Sleigh Ride Together with You (14 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Sleigh Ride Together with You
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“By all means,” Nicole prompted as Dante and Amanda exchanged a loving glance.

Alex held his breath. He couldn't have scripted a better interview. His pulse raced, and he tightened his grip on the camera. Heaven forbid he'd drop it in his building excitement. Nicole was about to get an exclusive. Depending on what it was, the announcement could potentially make the international wires. He moved a little closer, homing in on Dante and Amanda.

“I'm moving up my retirement to the end of the upcoming soccer season instead of waiting another year. We're expecting our first child, and I want to be a hands-on papa from the start.”

“Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations to you both. That's terrific news.” Nicole reined in her enthusiasm, but Alex knew she wanted to run and hug them. He wanted to do the same, first to share in their happiness, but especially for giving Nicole the opportunity of a lifetime.

“Perhaps we could have planned the timing a little better,” Amanda said, “but Dante and I know God is in control, as He is with everything in our lives. At this point, it looks as though she'll arrive during the time we're in Italy.”

“She?” Her smile wide, Nicole's blue eyes sparkled.

“Oh,” Amanda said, laughing, her cheeks growing pink. “I guess that slipped out unaware.”

,” Dante said. “We're expecting a
. We're going to name her”—he paused and cleared his throat—“Ana.”

“A very fitting tribute.”

Alex couldn't miss the deep emotion in Nicole's voice and how she blinked hard a few times. When she moved her hand over her heart, he knew it was instinct, and in no way theatrical or feigned. After thanking her guests and wishing them the best, Nicole gazed straight into the camera—calm, cool, and professional as she concluded the interview.

His mind wandered, but Alex heard her say something about two new beginnings. Ah, right. Good tie-in. All over again, Nicole had unequivocally proven she possessed intelligence, humor, and a big heart. This interview would definitely go national and to Europe and beyond.

“That's a wrap,” Alex called, lowering the camera. “Wow. That was terrific. Let me echo Nicole's thanks and offer my congratulations. Do we have your permission to broadcast the entire interview, including the announcement of your impending parenthood?”

Dante glanced at Amanda, who nodded. “Sí. We want you to be the ones to break the story. The release we signed to broadcast the complete interview stands, but I appreciate your asking.

“Do you realize what you just did?” Alex couldn't contain his excitement a few minutes later as Nicole walked beside him into the library where'd he left his laptop and other equipment.

“I'd like to think it's one of the best interviews I've ever done. Dante made it easy.” Nicole sounded tentative although confident.

“Unless my instincts are way off, you just got your first world exclusive. You were great, Nicole. I know it's not my right to be proud of you, but I am.” Pulling her into his arms, Alex hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. The scent of flowers enveloped him, and he briefly closed his eyes, savoring the moment. Holding her like this for the rest of his life would make him the happiest man this side of heaven. Call him crazy for falling in love with a woman he'd known less than a week, but he adored every single thing about her. Never before had he entertained the idea of marriage, but he could see himself settling down with Nicole, having children, and growing old together.

“Thanks, Alex. That means a lot coming from you.” Nicole slowly eased out of his arms. She selected a book from a nearby shelf and proceeded to thumb through it while he dropped into Dante's leather chair and fired up his laptop.

Hearing her giggle a couple of minutes later, Alex paused, his fingers poised above the keyboard. “Something funny? I'm trying to make you a star here.”

“Now you're the one who looks like a kid on Christmas morning, as though you've been given the best gift ever. The one you wanted the most but never really believed you'd see under the tree.” Her grin was impish. “You're also whistling.”

He shook his head and grinned. “Let me guess. Sleigh Ride?”


“Well, Nicole,” he said, resuming his work. “I'd say you've also just given yourself the best Christmas gift ever. Back to work now.” It'd also seal the deal in terms of his report to the network.

Nicole sat on the cusp of stardom and anyone with a lick of sense could see it. Surely, she understood this interview clinched it.

