S&M III, Vol. II (11 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Deborah and Scott’s father, Andrew, divorced when Scott was still a child, no older than ten. He was given the option of going to live with his father or stay with his mother and sister, and to Deborah’s surprise, he stayed with her. He always remained close with his father and never played sides. When Deborah asked Scott why he had chosen to stay home, he simply replied, “Because I wanted to. That’s all.” There was nothing more to it than that.

She had encouraged Scott to pursue his dreams and explore the world. He would always bring her gifts from Italy, Australia, China, and the South American countries he loved to visit. He was a top executive at his company and was involved in side businesses with his friends as a silent partner that added to his already enormous wealth. He sent money to her every month to make sure her bills were paid and gave her a generous amount to go out shopping somewhere. Deborah couldn’t have been prouder. She beamed whenever someone asked how he was doing and the conversation would turn into a ten-minute Scott love fest.

Deborah checked the time on the grandfather clock. Scott and his girlfriend should be arriving soon.
His girlfriend
, Deborah smirked,
another Black one.
She wished Scott would find a nice Southern girl and settle down. Deborah knew she was biased, but she always felt Southern women were where it was at.

They were the type of woman who would always guarantee a home-cooked meal at night and pressed shirts in the morning. A Southern woman would figure out a way to get a stain out of a shirt without having to send it to the cleaners for a rip-off price. Southern women, according to Deborah, were the best.

Scott was smart but stubborn, Deborah admitted. Since the Great Disaster, he was in no rush to get married or even having a live-in girlfriend. Now he was bringing the first girl home to meet his family in Lord knows how long. In every conversation she had with him, he had never mentioned a girlfriend or even a potential love interest. He seemed disinterested and even heartless. Now after seven years, he was finally bringing home someone.
Another Black one.

She’d seen a picture of Mariana and thought she was beautiful. Petite—maybe
petite. Deborah was convinced the girl needed a cheeseburger or something. She had long hair and a warm smile. She could see why her son was smitten with her. She did appear to be genuine. Then again, so did Caprina.

The name alone made Deborah shudder. She despised that woman with everything she had, and if the opportunity presented itself, she wouldn’t hesitate to knock her into next week. It was bad enough she was splashed all over her TV again. Whenever she went to the supermarket, it was guaranteed Deborah would see Caprina’s conniving face on the tabloids. Another failed relationship. The great Caprina Waters was once again single and milking the publicity for all it was worth. No one could understand why Caprina couldn’t keep a man, but Deborah thought the answer was pretty simple.

You can’t turn a whore into a housewife.



Mariana looked at Scott before her eyes trailed down to his lack of clothing. “There’s a reason why you’re half naked.”

“Funny how a root beer float can soak up a man’s jeans and T-shirt,” he replied.

“I should’ve known you were behind this,” Mariana shook her head. “First, you lie, then you call the cops on me. What’s next? The fun doesn’t seem to stop with you.”

“You weren’t going to get very far without an ID, anyway.” Scott leaned against the side of the car, “at some point, you were going to be stuck.”

“Stuck anywhere but with you,” she shot back.

Scott nodded. “I accept that.”

“Oh, there’s more from where that came from, if you want to listen to it.”

Scott softly sighed. “I want to explain why I brought you here.”

“Why you brought me here? For some twisted Mammie experiment? For Show and Tell? Is that why you like me calling you
isn’t it? You get off having a Black woman as a slave! Fine, you have some ’splaining to do? Do it! Please tell me why,

Scott pulled Mariana over his knee and crushed his hand against her ass. He slapped her ass a few more times just for good measure. She murmured in pleasure. “Good. Now that I got you to finally shut up, let me explain,” He helped her stand back up, “I brought you here to prove a point to my family.”

“And what would that be?”

“That I don’t care what they think,” Scott let out a heavy sigh. “Look, I was in a relationship before with a Black woman that ended very badly.  Ever since then, my mom and my sister think every Black woman they see is the devil. Do I think they’re right in believing that? No, but I can understand why they do.”

“So I just accept them?”

