Sizzling Erotic Sex Stories (4 page)

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Authors: Anonymous Anonymous

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Once done they collapsed. She fell on him and
her cum stained body splashed all over him. They lay breathing
hard, their hands and arms crossing each others body. Her cute
short hair was even splattered with his cum.

“You know what?” she said quietly.

“What?” he asked.

“Sometimes…just some days…I sometimes wish I…I
had a cock.”

“Yeah…why?” he said.

“Then I could do that to a guy, or a girl I

Then there was a bit of silence before he asked
“You like girls in that way?”

“Sure, doesn’t everyone?” she said.

“No but it be interesting to see” he said.

“Want to see it some night would you?” she

“Yeah, I suppose I would like to watch.”

“Well if you’d like to hang around town…I guess…
No, I know a few young ladies like me who’d be interested in
showing you how two girls get it on.”

And all the while she was thinking as was he
could he be included in all of that?

“You know” she began. “I should handcuff you.
Now wouldn’t that be a fun time. Possible convict, handcuffed, and
then I get to have sex with him. Then I get to turn you in
afterward. Hmmm, nah…I don’t want to do that. See tomorrow’s my day
off and I want to enjoy my day off. What about you?”

He came across her and put his hands around the
cum stained woman and he began kissing her all night long and not
letting her get up to do anything because one, he liked her a lot,
and two, he didn’t want to go to jail, but mostly because he liked
her way too much.

“You know what else” she said. He asked what.
“You’re too good a lover to lock up.”

She just stepped out of the shower, had done her
hair up, and laid on what little makeup she really needed. Too
beautiful for words for a 41 year old woman, she looked lovely with
only a bra, panties, and a slip on the semi-slinky figure of a
body. In some people’s opinions, she was sexier then hell. That was
surely an opinion of one young man, now a rather mature 22 year old
construction worker who recently became one of his company’s
supervisors but had been recently laid off work for two months
while waiting for the work to pick up.

His best buddy was working on and off too but
currently was working out of town. This buddy’s official quarters
were at his parents. They’d been texting and Pete needed some
stuff, which only Mitch had. Pete always stopping in and almost
always unannounced. He rarely if ever knocked and waited for
someone to come to the door. He’d been doing this all his life. So
why begin knocking now. He didn’t even think about it when he went
over. Mitch’s mom would be around only he didn’t know or expect her
not to be fully dressed, yet. He went in and called out seeing as
no one was around in the immediate area. He called out saying he
was inside.

“Oh hey, Pete?” Marianne said. “Is that you. I’m
upstairs dear” she added but he didn’t hear anything else, so he
went upstairs not expecting anything.

The truth was for whatever reason he “liked”
Mitch’s mom. He liked Marianne a lot, maybe too much in fact. She
was the nicest, sweetest, and hell…she was the sexiest woman he
knew for 40 something years old. Her curves, those tits, and an her
ass like it was and when she puts on a bathing suit…regardless if
it’s a one or two piece suit? Hell the woman could knock off one of
your balls if you weren’t careful enough just by her looks. He
needed something from Mitch’s room and knew almost exactly where it
was. He thought about how much he used to fantasize about her and
himself too. He’d picture her and him kissing and maybe having a
date somewhere together, but this was too many years ago to matter

Okay, he was older now and okay, she was a few
too many years older too, but the woman’s body… Wow, her body, well
she kept it in royal form. She did, she did…she did. And he loved
it, loved and…and he couldn’t get over loving it. But as he climbed
the stairs and headed for Mitch’s room he wasn’t thinking about all
that. All he thought about was getting what he needed from Mitch’s
closet and leaving. That was until he saw her. Yes, until he saw
her by accident. That was going to turn the tides that late
afternoon for him and for her too.

Rustling around in Mitch’s closet to find what
he was looking for, she was in her room trying on one then another
until she could decide what she wanted to wear. Until she could
determine what she wanted to wear for this social gathering of her
husbands which of course she didn’t care about too much anyway. No,
she never cared too much about them, but being a good wife she was
supposed to be, she was going to go anyway.

