S&M III, Vol. II (7 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Sarah grabbed Mariana’s hands and bent her head down. “Thank you so much, Mari! I really appreciate it, and I was wondering if we could go to…”

“No, sweetheart,” Mariana picked up her coffee and laptop, “I said I forgive you. I didn’t say we were going to be cool again.”

Sarah began to freak out. If she couldn’t get close to Mariana again, there went her plan with Caprina to get Scott. “What? What do you mean? I meant what I said!”

“And it’s appreciated,” Mariana nodded, “but I don’t think we should be friends anymore.” Mariana walked out of the Starbucks.

Sarah watched Mariana get into her car and drove off. Sarah simply folded her arms and shook her head. “And thank you, Mariana, for reminding me why I’m such a great actress. I needed a reason to take Scott away from you, and you just gave me one.”



Another day, another $250,000 in her pocket

Caprina laid out by the pool of the Chateau Marmont, soaking up the sun. She had to be at the studio by three
for makeup and dress. She was going to wear Valentino on her body and MAC on her face. Her shoes, well, her shoes didn’t matter but she’d wear Gucci.  Her accessories were, of course, Tiffany’s.

Tiffany’s. Where Scott was taking Mariana soon.

The ring Scott gave Caprina was a Tiffany ring, and she thought it was a joke. Now he was going to give his new little girlfriend the same ring.
He’s serious about her.
There was more to the relationship Caprina didn’t know about. Scott proposed to her only after a few months; it’s taken him a bit longer to pop the question to Mariana.
Not all that glitters is gold over there…

Mariana. Caprina didn’t even know the girl and she already hated her. She was with
Scotty. She followed his dating history; no woman had ever made a repeat appearance at his home except for a select few who were just partners. But Mariana, though…that girl made Scott sprung and turned out.

Mariana. Caprina studied every minute detail about the girl. She knew her favorite fast-food restaurant, Del Taco. She knew she loved going shopping at the mall. She would always order the exact same drink at Starbucks, a Grande Mocha Frappuccino.

Mariana had started carrying a Chanel purse. She had started wearing Louboutins. Soon, her clothing would get an upgrade. Next, her car. Then finally, the ring. Caprina’s fists clenched up once again upon thinking about it.

She had to figure out a way to get back into Scott’s life.
But how?
She couldn’t just show up at his house; she knew Scott would call the cops on her. She couldn’t talk to Jeff; he would just laugh at her. And Caprina could just forget about KKK-Chrissy and Deborah. They would
give her the time of day.

A slow smile crept on Caprina’s face. “Perfect. Why didn’t I think of this before?” Caprina smiled. She got on the phone with Elite. “Rebecca? Yes, it’s Caprina. I just thought of the perfect ad agency Guess could use for their new campaign I’m in! Well, it’s the best agency in the world! McCormick & Sheppard.” If Scott were
to work with Caprina, there was
he could do about it.

After Caprina got off the phone with Elite, she made her way over to the studio and got ready for the show. She made only one change in her wardrobe: she was going to wear Louboutins.



Mariana woke up at seven o’clock and began to get ready for her day. She showered her body and dried herself off. She wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at her face. She carefully applied her makeup, and when she was finished, she stepped back from the mirror.

“To my Master, I give my submission. To my Master, I give my devotion. To my Master, I give my sex. To my Master, I give my fears. To my Master, I give my happiness. To my Master, I give my everything. My Master loves me and I love my Master,” she said loudly.

Outside the bathroom, Scott listened in Mariana’s chants. He had a proud smile on his face.
Good girl.


McCormick and Sheppard were in trying times. The advertising industry had seen a lot of ups and downs due to the rebuilding economy.  Budgets had been drastically cut and many people were laid off from several firms. As a result, expectations were higher, and Scott made it clear to everyone he expected the very best, despite what was happening in the economy.
“Having no money is not a reason to be a joke,” he once told everyone. “It means we have to be sharper on our game.”

“So now that we hired the guys for the positions, we need to look at the girls,” Michael Sheppard began during the weekly meeting between him, Rich, and Scott. “Any nominations?”

