Skaia (43 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Gotus ignored the hesitation, pulled Skaia closer for a moment, and kissed his cheek. “I think you’ve led him to it. Have a safe trip.”

From his mount, Thaddeus watched the little scenario and called brusquely for Skaia to enter the wagon with his father. “I can’t believe you’ve disobeyed me today,” he said sharply, approaching the young slave, in front of everyone assembled. “That’s ten lashes, and I
deliver them tonight.” He turned his horse away, riding to lead the party.

Skaia hurried to get in the wagon, almost afraid to breathe. Though he calmed somewhat when Lucius patted his shoulder, and he looked back, hoping Gotus had not seen Thaddeus threaten him. Everyone was walking back inside, Castor and Gotus at the lead. Impossible to tell.

Moving to the small spot that was allotted to him on the floor, Skaia suddenly realized how stupid he’d been. He’d not been whipped in well over a week.
Not even when I asked about Gotus.
He had begun to think Thaddeus would not do it again… But such blatant disobedience would never be overlooked. Tears were threatening and he blinked them away, not wanting Lucius to see his weakness. But the old slave was moving closer, and Skaia moved out from among the chests to meet him.

Don’t blame Thaddeus this time, Skaia,” Lucius said quietly. “Master Paulinus would whip me for doing such a thing. You can not disregard your master in front of others. Apologize, take your punishment, and just let it go.”

Skaia nodded. Castor had taught him that much from the beginning. “I… I just couldn’t ignore Gotus,” he whispered.

Lucius shook his head. “Hush, boy. When your master gives an order, you must ignore everything else. And you should surely know that by now.”

Yes, sir. I know.” Skaia moved back to his small place among the chests, and this time, Lucius left him alone.

The whipping took place in the open field where they’d camped for the night—in front of everyone. The guards, the other slaves. Paulinus. Even Crassus and Thaddia were in attendance. Skaia was determined not to cry out, not to be so weak before them. He held to the wagon wheel tightly when Thaddeus told him to.

In truth, it wasn’t so bad. His skin had toughened over the months with Thaddeus. There was still pain, but his humiliation was the worst part to bear.
And that Paulinus knew what he’d done.
Of course, it didn’t help that the guards laughed and called out for Thaddeus to hit harder. Called out for him to continue after the ten strikes were finished.

Skaia thanked Belenus that Thaddeus paid them no heed. Did not make him kneel to kiss the whip. Even handed him his tunic when it was done.

And once he was dressed, Paulinus ordered him to pass out food with the other slaves. Thankfully, Aulus volunteered to serve the guards, even took the tray from Skaia’s hands.

Skaia refused to eat—even when Paulinus urged him. And, after everything was packed away, he went to Thaddeus and bowed before kneeling behind him carefully on the ground.

Crassus was sitting with his father, playing in the fire with a stick, as young boys were wont to do. “How long before we get there?  How many more days, Father?” the child asked.

Thaddeus laughed. “You’ve traveled to Umbria many times now, Crassus. How long do you think it takes?”

Forever,” Crassus answered.

His father put his arms around the child and laughed again. “Yes, forever seems adequate,” Thaddeus teased.

Crassus pulled away grumpily. “Why did you whip Skaia?” he asked. “What did he do?”

Thaddeus looked behind him, and was dismayed to see that Skaia’s face was carefully expressionless.
Like a slave should be,
he thought. Except Skaia had never been able to pull it off before. “He disobeyed me,” Thaddeus answered, looking back to his son. “He didn’t get in the wagon when I told him.”

Oh.” Crassus had already lost interest. “I want to see grandfather now,” he said as he stood. Thaddeus nodded and let him go, but watched closely to see that he got to his grandfather’s tent safely. Only then did he look back at Skaia.

I hope you’re not in pain,” he said sarcastically. “I refuse to look for medicines in the dark.” Skaia said nothing, only continued to kneel quietly. “Well?” Thaddeus said more sharply. “Are you in pain?”

Do you want me to be?
Skaia wondered.
“Some, sir,” he said finally. “I’m sorry I disobeyed you.”

Thaddeus sighed and stretched out on his blanket on the ground. “What was so important that you had to talk with Gotus?”

It wasn’t important. He just wanted to tell me about the tub and baths the slaves were being allowed, sir.” Skaia waited only a moment before embellishing the tale. “He wanted me to thank you for your kindness.”

Oh, gods,
Thaddeus thought, staring up at the night sky. “He must really think me kind now. All of them must.”

You only punished a disobedient slave, sir,” Skaia forced himself to say. “They are all used to such things.”

Of course they are,
Thaddeus thought.
And I did nothing wrong!
But he sat up and spread his blanket out. “Lie down beside me. You have to sleep somewhere.”

