S&M III, Vol. II (5 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Slowly, her dreams were coming true.

Her new neighborhood was so quiet. The first time she spent the night at Scott’s house, it freaked Mariana out to hear the crickets chirp. She soon came to appreciate the quiet and looked forward spending the evening outside under the L.A. stars with a glass of wine, listening to creaks, whistles, and other nature sounds. 

It was perfect. Her life was perfect. And those 1000-thread-count sheets were pretty damn close to perfect.

Scott arrived home from the gym a short time later and found Mariana wrapped peacefully in bed with the blankets covering her body. She looked like an Eskimo, and he could see only her face in the small bundle of sheets.
My angel.
He quickly showered and rejoined his girlfriend in bed. “You smell good,” she murmured, her eyes still closed.

“I just showered,” Scott softly replied back.

Mariana yawned. “What time is it?”

“Seven o’clock,” he replied. “You have a little time before work.”

Mariana removed the blankets from her body and stretched in bed. “I need to get started with my day. I have a lot to do.” She got up from bed and headed to the bathroom.

Scott took out his cell phone and opened the list of tasks he had in store for Mariana that day. He needed to properly train and nurture His submissive. Now that Mariana was living with Him, it was going to be much easier. “I’ll say you do…”

After Mariana finished her shower, she joined Scott for breakfast. She went back to their bedroom and began to get dressed for the internship. She knew the protocol: high heels, slacks, a blouse, and a blazer. Light makeup, and her hair was to be in a bun or in a ponytail. No dangling jewelry or brightly colored nail polish on her fingernails.
Even though no one else knows, you represent me. You will always look professional, you will always be professional.

“You look beautiful, Mari,” Scott admired from the doorway.

Mariana smiled at her boyfriend. “Thank you, honey.”

“You’re welcome.” Scott approached Mariana. “I want you to wear something special to work today.” Scott presented Mariana with a small box, “Open it.”

Mariana momentarily stared at the velvet box. It was too large for an engagement ring.
It’s a necklace.
She contained her disappointment. She grabbed the box from Scott and opened it. She was confused by what she was staring at. “What…what are these?”

Scott pulled out the long chain and held it to Mariana’s view. “These are nipple clamps. You’ll be wearing these at work today.”

Mariana swallowed. “All day?”

Scott quickly slapped Mariana’s ass with a hand. “You know how to address Me.”

Mariana nodded again. The sting of the slap shot through her body and it took every ounce of her being to remain still.  “I’ll be wearing these all day, Master?”

“No. You’ll wear them five minutes at a time for every two hours.  They should be comfortable and won’t interfere with your clothing. Take off your blouse and bra.” Scott ordered and Mariana complied. He took out the clamp chain and tossed the box onto the bed. He read Mariana’s eyes. She was nervous but willing, a true submissive. “Tell me when it hurts.”

“Okay,” Mariana nodded. She wanted to close her eyes to brace herself, but she knew her Master would not approve. She kept her gaze on His eyes and her body still. Her mind was racing and her heart was beating so loudly, Mariana thought she was going to go deaf.

The air in their bedroom was cool, and Mariana’s nipples were already erect. Scott placed one clamp on Mariana’s left nipple and watched her reaction. He could tell she was bracing for the worst possible pain and her eyes softened when it wasn’t painful. “Now I’ll do the second one,” He warned.

“Yes, Master,” Mariana nodded. Scott placed the second clamp on her other nipple. It wasn’t painful at all. It was a little uncomfortable, and it would be something Mariana had to get used to. She did briefly wonder how in hell she was going to wear nipple clamps all day at work.

“There is a catch, however,” Scott smiled.

Mariana hated
particular smile. It meant He had something for her that went above and beyond than what He just did. “Yes, Master?”

Scott leaned down to Mariana’s ear. “You won’t be allowed to change your panties all day,” He whispered.

Mariana silently shrugged. That wouldn’t be a problem. “Yes, Master.”

Scott slightly tugged on the chain that connected the clamps. “You also have to wear your silk blouse today, My pet.”

