Skaia (85 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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What new home?” Glaucus pressed as the young slave left the room. “You didn’t say anything to me about selling him.”

Thaddeus laughed softly. “You did make it clear he was mine to dispose of. So I did.”

Then why isn’t Skaia here to help?”

Skaia can’t serve at meals anymore. Gallia hates him,” Thaddia interjected.

Glaucus turned on his sister. “She doesn’t hate him,” he replied angrily. “She just…”

Hates him,” Thaddia repeated. “We talked about all kinds of things together today. She thinks… she thinks you made love to him. I told her you didn’t, but she wouldn’t believe me.”

Thaddeus cleared his throat. “Skaia is not here tonight, because he was tired. He worked in the gardens this morning, and the storerooms this afternoon while Nicea and I went to the baths. I thought he was too tired for any additional duties, so I sent him to bed.”

Glaucus looked to his sister and back. “Father, Thaddia is right, that Gallia will not want him serving our meals.”

Staring at Glaucus for some moments, Thaddeus said calmly, “I have promised Gallia that Skaia will not be associated with
. I hope she did not take that to mean he would not be associated with me, or work in my home?”

Crassus interrupted, and asked his brother a question of his own. “What did Gallia mean, when she said you and Skaia made love? Does it mean you had sex with him, Glaucus?”

Glaucus looked distinctly embarrassed, but Thaddeus smiled. “I think you may be a little young still to understand, Crassus.”

I’m ten, and I know all about sex.”

Kaleel arrived back in the room with Aulus, and together they began to serve dinner. Thaddeus filled his plate before responding to his younger son. “Crassus, masters frequently have sex with their slaves, but that doesn’t mean they love them.”
Or even like them…

Oh, you mean like you and Meera. I know about that,” the boy replied.

You seem to know much more than I realized,” Thaddeus smiled

The conversation shifted to less disturbing matters after that, the final topic being Glaucus’ wedding. Thaddeus promised to talk with Titus Galliani about setting the date on the ides of Aprilis. That would be in slightly less than a month, and as Glaucus would not be leaving on his first mission for almost two more, it gave the young couple plenty of time together.

Thaddeus still wished he might delay the wedding longer, but Titus seemed anxious, and Gallia had seemed agreeable enough today. He found he could no longer come up with valid objections.

Glaucus was extremely happy at his father’s decision, and Thaddeus left the dining room fairly content.

But he was stunned when he opened his door and saw only Nicea’s empty pallet on the floor. He called Skaia’s name, and when he received no answer he almost panicked, fearing the boy had run off again.
Or worse…

Pulling himself together, Thaddeus left his rooms, climbed the stairs, and entered the slave’s quarters. Making his way to the men’s area, two of the older slave’s looked up, startled, from the game they were playing, and Thaddeus quickly placated them, telling them not to stand.

When asked, they pointed to Skaia’s pallet in the far corner.


Thaddeus walked across to Skaia’s sleeping figure, ignoring the men who watched him. He squatted down beside the boy, and shook his shoulder gently.

Closed eyes flew open at his touch, and Skaia blinked several times as he slowly focused, shifting on the pallet to face who had woken him. “Thaddeus,” he whispered, when he realized it was his master.

The Roman smiled at the simple utterance of his name. Only this slave could get away with taking liberties in the way he addressed him… no
attached. He kept the amusement out of his voice. “Skaia, what are you doing here?”

Skaia pushed himself up, sleep still hazing his eyes and his mind. “I don’t understand—you sent me here.”

Thaddeus shook his head. “No… At least, that wasn’t what I intended.” He stood, gazing down at Skaia’s upturned face. “I want you to come back to my rooms.”

Skaia nodded, his heart lifting at the invitation. “Yes, sir.”

After Thaddeus left, Skaia stood slowly and tried in vain to smooth out the wrinkles in his tunic. One of the men at the game table laughed at his attempts. “The master doesn’t care what you’re wearing, boy. You won’t have it on for long anyway. Go ahead now, get your pretty ass down there, before he has to come back and drag you.”

Feeling heat suffuse his face, Skaia frowned in the man’s direction. He would have liked to give a rebuttal, but he thought what the man said was probably true. It was unlikely Thaddeus would seek him out for a game of Latrunculi.

Heeding the embarrassing advice, he hurried downstairs, hastening to Thaddeus’ chamber.

Thaddeus was waiting for Skaia in the antechamber, just inside the door, and when the boy entered, he drew him into his arms immediately, covering the slave’s mouth with his own, and holding him close. Skaia pushed at Thaddeus’ chest, breaking off the kiss, surprised at the man’s ardor. “No,” he said, shakily.

Releasing him, Thaddeus stepped back, raising an eyebrow. “No?”

Looking up into Thaddeus’ face, Skaia knew he could not refuse—and, more importantly, that he didn’t want to. He slowly lifted his arms and put them around his master’s neck, rested his head on the man’s chest, and began to sob.

What’s wrong?” Thaddeus asked, as he gently stroked the boy’s back. “Do you not want to be with me?”

Skaia raised his head slightly, trying desperately to calm himself. “It’s not that, Master,” he said, tears still falling. “It’s just… I thought you had sent me away.” He caught his breath on another sob. “Of course I want you. I’m sorry sir, I mean… Yes, I want to be with you.”

