Slick as Ides (35 page)

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Authors: Chanse Lowell,K. I. Lynn,Lynda Kimpel

BOOK: Slick as Ides
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I nod and hug her tight.

“Sounds like you’ve been feeling guilty. How about some anal to make it up to me?” I smirk.

“I’m not into butt-fucking,” she says, then yawns and stretches. “You know this. I feel bad, but not
bad about what I did.”

“You’re into it now. Anal’s just become your new favorite hobby.”

“Am not. Think of how repellent those germs are. Defecation isn’t a laughing matter,” she says, narrowing her eyes at me.

She tries to sit up, but my knee goes on her belly, and I pin her in place.

“You’re telling me you won’t let me fuck your beautiful ass. Are you trying to wound me?” I peer into her eyes.

She chokes on a laugh and her chest lifts a little with each chuckle. “Not having anal sex is not gonna kill you.”

“It sure will. I’ve gotta have you—
of you, and if I don’t get my way . . .”

? Invent a chip that sends impulse waves to my ass, telling it to open up and say ahhhh?” She shakes her head and sighs like I’m a hilarious joke.

“That’s not a bad idea. Let’s get started on that model. God, can you imagine the millions I’ll make on that chip? I’ll call it the sex chip. It’ll have a nudity button, where the woman has to strip down wherever she is. It’ll have a cocksucking button, so she puckers up and sucks that dick harder and deeper than she ever thought possible. It’ll have a—”

“I only make positive inventions—
know—things that actually help humanity,” she says and caresses my knee, now digging into her.

“Oh, shit, sorry!” I remove it and kiss her chest.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re torn up over it and you’ll have a chip that apologizes for you, too.” She slides up to sitting, and I straddle her thighs.

“I’m not kidding, Ides. We can do this. We can invent shit together and make millions.”

She blinks and goes silent.

“What? What’s wrong? You don’t trust me to work with you on your stuff?” My heart yanks to the side and is replaced with a dead weight when her face goes stony. “That’s it—you don’t trust me. And we just said . . .”

I move off her and stand up, pacing right away.

“No, I . . .”

“You what? I can fuck you until you walk all bow-legged like John Wayne, and you can squirt all over me even if it grosses you out because of possible piss germs, but you won’t share a moment of your genius with me?” My fist flies out, and I punch the wall.

“You think I’m a genius?” she whispers, her eyes wide and her mouth forming in an O.

“You know you’re a genius—stop fucking with me,” I say, throwing my hands up in the air.

I turn around, pick up the deck chair and chuck it out into the goddamn wilderness.

“Unfuckingbelievable.” I turn to her, my eyes slits and my breathing harsh. “Do you know what you mean to me? I haven’t stolen a fucking thing since I took that remote from you. I knew you didn’t approve, so I stopped. Plus, I was really doing it because I worked for my dad. I even cut back on drinking—all for you. I’d give you all my best ideas and swallow my planet-sized ego so you could improve on them, and

She winces.

“You won’t even share a damn idea with me.” I turn away from her. The stinging at the back of my eyes is unbearable.

I run my hands through my hair and choke back the names I wanna call my pussy-self.

A moment later, a soft, warm mouth is landing on the back of my shoulder.

“You done with your rant so I can speak now? Sounds like I need to share what else I want to give you.”

I turn to her and grip her arms. “Why? Why can’t you love me like I do you? Why can’t you see you’re everything to me?”

She smiles and it’s soft and warm and genuine, and fuck, I think I love her even more now, even if she’s about to kick the shit out of me even harder than she has before in the past.

She places a finger over my lips.

“I love that you’re such a douche-bag sometimes—stealing shit. But you’re right—I don’t want you to do that anymore, except . . .” I blink and try to nod, but she keeps going “. . . except in the case that we might need to protect ourselves or steal stuff back that someone else takes from us.” She bites the corner of her lip and her smile grows wider.

“Ussss?” I hiss between her fingers.

“That’s right. I already filed to change the name of my company to Vaporides Inc.”

“Holy shit,” I whimper, her finger muffling me.

“Shut up. I’m not done,” she says, her eyes all sparkly and girlie and shit. I kiss her finger—want to suck it and bite it, like she did to me.

“Our first project—is to dismantle your dad’s business. Knowing him, he won’t die, and we’ll need to take him down. I have the codes for a prototype he was building. I wanted your DNA when I took that sample in case I wasn’t able to get ahold of his. I got it, though.”

Her fingers slide down my chin, then over my Adam’s apple, across my sternum and straight down to my cock. My body ripples with pleasure under her soft, unhurried touch.

“You put your chip in me back at the hotel in San Diego, didn’t you?”

“I did.” She smiles. “I want you to have full access to everything I do. You can walk right into Vaporides Inc. and do whatever you like.”

“God, I love you,” I say.

“I know. You
love me, since I let you fuck me in dirt and grime. I’m sure I’m swimming in untold of diseases that have yet to be discovered.”

“I love it when you talk dirty like that.” I grab her into my arms and pinch her ass.

She squirms and says, “Don’t you wanna know what the prototype is for?”

I kiss her neck and my hands grip her ass. “Mmm . . . No, but I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.”

My entire body pulses around her, and I’m rocking into her, my chest curling around her as I taste the muck and shit she professes is clinging to her body from my disgusting way of fucking her out in the open—out in the wild.

“He took my biggest idea—the one Tyson ran off with—my ex,” she begins.

I pull away and glower at her. “I don’t ever wanna hear about another man you’ve ever touched. Not Riot, not—”

“But don’t you wanna hear about what I found out about Tyson?”