“Well, you know my vote!” Richard McCormick laughed. “But I’m not sure if Jennifer is worth the headache. She gossips a lot. She’ll be a great addition to the Communication division.”

“I know what you mean. Tawny has contributed a lot to the team, but I don’t know.  If she’s fucking me to move up the ladder, she’ll do it with others. And y’all know I’m a jealous son of a bitch,” Michael turned to Scott, “what about Mariana?”

Oh, you said her name instead of referring to her as the Black one.
“Mari is a strong candidate and would make an excellent addition to any team she’s a part of. Her research is thorough, the vendors like her, and she’s always thinking ahead to the next campaign. She’ll be a strong asset.” Scott paused.

“But?” Michael finished.

“I can’t hire her,” Scott replied. “It’ll look bad if I hired her.”

“Since when have you give a damn what people think about you?” Rich asked.

“Since I’m sleeping with one of them,” Scott replied.

“We’re fucking Tawny and Jenny, and do you see us giving a damn?” Rich asked.

“If Mari is going to be hired, I can’t be the one who hires her,” Scott insisted. “It has to be one of you.”

“All right,” Michael replied, “but there’s a catch.”

“Of course there is,” Scott smirked.

“If she messes up,” Michael nodded, “you’re the one who fires her.”

Scott fell back into his chair and rubbed his mouth. Not only was he putting his hard-earned reputation on the line, he was also risking his relationship. If Mariana didn’t perform well, Scott would have to deal with a whole lot more than just firing her. “Fair enough.”


“Good morning, everyone. I hope everyone had a good weekend. The holidays are approaching, and we had such a wonderful year here at McCormick and Sheppard,” Rich addressed all of the employees, “next year is bound to be our best year yet. I know I say that every year but it’s true. We keep getting better every year. Even though we slipped a little in the rankings, we’re still one of the best advertising agencies corporations go to every time. And that is thanks to all of you! Give yourselves applause.”

The employees and interns applauded each other. “So, without further ado, let’s get down to business,” Michael stepped up to the podium. “We acquired a new high-profile client last night. Alex, can you turn on the screen for us?” Michael stepped back and looked at an image of a topless model wearing a pair of hip-hugging jeans. “Can anyone
who we’re working with?”

“Oh, my God! We’re going to be working with Guess!” Tawny clamored. “I love that brand!”

“This will be a perfect fit for me!” Jennifer clasped her hands together. “I can’t wait! I hope to score some goodies from them.”

“As usual, Ice will assign those he’ll think will be a good fit for the new campaign, which will begin early next year. As always, thank you to everyone and especially our interns, who’ll be graduating next June. Nate, Alex, and Robert have already accepted positions starting next July at the start of the new fiscal year. We have one final position available and it’s down to the girls. I wonder who’s going to get that one!” Rich prodded.

“The one that’s fucking Scott,” Jennifer muttered to amusing chuckles around her.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer, what was that?” Scott stepped forward.

Jennifer froze in her chair and gulped hard. “Nothing,” she shook her head. “Nothing at all.”

“That’s funny because it sounded like you made yet
disparaging comment about my relationship with Ms. Harlow,” Scott’s eyes bore holes through Jennifer.

“I didn’t say anything,” Jennifer shook her head.

“So you’re calling me a liar?” Scott asked.

“No, I’m not calling you a liar, Scott…”

“Mr. Reed,” Scott corrected, “you don’t know me that well.”

“Mr. Reed,” Jennifer felt flustered and she swallowed her pride hard. “I didn’t make any comments.”

“All right,” Scott grinned, “we’re going to play a game. It’s called If The Intern Doesn’t Own Up to What She Just Said, Five Employees Are Going to Be Fired Right Now and Have A Really Bad Christmas.” The conference room was aflutter with nervous whispers and anxiety.

Scott walked in front of Jennifer. “Now, you get to choose who is going to lose their jobs, cars, and homes because you thought I was stupid. Start!”

“Okay, I said Mariana was going to be chosen because you two are together!”Jennifer blurted. “There! I’m sorry!”

