S&M III, Vol. II (25 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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“Yeah, I’m calling your ass, Mr. Adweek motherfucker,” David Costa replied.

“Three years in a row,” Scott corrected.

“It’s because you fucked the judges,” David replied back.

“They’re guys.”

“And again, it’s because you fucked the judges,” David laughed.

“What’s going on, man?”

“Me, Paul, and the women are going on a little trip to Vegas. We want to see what you and Jeff were up to and maybe if y’all wanted to tag along?”

“Whose plane?” Scott gave Mariana a generous reward and signed out of her account.


“Damn straight, we’ll go.” Scott laughed. “It’ll be a good trip for Mariana to meet everyone finally.”

“About to make it official?”

“Everyday it’s getting closer,” Scott admitted, “just waiting for the right time.”

“I feel the same way about Tori,” Dave replied, “I think she might be The One, too.”

“Well, you have dated her for over a year,” Scott replied, “that’s longer than your union with Amy, counting your marriage.”

“You won’t let live that one down, huh?”

“Hell, no,” Scott laughed. There was a knock on his door and Jeff came in. “Hey, I gotta go, man. I’ll holler at you later.” He hung up. “My man,” Scott gave a bro hug to Jeff. “Thanks for meeting me on short notice.”

“I got you, baby,” Jeff sat down across from Scott, “what’s going on?”

Scott felt a little embarrassed at the question he was about to propose. “I need your help because you’re an expert at this.”

Jeff raised an eyebrow. “An expert at what?”

“Being romantic and all that shit,” Scott shrugged.

“Okay, that right there? What you just did?” Jeff pointed out. “Yeah, you need to work on that.”

“For real, I have a list of things coming up and I need your help,” Scott was serious.

“Like what?”

Scott walked back to his desk and found his notes. “Let’s see, I have Valentine’s Day coming up. Her birthday is on March 25th. Our one-year anniversary is in May.”

“Isn’t she graduating this year?” Jeff asked.

“And she’s probably going to want something for all of those occasions.” Scott wanted to give Mariana something nice for each occasion but he didn’t want to spend too much. He still had a mortgage. “Why in the hell are women so damn expensive?”

“You think shit’s expensive now, wait until you get married and have kids,” Jeff rubbed his temple, “you’ll be broker than a motherfucker.”

“Oh, speaking of going for broke, the Twins invited us to Vegas with their women.”

David Costa and Paul Williams were notorious playboys around neighboring Cathedral Springs. Their nicknames were the Stamina Twins due to their prowess inside the bedroom and boardroom. “How many of them?”

“I guess one each.”

Jeff thought he misheard. “Dave and Paul?”

“Dave and Paul.”

“One each?”

“Dave was talking about settling.”

“You know I remember years ago…years ago…all of you assholes gave me grief about getting married to Bella.
especially!” Jeff pointed as Scott laughed. “And now lookahere…five years later and your ass coming to me for financial advice on how to make it romantic for your girl.”

Scott conceded, “I’ll admit I was a little stubborn.”

“A little?” Jeff scoffed. “You look up stubborn in the dictionary and there’s a picture of your ass right underneath it.”

“All right, all right. I’ll admit I was a hard ass. But I really need your help on this. I already got her the whip for Christmas. I need to do something nice for her on Valentine’s, since it’s coming up.”

“Since Valentine’s and her birthday are right next to each other, do a nice romantic picnic for her Valentine’s and Catalina for her birthday.” Jeff suggested, “Save the proposal for a separate occasion that’s not her birthday or anything major.”

“Why not the proposal?” Scott asked.

“And be like every other man who proposes to their girl on Valentine’s or on their birthday?” Jeff dismissed the idea. “She deserves better. The picnic for Valentine’s and Catalina for her b-day. It’s quiet, romantic, and will give you two a chance to get out of L.A. for a minute and just chill.”

“And that’s why you’re my bro,” Scott pounded fists with Jeff.

