Slave to His Desires (2 page)

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Authors: Ashlynn Monroe

BOOK: Slave to His Desires
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“I like it. Exotic and soft. Have you ever felt a human’s
hair before?”

“Once, and it was a turn on, however I’d hate to let
something with so much hair cook for me.”

“I doubt she’ll be in the kitchen of her owner much.”

Rex laughed. “Good point.”

They bought soft bread filled with fresh meat and vegetables
from a vendor, but Jul couldn’t help watching the auction of the human while he
ate. Rex smirked at his uncharacteristic interest. Jul ignored his friend’s
knowing look.

She pulled away from the fingers inspecting her as curious
buyers came up to the platform to look at her teeth and touch her body. A
thick-around-the-middle aging man pinched one of her nipples until she screamed
in pain.

Jul threw the rest of his lunch in a compose bin. His
appetite gone, he made his way through the crowd. Another curious buyer ran his
finger though her silky pubic hair, causing her to gasp and kick out at the

Someone in the crowd shouted jovially, “I thought you said
she was docile?” This brought laughter from the crowd, but a hard slap to the
girl from the slaver.

Jul had seen enough. “Stop, back away. What’s the price?”

“Ah, an eager buyer. You have a good eye, sir. One thousand
perciples of a deni for the human.”

Several in the crowd grumbled the price was too high.

“I’ll take her,” Jul replied without hesitation.

“What are you doing?” Rex sounded shocked.

“Making a purchase in the market today, it seems.” Jul
didn’t want to admit he’d no idea why he was doing it.

“One thousand fifteen perciples of a deni.” Rex threw out
the bid and winked at his friend. Jul didn’t like the game.

“What are you doing?” It was Jul’s turn to sound confused.

“I’m making a purchase in the market,” he mimicked.

“I want the girl, Rex. Back off.”

Another man, the one who’d painfully squeezed her nipple,
bid. “One thousand thirty full deni.”

“One thousand thirty two,” Jul bid, the price was already
uncomfortably high.

“One thousand thirty five,” Rex countered, sneering at his

With a frown, Jul decided to bid one more time. The other
man hadn’t bid in the pause so Jul went for it. “One thousand fifty.”

The crowd gasped. Rex’s mouth hung open. It was a
ridiculously inflated price for a slave, even a human one. Not even a noble
blood trained in the art of courtesan pleasure would be worth such a price.
Yet, Jul felt no buyer’s remorse. Looking at the fearful woman, bravely facing
her fate, he knew it was a fair price.


He’d won. Jul owned the human. He knew she’d have no way of
knowing how high a value he’d placed on possessing her, but the thought of some
dirty, lecherous old man touching her upset him far more than he was
comfortable admitting. Glancing over at his friend, he noticed Rex looking at
her with the strangest expression. Jul wondered if Rex truly wanted her too.

They were both attractive and wealthy men. They certainly
could’ve enjoyed a quickly arranged marriage with almost any class of woman
they chose, possibly even nobility. Yet, here they were fighting for an attractive
slave girl in the market. Jul wondered if a regular visit to the cities best
pleasure house would’ve prevented his extravagant purchase. A good hard fuck
might have saved him six months wages.

Rex clasped him on the back and humor hung on each word he
spoke. “My friend, what do we do with your new acquisition for the afternoon?
We can’t disappoint the most esteemed Lord Rulfversen while you go off and play
with your new toy.”

“Oh, by the moons and the stars, I forgot the meeting.” Jul
felt conflicted.

“Worry not, friend. Our Rae is waiting, I sent her a
communication just after you made the purchase.” Rex held up the message stone.

Jul smiled. Rae was fond of having a lady in her bed; Raette
was as much of a man as any of his friends, even without a cock. She’d happily
see that his slave was cared for, however he’d have to insist she not sample
the girl before he’d enjoyed the privilege.

Clasping his friend on the back, Jul went to the slaver’s
table and signed the necessary paperwork, making the very large payment.

Smiling happily, his rotted teeth showing, the slaver’s
partner took the money transfer from Jul. “Will you take her now, my Lord?”

