S&M III, Vol. II (6 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Mariana recognized the shift in Scott’s tone. Not only did He want to
, He wanted to do it
at work. Here?
Mariana thought,
He can’t be serious.
She locked the door and cautiously approached him. “Yes…

“Good,” He loosened his tie, “I have an hour-long conference call in a few minutes, and I’m going to be bored. I used to play games or catch up on news during these boring-ass meetings but since I have you here, I have something better to do.” He opened up a drawer and pulled out a ball gag and a bottle of Febreze. “Get undressed.”

Mariana stared at the ball gag. She quickly scanned her memory of definitions for the association.
Sensory deprivation.
She had seen pictures of women with ball gags stuffed in their mouths and it didn’t look appealing. She wanted to scream
‘Fuck, no!’
but her curiosity was piqued.

Truth was, Mariana had more kink in her than she realized. She was curious, however, about the bottle of Febreze He laid out. It then occurred to her it was for
they were done.

She quickly undressed, but left her Louboutins on. She knew that’s what her Master wanted and didn’t wait for Him to demand it. She walked over to His desk and awaited His next command. “Yes,

Scott examined Mariana’s body. The clamps were still firmly attached to her nipples and a small smile grew on His face. “Beautiful,” He complimented. He pressed her close to His body and kissed her, His tongue exploring her. His hands wandered over her body and the fire building between the pair was growing rapidly.

He nudged Mariana’s legs open and brushed against her slit. She was hot and wet. Scott licked His fingers, tasting Mariana. “Perfect,” He purred. “Turn around, Mari,” He instructed and placed the ball gag around her mouth. He spoke into her ear. “You won’t be able to tell me when I’ve gone too far, so we’re going to modify the safety commands. Instead, you’re going to slap me when I’ve gone too far. Make it hard enough so I know you mean business.”

Mariana turned around and slapped Scott as hard as she could. His left cheek was bright red. She reached behind her head and undid the gag. “That one was practice,” she grinned. “We can continue.” She put the gag back on.

Electricity shot through Scott’s body as He forcefully took Mariana and bent her over the desk. “Grab the desk with your hands and hold on,” He directed. He sat down in his chair and dialed into the conference call. “Scott Reed from McCormick & Sheppard. I’m going on mute so just holler at me if you need me to add in on anything.” He placed the call on mute.

“Punch down on the desk when I’ve gone too far, Mari,” Scott instructed and Mariana nodded in agreement. He took out a flogger and brushed it against Mariana’s bare ass. He lightly swiped it a few times before He became serious and began to flog her. The leather strips hit the curve of her ass quick and hard.

The pain was instant and surprised Mariana. Despite the numerous times she’d had it done to her previously, it was something she could never quite get used to. But it was a good pain. It was a
pain. Scott continued to flog her, each hit being harder than the last.

Mariana closed her eyes and concentrated on the pain. It was all she heard and felt. It was as if she and Scott were the only ones in the universe. She forgot where she was. When it became too much, Mariana punched the desk and Scott immediately stopped. She was breathing hard, the sting from the flogging reverberating through her body. Her ass was red with little stripes from the flogger. It was sensitive and sore to the touch.

Scott sat down in his chair and reached into the drawer. He pulled out lotion and squeezed some of it in his in palm. He then carefully spread the lotion all over Mariana’s ass. “It’s aloe vera,” He cooed. “It’ll help take the sting off.”

Mariana closed her eyes and felt she was floating away on a soft cloud. Scott took her to two extremes within a short time. Just when she came down from her high, Scott surprised her again. He turned her around and laid her back on the desk.

He traced the curvature of her breasts with an index finger and trailed it down her navel then to her hot cunt. She was wet and ready for him. Before any action could take place, Scott had to attend to business matters first. He unmuted the call to join in. “I agree, Jackson, with your proposal. We need something fresh and new for the campaign.” Scott said into the speakerphone as He played with Mariana’s warm folds. He inserted a finger inside her and did a ‘come hither’ motion.  “Everyone associates Buicks with old people. We need younger buyers.”

