Skaia (44 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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When the evenings were over, usually signaled when either Crassus or Kaleel would become sleepy, Thaddeus and Skaia would return to the bedroom. Skaia still had a pallet on the floor, but Thaddeus would usually call him to his own bed. There, too, Skaia became more spontaneous, experimenting on his own with Thaddeus’ body and expressing what he himself especially enjoyed.

Thaddeus discovered the hollow on the right side of Skaia’s neck was particularly sensitive. And that he became erect almost instantly when his balls were manipulated gently. And of course, his nipples, that required not-so-gentle manipulation. He began to think of the boy as more than a slave. Like Thane, Skaia had become a friend
And a lover
Someone he could count on…

Though he looked forward to Glaucus’ return, Thaddeus began to wonder what would happen if Glaucus wanted his slave back. He thought he could not refuse, but he could freely admit now that he would be unhappy to give Skaia away.

The days became busier as the time approached to return to Rome. Thaddeus was meeting daily with the farm’s supervisors, and riding the estate to see the state of this year’s summer crops.

More of Skaia’s time was spent with Paulinus and Lucius, learning about plants and how to propagate them. The three of them watched as some of the farm slaves were used to dig the largest shrubs and prepare them for shipping back to the city. The smaller ones, Skaia dug on his own.

No matter how busy the day, Paulinus always insisted there must be some time for play, too. He and Lucius often accompanied Thaddia and Crassus, and the young slaves, when they walked through the woods by the river. Skaia was always invited. On the occasions when Thaddia and Thera stayed behind, the boys would play naked in the water.

Because of the increased workload, Thaddeus was available far less often, but when he could, he joined his family at the river. After watching Skaia and Kaleel thrash about in the water, he gave them swimming lessons. Crassus laughed at their attempts and they certainly came nowhere near to Thaddeus’ expertise, but within just a few days, they were competent, and not so likely to drown in the deeper pools.

Thaddeus had been hesitant to show Glaucus’ letter to Skaia, knowing he would be upset by some of the comments, but Paulinus kept insisting. “The boy needs to know what Glaucus said. And, if he’s upset, you’ll be there to comfort him.” Thaddeus had looked at his father strangely, knowing very well what he meant, but he was not at all sure that he wanted to comfort Skaia. If his son was forgetting the slave on his own, all the better. But Skaia also needed to forget Glaucus—or at least not cling to his hopes. Reluctantly, Thaddeus finally agreed.

Skaia had been working hard with Thaddeus’ father for the last week, helping to dig the plants Paulinus wanted for his garden back in Rome. Watching the boy almost nod off in his chair from exhaustion, Thaddeus pulled the scroll from his desk and dropped it in Skaia’s lap.


The boy did as he was told, and Thaddeus was initially unsure of his reaction. When Skaia was done, and stood to return the scroll to Thaddeus, his face was carefully blank, but Thaddeus saw the moisture in his eyes. “Thank you, sir. I am glad Master Glaucus is enjoying his trip. And that he and his friends are safe.”

Are you alright?”

Yes, Master. But I am very tired. May I go to bed now, sir?”  Skaia’s voice was barely a whisper.

In my bed. Yes, go ahead.”

Please, Master, I would like to sleep on my pallet tonight.”

Thaddeus hesitated, not sure how to react himself. He took a deep breath before responding. “No. Get in my bed.”

Please, Master. Don’t make me do this tonight.” The moisture had become tears.

Make you? Are you saying I’ve forced you these last five months?”

No, Master Thaddeus,” Skaia replied quickly. He thought surely that Thaddeus knew he’d enjoyed their sexual encounters. “I… I’m just tired. I’m sorry. You haven’t forced me. I just… Nothing, sir. Whatever you say.” He walked toward Thaddeus’ bed.

As Skaia undressed, and lay down as he was told, Thaddeus stared at him. He had thought the boy willing. Skaia had done whatever he was asked, and had frequently offered more. Thaddeus had found him to be a bold and satisfying bed-mate. He suddenly found moisture building in his own eyes. Had it all been a fantasy, shattered so easily by one letter from Glaucus?

Sitting back in his chair, Thaddeus wondered what Glaucus felt for Skaia now. Had he phrased his letter so coldly just to hide his feelings from his father and grandfather? Or was he growing up and becoming a proper Roman, as Thaddeus had wanted?

When Thaddeus did not come to bed right away, Skaia turned to his side and cried quietly. In time, he slept.

He was woken a little later, when he became aware of hands on his body, touching his chest, his groin. Thaddeus nibbled his neck and his ear. Without thought, Skaia turned to his master and embraced him hard, holding him as tightly as he could. Thaddeus did not object, just stroked his back gently.

Skaia cried again, this time in great aching sobs. But he never loosened his grip on Thaddeus, desperately not wanting to let him go. And Thaddeus continued to hold him gently until he was finally through. Only then did he push Skaia onto his back and look in his eyes. “I know you’re upset, Skaia. And we do not need to make love tonight. Just sleep, if that’s what you want.”