“No! Especially not him. You were gonna suck his dick, if I remember correctly.”

She nods her head and smiles. “But I didn’t get to.”

“Thanks be to Jesus and all his millions of microchips,” I say.

“You’ll want to know this, I guarantee it.” She pushes at my chest to get away.

I grip her tighter and suck at the curve of her neck.

“Okay, so I’ll skip the stuff about Tyson, since this big ol’ baby can’t handle it, but your dad stole my slimboy and was rigging it up to suck up security codes. It meant he’d be able to break into any place at all he pleased.”

I pull away enough so I can look her in the eye. “No shit? He found a way to make the rocket work?”

?” Her face pinches, and her eyes are filled with doubt.

“Yeah.” I chuckle. “I was trying to make this rock-like object that could be tossed down a chimney and disrupt security systems. I had Westin fooled for a while that it worked on your place. It didn’t. Jason was helping me get in.”

She smacks my chest. “You jerk—breaking in uninvited all the time. You nearly gave me a heart-attack each time, and your dad told me he was gonna kill me if I didn’t find a way to keep you out permanently.”

“What a dick.” I sway her back and forth.

“Yeah, he’s a big dick. I think yours is bigger though.” She grins wider.

“Promise? Don’t be a dirty bitch if you’re not gonna back that shit up.”

“Promise,” she says, crossing her heart then sucking on that very finger that just swore.

“Prove it,” I say, and I shove her onto to her knees. “Open wide and say ahhh.”

She not only drops her mouth open, but she reaches back, grabs my ass, and slams me forward into her mouth.

“That’s my dirty bitch,” I moan, and she has me harder than fuck in no time at all.

Chapter 21


“Got it,” I say, starting the engine.

Westin hops on his bike and follows behind me.

We part ways at the intersection, and a few hours later, we’re at our new location.

“What color do you want it?” he asks as I roll into the garage and park.

“She doesn’t like silver, so none of that. Go with basic black and maybe some purple streaks on the sides?” I grin and stare at the car.

He smiles and salutes.

“I’ll be back in a few hours. I need to take care of something else.” I get in her Veyron she’d let Riot borrow after their parting in San Diego, then I disappear down the road.

When I finally get home later in the day, Dena’s napping.

She looks beautiful and so peaceful, but I need to fuck her.

I strip down and yank it for a second as I watch over her sleeping form.

Before I get going, I reach over to the nightstand, squirt some homemade lube onto my hand and slick my cock up.

She’s got little purple panties on. Too bad I’ll have to break them.

I crawl up on the bed, cut them off with my knife and before she inhales, I’m inside her.

“Shit . . . You feel good,” I moan, gripping her hips and riding her hard.

“Nick, what’re you . . .” She glances down between our legs to find me fucking her.

“Yeah, I missed you . . . God, you’re so tight when you’re half-asleep,” I say, humming low in my chest at all the sensations she creates inside me. Just looking at her makes my body vibrate with energy. “So fucking snug, and insanely perfect.”

“Did you get my message?” she asks and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

“Yeah, I heard it, nasty girl. Making me hard like that—not right.” I thrust harder. “You’re so beautiful right now—all flushed already from me, even though I’ve barely started fucking you. You feel how hard you made me?”

“You deserved to be tortured like that, you ass. I heard what you were doing. Westin told me.” She flips me off and bites her lip like she wants to bite me.

“He’s such a tattle tale.” I chuckle. “You knew I’d eventually steal my bike back. I love that bike.”

“You could’ve bought it back,” she says, and then she breaks into a caterwaul as I pinch her clit.

“I could buy you anything you want, but I had to do this . . .”

“Why?” she manages to choke out between breathless, heaving sighs.

“To show you I’ve still got bigger balls than you.” I spread her legs real wide, and she flinches for a second, telling me I’m pushing her muscles too far. I let them inch back up, but only enough so it’s not hurting her.

I lean over her chest, and her nipples brush against me.

“Guess who had my bike? And don’t say it—I know you’re already aware—but that asshole wasn’t going to sell it back to me,” I say, nipping at her jaw. “He’s been trying to find you, the ugly shit.”

“Tyson . . . ? How . . . is . . . he?” she cries out with each harsh slam of my cock into her.

“He’s a fucking loser, that’s how he is. He doesn’t have you, and I do, and he can’t have anything that’s mine.” I dig my fingers into her as I hold her legs in place.

“He’s an investor in the metals we use for our . . . Oh God . . . Don’t stop . . . Shit, Vapor . . . That’s it, this bitch wants . . . Oh, god, ohgodohgodoh gaaaaawd!” She claws at my dick, feels it slick and sliding in and out of her, touching with her fingertips, almost worshiping our bodies joining together.

She’ll be sanitizing her hands like crazy later because of this.

“Whose pussy is this? And who has the only cock you’ll ever suck for the rest of your life?” I grip my fingers deeper into her thighs.

“It’s all yours—
” Her back bows off the bed.

“Damn fucking straight it is. We’re not taking shit from him. I don’t want his money funding anything you do.” I hold my breath for a second to fend off my orgasm. It’s too soon. She’s not there yet.

She nods, and her eyes close—a look of pure ecstasy on her face.

I pound into her, and we both go silent—no more words, only heated looks, groans of pleasure and her gushing all over me as I make her come hard.

I kiss gently and lick at all the places I was too rough with her. Over time, I keep thinking I’ll be less crazed for her, but if anything, I seem to need her more and am constantly ravenous for her.

Everything about her makes me crazy for her.

So crazy I just had an entire conversation with her while I fucked her, because damn if I was gonna wait ‘til later.

Both were pressing and needed to be dealt with.

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