Snowballs in Hell (10 page)

Read Snowballs in Hell Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards, #Romance

BOOK: Snowballs in Hell
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Again, as if choreographed, I found myself suddenly on my hands and knees, Auric’s calloused hands on my waist, the familiar thick head of his cock nudging my moist lips. I thrust my bottom back against him and he responded by plowing deep inside my slick sheath. Squirming movement under me made me open my eyes and I saw David positioning himself in a sixty-nine position under me, his cock poking me in the chin.

Auric pounded me fast and hard. I opened my mouth to cry out with the pleasure of it, but a hand on the back of my head pushed me down and I got the hint. I took David’s cock in my mouth, not as thick as Auric, so I had no difficulty working it in and out of my mouth.

I almost bite his shaft though when David wrapped his arms around my thighs and pulled his face up and using that long tongue of his, licked me. He began flicking his tongue against my clit in time with Auric’s thrusts. How Auric managed to piston me while David licked me at the same time, I didn’t know or care, because it felt so fucking good.

I quickly found myself climaxing, my cry muffled around the shaft in my mouth.

Auric thrust in and out of me faster, my quivering pussy squeezing him tight until, with a hoarse cry, his cock jerked and shot warm semen inside of me.

But they weren’t done. I found myself flipped onto my back and my legs pushed up.

David took his turn now between my thighs, something I only caught a glimpse before Auric captured my lips and with a rough hand, squeezed my breast. My hips were lifted up off the bed, my legs dangling over David shoulders so he could fuck me deep. His long cock ended up in just the right position to stroke my g-spot. I whimpered against Auric’s lips, but torturer that he is, he slid a hand down and rubbed my clit while swallowing my cries with his mouth. With a scream I came again, biting Auric’s lip in my wild abandon. David prepared to withdraw on the brink of his own pleasure, but Auric growled, “Stay.”

And so David plunged back deep, my trembling sex welcoming him back. Auric hadn’t stopped rubbing my clit and to my intense shock, I found myself shuddering in the grips of yet another orgasm. Auric caught my cry with his lips, but I heard David shout as he exploded inside of me, a molten stream of cum.

The powerful energy of his orgasm along with the ones that preceded it sent my magic levels shooting higher than they’d ever gone before. I writhed as if on fire. The surplus of magic raced through my body, looking for an outlet and found one in my head.

It attacked the spell that caged me. I bucked and screamed as my mind burned. Images flashed through my mind of the cowled figure, myself whimpering, faster and faster until with an explosion of white light behind my eyelids, the geas of fear disintegrated.

Immediate relief flooded me, my mind suddenly my own again and I cursed myself for not realizing just how badly the spell had affected me.

Overwhelmed, I fought to regain my breathing. The boys, lay slumped on either side of me breathing just as heavily.

I turned my head and faced Auric, his green eyes tender and loving. “Are you okay?” he asked.

I nodded and then smiled. Free of fear, not to mention pleasantly sore, I’d never felt better. “The spell is gone, but I used up all my magic burning it out.” Auric’s face split into a grin. “Are you trying to tell us something?” The jerk, he intended to make me spell it out. My confidence and bravery completely restored, I impishly trailed a finger down both their chests, my hand finding and stroking their velvety shafts. To my immense insatiable glee, they both immediately hardened.

“So when’s round two?”

Apparently, right away. Lucky me.

Chapter Seven

Auric broached the subject of David moving in while I ate breakfast. I spat my coffee out and glared at Auric as he wiped it up. Having not suffered from a nightmare for the first time in a month, I’d woken up in a fabulous mood. Not to mention a sated one. Damn had our threesome of the previous night charged my magical batteries not to mention wiped the heavy pall of fear from my psyche. But with Auric’s words, I lost my happy glow.

“The geas on me is gone. Why the fuck would he move in?” I asked, not very nicely.

David had thankfully been gone when I woke up so I could speak my mind. I also didn’t have to avoid eye contact. In the light of day, my actions of the previous night seemed depraved and slutty, even if I had immensely enjoyed it.

“You’re still not safe though,” said Auric calmly as if explaining something to a difficult child. “Face it, Muriel. There’s times when I might be needed elsewhere and you’re going to need a magical boost. What if I’m not here?”

