Snow & Ash: Endless Winter (17 page)

Read Snow & Ash: Endless Winter Online

Authors: Theresa Shaver

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Post-Apocalyptic, #Teen & Young Adult, #Dystopian

BOOK: Snow & Ash: Endless Winter
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Chapter Twenty Six-Rex

I’m so excited and so scared all at the same time. Skylar and I spend the rest of the day making plans to move the survivors from the town up to the barracks. We’ll need a lot of help to co-ordinate everything but first Ted and his men need to be dealt with. I need to get down there and find out what’s happening at the hotel. Every moment I stay is a double edge knife. Being here with Skylar is amazing. In only one day I’ve already come to have feelings for her and I just want to stay here with her and the boys forever but my people, my family, are in danger and I’m going crazy with worry.

Skylar wants to come with me to the hotel but we both agree that she needs to stay here with the boys to keep them safe and start pulling supplies from the storage containers to get the barracks ready. She finally agreed to stay with the condition that she’s coming after me if I’m not back in three days. She’s so fierce in some ways and so soft in others. I’ve fallen for this girl and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.

“Rex, are you listening to me? If I can’t go with you then I can at least give you an advantage. Those guys were going to let you and Matty die. You can’t go back and think you’ll just be able to talk them into being nice! You need to be prepared to use force if they’ve taken or hurt your people.”

She gives me a hard look so I nod. She’s right, things are going to be ugly so I need to be ready to do what I have to.

“Good, do you know how to shoot a gun?”

I blow out a breath. “No, but I do know how to use a bow.”

She looks up at the ceiling and thinks for a second before giving me a grim smile.

“Ok, I don’t think that’ll be enough but it’s a start. Follow me.”

We leave the boys playing in a sand box beside a small stream cut into the rock floor that Skylar said she made for Ben a few years ago. They’re having fun making roads in the sand and running wooden vehicles around them. It seems like such a simple childish game for an eight and seven year old, but I guess that’s the draw for them. I know Matty hasn’t had a lot of simple childish fun in his life and Ben’s just thrilled to have a friend to do anything with.

Skylar leads me to a door at the other end of the cavern past the animal pens. Even after the tour she gave us, I’m still amazed at the set up here. The sprinklers and UV lights on timers keep her multi-tiered garden area healthy and producing. Belle will go crazy when she sees it. She’s always taken care of the plants we depend on to supplement Lance’s hunting, but it’s always been a real challenge for her with one small grow light and lack of space. Still, she managed to keep all seven of us fairly healthy compared to a lot of other survivors, even if it meant eating fast growing sprouts at every meal.

Skylar holds the door to the shooting range open for me to hobble through on my crutch. I’m trying not to use my leg at all so it will be at its best when I leave tomorrow. I had taken a quick look into this room when she gave us the tour but now I stand and stare in complete awe as she unlocks and pulls open a double door cabinet set against one wall. There’s enough weaponry hanging in racks for a small army to go to war.

She removes a hand gun and a box of ammunition for it and then pulls out a shot gun and another box of shells. With sure hands she has both weapons loaded and ready for me in seconds. When she turns to me with a pair of ear protectors, she gives a little smirk and I snap my mouth shut. Yup, it’s official, this is my dream girl.

She takes me through gun safety and loading procedures and I‘m very thankful that she doesn’t flat out laugh the first time I fire the shotgun and it almost knocks me on my butt. I have no choice but to use both my legs to steady myself while I shoot target after target until my knee is throbbing again. I’m no crack shot but I’m sure I’ll be able to defend myself, if they’re close enough.

Skylar goes through all the targets I’ve managed to hit with a slight frown.

“You’re pulling to the left with your shots but I think it’s because of your leg. Just try and keep that in mind if you end up having to shoot at anyone.”

I’m slightly embarrassed that I didn’t do better so I ask her, “Do you know how to shoot all these guns?”

As soon as I ask, a small smile flirts across her face and I’m already regretting asking. She walks down the lane and puts up a new target in the silhouette of a person before coming back and reloading the handgun I had been using. In one smooth motion she lifts the gun, squares off, aims and fires continuously until her clip is empty. She safeties the gun, sets it down and goes to retrieve the target which is further back than the ones I’ve been practicing on. With a sweet smile on her face she hands me the target without even looking at it. I hold it up to the light and grin even as my shoulders slump. There’s a perfectly shaped heart made from holes in the middle of the silhouette’s chest and one hole dead center of the head. I let the target fall and look at her in admiration.

“Sooo, maybe I should stay here with the boys and you should go save my family.”

She shrugs her shoulders and just says, “Done.”

She would, she would go and risk her life for my family if I let her. I reach up and tuck a stray gold curl behind her ear.

“Thank you, Skylar. I really appreciate that and everything else you’ve done but I have to go.”

