Anonymous

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #naked, #adult, #sex, #sexy, #stories, #erotic stories, #nude, #oral, #breast, #steamy, #nudity, #xrated, #nudes

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Sizzling Erotic Sex Stories

Anonymous Anonymous

Copyright 2010 by Anonymous Anonymous

Smashwords Edition

3strikes Publishing

Sizzling Erotic Sex Stories

Late, it was obviously dark. Again he looked at
his watch. 1:45 in the morning. He double checked every window and
door. She had to be inside and sleeping. It was time. He pulled out
his tools and went to work on the largest window. In a few seconds
he was done. He popped it out and easily crawled inside. Looking
around and listening as stretched, he went to work.

He went to the safe and easily unlocked it.
Silence filled the house. Mark was a master at his trade. He loved
his work and was good at it. He moved down the hall, not making a
sound as he did. He heard her. He heard her silent breathing and
smiled. This was easily. He looked inside her room. Isn’t she cute,
he told himself? He stared at her for a moment.

With two hands together she looked as if she was
actually praying that evening as they appeared tucked beneath her
head and she lay on her side, sleeping. For whatever reason, he
continued to stare at the off blond younger looking 28 year old. He
smiled as he watched her.

Isn’t she cute the 37 year old thought? Mmmmmm,
if only I had time…if only I had more time he said to himself.
Suddenly the young lady stirred. All of a sudden and right in front
of his eyes, her eyes seemed to move. Huh…what…is she…waking up? He
looked at his watch again. Just after two in the morning.

He looked up. God…damn… She’s…and the sheets
were off her. She’d woken up. He was standing right there in the
doorway and backed up into the hallway so as to not be seen. He
listened but had already seen her. The young woman was naked. She
was not wearing anything at all up top. Not a thing, he realized.
Nothing at all.

Great boobs. Not huge but hers were excitedly
big enough and…and hers were freaking perky he discovered.
Oh…fuck…god darn it all, he thought as his eyes closed and he began
pinching his thighs together. This is wrong…all wrong. He knew she
was pretty. He even knew she could appear sexy too. At the moment,
to him, she was pretty.

He wanted to look. He wanted to look into her
room again. He couldn’t move. His back was against the wall in her
hallway. Waiting. Waiting and wondering what was next. She was
supposed to be sleeping wasn’t she? He wasn’t informed of this. He
never knew she woke up in the middle of the night. He had watched
and studied this young and quite pretty woman. He’d followed her a
lot more then most in fact. What she’d done. Where she went. What
she even wore too as a matter of fact. Yes, she always wore nice
clothes. All of the outfits she’d worn enhanced the physical
virtues of her heavenly figure but now…well now…the woman…she was
naked and he was in her home…to steel something. But she was

Oh god, he told himself. This is all wrong. All
wrong. She sat up. Her head hung from her shoulders. She felt it
coming on. She had to pee. Her legs hung by the side of the bed.
She sat there. No bathroom attached to her bedroom she had to walk
out through her bedroom door, down the hallway, and then sit down
and she’d then have to pee. But to do so, she’d have to walk by
him…passed him. He knew this too.

He shuffled down the hallway, down into the
bathroom. He didn’t know she was going there too so he jumped into
the shower and stood waiting. She came in and sat down. He heard
her tinkle and smiled. This was going south. He had to hold the bag
of stolen items still. He heard the toilet flush. He smiled, again.
Finally. She got up and started…yes started to walk out.

“Oops…wait” he heard her say.

She walked back in. Turned on the light. He
thought what the fuck? He saw her head and hand. She was reaching
in and trying to grab something. He was flat against the opposite
wall. She reached further and found it. A book. He smiled. She said
something and walked away, turning off the light as she did.