“Then I wait for you to come back.”

“And leave you weak and unprotected? No way,” he shook his head.

Great, we’d come back to square one. “Fine. He can be a sex surrogate when you’re gone. Happy? He doesn’t need to move in.” I enjoyed sharing the loft with Auric and while I liked David, I didn’t want him here all the time. What would happen to alone time for me and Auric?

“I want him close at hand.”

“Why so we can have threesomes every night? What am I not enough for you anymore?” I spoke bitterly but only because the thought of the pleasure made me wet.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “David moving in doesn’t mean threesomes every night. What it means is I won’t be putting off missions because I’m worried about you. It means us all being together and ready for the next time that hooded bastard or another wanna-be makes a move. It means giving David a sense of belonging so he doesn’t feel used.”

His words hit me hard and I almost reeled back. “You’ve been turning down missions?” Never mind that he never spoke of what exactly these missions entailed, I knew how important they were to him.

He just nodded.

“Because of me?” Fuck and double fuck. I loved that Auric’s world revolved around me, but dammit, I didn’t want him resenting me because he had to give up the things that made me love him.

“Just think about it, would you?” he asked.

And I did. I thought about it while I showered. I thought about it when Auric walked me to work. I still hadn’t come to a decision when Bambi walked into the bar.

Once again, I dragged her out back to my office.

“I need your advice again,” I said pacing the small confines of my office.

“What is it this time, lamb?”

“I had a threesome with David and Auric.”

Bambi’s mouth made an O of surprise.

“Yes, I know—shocking,” I said when she didn’t speak. “Dad’s head shrinkers discovered I had some spell put on me that was giving me nightmares and stuff. In order to get rid of it I needed sex, actually orgasms, a lot of them pretty much at once.”

“I’ll be damned. My baby sister is exploring her sexuality.” Bambi giggled when I glared at her.

“So what’s the problem?” she asked. “Sounds to me like you’ve got your hands full and in a good way. That David is a hunk.”

“Problem is Auric thinks David should move in.”

“And you don’t want to because?” she queried with an arched brow.

“I love Auric. He’s my consort. How the Hell are we supposed to be a couple if we’ve got another guy living with us? A guy, I might add, Auric expects me to fuck if he’s not around for a power boost and to indulge in the occasional threesome if we really need to charge my batteries.”

“I still don’t see your problem,” she said shrugging.

“A couple is two people; one man, one woman, unless you’re bi that is. Not two men, one woman.”


“How is it bullshit? And what about poor David in this? How the fuck is he going to find himself a girlfriend if he’s living with us and fucking me?”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

I frowned at Bambi. “You’re really not helping me here.”

“Listen, lamb, I’m not saying if David moves in everything will be exactly the same.

No, of course it won’t, but face facts. You are a princess of Hell with sex based magic.

Your consort is a man of the world who can’t sit around to hold your fucking hand. You want alone time with Auric. You make some. Set some boundaries. Plan a date night. I’m sure if you talk to them, you can come to some kind of arrangement you can all live with.

I know Auric, lamb, he wouldn’t suggest this if he didn’t think it was necessary. And to be honest, if David comes to live with you, he won’t be looking for a girlfriend. I’ve seen how he watches you. That boy is already in love with you. Now I know you don’t care for him the same way you do Auric, but can you honestly say you don’t care for him at all? That you wouldn’t freak if you saw him with another girl now that you’ve slept with him?”

I opened my mouth to retort and then shut it again. The thought of David touching another woman … I almost growled.
Oh, fuck
. I loved Auric with all my being, but I couldn’t deny I cared for David.

I sat down on my couch with a heavy sigh. “When did my life get so complicated?

Just a month ago I was a virgin who only had to worry about running out of double As, now I’ve got two lovers.”

“My little sister is growing up,” said Bambi with a laugh. “Don’t look so glum. Do you know how many women would kill to be in your panties?” With a wave, she left me to my thoughts.

Once again, the world’s biggest slut–she took pride in this title and even had a trophy to prove it—had guided me through a life crisis.

It looked like I’d be getting a roommate. Not that I’d tell Auric right away. Let him work at me a bit more. I wanted to enjoy the little alone time we had left before my life changed again irrevocably.