Chapter Twenty Seven-Skylar

Dinner’s another success with the boys gobbling up the easy chicken stir-fry over rice that I made. I’m antsy and nervous about Rex leaving tomorrow and can’t let myself settle down to the movie they’ve chosen to watch. This one’s about a school for magic where a boy with a scar finds trouble with his friends. I’ve seen it before as well as the many that come after it so I just putter around the kitchen and think about what I’ll do if Rex doesn’t come back.

It’s only been a day and a half since I first saw him but the feelings I have for him are real and they’re strong. I don’t want to live like this anymore. I want to make plans and have people around and build a life, but I don’t want to do it without him. My mind’s made up. If he doesn’t come back, I’ll lock the boys into the living quarters with a pile of sandwiches and video games and go after him. AIRIA can keep them out of trouble for a day or two if necessary.

Finally calm enough with my plan, I go over and sit on the couch beside Rex. He gives me an absent smile before turning back to the movie but jumps slightly in his seat when I lean against his arm. This time his green eyes are all mine when he looks back to me. Those eyes are soft and sweet when he lifts his arm and puts it around my shoulders so I can lean against him more comfortably. Wow, this feels so right, like I’ve been missing it for all my life. I realise that other than Ben, I haven’t been hugged or touched since my Dad died, and even then he wasn’t very affectionate. Mom, Mom was the hugger and person who gave little touches and pats of love freely. I really miss that. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

AIRIA’s voice jolts me awake and I feel Rex’s arm tighten around me. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I peer at the clock and see that we’ve slept the night through on the couch but it’s still very early. The boys are struggling out of their nest of blankets under their coffee table fort. I clear my throat and push away from Rex.

“AIRIA, what did you say?”

“Skylar Ross, movement detected within perimeter.”

Rex and I shoot to our feet simultaneously. We look at each other in alarm. Is it those men? Are those men back to make sure the boys died?

“AIRIA, how many?”

“Skylar Ross, two life forms detected.”

Rex rubs the sleep from his face and shoots a quick look at his little brother who is trembling in fear.

“It’s ok, Matty. They can’t get in here. No one even knows we’re here, right Sky?”

I nod reassuringly to the boy. “He’s right, Matty. No one can get in here. You’re totally safe! Listen, why don’t you boys get this place cleaned up a bit, brush your teeth and Rex and I will work on getting breakfast ready?”

The boys calm down a bit with something to do and as they fold up their blankets and take down the fort Rex and I move into the kitchen where we speak in lowered voices.

“Do you think it’s them? Did they come back to make sure you and Matty didn’t make it?” I ask him.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. Why would they and what about the radiation? Why would they risk it? Is there any way we can find out? Do you have cameras or something we can see out there with?”

I frown in frustration. “No, the cold temperatures kept freezing the cameras so Dad stopped replacing them a long time ago.” I ask AIRIA about the weather.

“Skylar Ross, radiation cloud front has mainly passed from the region. Radiation levels have dropped but are still elevated and may cause future health issues. Recommend covering all exposed skin to limit exposure.”

Rex looks over at the boys as they finish cleaning up and head to the bathroom to wash up. He waits for the door to close behind them before speaking.

“I need to go. I need to get down to the hotel and find out what’s happening with my people.” He swears under his breath. “Who’s out there? I can’t just go out and shoot those guys, can I?”

I grab his hand and give him a steady look. “You might have to, Rex. Those are the bad guys. They tried to kill you! I… wait.” “AIRIA, is there any way to determine who is in our perimeter? Do you still have audio working or did that fry with the cameras?”

“Skylar Ross, body mass scans indicate a male and female. Scanning remaining exterior audio now…Scan complete, patching audio through now.”

Rex’s face is filled with confusion at the news that there’s a man and a woman outside. We both strain to hear anything that will give us a clue as to who they are but the sound from the speakers is filled with crackles and static. I’m about to give up and tell AIRIA to shut it off when we both hear Rex’s name faintly shouted from a distance. When Matty’s name is yelled next his face splits into grin and he barks out a laugh.

“That’s Marsh! He’s looking for us! Sky, I have to let them know we’re here. I need to go out there!”

I try and smile. I’m happy his friend’s out there and not those men, but that means all this is over. My life here alone with Ben and the time I’ve had Rex to myself is over. It’s what I wanted but I’m scared and nervous for what comes next. Everything’s about to change and I’m not sure I’m ready, but Rex is looking at me expectantly so I force a full smile onto my face.

“I got this, hold on. AIRIA, are they in sight of the door?”

“Skylar Ross, intruders are traveling towards living quarter’s exterior door and will be in sight in four point six minutes at current travel speed.”

“AIRIA, once they’re in sight, open exterior door and announce the location of Rex and Matty. Tell them to enter the airlock and decontaminate.”

Rex is practically bouncing he’s so excited. He grimaces as he puts too much pressure on his leg but his voice is thrilled.

“It’s either Sasha or Belle with him! You’re going to love my family, Sky. They’re such good people. I should have known they’d come looking for us!”