Mariana almost fell off the desk. Her Master reached her spot,
the spot—
her G-spot. Her breathing became labored and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She understood the need for the ball gag. There was no way she would’ve been able to keep quiet, no matter how hard she tried.

She was about to cum when her Master suddenly removed His finger from her cunt. Mariana’s eyes flew open and she saw Scott undressed from the waist down. The speakerphone was still unmuted. “I like that proposition,” Scott nonchalantly participated in the chat while He stroked His cock, “I like that a lot. We need a fresh ad to reach all demographics.” He carefully slid inside Mariana, her pussy engulfing His cock. He reached over to mute the phone again. A free hand massaged her breasts as He moved inside her slowly.

Mariana and Scott locked eyes with each other. He winked at her when He lifted her left leg up to His shoulders. He smoothed His hand up and down her leg as fucked her. “Damn, Mari,” Scott moaned, “I love how tight you are just for me.” He placed His right hand on her stomach and circled her clit with His thumb. He began to move faster inside her, His balls kissing her pussy.

Meanwhile, Mariana was growing delirious. Her head was spinning and her body was floating. She didn’t want the pleasure to end. But her body thought otherwise. Her legs started to shake, and her back arched off the desk. Her clit was tingling and an orgasm was imminent.

When Mariana came, her body exploded with pleasure. The gag ball quieted her muffled screams as she rode the ecstasy wave. She collapsed back on the desk and breathed hard through her nose. “Good girl,” Scott purred as He moved faster inside her. He felt His balls tighten; He was about to cum soon. He hurriedly pulled out and shot over Mariana’s pussy.

He collected Himself for a moment and unmuted the phone. “Thank you everyone for your participation. This was a great conference call. Probably one of the best I’ve had in a long while.”



“What do you have for me?” Caprina approached Dominic.

Dominic Esplen pulled out the file on Scott and his girlfriend. It was the same routine he had had for the past two years, except now Caprina’s visits were becoming more frequent. She used to stop in every blue moon; now she averaged bi-weekly dates. Her fascination with Scott was bordering on stalking and obsessive. Dominic didn’t know if Caprina was dangerous or just plain crazy. 

“She recently moved in with him. A moving truck was spotted just recently outside their home.” Dominic showed Caprina the pictures.

Their home.
Caprina noticed the change in pronoun. It was always referred to as
Scott’s home
but now he had a new roommate. In all of the years she followed him, no other woman had made a lasting appearance in his home.

Except for the new one. The only one. Marissa. No, that’s not her name. Melissa. No, that’s not either. Mariana.

Staring back at Caprina were glossy, high-definition photos of Mariana directing traffic. Scott was in the background, helping the movers place boxes inside. There were only a few pictures but Caprina could tell Mariana didn’t have to lift a finger.
Spoiled bitch.

“He’s getting ready to go to Decatur, Georgia, for a few days.” Dominic slid the file to Caprina. “She’s going with him.”

The file contained Scott’s travel arrangements. Caprina was impressed by how the detective was able to get so much information about Scott.
Meeting the family. Lovely. I hope she has fun with KKK-Chrissy.
“Good. Anything else?” She asked.

“He’s been spending a lot of time at Tiffany’s,” Dominic mentioned, “I don’t know what that means.”

“I know what it means,” Caprina was curt. An uneasy feeling formed in the middle of her gut and crawled up her spine until it stopped at her throat. Scott was going to propose to Mariana soon. She needed to work quickly.

She pulled out a few hundred bills and handed them over to Dominic. “Keep the information coming.”

“Will do.” Dominic replied as Caprina left.  Once again he waited for her to leave before he placed a call. “She just left. She wanted to know his holiday plans. I think she’s going to follow him.”

“Oh, I
she’s going to follow him,” Sanora replied over the phone. “She wouldn’t have asked if that’s not exactly what she planned to do.” Sanora had found out the information about Scott’s travel plans and relayed the information to Dominic for Caprina.

Sanora paused for a minute as She formulated a thought. “I wonder how she’s going to
run into
him while he’s there.”