“Hiiiiiiii Pete” she said to him as he found

She did it again. She pushed the limits. She had
decided to taunt her young hormone driven friend. She would push
all the limits. Just how far was the question? She stood at the
doorway. Yep, she stood at the doorway all sexier then ever. In her
black bra and panties and that short slip of hers, she stood
looking and smiling and teasing him.

Why? Why would she do this? What could she gain?
What was she going to get from it? “Oh, umm uhhh hi Mrs., I mean
Marianne. How could his eyes not flash over her? How could he not
look at her in that? With her standing in the doorway in only her
bra and panties and slip? Then he did it. He allowed his eyes to
drop. They dropped to her stomach and hips so slender and curvy as
she was and then they dropped further. Dropping to around her
pelvic area and that’s when he felt it. The pang. He felt the pang
of excitement. She said something. He didn’t hear it. He could have
but his thoughts wouldn’t allow it. His eyes were on her like a
hungry animal hunting in Africa. Yes they were. Yes, she was that
attractive and that sexy of a woman albeit older then him. He no
longer cared. He wanted to bed her down and eat her up.

When they finally met she knew it now and said
something else. “Do you like me in this Pete?” Still he wasn’t
listening. He was long gone now. Drifting to other lands, with her
beside him, with her under him, and with him and her now naked on
some deserted beach he could do the dirty in a happy, joyous
manner. “Pete, honey?” she said. She was oblivious. She had no
idea. She never did. And that was why she looked the way she did
for this mature younger man.

Finally he came back to real time. “Umm I’m uh
sorry” he started to say. I uh” as his head shook and eyes blinked
“had something on my mind.” Was she still oblivious? Finally, her
eyes looked down. Finally she took a look at herself realizing now
that maybe wearing or not wearing anything per se could be the
cause of whatever was to come. “It’s nothing” he told her.

She figured it out and was more then pleased.
She was tuned in to his desires suddenly. Marianne knew those
feelings. Yes, she did. She’d longed for them many a time. Her
husband a working stiff that he was left hardly any time for her
and him, but now that Pete was around and Pete had a very nice
figure as a man goes…well mmmmm yes oh yes mmmmm she knew what she
wanted too.

“Pete, I have an idea if you’re open to it. You
come around, come by…tomorrow and we can” and she was nodding her
head as a smile settled in on her lips. Her eyes were bright as
ever, “talk a while…get reacquainted. You know it has been a long
time hasn’t it?”

He was freaked out by the invitation and what
about Mr. Larson? Wouldn’t he wonder why Pete was there? Wouldn’t
that be a problem? “I suppose that would be alright” Pete told her.
She said good and walked into the room, kissing his cheek. God, she
smelled good. He wanted to stay leaned into her smelling whatever
it was she was wearing at the moment. She already looked hot.
Whatever she put on he was sure would make her look sexy and too
appealing for anyone else in the room.

Friday morning and his parents had left early in
the morning. Gone to the cottage, he had the house all to himself,
and his body and especially that nice soft and long cock of his. He
always liked that piece. It had been his manhood but unlike most he
tried to ignore it.

Moving forward, not that day because next door
she was with her husband, temporarily, but soon enough she too
would be…with him, alone and all day at that. He couldn’t get back
to sleep. At that point he didn’t want to get to sleep. He wanted
to see Mr. Larson pull out and drive away. Just like every other
working stiff in town. Pete loved his work. He worked harder then
most and when on a job he worked twice as hard as anyone making
decisions, but today he decided he was going to let this woman take
the lead. “Come on Mr. Larson…LEAVE…LEAVE NOW” he demanded as he
peeped out his bedroom window. He heard the car. It was early dawn.
The car was pulling away. He smiled. Was she awake yet? Was she, he
wondered? Maybe he should just go over and find out? Would that be
wrong? “Nahhhh, she’ll like that. Me, on her back, giving her a
backrub, and then me taking off one piece and then another… Mmmmmm,
now that…”

He showered. He shaved. He brushed his teeth. He
combed his hair, a little. He didn’t want to look like a geek or
anything. And then this young precocious man did it all correctly.
He put on a touch, and only a touch, of dad’s cologne. At 6:52 in
the morning, knowing it was way too early for him, he headed out
the door to her house.