Thaddeus laughed softly. “Such distinctions you make.” He lifted Skaia’s chin up, until he could see into the boy’s eyes clearly. “As you may recall, it was never my idea that you leave me.”

Skaia blushed and wiped at his face. “Yes, sir, I know. Thank you for honoring my wishes. They were foolish, but… but I needed to know.”

I think I understand that,” Thaddeus replied seriously. “All is forgiven, as long as you realize now that I
your only choice.”

I understand that quite well, sir,” Skaia smiled. “And I’m glad for it.”

Thaddeus’ face broke into his own smile. “Now that that is cleared up, I will admit I want to be with you, too.” His face grew serious again. “It’s more than simply wanting you as my slave, Skaia. I want…
.” He held the slightly trembling slave tight, and now began kissing him intently, pushing his tongue between Skaia’s lips and exploring the boy’s suddenly willing depths, groaning as the youth opened to him, eagerly meeting his questing tongue with his own.

When Thaddeus finally broke the kiss, he whispered softly. “Gods, I’ve missed you, boy.” Then, picking up the slender body easily, he took Skaia to his bed, laughing as soon as his eyes took in the rumpled tunic. “You’re a mess.”

Skaia stared up at him, and then smiled coyly, lowering his eyes. “Yes, Master. But, a tunic can easily come off.”
Like the other slaves told me…

Thaddeus grinned at the sight of the boy being seductive. “I’ll help you,” he whispered, pushing the tunic up around Skaia’s waist and helping him to sit while pulling the garment over his head. When Skaia was lying flat on the bed again, Thaddeus fumbled with the knot in the slave’s breechcloth, his large fingers unsuccessfully fighting with the scrap of material.

Laughing, Skaia pushed Thaddeus’ hands away. “You are taking entirely too long, Master. Here, let me do it.”

Thaddeus willingly stood back and watched, as Skaia quickly untied the cloth, and wriggled his way out of it. His eyes were totally entranced by the actions of the lithe, graceful form sprawled on his bed. And, confronted with the sight of the boy’s slender, half hard cock, he felt his own member twitch in response. Leaning over Skaia’s now naked body, he nibbled and sucked on the long, graceful neck, paying special attention to the hollow that was so sensitive. Then, with the boy moaning beneath him, he worked upward, finally meeting Skaia’s lips.

Reaching up for Thaddeus’ head, Skaia pulled it closer, and began pushing his tongue into his master’s mouth in a demanding, possessive way.

Thaddeus pulled away, delighted at the young slave’s boldness and audacity. Stripping off his own clothing quickly, and dropping it carelessly on to the floor, he slid into the bed beside Skaia and, cupping the boy’s face, he claimed his lips once again, thrusting his tongue deeper still into the warm depths of Skaia’s mouth, while using his fingers to tease at the youth’s nipples until he was squirming below him in abandon.

Breaking from the kiss, Thaddeus asked, “Will you turn over now, and give me entry?” His voice was heavy with lust.

Skaia met his master’s eyes, his face flushed, his expression needy. “Whatever you want.”

Thaddeus smiled as he started to turn Skaia over onto his stomach. “I want your lovely ass, spread wide open for me.”

Skaia suddenly fought, and Thaddeus let him fall onto his back again. The boy’s face was distraught. “Is that all you want from me?” he cried.

You said I could have whatever I wanted,” Thaddeus replied with more than a hint of anger. “Have you changed your mind so quickly?”

No… no, Master.” Skaia moved to turn over again and lift his hips.

Thaddeus stopped him immediately, remembering what he had said earlier.
I want you as more than a slave.
“Having you with your ass spread is only part of what I want, Skaia,” he said tenderly. “I want all of you, every inch of you, your heart and your soul.” He leaned down over the boy’s body again, being very gentle now as he brushed against Skaia’s lips with his own.

Take me from the front, Master. Let me see you, please,” Skaia pleaded. Thaddeus looked at him for a brief moment before seizing his mouth again, and Skaia immediately opened to him in acceptance, eagerly seeking the heated contact. He spread his thighs around Thaddeus’ legs, allowing his master complete access to every area of his body. Thaddeus lifted away a little, removing the touch Skaia craved, causing him to groan in frustration. And with eyes that were almost black with need, he begged, “Please… please touch me.”

Thaddeus fell on top of him then, devouring his mouth and pressing their groins together. He began to thrust his hips forward, grinding up against Skaia. The boy was moaning beneath him, in pain, in pleasure, and in desire. Lifting one of Skaia’s legs over his shoulder, he exposed the boy’s small puckered opening and pushed in a single finger, feeling Skaia’s body clamp down on it.

Skaia sobbed when he pulled the finger out. “I need you. Please.” A slight hesitation, and then… “Please, Thaddeus.”

Reluctant to leave the wanton slave’s body even for a second, Thaddeus turned away to reach for the small jar of cream on his bedside table. He covered his own aching cock in the lubricating lotion, and then smeared some in and around Skaia’s opening, feeling the boy’s more subtle vibrations. He had to reposition Skaia’s body, shifting his leg over his shoulder once again as this time he put two fingers in the boy’s body, pushing at his muscles. Skaia whimpered, and Thaddeus stopped immediately. “Am I hurting you?”

Skaia opened his tightly closed eyes. “Only a little. But, I don’t care. I want you in me. Please, Thaddeus
.” I want to be filled with you. I want to be possessed by you.

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