Feeling a huge sense of relief, Skaia’s voice was soft when he answered, ‘”Thank you, Master.”

Thaddeus continued to stroke the distraught boy gently, until he fell asleep again.

Waking first, Thaddeus realized Skaia had clung to him during the night. He sighed softly, wondering what it meant. Did the boy
him, or was he only seeking comfort?

He disentangled himself and, as the sun entered the room, he looked at Skaia’s body. The boy had changed during his months on the farm. Thaddeus thought it was because his father worked Skaia hard in the gardens, but the boy seemed to enjoy it, rising eagerly each day to join him in whatever he was about. Now, his skin was darker, his red hair was highlighted with gold, and his body had become more toned. Not yet muscular, like the farm slaves, but the beginnings of manhood. Even a bit of fuzz had appeared on his cheeks, which drew Thaddeus’ eyes to the boy’s slightly parted lips, making him recall how those same lips felt when wrapped tightly around his erection.

Thaddeus quickly pushed those thoughts away as he felt the familiar morning stirrings in his groin.
Not yet. Not today.

Washing his face and hands, Thaddeus forced his mind from Skaia completely, and onto the problems left to confront on the farms.

He was sure Caesar’s edict, requiring one third of the work force to be free, was not supposed to be accomplished by freeing slaves. But Paulinus had insisted he try it. There certainly had not been any huge influx of interested Romans wanting to work on the farms. Within two more months, over two hundred and fifty workers were supposed to be free. The supervisors were looking for potential men, ones who would be sure to have no option of leaving.

From what other estate owners said, Thaddeus was not the only one having problems. Romans might want to work, but they wanted to work in Rome. And, since the city was handing out bread free of charge, the huge demand for change had subsided.

Thaddeus dressed himself, and left to join his father for breakfast, finding Paulinus sitting at an outside table, the top of which was covered with breads and fruits and cheeses. Lucius was walking stiffly, and Paulinus insisted he join them. It was common enough, and Thaddeus hardly noticed as the slave sat on the bench. When Thaddeus was seated too, Paulinus asked about Skaia, and what his reaction had been to Glaucus’ letter.

About what I thought. He was hurt. And tired from yesterday’s work. I left him still sleeping.”

Paulinus shrugged. “If Glaucus has forgotten him, it is best he know it now.” He began eating. “Yesterday was the last day of heavy work. Once the larger plants are shipped today, only the ivies and grasses remain. They should be easy enough. Are you sure we’ll be ready to go home by the end of the week?”

According to Castor, all the required work there is done. The slaves have all moved to the upper floors. And the running water upstairs was supposed to be installed last week.”

Then it sounds ready,” Paulinus agreed. “I must admit I look forward to getting back. The country is pleasant, but I miss my friends. And the baths.”

Really?” Thaddeus asked in surprise. “You’ve turned me down repeatedly when I’ve asked you to go.”

The cold water is too cold in those places you like. For my old bones, and for Lucius’, too.”

Thaddeus laughed. “We’ll find some place you like when we get home, Father. I promise.”

Skaia appeared, still looking sleepy as he bowed nervously. Thaddeus looked at him, and moved over on the bench. “Join us.”

Thank you, sir,” Skaia said as he slid into place, next to Thaddeus. Paulinus put food on a plate, and passed it to him. Skaia stared at it—still uncertain about eating with Thaddeus, but Lucius touched his arm, and urged him to begin.

Thaddeus stood soon after Skaia starting eating, and said he was going to visit the slave supervisors. He touched Skaia’s shoulder, and squeezed it gently as he left.

Paulinus smiled, but he waited until Thaddeus was out of earshot before speaking. “My son has become very fond of you.”

Skaia blushed. “Master Thaddeus has been very kind to me, sir.”

Only kind?” Paulinus prompted. “I thought the two of you were beyond that now.”

Skaia blushed even deeper, and stopped eating. “Yes, sir,” he admitted. “I… I like Master Thaddeus very much.”

Paulinus watched him for several seconds, and hoped the boy spoke truly. “Do you still think of Glaucus?” It was obvious to Paulinus that this question upset Skaia more than the others. The boy’s eyes brightened with moisture before he looked down.

Yes, sir,” he answered, barely above a whisper. But then he looked up and boldly asked a question of his own. “Will I be allowed to go back to Glaucus when he returns, or am I to stay with Master Thaddeus?”

Who would you prefer to be with?”

Skaia’s eyes continued to meet the old master’s. “Does it really matter, what I want?”

Paulinus was surprised the boy would be so blunt when he might not like the answer. “Probably not, Skaia,” he answered truthfully. “But perhaps it matters. And I would like to know. Will you tell me?”

Skaia blinked several times, thinking he no longer knew what he wanted. And wished he could be more like Kaleel—simply accepting whatever happened. He looked at Paulinus again and his voice was soft when he spoke. “I… I hope that Master Glaucus will want me, sir.”

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