“Romance is part of the game, baby,” Jeff smiled, “getting her ain’t a challenge. It’s keeping her and keeping it hot and fresh. Now that’s the challenge.”

“Catalina,” Scott nodded in agreement, “I like that.”

“Anything else?” Jeff asked.

“Actually, yes,” Scott leaned forward, “I’m taking Mari to a
play party

play party
, huh?” Jeff smiled. “You think she’s ready for that?”

Scott shrugged. “She says she is, so we’ll see. She’s been a great submissive and willing to do whatever I ask of her. I suggested the play party, but she insisted on going.”

“And what’s going to happen after that party?”

“I don’t know,” Scott rubbed his chin. The
play party
was either going to strengthen their union or break it. “I guess we’ll see what happens when we get home.”



A few hours had passed since Mariana’s presentation; the day had flown by. She had worked on the Guess advertising budget and keeping revising it until she was sure the figures were settled.  Chris had put her in charge of the budget and the pressure was on. If Mariana messed up, there wasn’t a doubt Scott would be angry. Both of their reputations were on the line.

But if she did well, Mariana was guaranteed a position with McCormick and Sheppard. She would finally ‘make it.’ Mariana thought about her old life:  how she would scrounge laundry money for Del Taco. Deciding which bills to pay and which ones she could hold off until the following month. How much gas she would put in her tank to get from A to B.

Now she was driving a Mercedes, living in a home, was going to graduate soon, and was on the cusp of an engagement. Her dreams were coming true, and she still couldn’t wrap her head around it. Scott gave her a polished look with the toys but it was her hard work that propelled her. She was determined to be the best employee McCormick and Sheppard had seen since…well, since Scott.

Mariana was gathering her items when Scott surprised her. “I need you to stay a little late.” He approached her desk.

“Sure thing, Mr. Reed,” she sat back down in her chair. “Is there a problem?”

Scott walked into Mariana’s cubicle and leaned against her desk. “I’m going to send you something and I need you to complete it tonight. I ordered takeout for you so kick off your heels and get comfortable.” Scott replied. “I’ll let you work alone since you’re going to need all of your focus on this project.”

“Where would you be?” Mariana asked. It was already six and they were the only ones left in the building.

“I’ll be in my office,” Scott smiled. He glanced at his watch. “I’m going to meet the delivery guy downstairs. You can go ahead and start it if you like.” He smiled and walked off.

Mariana logged back onto her computer and saw an e-mail from Scott. The title of the e-mail was “For Your Eyes Only.” Mariana opened the email and read the instructions.

My pet, you said you wanted to go to a play party and I want to fulfill that wish. There are a set of rules you should follow:

Please answer the survey questions truthfully. This survey can only benefit you, not me. 

Feel free to take breaks if you want.

When you’re done, click on ‘send’ and wait for me. I’ll come meet you at your desk.

Mariana let out a deep breath. She didn’t see the purpose of the survey, for Scott knew her likes and dislikes. He knew what got her off and what didn’t. Mariana took off her shoes and got comfortable. She pulled down her hair and clicked to the next screen.

Her eyes narrowed in on the question. She should’ve been surprised by what she saw but she wasn’t. Her cheeks were aflame with embarrassment. She immediately knew what type of survey it was based on the first question.

Have you ever had a facial?

Mariana had a feeling Scott didn’t mean the beauty treatment. She answered no. The next survey question popped up.

Will you be willing to have one?

There was a space for the answer; her Dom wanted an explanation. Mariana typed in her response and clicked send. The next screen popped up.

How do you feel about having sex in front of an audience?

Mariana thought for a moment. How big of an audience was Scott suggesting?  A couple of people? A group? A stadium filled with people?

Mariana typed in her response and moved to the next screen.

Have you ever masturbated in front of a partner? If so, how did you like it? Would you want to do it again?