I just smile and nod. I really am happy for him. If some of his family are here looking for him then that means Rex won’t have to put himself in danger going to rescue them. The boys come bounding out of the bathroom demanding breakfast but after Rex explains what’s happening they bounce around whooping it up. I don’t think Ben really knows what’s happening but he’s really excited with all these new changes.

“Skylar Ross, airlock door opened and announcement made. Subjects entering airlock.”

Rex moves over to stand in front of the door and pulls me to his side. His grip on my hand tightens the longer we wait. The boys are practically vibrating as they wait just behind us. I’m just about to ask AIRIA what the hold-up is when the small red light above the door flashes to green before it slides to the side.

Standing in the small room is a boy around Rex’s age with long blond dreadlocks tied off to the side with a piece of leather string. His eyes go big and dance with amusement and glee when he sees Rex standing with me. Beside him is a very pretty girl a few years younger than me with gorgeous red hair. Her eyes lock onto Rex and are full of relief and love before sliding across to me and then down to mine and Rex’s joined hands. Her expression blanks out but her eyes look hurt for a split second before they harden.

After all the teen dramas I’ve watched over the years, I can see what’s coming in a heartbeat. Without ever speaking to her I’ve already made an enemy.

Chapter Twenty Eight-Rex

My face hurts I’m smiling so big when Marsh steps into the living room and looks around with his happy, goofy face.

“DUDE, little Dude! Oh wow, pretty Dudette and another little Dude! Man, it’s so good to see you! We totally thought you got nuked!” He went to say more when his eyes zeroed in on the TV and the game on the screen that the boys had been about to start playing while they waited. His face changed to disbelief and his voice came out in reverent awe.

“DUDE, is that Rally Racer 6000?”

Laughter just explodes out of me. I’m so relieved that they’re here and safe. I reach out and punch him in the arm.

“Marsh, focus man! Priorities!”

He shakes his head making his dreads bounce and looks back at me with his Marsh grin.

“How did you guys find us? Is everything ok with the others?”

Marsh’s face goes serious but he snags Matty’s arm and pulls him into a playful headlock while he talks.

“Man, it’s a total cluster! Ted’s gone power mad. He snagged Belle and locked her and Dads up but Sasha and I hid out in an empty wing at the hotel. Pops hasn’t been back from the scout of the ski resort but I’m guessing he’s under cover somewhere because of the temp drop. I did some sneaking around yesterday to see if I could find Belle and Dads but they’re locked down hard. I did find Jones. He’s the one who told me what happened to you and little dude.”

I look over at Sasha but she’s busy looking around the room so I ask Marsh, “Who’s Jones?”

Marsh let’s Matty go and throws his hands up.

“He’s the Wag that took you and Matty! Karma worked him and his buddy Bo over good. He’s a melted man. Too many rads fried him up good. He was feeling guilty now that he’s about to meet the maker so he told me how they snatched you guys and where they left you. As soon as the temp started going up Sasha and I bailed out and came looking for you two. So… who’s the
?” He asked with his eyebrows moving up and down comically.

I was relieved that Sasha and Marsh had escaped. It would mean the three of us could work together to go and try to free Belle and Ethan. Even better, Sasha could stay here with the boys and Skylar could go down with Marsh and I. She’d be a real asset with her sharp shooting.

I tugged Skylar closer to me and made introductions.

“This is Skylar and her brother Ben. This is their place. She rescued Matty and me and brought us in here right before the radiation cloud hit. She saved our lives. Skylar, Ben, this is Marshal but we call him Marsh for short. He’s my best friend and this is Sasha. She and her mom, Belle took me and Matty in on the first day. She’s like a sister to me.”

Marsh gives Skylar and Ben fist bumps in greeting but Sasha only nods with a tight insincere smile before turning to me.

“Great, I’m glad you and Matty made it to safety Rex and I’m
happy that you made some new friends but let’s go! We have to get back and rescue Mom and Ethan!”

Before I could say anything, Marsh bumps his shoulder into Sasha’s.

“Yo, take a breath Sash! I told you they’re fine for now. Ted’s not going to hurt them. He wants Dads for his doctoring skills and Belle’s locked in with him in the clinic. Dads won’t let anything happen to your Mom. We need to get our game faces on and work out a plan before we launch. Besides, we haven’t eaten in two days, I’m sure Skylar wouldn’t mind sharing any vittles she might have handy!”

I could easily see how frustrated Sasha was by the anger that flashed through her eyes and the red spots on her fair cheeks but she again flashed Sky that tight insincere smile and spoke through gritted teeth.

“Thank you for rescuing and taking care of
boys Skylar. Would you happen to have any extra food you’d be willing to share?”

Food, yes that’s a great idea. We’ll eat and Sky and I can tell them about the plans we have to move everyone up here and then plan our rescue. I give her hand another squeeze.

“Sky, do you mind if Marsh and Sasha stay and eat something before we go back to town? We can fill them in on all the things we’ve talked about.”

Skylar tugs her hand out of mine and gives me an almost identical tight smile to Sasha’s before she nods and heads over to the kitchen. Uh, what just happened there?

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