Glaucus’ post was not received until Thaddeus and his family had been at the Umbrian villa for almost two months. Thaddia’s twelfth birthday had come, and she had been presented with Thera. And a day later, Crassus with Kaleel.

Skaia was still getting used to accompanying Thaddeus so closely, but he was pleased to feel so much a part of the family activities. He wondered briefly if Glaucus could have done the same things, but refused to worry over it.

Crassus and Kaleel were running together in the grass plot that served as a garden in the interior courtyard, laughing at something they’d spotted, when Thaddeus called Skaia to his side. “Befriend the new ones,” he said, glancing at Thera who stood solemnly at Thaddia’s back. “Help them adapt to their duties.” He hesitated only a moment before adding, “Let me know if my daughter seems unduly stern.”

Like he would ask for reports on Glaucus,
Skaia thought. And, although he’d had the same worry, he felt distinctly uncomfortable.

But Thaddeus leaned closer and whispered in his ear. “I want to see that young girl smile.”

Skaia looked up in surprise. “I will do the best I can, sir.”

I want to see you smile, too,
Thaddeus thought.
Like you do with my father.
But that, he realized, was more up to him than Skaia.

Skaia quickly learned that Thera and Kaleel had been slaves since birth, and that they were better adjusted to slavery than he was. Accepting of their lot in life, and not expecting anything more. Though they were seldom serious, they followed orders and seemed pleased to do so. Thaddia, he noticed, in less public settings, talked and laughed with Thera freely. And Crassus did the same—both privately and publicly—with Kaleel since the first day they had met.

The three of them—the youngest of the slaves—were sometimes permitted to wander the estate together. Skaia discovered very quickly that he still enjoyed the childish games that Kaleel would suggest. Playing tag, or hiding from each other. But the day that Paulinus watched as Skaia found Thera hiding behind a tree, and the young girl smiled up at him so brightly, put an end to their excursions. At least, Skaia was never allowed to be alone with Thera again.

Even with that restriction, it was still a very pleasant season for Skaia. Though Paulinus had not ridden a horse for many years, he instructed both Skaia and Kaleel, using old horses still kept in the stables. Kaleel obviously did not enjoy the pursuit, and soon Skaia was Paulinus’ only student. Lucius almost never spent time apart from Paulinus and he came to the paddock every day to watch.

Paulinus was delighted with Skaia’s progress. And his happy enthusiasm. The boy seemed to have a natural connection with the horses, and had quickly picked up how to guide them with a light touch on the reins and by leaning his body. They moved to a larger paddock where Skaia could actually gallop. Although he was frequently sore after these sessions, he never asked to stop. It was usually Lucius reminding Paulinus about the lateness of the day that would end the lesson. Or sometimes, Thaddeus coming to collect Skaia for himself.

Both Paulinus and Lucius noticed that Skaia was never upset when Thaddeus came for him. No matter what activity was interrupted, his face would light up and he would leave happily to follow wherever Thaddeus wanted to go. Most times it was to some meeting with fellow landholders, where Thaddeus used the boy’s writing skills to serve as a scribe to record who said what. Thaddeus was especially pleased that he could read the boy’s writing afterwards. He would himself transcribe his own recollections of the meetings at night, using Skaia’s notes as his guide.

After only a few weeks of watching Skaia kneel on his cushion in a corner of his ornate bedroom, Thaddeus relaxed that rule as well. “There are enough chairs here,” he remarked one night, “that you will not be in my way sitting in one.”

And another new phase was entered soon after, when Thaddeus gave permission for Skaia to read any of the scrolls he kept in his room, or even to seek others in the small library. This led to surprisingly interesting conversations between them, often on history, but even more often on the Empire’s accomplishments. They discussed the road system that connected so many cities and provinces directly with Rome, and talked about the aqueducts that brought so much water into the city. And Skaia learned too about the systems of underground heating that kept the baths warm, or which were used in private homes, in some of the colder parts of the ever expanding Roman domain.

On the nights when there were no meetings to record, or accountings to be done, Thaddeus would pull out games and insisted that Skaia play with him. Soon enough, these evenings turned into family affairs. They would join Paulinus and Lucius in one of the smaller rooms off the courtyard garden. In just a few weeks, Thaddia was invited to join them. And seeing that the other slaves played, she had Thera participate. But Crassus and Kaleel were too young to enjoy such things and they simply played with toys on the floor.

Lucius showed no respect to the masters during the games, and frequently bested both Paulinus and Thaddeus. Watching this, and seeing that the slave suffered no reprimand, Skaia lost some of his reserve and began to play to win as well. When Thaddia objected, both Paulinus and Thaddeus chided her. “How do you ever expect to get better if you are not challenged?” Like Glaucus before her, she began to pay more attention and play better.

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