She was dead to the world. Wrapped up in a soft
sheet on her bed, he opened the door. He stepped inside and closed
and locked the door behind him. He took off his shoes. He walked
over, excitedly, probably too excitedly, and then he finally
stepped on the first of the stairs. He climbed them, slowly. His
heart beat faster. His mind raced too quickly. He wasn’t able to
think at all. But he did love what he was about to do. To give the
woman, of his dreams, a light backrub, all over, to him was a
conquest of unimaginable size.

At the top, she heard something. Still her eyes
were closed thinking it was her husband coming back for something.
Nothing to think about; he’d be gone in seconds. He’d probably say
something to some affect and then he drive off for the weekend for
his “work. That’s all. She never imagined it was Pete. Never in a
million years.

Pete slipped down the hallway. Still high on
life, still beefed up about his venture, he came upon her room. He
heard her “sleeping.” She was just drifting off again. He removed
his socks and shorts but not his shirt and not his underwear. He
watched the longed hair beauty nestled into her pillows. She was
beautiful. He watched and listened to her breathing. Mmmmm, maybe I
should take off my shirt and cuddle against her, he thought. No, no
I’m going to do this. And so he did.

He went around the other side and slipped in.
One leg over her and he was set to do it. She lay there gorgeously.
He could smell that scent, still. He began his task. He began to
caress and then actually rub her back some. He slowly caressed one
shoulder then the other as his hand needled across her as if she
was his. He loved this. She moved, a little, and he didn’t stop.
What he wanted to do was lean in and kiss her somewhere, like her
shoulders. But finally it happened. She woke up.

“Mmmmmm, Ted” she began to utter. “You haven’t
done that in…in years” and that is when she slipped to her side to
see no one but Pete. Her head jerked backward but nothing but a
smile pursued her lips. “Pete…Pete?” she said. Her eyes bulged and
lit up. “Mmmmmm Peter, I could almost say I’m in love…ooooooohh
don’t tempt me…yet.”

Pete smiled. Still nestled over her as if he was
going to physically do her, he waited for her to say something
else. She didn’t. She gazed into his eyes, his face. She loved
being massaged and rubbed like that. She even rubbed his arm and
then his chest.

“Do you do the front like you do the back?”

He gazed at her realizing she loved it. “I
suppose I could.”

“Would you now that you’ve come this early, but
be gentle…do it tenderly?”

He felt a pang of excruciating pain surge into
his loins. And seeing as he only had on his underwear and a top, he
could not hide it. He wasn’t able to hide anything. She felt it or
something strange “scrape” her. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or
not, but he looked down and he looked down by accident to indicate
what it was that “scraped” her belly and pelvic area.

“Peter…is that…what…I think…it is?” she asked.
He gulped and turned red. His eyes became big. He wasn’t sure what
to tell her but she looked down. She saw the huge elongated bulge
between his thighs and said to him in the nicest and sweetest tone
of voice “Well now Peter…let me take a look at that. Please

He had to let her look at his “monster.” There
wasn’t anyway of getting around it. It stood erect at around 9
inches long or so she thought, but it was also thick as ever as
well. Even her husband’s wasn’t that large. Not in a million years
could it have been. She insisted and lying on her back in a satiny
sleeping gown, she ogled it, but she smiled. She slowly reached
forward. She even closed her eyes, which made him more comfortable,
but she was in charge, he told himself. Let her do what she wants,
and needs.

“Ohhhhhhh ooooooohh…Pete…Peter” and she took a
huge long deep breath of air. “Oh my god, Peter. OH…MY…GOD! HOW”
and she calmed down a little “could you be so…”

“Big?” and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not
sure” and she was still caressing his shaft as he spoke “it’s a
blessing or not but I deal with it.”

“May I ask you a question?” she said.

“Sure, anything” he told her kneeling over her

“Don’t girls…women…fall all over you because of
this? Don’t you have them calling you all the time…because of your…
Umm your physique? I mean I never…knew!” she told him. “May I?” And
she proceeded to pull them off as she kept her eyes on the thick
elongated fleshy cock. “Oh my lord…my…lord Peter! This may sound
umm stupid and a little immature, but would you mind if I was, if
I… If I held it and, well we can figure the rest out soon enough.”
She winked and wore a mischievous looking smile.

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