“I’m no Lord, just a business man who’s made a very
spontaneous purchase. I’m sending a trusted friend for her, a woman called

The slaver laughed. “Ah, a beauty like the Earth girl is
rare, and her species is hard to find. I’m sure she’s a resonate, just look at
her. I think you’ll be happy you made such a fine purchase. Tell your friends
where you found her. We come with a fresh shipment once a month, and after
today I’m sure we’ll bring more humans here.”

As they left the market Jul did what he could to forget the
alluring human girl and focus on business instead. This client was too
important to walk up to with a hard on tenting his clothing. Frowning, he tried
to distract himself, and after a few minutes of mentally running numbers his
rebellious body calmed. Soon his day would be finished and he could enjoy the
girl, for now he hoped that Raette would settle her in without frightening her.

Chapter 2


Watching the crowd, Madison only knew one thing for
certain—she’d been sold. These aliens looked very much like her, different from
the kidnapers. Looking at the sea of faces, she noticed how they all had an
opaque band of what looked almost like a mosaic of colorful and glistening
tiles in a boney ridge from the corner of their cat-like eyes reaching to the
base of their pointed ears. The physical differences reminded her she wasn’t
dealing with humans, even if the rest of their body appeared very “normal”. The
females wore one-piece tunics. The men wore toga like garments with fur capes
covering their shoulders. These people were beautiful in a frightening all too
unusual way, leaving her with a surreal sense of disconnection to them.

It seemed to her only three men had bid. Against her better
judgment, her vanity felt greatly offended. The smelly kidnapper handed her
leash to a teen who lead her off the stage and down into a recess below where
she found herself caged yet again.

“It’ll be okay, don’t worry. You weren’t bought by a pimp or
a doctor.” When the teenage boy spoke to her in perfect English she gaped at
him, astounded. He looked human, but he was working with the aliens. How could
anyone on her planet help these monsters sell people from their same species,
or any sentient being for that matter?

“How do you speak English? Are you human?”

“Of course I’m human. I was taken when I was seven. I’m eighteen
now, I think. I’m lucky they haven’t used me for sex or anything, I’m lucky
compared to a lot that come through here.”

“I’m so sorry, you must miss home. What’s your name?”

“Jerry Witker. I can’t remember home too much. I don’t even
remember my mom’s face anymore.”

Madison tried not to cry. His story broke her heart. She
feared being in the same position. Would she forget her family or what it was
like to be free?

“Why should I be glad a doctor didn’t buy me? How do you
know the buyer isn’t a pimp?”

“This isn’t like Earth. Human rights…aren’t something that
exist here. You’re property, parts. Animal testing…you could be the animal.
I’ve heard, seen terrible things.” He frowned then continued. She noticed he
spoke with a bit of an accent, forming his sentences strangely. “We come here
often. The man who bought you comes to the market for lunch every day. I’ve
seen him watch, but I’ve never seen him buy before today. You are either a gift
or a house slave. That’s the best you can hope for, so congratulations. It
could be a lot worse.”

“Let me go, please, I don’t want to be a slave!”

“Where will you go? You don’t speak the language. There
isn’t some embassy or humanitarian aid station for you. This is it, if you
leave, much worse things will happen to you. I’m doing you a favor. Sorry,

Madison couldn’t even breathe, his words hit harder than a
sucker punch. He’d laid out her fate in stark painful reality that she hoped
somewhere inside she had the strength to survive. Aliens…aliens enslaved her.
How could she possibly get home? She didn’t even know where in the universe she
was, or which universe she was in. Tears chocked her as the realization she
very likely would never see her parents again filled her mind. All she’d ever
wanted was to dance, but she would trade every second of applause and fame for
a ticket home.

“What’s that thing behind your ear?” Madison wondered what
they’d done to Jerry.

“It’s a translator. I speak many languages because of this.
It takes a lot of practice to use it right, but I’m glad I have it. Sucks not
to be able to talk. It took them about six months to decide I was hardworking
enough to be useful and spend the money getting me fitted.”

She waited in the quiet coolness below the stage, naked as
Eve, for what seemed like hours. When Jerry returned, he brought a tall, thin
alien with him. She was very pretty, and her air of confidence made it clear
she wasn’t a slave. Jerry tugged on Madison’s leash, bringing her to the woman.
Madison felt surprised. Had she been a gift to the woman? Was she the wife of
the man who’d purchased her?

