Skaia (94 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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During the following days, Gallia took to sitting outside in the gardens more often, on Paulinus’ old bench, and quietly watched the auburn haired slave work. The first time she did it, Skaia had bowed his head low to the earth, and had asked very quietly, “Do you wish for me to leave, Mistress?”

No,” she’d answered, placidly. “You’re doing a wonderful job here. The garden is looking very good again. Carry on.”

In time, Skaia became less nervous of her being there. She didn’t seem to mind his presence any more and, one morning, he actually saw her smiling at him. He dared to pick more flowers, and brought them to her hesitantly.

If… If you don’t want them, Mistress,” he said softly, holding them out, “I will take them to the atrium. But please… please don’t have me whipped again.”  

This time, the girl accepted the flowers graciously.

After that, when several days went by without her showing up outside, Skaia braved himself to knock on her door to see if she needed anything. He was relieved to be welcomed in.

I can hardly move, Skaia,” she wailed, lying back upon her well cushioned bed. “I think the baby has dropped, which means the birth should be soon. And I’m bored.” She pushed herself up into a sitting position. “Could you have my loom brought here, please?”

Skaia thought it strange that she would want to weave if it was almost time for the birth, but he only bowed and left to do her bidding. After the loom was in place, he watched her roll balls of thread. Timidly, he offered to help, and she accepted. But it was an awkward time for him, and he was happy when Gotus came to fetch him.

Thaddeus’ back ached only a little, but he thought it a sufficient excuse to have Skaia accompany him to the baths. He had Gotus fetch the boy from the gardens, and was surprised when Gotus said he had been with Gallia. But Antius waited outside; there was no time to talk. Removing the slave’s collar, Thaddeus led the way to the front of the atrium. “Stay close to me today. If the collar ever offered any protection, it is gone now.”

Skaia’s neck felt empty, but he agreed immediately, only too glad to leave the walls of the domus again. And Thaddeus said nothing more to him, as he and Antius walked ahead, speaking of the rumored events in Alexandria.

In the warm pool, Thaddeus forced Skaia into a corner, as far from Antius and the other men as they could get. “Massage my lower back,” he ordered. As the tension eased under the boy’s fingers, he spoke sternly. “What in Hades were you doing in Gallia’s rooms? Have you missed the taste of the whip so much that you must beg for it?”

Skaia was more frightened of him than he had been in many months. He looked down at the firm curve of Thaddeus’ buttocks and licked his lips nervously. “I have no desire to feel the whip again, Master. It’s just… Mistress Gallia usually watches me work in Paulinus’ garden. When I didn’t see her for so many days, I worried that something was wrong.”

She wasn’t angry this time?” Thaddeus asked more calmly. “She won’t be calling me to beat you tonight?”

No, Master.” Skaia lifted his eyes to glance at Antius, seeing him involved in some sort of discussion with the other men. Feeling at least somewhat safer to speak, he told Thaddeus how he had brought the loom, and what Gallia had said. “Why would she want to weave, sir, if the birth is so near?”

Thaddeus laughed softly. “By my estimation—even if she became pregnant on her wedding night—the baby is not due for over a month. She exaggerates, Skaia. About everything. You should know that about her by now.”

There might have been more, but Antius called Thaddeus to join him. Unsure what to do, Skaia followed and massaged his master’s neck gently as the men talked about Pompey’s defeat, and Caesar’s extended stay in Egypt. There were rumors that the Egyptian queen might be pregnant with his child.

Skaia was dismissed when the men moved to the hot pool. He only stood quietly at the entrance to the room.

And waited.

Thaddeus returned the collar, though he made no additional restrictions on Skaia’s behavior… only warned him to be careful with Gallia, but did not forbid him to see her. Thaddeus’ comments about the pregnancy proved true. Gallia no longer spoke of an immanent birth, and her belly continued to expand.

Any worries Thaddeus had about Skaia’s safety finally disappeared completely when he encountered them in the peristylium, sitting side by side on his father’s bench. Gallia was talking and laughing merrily, a sight he had not seen since Glaucus’ departure.
Skaia has seduced her, too,
Thaddeus thought. And was glad for it.