“You don’t have to accept shit.” Scott was already exhausted by his heavy heart. “I’m letting you know so you can be prepared for them. They both know about you and I’ve sent them pictures of you, so they are fully aware you’re Black,” he paused, “they’ve been aware.”

“For how long?” She asked.

Scott first mentioned Mariana a month ago. “For a while now.”

Mariana wasn’t sure if she should’ve been happy or angry. Scott loved her enough to tell his bigoted family. On the other hand, he had kept that news from her. “I don’t know what to say right now.”

“I understand you’re angry, but you have to trust me: I didn’t do this to embarrass you or get some wicked pleasure from seeing you humiliated,” Scott unlocked Mariana’s handcuffs and gently massaged her wrists, “but if you want to leave me, I understand.”

“This isn’t something I can just get over easily because you feel guilty.” Mariana stood her ground. “No amount of fancy shoes or handbags is going to ease you out of this fuck-up, Scott. What you did was not cool.”

“I know and I’m sorry, really I am.” There was sincerity in his voice. “I hope you can forgive me.”

Mariana didn’t want to. She would’ve loved to stay mad at him for the rest of the trip. But she couldn’t do it. She loved him too much. “I forgive you.”

“Good,” Scott kissed Mariana’s forehead. “We have a bit of time before we head over to my mother’s for dinner. Let’s go back to the hotel to freshen up and relax.”

“That sounds good,” Mariana smiled. “I think we both need to chill right now.”

“Yes,” Scott smiled, “I think we should chill. Let’s shower when we get back to the room to freshen up.”


Mariana stepped into the shower and let the warm water beat on her skin. She stood underneath the shower head and closed her eyes, feeling the water pour on her face. Scott joined behind her and pressed his body against hers. “I’m sorry, Mari,” he kissed her earlobe, “I’m really sorry.”

Mariana’s shoulders dropped upon hearing her boyfriend’s apology. Scott wouldn’t have apologized if he didn’t truly mean it. “Forgiven,” she whispered.

Scott turned Mariana around and lifted her face to his, staring into the depths of her doe-brown eyes. “I promise to protect you, no matter what happens.”

“Even from your family?” Mariana asked.

“From everyone,” Scott replied. His lips met hers and they softly kissed. Scott wrapped his arms around Mariana’s back and slid his hands down, cupping her firm and tight ass. “I love you, baby,” he whispered.

“I love you, too, honey,” she replied.

Scott bathed his girlfriend, soaping the loofah and spreading it over her body. He washed every curve and between her legs. He then adjusted the showerhead to rinse Mariana off. Mariana took the loofah from Scott and began to wash her lover’s body, soaping up his muscular body. She looked into his eyes as she washed him. Scott was all she ever needed and wanted. She couldn’t see her future without him.

After Mariana rinsed Scott off, the lovers dried themselves. Scott picked up Mariana and carried her to the bed. He removed the towels from their bodies and took out a small vial of baby oil. He poured some into his hands and rubbed the sweet jasmine oil all over Mariana’s body. He turned her onto her stomach and lightly massaged her back, kneading his fingers gently into her flesh.

Scott turned Mariana on her back and nestled between her legs. He looked into her eyes and didn’t have to say one word. They both read each other’s eyes and felt the overwhelming love and desire between them.

He sheathed himself inside her, their bodies melting and becoming one. They rocked slowly as their tongues danced and lips found each other. Her heat tightly welcomed him once again as he moved inside her, faster and faster, and she met him stroke for stroke. Mariana’s soft murmurs gradually morphed into moans as she clawed and gnashed against her lover’s hot skin. She was thirsty for his love, his touch, and his warm embrace.

Higher and higher they both climbed until she climaxed first, then he shortly afterward. He eased himself off her lithe body and lay beside her, his hands protecting her. Mariana soon drifted off into a small sleep while Scott lay awake and stared at the ceiling before him. He decided right then and there he would protect Mariana, no matter the cost.

Even if it meant his sanity.



as it was known during the sweltering summer months. The opportunity was ever-present. Everyone was an aspiring something—model, rapper, actor, director, singer. The atmosphere was thick with love and warmth. Caprina felt like she could truly be herself in Atlanta. She had a few friends in the city and would stop by the see them later in the week.