A slow fire started at Mariana’s thighs and climbed up to her neck. She closed her eyes briefly and let the emotions take over her being. The small sensation made her swallow her pride and nervousness. Scott was testing her. He was testing her will. He was testing her strength. He was testing her obedience. He wanted to see her self-restraint.

He knew the silk blouse would rub against the clamps all day. It was going to take everything in Mariana’s power not to run to the bathroom and finish off. “Yes, Master.”

“And one more thing, My pet…” Scott began.

“Yes, Master?”

“Every morning after you shower and you’re putting on your makeup, I want you say the following
mantra: To my Master, I give my submission. To my Master, I give my devotion. To my Master, I give my sex. To my Master, I give my fears. To my Master, I give my trust. To my Master, I give my happiness. To my Master, I give my everything. My Master loves me and I love my Master.

“Master, I’m not going to remember all of that,” Mariana was worried about disappointing Him.

“I’ll send you an e-mail so you won’t forget,” Scott smiled.

“Master, may I ask a question?” She asked.

“Speak, My pet.”

“What is the purpose of the mantra, Master?”

Scott turned Mariana in front of the mirrors and stood behind her. He rubbed His hands up and down her arms and met her eyes. “To build your self-worth and confidence. To empower you. Remember when I told you that you had a lot of untapped potential, and it was My job to bring it out? This is part of it. The mantra will also help you develop your trust in Me as we proceed further into
I only want the best for you, My pet.”

“Yes, Master,” Mariana nodded.

“Good girl,” Scott purred. “Hurry up and get ready so you won’t be late. I’ll see you later, Mariana.” Scott kissed her lips and walked out of their bedroom.

Mariana could’ve collapsed on the floor. Her Master knew how to entice her.

It was going to be a long day at work.


Mariana thought online news was fast on delivering news stories as soon as they happened. She was wrong. Nothing travels faster than office gossip.

Before she stepped foot inside the office building, there was a buzz. She walked through the corridors and saw people look at her and whisper with one another.
They’re talking about me.

Once Jennifer confronted Mariana about her relationship with Scott, it was a matter of time before the whole office knew. Mariana knew why they were talking about her. Forget the fact she helped gather figures for the Coca-Cola account. No one mentioned how late she stayed to work on the Revlon account. Oh no. No one cared about that.

Everyone was too busy wondering if she was a screamer.

The reaction wasn’t a complete surprise. Scott wasn’t known to speak about going out on dates, let alone mention a girlfriend. So when word spread he was seeing one of the interns, it made people more than curious; they also wondered if Mariana could somehow convince Scott to see things their way for a change.
Fat chance of that happening
, Mariana thought,
Scott won’t change his mind no matter how hard you suck his dick.

Mariana made a beeline to her desk and started her day. If she stayed busy and oblivious, no one would bother her. She shook her head and quietly wondered why she even thought such a silly notion. She was officially the biggest news story of the year. She truly understood at that moment why Scott was so intensely private.

“Mariana,” Michael walked past her cubicle.  “Nice to see you here today.”

Mariana found it difficult to keep a straight face after she found out Michael wanted to bed her before Scott did. She shuddered to think about him climbing on top of her and sticking his red penis inside of her. “Thank you, Michael,” she smiled.

“Mariana,” Richard approached her cubicle. “Did you have a nice holiday?”

Mariana remembered Scott taking her in the bathroom. She couldn’t stop smiling afterward. “Yes, I did.”

“Good, good.” Richard nodded. “Say, do you know when Scott would be in? I need to speak with him.”

And now it starts.
“I don’t know. I think Elissa would know something.”

“I’ll check with her. Thank you.” Richard left her desk.

Mariana rolled her eyes. She was Scott’s girlfriend, not his keeper. She had a set starting time; Scott strolled into the office whenever he pleased. Scott was not going to give her any preferential treatment, and he made that known to anyone and everyone. Still, their professional demeanors would not stop the questions and whispers.

Many interns had come and gone throughout the years, yet Mariana was the only one Scott was known to have had an open relationship with. In fact, Mariana was the only woman Scott was known to have a relationship with since the Great Disaster.