It was soon apparent to everyone in the household that Gallia enjoyed Skaia’s company. On the days he didn’t come to the gardens, she would send Fraca to inquire about him. And when he did come, she either sat outside while he worked, or invited him inside. It took a few weeks, but even Fraca stopped frowning at him. Sometimes, when Thaddia was there too, he would sit with them both as they worked at the loom, surprised to find their company so enjoyable. Though he always left immediately when Gallia’s mother visited. She had made it perfectly clear that she didn’t welcome his presence.

Teasing him, Thaddeus laughed at Skaia, saying he would make a wonderful aunt. Skaia blushed, but was pleased, and grateful that his master did not resent his friendship with Glaucus’ wife, as he had feared.

Thaddeus was surprised to realize that his own feelings for Gallia were softening. He began to visit her more often, admiring the cloth she created and seeing after her needs. He was sitting with her one afternoon when she spoke almost conspiratorially. “Father, when you go out shopping next, would you buy a present for Skaia for me?”

Why?” he asked, amazed at her request.

She looked down for a moment. “He takes care of me. He brings me flowers.” She hesitated. “He’s been very kind, Father. After what I did to him. And… and I would like to give him something in appreciation.”

You surprise me, Daughter,” Thaddeus said, pleased. “Skaia’s birthday is almost upon us. If you do not disapprove, we could hold a small celebration. I can get gifts from both of us,” he offered.

Gallia smiled and agreed immediately. “Oh, I would love to have a party. Being pregnant is very tiresome.” She canted her head at Thaddeus. “You like Skaia very much, don’t you?”

Thaddeus nodded, silently wondering what she would think, if she knew just how much he actually did like his little slave.
And the things they did together
. “He’s a very good boy,” was his only comment.

Skaia was the first one to realize the baby was on its way. He had been sitting quietly talking with Gallia, when she had gasped out in pain and surprise. Once he had made sure she was alright, and Fraca was sitting at her side, he ran to find Thaddeus. And his master had quickly given him instructions on how to find the midwife, before hurrying to be with Gallia himself.

It was some hours before Skaia returned. But little had changed. Thaddeus led him outside as the midwife took over. “The pains are still far apart, and her water has not broken. Most likely, the baby will not come until tomorrow.”

I don’t understand. What water?” Skaia asked.

Thaddeus grinned and took Skaia to Paulinus’ bench. When the boy was seated, Thaddeus explained what he knew. “The baby floats in water inside Gallia’s body. When she passes that water, the baby sinks lower, the pains come more often, and then the time for the birth is closer.”

They stayed together outside the door until the sun began to set and the midwife came out to say they should go away, that the child would probably not be delivered until the next day. Thaddeus smiled at Skaia when she went back in. “See, I do know something.”

I did not doubt that, Master. I… I just didn’t know it would take so long.”

Thaddeus grinned at his ignorance. And decided against telling him of the dangers. What would happen would happen. No sense in Skaia worrying… “I’m going for dinner. I have to tell Thaddia and Crassus what is happening. Are you up to serving tonight?”

Skaia nodded. “Of course, if you insist, sir. But I would like to stay here, Master, if you will permit it.”

Thaddeus considered refusing, but when Gallia cried out again, he quickly gave his permission. “Rest when you can, Skaia. The birth is still a long time away.” After the boy had thanked him, Thaddeus left to share the news with the rest of his family.

Skaia almost dozed off several times as the night passed, but it seemed Gallia screamed almost every time he closed his eyes. After a while, Gallia cried out more frequently, and finally Skaia heard the baby’s first shrill cry. Coming completely awake in an instant, he ran for Thaddeus.

Admitting Thaddeus into the room, Fraca tried at first to keep Skaia from entering. But Gallia called for him to come in. He knelt at her side, and bowed his head respectfully. “Are you well, Mistress Gallia?” he asked, concerned at the paleness of her face.

Just very tired, Skaia. As must you be. The midwife says you have been outside all night. Is that true?”

He nodded. “Do you want anything, Mistress? Can I bring you something?”

A cup of honeyed milk, if you can get it,” she implored. “Then I have to feed the baby.” Skaia hurried away.

Thaddeus was cradling the baby when he returned, and called Skaia over after he had given the milk to Gallia. “A granddaughter,” he whispered. “Look, isn’t she beautiful?” His voice was full of pride.

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