First, he needed to send the interview to the network. Then, for the rest of their stay in Starlight, he'd tackle the challenge of convincing the gorgeous brunette smiling at him that he'd be worth keeping around for a very long time.







Saturday Afternoon – Starlight


Nicole glanced at the clock on the wall. Four hours until the big event.

“That's a dreamy look if ever I've seen one.” Julia removed a tray of sugar cookies from the oven in the small kitchen while Nicole sat on a counter stool, adding cinnamon candies for reindeer noses and red sugar sprinkles on candy cane-shaped cookies.

Amanda was in the bigger service kitchen talking with the caterers as they set up for the Mistletoe Dance.

Julia's smile was kind. “I only caught a glimpse of your friend, Alex, in passing, but he's a handsome man. When Jake dropped me off earlier, Alex was leaving with Dante.”

“They were going to Barney's for a quick bite and then I heard something about them heading over to Ben and Caroline's to make some repairs,” Nicole said. “Alex's grandfather was a plumber, and Alex used to help him during school breaks and summer vacation. So, he offered to help if he could.” She shook her head and smiled. “Sometimes I think Caroline might deliberately sabotage little things around their house.”

Julia lowered another cookie sheet on the counter then pulled off her oven mitts. “I think she just might, now that you mention it. Caroline loves the company, and I know she misses having her own and Ben's kids nearby.”

Julia dropped onto a stool on the opposite side of the counter. “You must be so pleased with the interview. Amanda told me it's already been picked up by three major networks and will be featured internationally no later than Monday. I think that's great, and the news coverage will bring Starlight Soccer some great advance publicity. From what Dante said, the phone's already been ringing off the wall with requests for interviews.”

Nicole's eyes widened, and she stared at Julia. She couldn't explain it—reporter's intuition, perhaps—but she knew. “Julia, you're the one who arranged for me to do the interview, aren't you?”

The oven timer buzzed, and Julia hopped to her feet, tugging on an oven mitt. “Doesn't really matter. The main thing is how great the interview was.”

The last bit of tension slowly drained from Nicole's body. If someone had told her she'd be sharing this conversation with Jake's wife—in Amanda's kitchen—she'd never have believed it possible. Yet, it was better than nice. Julia was absolutely wonderful, and from all appearances the ideal helpmate for Jake. That's all she could have ever wanted for him.

If she lived in Starlight, Nicole knew they'd be good friends. Julia and Amanda were two of the most balanced, even-keeled, genuine, and godly women she'd ever met.

Nicole concentrated on sprinkling blue sugar crystals on a batch of cookies shaped like snowflakes. “I imagine Jake's told you a few things about me.”

“He told me nothing except how wonderful you are. You're on my husband's prayer list. The one he keeps in his Bible.”

Nicole knew about that prayer list. She'd prayed with Jake on many occasions. Still, Julia had to be completely secure in Jake's love to share something like that with her. That revelation made her like Julia all that much more. “He still prays for me?”

“Sure. We both do.”

Nicole swallowed and lowered her gaze. “Once Jake met you, I figured he'd forgotten all about me. I was there that night, you know. The night you two met. Loitering on the man's porch and then practically stalking him at Regency Hall.” What possessed her to admit to such a thing?

Julia's smile was kind. “It's not possible to just sweep someone out of your life, especially someone who meant a great deal to you. Deep down, would you even want to? I mean, you haven't forgotten about Jake, have you?” When Julia paused, Nicole looked up at her again.

“I understand you were hurt and maybe angry, and I'm sure you couldn't just push him out of your thoughts and your life.”

“No, of course not,” Nicole said. “As you know, Jake's incredibly special. I feel pretty strange admitting that to you, of all people. No offense.” She never expected to find an unlikely ally in this woman, but Julia's generous spirit and compassion shone through in everything she said and did.

“It doesn't need to be awkward between us, Nicole. I'd like to be your friend, if you'll allow me.”

Nicole forced down the lump stuck in her throat. “I'd really like that.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I have someone here who needs to be fed.” They both turned as Amanda walked into the kitchen carrying one of Julia's darling twins.