Nice boobs, he thought and smiled. Mmmmmm…wish I
could…but he never allowed the idea to cross his mind. In her room
and in her bed, she sat up, reading. Naked. What was she reading?
He had no idea. He was back in the bathroom, in her shower,
waiting. Finally after ten minutes, he snuck out. He waited another
couple seconds. He walked out of the bathroom. In the hallway he
wanted to go. He heard her cry. Tears? Is she crying? What the
heck? Dumb book, he thought.

Then, out of nowhere, all of a sudden he heard
something else. What the heck? Huh, he thought…what…huh…what did
she…what’s she doing? He listened more intently. Oh my…oh my
freaking god! Is that what I…is that what I…think it is? The young
woman, after having cried just seconds earlier, was moaning. He was
sure of it. His nature was to go up there and watch her do it to
herself. Nooooo, he thought. Uh uhh…don’t do it he thought

“Oh…god yes…yes…mmmmm” he heard again and

Was she fingering her pussy? Was she, he asked
himself. He listened. She cooed and moaned and he tried picturing
what it was she was doing to herself. Her boobs, her pussy, and
what else he wondered…what else? Suddenly he felt himself growing
excited too. All of a sudden, he felt a tingling, down inside his
legs. Oh fuck…not…now, he thought. His hand crawled down. He felt
his dangling cock. Oh shit…no…not now, he told himself. His eyes
closed as he listened to her uttering those sweet words of desire
in every breath but at the same time his hand…his precious thief
hands caressed his own manhood. This is…ohhhhhh freaking

“OHHHH GOD YES” he heard her call out. “I
THEM” he heard her cry out. “YES…UHHHH YES…OH AHHH…OHHH…MMMMMM,

His eyes, still closed, wanted to do her body
all over. His belly hurt. His thighs ached too. He felt his cock
grow, painfully, and he wished…he wished and he wanted her to feel
him grow. He desired her warm tender hands. He desired her soft
eyes on him too. He desired those expressions he’d seen daily as
well. Her smile. Yes, her smile, to him, was eternal as eternal
could be. Fuck…fuck…this is all…wrong, but…god I…

“COME…BE WITH ME” he heard her say again.

Huh, what… It’s as if she…knows. And it was. It
was as if she knew he was around the corner. How could she, he
asked himself. How…how…he was a pro. No one ever knew. It had been
reported. It had been written about more then enough times. Nobody
but nobody knew who he was so how could she know? How, he asked

She stood up. She wanted sex, badly. No, she
wanted a man to be with her…somebody who would love her, forever.
This book, which she’d read twice already, had led her to some of
her greatest orgasms she could ever recall. “Oh how I wish I had
someone to…to do all this with” he heard her say more quietly.
“Ohhh how…I wish…god…to be with a nice and gentle lover. A man…a
real man” she went on to say.

He grew hungrier. He had to leave. Had to, he
told himself, but this cute younger woman was pleading for the love
of a man, and he was right there, in her home. Go to her. Go on, go
to her, and tell her why you are there. Don’t lie. Be honest. Be
sweet. Be truthful. Just be yourself, he thought. He put down the
bag. He opened his eyes. He set his frame of mind. Do it…do it…
Just do it, he kept saying. And as he thought it he also thought of
her naked, curvy figure, and those sweet and perky boobs, too.

He did it. She was sitting there on her bed. Her
back was to his. He swallowed, hard. Her hair hung down past her
bare shoulders. With a slight tan, he thought she looked great.
God, look at her body. As it rolled downward, he watched it
“tumble” and as it did it turned inwards just before those hips of
hers. God, she has great hips…and look…look at that…ass she’s has.
Oh…fuck yes…god, what a great looking ass.

He wanted to say hello. He wanted to walk up,
begin undressing himself like she knew he would, and he wanted to
crawl up and onto her bed and simply begin kissing her shoulders,
but he didn’t of course.

