Skaia (92 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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It was one of these times, when Skaia was clearing dishes while Thaddeus went for his purse, that Gallia trapped the slave with his hands full of plates and platters on the way to the kitchen. “This is all your fault,” she hissed. “Thaddeus puts such stupid restrictions on us, because of you.”

Skaia had no idea what to do. If he even bowed, he was likely to drop what he held. “I’m sorry, Mistress,” he murmured. “I promise my master has never spoken of such things with me.”

Shut up!” she snapped as she slapped his face. The dishes slipped from Skaia’s hands, shattering on the polished tiles. Before others could reach them, Gallia kicked the platter over, making an even bigger mess. “Never interfere with my affairs again. Never even look at me again, or your disasters will be even greater than this.”

She stalked away just as Phaelas approached with a frown.

Skaia made no excuse. He accepted the punishment of three strokes of the whip without complaint. And when Thaddeus asked him later about his back, Skaia said only that he had been clumsy…

Thaddeus received the official invitation from Abrahm to attend the races in Arcaia and quickly realized, despite his announcement to his family, the invitation would have to be declined. Glaucus’ busy schedule would not allow him days out of the city.

Reluctantly, Thaddeus wrote back, apologizing profusely that he couldn’t come, and wishing Abrahm success. He considered telling Skaia, but knew the boy would be distressed to miss the opportunity—both of watching the races, and of seeing Nicea again.
Another time,
he promised himself.
There will surely be another opportunity.

Eventually, Gallia adjusted to her new circumstances, as Thaddeus hoped she would. She no longer walked around the domus with such a dour expression on her face. She patiently worked with Thaddia on her weaving, and the two girls became good friends, sometimes working together with Gallia’s mother. When Thaddeus would see them together, he was reminded that a husband must be found for his daughter. Soon. But the very thought of it still distressed him.

Meals became a pleasant time again, even on the nights that Glaucus worked late. Gallia no longer spoke of blood-sport, and she made sincere efforts to join in conversations that others started. If Glaucus came home during the meal, Gallia always seemed overjoyed to see him and made no public demands for his time and attention. In turn, Glaucus gave it willingly, and the young couple seemed happier than ever.

Thaddeus found himself well-satisfied with the atmosphere and mood of his household. Only one thing still concerned him. Gallia would stare at Skaia occasionally with open disdain. There was no reason for it that he could see. If anything, Skaia behaved totally cowed around her, hardly ever raising his eyes from the floor

He was loath to tell Glaucus… The time was fast approaching for his son to leave for Sicily. And it wasn’t as if Gallia ever actually
anything to Skaia—except make him uneasy. Thaddeus could let that pass, comforting his slave later, when they were alone in their rooms.


The day finally came for Glaucus to depart, and the whole household turned out to bid him farewell. Gallia was in tears, weeping pitifully. As Glaucus rode off, Thaddeus held her tightly as together they watched his son, her husband, disappear from sight. Leading her back to the consoling arms of her maid, Thaddeus walked them back to her chambers, and sighed as he left the still sobbing girl alone.

When he returned downstairs, Skaia was waiting for him. “How are you, sir?” the boy asked anxiously.

Smiling in reassurance at his slave’s obvious worry, Thaddeus put his arm around Skaia’s shoulder. “Feeling very old. I think I’m going to be a grandfather.”

Really, sir?” Skaia asked excitedly, pulling away from Thaddeus’ grip. “That’s wonderful news.”

Thaddeus arched his brows. “That I’m feeling old?”

No, sir,” Skaia grinned, knowing that his master teased him. “That there will be a baby in the house.”

Squeezing the boy’s shoulder gently, Thaddeus pulled him back. “I’m glad you’re excited about it. You can be the babysitter.”

Skaia’s smiled at the idea. “I would like that, sir,” he said, but then his face fell. “I mean… if Gallia will allow it,” he added. “She… she doesn’t want me near her.”

She’ll change her mind by then,” Thaddeus assured him. “And will be very glad to have someone else look after her screaming baby.” He looked down at his slave. “But don’t go spreading the news just yet. Gallia wants to be certain she is pregnant first.”

Agreeing to the prohibition, Skaia wondered how she would do that. He almost asked, but Thaddeus seemed distracted. Instead, he followed silently as his master left the area, walking aimlessly, seemingly deep in thought.

They ended up in the peristylium garden, where Thaddeus sat on Paulinus’ bench, and watched pensively as Skaia set to work finding and pulling any freshly sprouted weeds. After he had spent some time on the task, Skaia turned to him. “Master Thaddeus, you are not old,” he said softly.