“Well, look who finally decided to show up today?” Jennifer walked over to Mariana’s desk. “It must be nice to come in whenever you want.”

“I’m here on time like I’ve always been,” Mariana clarified, “I’ve always started at nine.”

Jennifer looked at her watch. “It’s 10 minutes past.”

Mariana should’ve seen Jennifer’s reaction coming. She had wanted to bed Scott the moment she first laid eyes on him. It wasn’t jealousy she was feeling towards Mariana; it was pure
Mariana wasn’t supposed to sleep with Scott—period. “I’m not late, Jennifer.”

“That’s up for debate,” Jennifer smirked, “I’m sure Rich and Mike would be
to know one of their interns is not caring about their position because she has other more
matters to take care of.”

Mariana calmed her growing anger. “Will you please leave my desk?”

“And what are you going to do? Are you going to tell your
on me?” Jennifer smiled. “Do you really think because you’re fucking Scott, it’s going to guarantee you a position here? Fat chance. They have an opening for only four positions and the guys have already secured three of those.  That only means one last position and you’re not going to get it.”

“You’re awfully confident,” Mariana replied.

“I’m pretty damn positive,” Jennifer licked her lips.

Mariana shrugged. She had neither the time nor the desire to argue with Jennifer. “Since you are, can you do me a favor?” She asked.

“And what would that be?”

“Can you repeat what you just said to Scott? He’s standing behind you.” Mariana motioned.

Jennifer stood up straight and froze. She slowly turned around and faced Scott’s eyes. They were cold, dark, and full of anger. “Scott! Hi! I was just…”

“Threatening one of your colleagues is what it sounded like,” he replied.

“Threatening? Oh,
No!” Jennifer tucked a lock of hair behind an ear. “No, no, no. You must’ve misheard, I was…”

“I didn’t mishear anything,” Scott pulled Jennifer close to his body and wrapped his arm around her waist. He whispered in her ear. “Fucking me might not guarantee a job, but fucking Rich
won’t guarantee you one. Let’s not forget who does the hiring around here. Now if I hear you making any more threats to my girlfriend, I will make sure you will have a long-lasting career in McDonald’s asking people if they want to SuperSize, got it?”

Jennifer was both scared and turned on at the same time. Scott’s beard tickled her jaw line and she closed her eyes, relishing in his woodsy scent. It didn’t take long or much for Scott to make her wet. “Got it.”

“Good,” Scott purred. He let Jennifer go and straightened his tie. “As you all were.” He retreated to his office and closed the door behind him.

Jennifer straightened out her suit and quickly walked away. She didn’t bother looking back at Mariana. After she left, Mariana leaned back in her chair and smiled. Sleeping with one of the executives did come with some perks, after all.



The work day was uneventful. Once the gossip calmed down, everyone went about their usual business. Scott and Mariana avoided each other for most of the day due to other business meetings and projects. That was perfectly fine with Mariana. The less she was seen with Scott during work, the less bullshit she had to deal with from everyone else.

The nipple clamps proved to be a challenge. They didn’t hurt at first, but taking them off and rubbing her nipples afterward proved to be sore and a little painful. She fully understood why Scott only wanted her to wear them five minutes at a time. It would’ve been close to impossible to wear them all day.

Still, the thought of
Scott turned her on. It was as if the two of them had a sexy secret they shared only with each other. It gave Mariana a sense of confidence she had not felt in a long while. A year ago, she never saw herself as the type to be submissive to any man. Now she wanted to be spanked, nurtured, trained, and loved by her Master.

She only wanted Scott.

The phone on Mariana’s desk suddenly rang, and she jumped from her daydreaming. She saw Scott was calling her. “Yes, Mr. Reed?” she answered.

“Come in here,” he then hung up the phone.

Mariana slowly put the phone back on the receiver. She briefly wondered if she was in trouble or had done something she had no business doing. She quickly reminded herself that Scott
at work
was different from Scott
at home.
She walked into the office and closed the door behind her. “Yes?”

“Lock the door,” He ordered.

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