Her primary focus was Scotty and his new little girlfriend, Margie.
Caprina silently scolded herself.
Her name is Mariana.
Caprina would have to try harder to remember that chick’s name.

The chauffeured limo dropped her off at the Mandarin Oriental hotel where the concierge was waiting for her. She walked to the front desk to get her key. “Yes, I have a reservation,” Caprina took out her driver’s license, “under Ricci Jenkins.” She could’ve booked the hotel under Caprina but didn’t want to risk Scott finding out she was there before she was ready. She needed to make an appearance.

“Sure thing, Ms. Jenkins,” The hotel clerk handed her her reservation along with room key. “There you go. Enjoy your stay.”

“Oh, I will.” Caprina began to walk away before she turned and addressed the clerk, “by chance, have an older White gentleman and a younger Black female checked in yet?”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, I’m not allowed to give out that information,” the clerk said.

Caprina felt a tingle in her spine when the clerk addressed her as
It brought back many great memories.
Yes, Ma’am. I will, Ma’am. Don’t worry about it, Ma’am. Can I cum, Ma’am?
“Don’t worry about it. Thank you,” she nodded and walked away.

After Caprina arrived at her room, she took off her heels and fell onto the bed. Scott was going to be in Decatur for a while. He was going to see old friends and family. He was going to take Mariana on a tour of the city. They would probably go shopping and spend New Year’s Eve doing something special and romantic.

And then…and then… Caprina gulped. She didn’t want to think about what was going to happen next.
He’s going to fuck her brains out.

There is a fine line between ambition and impatience. The level of success always determined which side of the coin a person fell on. When it came to her career, Caprina was ambitious. When it came to her personal affairs, Caprina was impatient.

Sarah was taking too damn long, Caprina determined. How hard could it be to fake remorse and guilt and make up with a person? Caprina was practically an expert at it since she had been doing it so long. But rushing Sarah would only make matters worse. She needed to take her time on this. She needed to have Scott when she was ready for him. No. She needed
to be ready for her.

And then there was the issue with Sarah. How in the hell was she going to get rid of her? A brilliant plan formed in Caprina’s mind. She’d call up one of her famous friends at the agency and ask them if they could take on her new protégé. Sarah would be booked with so many photo shoots, she wouldn’t even think about Scott—or her for that matter. She would be far, far away from the situation.

Still, time was running out. The longer Scott was with his young little girlfriend, the harder it was going to be for Caprina to pry him out of Melissa’s arms. Wait, her name is Melanie. No, that’s not it. Her name is Mariana. Caprina took out a notepad and wrote it down. She must not forget that little girl’s name.

Mariana. Mariana. Mariana.

Caprina tossed the notepad aside and stared out the window of her hotel suite. There was a saying that good things come to those who wait. Caprina would just have to be a bit more patient.

She made a list of things she had to do while she was in Atlanta.  One of her celebrity friends was throwing a New Year’s Eve bash and Caprina was invited.  She’d do a little shopping and tour neighboring Decatur. Her primary focus remained on Scott. She had to figure out when he was leaving and time her reappearance just right. There was no room for mistakes.

It was becoming a life or death situation.



Whenever Linda was nervous, she would wring her hands. She didn’t do it often but enough that Mariana knew when her mother was uneasy about something. She now found herself wringing her own hands. It wasn’t a typical meeting of the parents. Scott’s mother and sister hated Mariana before they had even met her. It wouldn’t make a difference if she showed up with a bouquet of roses or wearing a potato sack. She was going to be treated the same no matter what: like shit.

“I would say you have nothing to be worried about, but we both know I’d be lying,” Scott quietly spoke.

“Oh, I’m not worried about them,” Mariana shook her head as she looked out of the suite window. She finally stopped rubbing her hands and folded her arms across her chest. “I’m worried about me. I know my mouth.”

Normally Scott would shoot Mariana a stern look that spoke he meant business but he couldn’t blame her for what she was feeling. He was about to send her in front of a firing squad with eyes wide open. “We could always cancel.”

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