When the woman smiled down at her, darkness in those big
lavender eyes caused a spike of fear to stab right though Madison’s stomach. It
was a sexual look. Her situation seemed even more frightening and unsure. These
people could do anything that they wanted with her, and no one would stop them.
She’d no recourse, no rights, and still she didn’t feel like property. Her mind
couldn’t accept this as her future. A promising future full of joy and talent
awaited her at home.

The woman reached out to touch her hair, sliding it back so
she could get a better view of Madison’s breasts, making Madison flinch. An
angry tug at the leash was all the reminder she needed to stay focused. She was
a long way from home, and she was a world away from true freedom. Determination
to return home kept her from completely crumbling. She doubted she’d ever truly
be free from the horror of this experience, but once she was on Earth she could
at least begin to work through the wounds being kidnapped, then displayed naked
to strangers, were leaving on her psyche.

The woman’s cold, small hand reached out and gently spun her
around, slowly. Madison had never felt so dirty. The look on the woman’s face
showed no compassion, only intense interest. Her dominating look of glee
revealed that she was enjoying the power she held over Madison.

Jerry glanced over from where he stood working. Madison
could see his fearful look. Was he afraid of this woman? She knew she’d have to
be very cautious. Death or maiming wasn’t on her agenda for today. This young
man had experience as a slave, and she’d be wise to respect his fear.

Strange words came out of the woman’s mouth, singsong and
haunting. She’d no idea if it was a sentence or one word. When the alien looked
annoyed, Madison glanced at Jerry, desperate for some help. The last thing she
wanted was to anger her new mistress. When the woman looked at Jerry and spoke,
his eyes widened. He looked at Madison and rushed away. Madison didn’t like his
demeanor. Why couldn’t he just tell her what was going on? When he returned, he
held a long thin metallic looking strip.

“Put your hands above your head, please.” He sounded sad.

She didn’t want to, but the look on the alien’s face told
her she’d better do it. She felt the cool material, it reminded her of silk,
clasping her wrists. He wrapped a belt of sorts around her waist, and she heard
. When he pulled the metallic strip down her back and between
her ass cheeks, she cried out. The woman made a sound as if she were amused.
Madison tried not to scream as he pulled the metal tightly over her pussy and
up to the top of the belt. He pulled it through a loop, and she glanced down,
seeing it locked into place. Her breasts jutted out and she stood exposed,
helpless to cover her nudity. Tears filled her eyes. Fighting the emotion, she
refused to sob in front of the alien.

The woman watched Jerry and when she finally looked up at
Madison’s face, she moved quickly to wipe at the tear that escaped down her
check. She spoke briefly, just as unintelligible.

“She said not to look your masters in the eye and you’ve
lovely tits.” Jerry blushed as he said the last bit.

Madison knew he hadn’t enjoyed her humiliation, but the
alien clearly did. Pulling something from her pocket, she looked down at
Madison’s face. Madison quickly averted her eyes. The woman made a sound in the
back of her throat, and suddenly Madison felt her cold hands foundling her
breasts. She closed her eyes and tried not to react. She felt a pinch on each
nipple, which wasn’t really painful, just a discomfort, but it caused her to
cry out. Looking down she saw the woman had attached a chain to her nipples,
and she took the leash from around her neck and attach it to the chain. Unable
to fathom the reality, Madison stared down in horror—the woman planned to lead
her by her nipples.

When the alien tugged at the leash a spike of pleasure
caused Madison’s pussy to tingle. A small cry of pleasure escaped her before
could stop the sound. The alien’s head snapped in her direction. She looked
down quickly. The sight of her own nipples stretched made her feel vulnerable.
The alien tugged at the chain. Madison took a step, and the thin metal rubbed
against her pussy and anus. Gasping, a moan escaped her and she wiggled her
hips involuntarily, causing the metal to push harder against her clit.

Pulled along behind the alien woman, Madison kept her eyes
down. She’d no idea how far they had to go, but she hoped it’d be a short walk.
She felt mortified enough without coming for her captor. They stopped in front
of a building with large open windows and waited quietly. Finally curiosity got
the better of Madison, and she couldn’t help but glance in the window to see
why they’d stopped.

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