I was wondering if you were ever going to disagree with me,” Thaddeus smiled.

Skaia sat back on his heels, and asked something he had long pondered over. “Why do you not marry again, sir?”

Thaddeus looked thoughtful and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs. “There is no need.” he finally answered. “I have healthy children. My eldest son, now in service to the government, is married and may have a child of his own on the way. My second son is healthy, and will no doubt produce children too. I believe I have fulfilled my duties to the State.”

But would you not like to have a wife again, sir?” Skaia pressed. “Someone to share your life with, like Glaucus and Gallia?”

Thaddeus thought.
My life is quite complicated enough already.
“I think it is you who must want a woman,” he laughed.

Blushing, Skaia looked down. “No. I have no wish to sire a slave child, sir.”

The laughter stopped. “Wise of you.”

Skaia turned his attention back to weeding, not wanting to discuss such things, and Thaddeus continued to observe quietly, thinking about why there were no slave children in his household.

Both he, and his father, had forbidden coupling among the slaves. It was still done, of course, and he knew it. Such a natural urge could never be successfully controlled. Thankfully, most of the slaves were men, and they coupled with each other with no risk of producing children.

Thaddeus could also tolerate the occasional liaison of men with women—as long as no children were produced. Meera and Gotus had carried on some sort of relationship for years. He ignored such things as long as they were not blatant—and did not interfere with regular duties. And, as his father had done before him, he made sure that all the slave women of childbearing age were given an herbal mix monthly. Even Thera was ordered to take it, though Thaddia heatedly declared it unneeded.

Maybe she was too young to have such stirrings yet, he mused.
Or maybe she and Thaddia…

No—he refused to think of such things—not about his daughter and her slave. Instead, he let his mind drift to his friends, many of whom welcomed the birth of slave children. Antius, he was fairly sure, had sired several of his own, and raised them as slaves, which Thaddeus found particularly disturbing. But it was the usual practice, and such children frequently sold for extremely high prices.

Perhaps Skaia would have experimented, if left to his own devices. Certainly he had caught the eye of several women—both slave, and free. But Thaddeus had been quite firm that the boy not be allowed any opportunity to lay with a woman. Skaia knew only men. Which brought up another concern.

Skaia, have you ever penetrated anyone?” he asked suddenly.

The auburn head lifted in surprise at the question. “What, sir? I don’t understand.”

Thaddeus smiled to himself.
No, Skaia had no concept of such a thing.
“Nothing,” he said, satisfied. “Return to what you’re doing.” He watched the boy watering the plants for a moment, before speaking again. “Skaia, if you were free, would you still want to go home?”

Skaia was equally surprised at this question, as he remembered when Paulinus had asked it of him, and had so stridently disapproved of his answer. It took him some moments to reply to Thaddeus. “I think I would like to see my homeland, and what has become of it, sir. But Rome is my home now. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I… I wouldn’t know how to.” His eyes had brightened with moisture.

So, you would not want to leave me?” Thaddeus queried with an edge to his voice.

Be careful
, Skaia warned himself. “I thought of it in the beginning, sir,” he admitted.
All I wanted was to escape from you…
“But now, you and this home are all I know. No, Master Thaddeus, I don’t want to leave you.”

Thaddeus stood, holding out his hands to help the boy stand, and embraced him. “If you stay with me, then I have no need of anyone else, Skaia.”

Looking up in amazement, Skaia asked, “But, do you not need love in your life, sir?”

I thought—I hoped—that I had it.
“I believe I’ve already confessed that I love you,” Thaddeus responded, rubbing his thumb gently across the slave’s trembling bottom lip. “The big question is—do you love me?”

Skaia pulled back and looked into Thaddeus’ eyes.
Oh, Belenus—do I love him?
“You are everything to me, Master,” Skaia whispered.
I care for you. I depend on you. I would grieve if you died. Surely that is love…
“Yes, Master,” he said with more conviction. “I love you, sir.”

Thaddeus pulled the slender boy close again. Whether it was really Skaia’s answer, or only the slave’s within, it did not matter. It was what he wanted to hear.

It was enough.

By fall, Gallia was showing that she was very much pregnant, and Thaddeus had her moved to Paulinus’ old rooms so she could avoid the stairs and have a privy even closer. It was easier for her to get around there, and she seemed to settle in straight away, enjoying the view of the peristylium gardens that the new rooms afforded.

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