Chapter Eight


I was startled awake at my father’s shout. Lifting my head from my pillow, I regarded my dad with annoyance until I noticed what he wore—a parka and a tuque, definitely not my father’s usual Armani attire.

Auric had jumped out of bed at the first scent of brimstone and stood gloriously nude with his sword in hand–the metal, not flesh one. When he saw my dad, he just sighed and crawled back under the covers.

“Dad, can’t you ever call first?”

“Why, when this is much quicker?” My father just couldn’t–or should I say—

wouldn’t grasp the concept of privacy and boundaries. Auric snorted and flung an arm over his face, probably to hide a grin.

“Dad, you can’t just pop in like that. I live with Auric now, and you have to start respecting our space. Now I want you to go now and call before you decide to just pop in.”

“But this is an emergency. You said emergencies were okay.” He looked so crestfallen that I sighed.

“Fine, what’s so important that you couldn’t knock?”
And it better be good,
I thought.

“Hell’s frozen over!”

That caught my attention. Sitting up in the bed, I only barely remembered to grab the sheet and hold it over my naked bosom. “What did you say?” I had to have misheard.

“Hell has frozen over,” said my father slowly through gritted teeth. “As in covered in a blanket of white. No heat. No fire. Frozen solid like a popsicle.” Now my dad’s outfit made sense. I absorbed this surprising news and then… I laughed. I roared. I giggled insanely.

“Muriel!” shouted my father. “I fail to see the humor.” I stopped gasping long enough to say. “Well, your outfit for one. I mean, dad, really, a bright red parka? Couldn’t you have found something a little more manly?” My dad–evil lord of the pit—looked down at his bright red coat with matching red mitts and hat, perplexed. “Who cares about my coat. Don’t you grasp what this means?”

“Not really,” I replied shrugging. “You, Auric?”

“I think,” Auric replied slowly with a thoughtful face, “That this might not be a laughing matter.” He looked at the father of sin and asked, “Were they all documented?” My father nodded his head. “Every single one. No one ever thought it would come to pass. But, a promise made is a promise made.”

Confusion made me scrunch up my face. I really hated it when I was the last to understand. “What are you both talking about?”

Auric explained it to me. “Everyone who’s ever made a pledge using the term ‘when Hell freezes over’ is having to fulfill their promise.”

“But they don’t know Hell’s frozen over. It’s not like dad’s going to take out a full page ad and announce it to the world. Not to mention, if they weren’t going to follow through on their promise before why would they do it now?” My father groaned. “I can’t believe my own daughter doesn’t grasp the gravity.”

“Muriel,” said Auric patiently. “These pledges people made were all documented and due to the high improbability involved, because of course Hell should have never frozen over, they are now being forced to fulfill those pledges.”

“What? But that’s insane. I mean the term ‘when Hell freezes over’ is used like a zillion times a day and is only used in the grossest of circumstances. It was never meant to be taken seriously.” I blanched as it occurred to me how ugly things could get. How many girls had told guys they’d only sleep with them when Hell froze over? How many ultimatums delivered with that promise? Fuck, this was bad.

“Finally she gets it,” my father shouted, rolling his eyes and flinging up his hands.

“Lucky for us, the magic is starting with the oldest entries first, and those people are already dead. So we have a little time before it hits the live ones.”

“Wait a second. Why do you care?” I asked my dad. “As Satan, shouldn’t you be cheering all the evil that’s going to come of this.” My father shook his head. “Aah, Muri. If we don’t stop this, I’m going to be handing down punishments and dealing with paperwork for centuries. It will totally cut into my golf and wenching time.”

Now I rolled my eyes. My father, the altruistic one.

“What do you want us to do?” asked Auric, getting out of bed again, this time to get dressed in warm, concealing clothes. What a shame.

“We need to get the flames of Hell burning again.” My father said this like it would be a simple matter. Somehow I didn’t think a can of lighter fluid and a match would do the trick.

“Flames of Hell, right,” I muttered. Then I finally had the light bulb and I wanted to dance. Satana, princess of Hell was back! “I know what the riddle means!” I exclaimed, bouncing on the bed.

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