“Which one is this?” Nicole asked, knowing the boys were identical.

“This is Benjamin. I'll show you one way we can tell.” Lifting her sleepy son from Amanda's arms, Julia kissed the child's rosy cheek and then tickled his tummy. When he let out an infectious belly laugh, Nicole spied the same telltale, one-sided dimple Ben inherited from his father.

Amanda sampled one of the decorated sugar cookies. “These are absolutely scrumptious. They'll be a big hit with the kids tonight. And the adults.” She gave Nicole a wink. “Now, it's time to start making ourselves beautiful for the Mistletoe Dance. Don't you just love Starlight?”

“Amen to that,” Julia said.

Nicole whispered in her heart.




At Barney's Diner with Dante and Jake, Alex chuckled at the way Caroline Picasso plied him with questions worthy of a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist. He didn't know these people, but he already adored them for the way they loved Nicole. After only a few hours in Starlight, he could better understand Nicole's deep-seated affection for the people and this terrific little town.

Taking his cue from Dante, Alex avoided Caroline's coffee after hearing it was strong enough to bring grown men to tears. As they ate, Jake and Dante filled him in on a bit of the town's history and its residents. The combination of Caroline's lively banter with patrons, and Jake and Dante's stories, kept him laughing. His meal consisted of a Delicious Dante's Pastrami Sandwich and cup of Jake's Jumpin' Chili.

After lunch, as they drove through the streets of Starlight on the way to the Picasso home, Alex noted it was every bit as quaint as Nicole said—almost like a town frozen in time. Lights were strung along the storefronts and twinkling in the trees, and holiday shoppers darted in and out of stores. An old stone church sat in the center of town, and Dante told him the townspeople staged a live nativity on Christmas Eve. Light snow fell, adding to the charm of the festive scene all around them.

Now, flat on his back beneath Caroline and Ben Picasso's kitchen sink, Alex waited for Jake to retrieve the tool box and hand him a medium wrench. Dante departed the kitchen with Caroline's husband, Ben, and Alex heard them discussing a crack in a back bedroom showerhead. He couldn't believe he was doing home repairs in between filming a life-changing interview for Nicole and going to the Mistletoe Dance. What a great day. Ranked right up there among the top days of his life, and the day was only half over.

“Here you go.” Jake crouched down and handed him the wrench. “Thanks for volunteering to help with the repairs. Plumbing's not my specialty. Dylan's better at it, but he took his kids Christmas shopping this afternoon.”

“Glad to help. My grandpa was a plumber, and I used to tag along on a lot of his jobs. Picked up a few things here and there. I like working with my hands and it's cathartic, in a way.” Alex took the wrench from Jake. “Let me see if I've got this right. Dylan's your wife's brother, and Dante's wife, Amanda, is your sister?”

“Right. Pretty good for a newcomer,” Jake said. “Dylan's also my sergeant in the Starlight Fire Department. The family trees around Starlight have far-reaching branches. Meaning we're all more or less related to everyone else in town. Where are you from?”

They talked for a couple of minutes as Alex worked and discovered they had more in common than Alex would have thought.

“Amanda tells me Nicole got a great interview with Dante this morning,” Jake said.

Alex was glad Jake couldn't see his smile, thankful the other man had broached the subject about Nicole and the interview. “Yes, she did. Nicole's a fabulous reporter and an amazing woman.” He made sure he elevated his voice. Maybe he'd said it to get Nicole's ex-boyfriend's reaction, but his underlying motivation was to gauge whether things might be awkward when the two inevitably saw each other later in the evening. “I hope you don't mind my mentioning it, but I understand you two dated a few years ago.”

“We did.” Jake handed him a bigger wrench after Alex asked for it. “But Nicole had stars in her eyes and needed more than what I—or Starlight—could offer. She wanted to see the world, experience more of life. Nothing wrong with that. I'm very happy for her success. So, have you been a cameraman long?”

Alex chuckled as he finished tightening the connection. “Nope. This is my first official assignment although I've manned a camera a few times.”

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