In the doorway he did it. “Hi…how are you?” she
heard. And as soon as she heard the voice she jumped and screamed,
loudly. She jumped to the floor, falling back against a nearby wall
as he went on to say “Please…please don’t be scared.” He looked as
innocent as any man or good looking older man could. Standing
against the wall, her breast hang loosely as he began to gaze upon
their beauty, and greatness in his opinion too. She didn’t even
cover them up, yet as she stared at him. This…stranger was a
handsome looking fellow, she thought. But why was he in her house
at that time of night. She stood there, topless, as her boobs
presented an inviting welcome to an unknown gentleman, she asked
herself. He was getting ready to explain himself but first had to
clear his thoughts.

Indeed, she was as frightened as anyone might
be. How in the hell did he get into her house in the first place?
What in the hell was he doing there? He could read her face. “I’m
here to…well I’m here for two reasons” he told her and still had to
clear his mind. He closed his eyes, again, and looked down at the
floor. She stood still by the wall. She was still naked as well and
hadn’t moved as of yet. As of yet, she still hadn’t covered up what
to him appeared as one very, very nice figure. “May I say…you have
a nice figure but it isn’t why I really came here, Sandi.”

“Uh…then…uh…why uh did you uh come here?” she

Her nipples grew cold. They hardened and he
noticed. She hadn’t. Mmmmm, great nipples she thought… I wish my
mouth was on them. God, I wish I was all over her for that matter.
“I am not here or wasn’t here for anything…well except one thing
that is.”

She told him to take it except she forgot about
the one item he already had. Still naked, he finally told her to
relax and sit down on her bed, although he had already told himself
he could make love to her body all night long. Finally she sat down
and covered up her sweet looking figure. But it was too late. He
now wanted her. He now had to convince her he did too.

“I meant what I told you?” he said.

“Huh…about what?” she asked.

“About you…about your figure and how attractive
you are, it is.”

It threw her off. She never would’ve expected a
compliment from a stranger let alone a thief and to get one now, at
this stage of the morning, it appeared strange. He stared into her
eyes which made her feel more uncomfortable. Why was he doing
that…looking at me, she thought? Why…why, she asked herself

“What do you want from me?” she asked. Sex…well
if you want…sex and…and that is it then” and her eyes closed and
she swallowed too “come and get it. Do it to me. Get it over with.
I will let you. I will let you kiss me, pet me, and all…and I mean
fuck me too if that means you will…leave afterward.”

Out of nowhere, after hearing her words, grew
hungry…hungry with desire. Yes, he’d have sex with her but he’d do
it like a real man should… He’d first have foreplay and then make
love to her, and not just her body. He was not that type of man. He
never forced a woman down on his cock and wasn’t about to start
doing that tonight.

“Sooo?” she asked. “Are…we going to…do this?” as
she dropped the sheets off her body. “I’m ready if you are.” She
half expected the normal. First, he’d feel her boobs. Then she’d
toil with his limpness, putting it into her mouth eventually, and
then once hard she knew what was next. He’d want her cunt. He’d
want his cock inside it.

Pushing, plowing, and fucking her crazily she
could almost feel that magnificence as her insides accepted his
toiling excursions but eventually led her to what she’d want- an
orgasm. And then he’d be done as long as he came too. Once that was
finished, he leave, and she’d be done with him and his needs.
That’s all it was. It was sex and nothing more. “You going to…sit
down?” she said. “Come on over. Sit down here” she said as she
patted the mattress next to her.

He walked slowly, carefully as he watched her
beauty give out more and more of the details of her physique before
he even sat down beside her. She anxiously awaited his arrival at
her bed. She grew nervous too. She didn’t know him but she knew she
invited this good looking, slightly older and also a handsome
gentleman to sit down beside her on the bed. Now what, she
wondered…what will he do?

He slowly sat beside her. He knew what he was
going to do and he looked her all over as he absorbed all her
beauty while sitting. This guy, she thought, was weird and
different. Yes, his eyes had looked at her tits, and it wasn’t knew
at all, but he…he seemed to gaze upon them as if hers
were…grandiose or majestic or something along those lines. She
never thought so. They are only…tits…like any other woman’s

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