Scott smiled. “Thank you.” He walked back to the front of the conference room. “Let it be clear that no one is getting preferential treatment no matter what our relationship is outside of work. Now that’s settled, when you return to your desks, your Christmas bonus will be waiting for you on your chairs. It’s the holiday season, so go home early and enjoy yourselves. You’re dismissed.”

The employees hurried out of the conference room, leaving Scott alone with the co-chairs. He addressed them before they had a chance to. “Don’t think for a moment I wouldn’t have done that to Mariana.”

“You proved your point,” Michael replied.

Scott began to walk out of the conference room. He turned around and addressed the co-chairs one last time. “Maybe,” he walked out of the room.

Rich and Michael looked at each other. “I thought being in love would make him a lesser asshole,” Michael commented.

“It wasn’t us he was proving his point to,” Rich shook his head. “He was proving a point to Mariana. I hope she took notes.”



“So,” Scott approached Sarah, “are you still a bad girl?”

She was hog-tied, face up with a newly-placed blindfold and bare-assed naked. She didn’t know how long she had been hog-tied but estimated it was close to ten minutes already. Her legs were tired, and she had started to lose feeling in her arms. To most people, it would be incredibly painful and unbearable.

But for Sarah, it was a turn-on. Scott had a way of punishing Sarah without telling her specifically for what. What made it more exciting was that each punishment was always different from the last. Sometimes He would make her stay still on her hands and knees for an hour. Sometimes she had to walk around their home wearing nothing but four-inch stilettos and clothespins on her nipples. But the punishment was always enticing. It was always a bit painful. It was always unusual. It was always delicious.

“I’ve been a very bad girl, Master,” she whispered.

“Good to hear,” Scott took a feather and caressed Sarah’s legs with it. “You only belong to Me, My pet. No one else.”

Sarah steadied her breath as Scott caressed her body. “Yes, Master.”

He pulled the rope and her legs collapsed. Sarah didn’t dare to move. She had to wait what punishment her Master had next. She felt her legs spread apart and the bed shift slightly. Scott joined her on the bed. He nestled between her legs and slid inside her.

She was tight like a fist wrapped around His aching cock and Scott thought for a moment He was about to lose it. He pinned her arms above her head. She saw the intensity in His green eyes, the passion and dominance He only had for her. “I want you to take this fucking like the slut you are,” He grunted, “I want you to scream for Me. Scream, my little slut. Scream, my little slut…”

“Sarah, do you want cream or what?” Eric repeatedly asked her.

Sarah shook her head from the daydream. “What?”

“Do you want cream or what else we have here?” Eric looked through the refrigerator. “A-ha, some milk.”

“Um, cream is fine, baby.” She nodded.

Eric pulled out the cream and poured a little into Sarah’s coffee. “Breakfast is almost ready, my baby! I’m gonna fix my girl up with some hot food!” He made his way back into the kitchen.

Sarah rested her head on her palm. The thoughts of Scott were becoming too unbearable. She needed to see him soon. She decided after breakfast, she was going to place a call to Caprina.



“I’m telling you the only reason why she’s still here is because of Scott!” Jennifer complained to the other interns about Mariana.

“And I’m telling you the only reason why
still here is because of Scott!”  Tawny pointed out.

The interns were gathering up their items to go celebrate the guys’ new jobs and talk about Christmas break when the conversation turned to Mariana and her relationship with Scott. “She’s protected by him!” Jennifer complained.

“I wouldn’t necessarily say that,” Nate pointed out. “Scott has made it clear to Mariana and everyone else she’s not getting any preferential treatment.”

“Sure he says that, but we all know she is!” Jennifer replied. “If she wasn’t sleeping with him, she would’ve been a goner already.”

not jealous,” Robert smiled.

“Jealous? Jealous? Of what?” Jennifer bristled. “Of

“Jenny, you’ve admitted you wanted to fuck Scott the moment you saw him, and since he shot you down, you started banging Rich,” Tawny mentioned to laughter from the guys.

“You’re banging Mike, too!”

“I’m banging him, yes, but I’m not trying to work here. I’m here for the experience. I know banging Mike will get me a position anywhere else.” Tawny shrugged.

“It doesn’t bother you at all that Scott would rather sleep with Mariana than us?” Jennifer asked. “I mean…

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