“It’s been a while since I’ve been graced by your charm, intellect, and beauty,” B. commented to Mariana.

Mariana smiled as she thought about the last visit to Starbucks. It had been well before Thanksgiving and it was now already the middle of December. “Yeah, it’s been about a minute.”

“So,” B. began, “how was your holiday?”

“My holiday was good,” Mariana nodded. “How was yours?”

“Mine was great. Did a few gigs and ate some good food with the family,” B. flashed a warm smile, “can’t complain.”

“A few gigs?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m a DJ on the weekends. DJ Sugah Bear, look me up.” B. winked.

“I will, I will,” Mariana nodded. “Now, can you get my order, please, brother man?”

“Sure thing, sweet mama,” B. leaned over the counter, “what would you like?”

“My usual: a Grande…”

“Mocha Frappuccino with extra whip and double-blended,” B. finished. “You got it.”

“You know me too well,” Mariana smiled.

“I know what a woman doesn’t want,” B. took Mariana’s money and rang up her order, “and what she does.”


“Well, Mr. Reed, just when I think I know you, you surprise me yet again…” Mariana whispered.

She quietly sipped her Frappuccino as she studied the list of tasks before her. Her Master had begun to send her a list of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for her to complete and let Him know about her progress. She studied each section carefully, all the while wondering what the hell Scott thinking.

Daily (subject to modification)

You will wear your hair up or in a ponytail. You will wear your hair down only for your Master.

With the exception of breakfast and lunch, you will prepare meals for your Master. Your Master is on a strict diet, and meals should be prepared accordingly.

Before you shower or bathe, you will kneel on the bathroom floor and will repeat out loud, ‘I am beautiful, I am loved, I am Owned.’

You will recite your spoken mantra every morning after you put on your makeup.

Weekly (subject to modification)

You will go without panties one day a week and let your Master known in advance what day you have chosen.

You will wear clamps or rope under your clothing on one of your internship days.

You will attend to your Master’s will, whenever He wants, however He wants.


You will wear specific bras and panties, already approved by your Master.

You will clean the home you share with your Master, wearing only the bras and panties your Master has approved.

You will wear your collar in the duration your Master has given in advance.

You will keep your Master abreast of your financial affairs, including bills that need to paid, spending habits, and purchases.

Mariana continued to sip her Frappuccino as her eyes narrowed at the screen. She didn’t have a problem with the majority of the tasks. She did question exactly what her Master meant by her being ‘owned’ and the later part about her wearing a collar. Her Master told her He didn’t think she would be ready for that next step in their D/s relationship. Mariana’s old self probably would’ve snickered and agreed. But her new
self was eager to please Him and make Him proud of her.

She wanted to be
. If her Master collared her, it would mean she belonged to Him and Him only. She would have to prove herself to Scott.

“Mari? Mari, is that you?” Sarah approached her.

Mariana looked up and saw her former best friend standing before her. A wave of emotions hit her at once, and Mariana was instantly uncomfortable. She and Sarah had always been so close, practically joined at the hip, and now Mariana couldn’t stand to see her new enemy. “Sarah,” Mariana was polite.

Sarah pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Mariana. “Can we talk for a moment?”

“Um,” Mariana glanced back at the list of tasks Scott laid out in front of her, “I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

“This will only take a moment, I promise!” Sarah pleaded.

Mariana felt stuck. “All right,” she closed her laptop and folded her hands over it. “Yes?”

“Look, I know I was being a Class-A asshole for what I did and what I said the other day. I know I was wrong about spying on you and Scott, and I know it was wrong of me to say you didn’t deserve him. I know I was wrong. But I don’t want us to fight anymore and I really miss our friendship. Will you forgive me?”

Mariana was wary of Sarah’s apology. It seemed and felt contrived, as if there were another reason why Sarah wanted to apologize. But Mariana knew if she didn’t forgive Sarah, it would look really bad on her part.
Even though no one else knows, you represent me.
“Forgiven,” Mariana quietly replied.

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