Mariana briefly scanned her sexual history. She always considered masturbation such an intimate and alone act, she hadn’t thought about sharing it with a guy. She had guys masturbate in front her, and she thought that was awkward as hell. She answered the question and moved on.

Would you be open to having anal play?

Scott played with her ass on their vacation, and it had felt surprisingly good. It felt great, actually.  Past lovers had been invasive and tried to force the action, but Scott was amazingly gentle.  Mariana thought hard about her answer.  If she said no, Scott would oblige; no questions asked.  But that would be it.

But if I said yes…
her Lord would be more than accommodating.  He would ease her into it.  He would probably start off with beads or a plug, gradually increasing the length and width until she would be willing to accept His cock. Mariana smiled confidently as she typed in her answer and clicked the next page.

Would you want to have sexual relations with another man?

Mariana typed in her answer and proceeded to the next one.

Would you want to have sexual relations with another woman?

Mariana raised an eyebrow.
We’re on this shit again?
She typed in her answer and went to the next page.

Would you want foot worship?

Mariana scanned her memory. What was foot worship? She wanted to do a quick search online but knew that would be cheating and her Lord would be able to tell. She answered and clicked to the next screen.

Would you like to have wax play done?

Mariana narrowed her eyes.
What in the hell is wax play?
She had learned so many things about BDSM and it felt like everything escaped her memory with the survey. She answered and went to the next screen.

Would you want race play?

Mariana couldn’t shake her head fast enough. She may not have remembered everything about BDSM, but she definitely remembered what
race play
was and was not having a part of it.

Would you do anything I ask, no questions asked?

Mariana thought for a moment. Scott—her boyfriend—never asked for too much. Scott—her Dom—always pushed her to the limit. He always tested her to see how far she could go and how far she would let Him.

She was confused on the hesitation.  Did she
want to do everything that her Dom asked?  What if He wanted her to do some things she would regret?  What if He wanted her to do some things
would regret?

Mariana remembered Scott’s words.
You deserve more than just being a fuck buddy or my sub. You deserve the best, and I’m willing to give it to you. All I ask is that you be completely loyal and devoted to me only. I’m going to need to trust you. The moment I can’t, it’s officially over between us.

He would never hurt her, and all He wanted was her trust in Him. She typed in her response and pressed send. The next screen popped up.

What are you afraid of?

Mariana could think of a lot of things she was afraid of. Heights. Scary movies. Being stuck on the freeway and needing to go pee. Those weren’t the fears her Lord was asking her about, and she knew it. What were her sexual fears? What scared her? What made her tremble?

Mariana typed in her answer and clicked send. The next screen popped up.
Thank you, My pet. The survey is over now. Please wait for My next instruction.

Scott was on his way back up with dinner and He was going to see the results of the survey. Mariana was so nervous about His reaction, she had already lost her appetite.


Scott brought Chinese takeout and placed it on a nearby desk across from Mariana’s. “Eat. You look famished.” He instructed.

“I am, my Lord,” Mariana began to open the various boxes and fixed her plate.

Scott fixed his plate and walked back to his office and closed the door behind him. Mariana just stared at the door, hoping she didn’t anger her Dom with the answers she gave Him.

Waiting was the worst part.


Scott opened up the survey Mariana sent to him. It was a short survey; he hadn’t wanted to take up a lot of time asking her a variety of questions. He knew some of her limits, but he wanted to know all of them. He began eating as he looked at her answers.

Have you ever had a facial?


Will you be willing to have one?

Yes, as long it doesn’t get in my hair.

How do you feel about having sex in front of an audience?

I’m open to it.

Have you ever masturbated in front of a partner? If so, how did you like it? Would you want to do it again?

I haven’t masturbated in front of a partner. I would consider doing it if requested.

Would you be open to having anal play?


Would you want to have sexual relations with another man?

No. You’re all I want.

Would you want to have sexual relations with another woman?

No. You’re all I want.

Would you want foot worship?

I’m not familiar with that term, my Lord.

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