Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door (3 page)

BOOK: Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door
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“I was hoping for Barbados,” she murmured, “but this has possibilities.”

Jake stood behind her, his hands resting lightly on her shoulders, his breath warm on the back of her neck. His touch ignited something deep inside and for a moment, she forgot how to breathe. “Where are we?”

“My place.”

Lillian peered around the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows ran along one side, smooth wooden floorboards with bright rugs breaking up the space.
A huge, squishy sofa and a cluster of bean-bag chairs dominated one corner, with an intricately carved wooden coffee table. Definitely a guy’s place. A wall mirror with an ornate frame and a series of carved animals lined up in pairs sat along the mantelpiece. Wood everywhere. She eased out of Jake’s hold and went to examine them.

“These are beautiful. I used to play with a set like this when I was a kid. Is there an ark somewhere?” She glanced over her shoulder at him.

“Yeah, but it’s not finished yet.”

She blinked, surprised. “You made these?”

He nodded—a hint of color showing in his cheeks. “My grandpa taught me. These aren’t as good as the ones he made.” He prowled toward her, his long legs eating up the space. “Come over here by the fire.” Taking her by the hand, he guided her to a thick rug and sat down, tugging her with him.

“You’re full of surprises, Mr. Wolf.” Lillian settled onto her knees facing him. “Is this where I say what big eyes you have?”

“If you like.” He sounded amused. His eyes were beautiful and utterly mesmerizing as they sparkled in the glow from the firelight. Why could she never meet anyone like this in real life? Sexy, with a hint of danger, she sensed a dark edge to Jake. The thought made her squirm. This was just a dream and she could be as daring as she pleased.

Looking him straight in the eye, she gave him her most confident smile. The one that had fans dropping at her feet and pledging undying love.

It worked. “Are you done talking,


Jake held onto his surprise when she called him Mr. Wolf. She
know what he was; it had to be a lucky guess. Kneeling before him looking adorable, her posture was submissive, her sassy mouth anything but. As he watched her, she ran her tongue over her lips. A picture flashed through his head of those lush, moist lips closing around his cock and he groaned inwardly.

He cupped her face with both hands, marveling at the softness of her skin. She was flawless. Her pale, creamy complexion had a spatter of cinnamon freckles across her nose, matched with toffee-colored eyebrows and strangely dark lashes framing those incredible green-brown eyes, eyes the color of fallen pine needles. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched, moments before he took her lips. The fleeting kiss earlier had only served to increase his hunger. Jake fought with himself to hold back from devouring her, his pulse pounding and every cell in his body calling to him. This was his Mate. His to claim, to make his own.

She made a soft, little noise when they connected, and opened her mouth to his eager tongue. God and all the saints, she tasted wonderful. He licked deep and long, dueling with her tongue and pouring himself into her. He slanted her mouth, went deeper and then softened the pressure, before taking her again. Sweet amber and heather scents swirled around her; he felt delirious, on sensory overload.

His wolf pushed him for more.
. He raised one hand to tunnel into her hair at the same time as she slipped cold fingers underneath his T-shirt. His stomach clenched at her touch, a thousand ripples of pleasure crashing through him. His wolf howled in triumph.

Chapter 8

Lillian felt a jolt like static when her fingers brushed across the solid muscle of Jake’s abdomen. Heat poured from his skin, warming her, but she needed more. Scared that this amazing dream would end too soon, she explored his body with her fingertips—around his middle, up his back, skating across his stomach again. She reached for the top of his jeans, eager to remove them, and he groaned again.

, baby. I need you.” His breath fanned her cheek. “I want to see you undress.” His voice was rough, husky with desire, and she swallowed. Was he just another lust-crazed fan, desperate to get into her pants?
My dream
, she reminded herself. She could play the stripper to perfection. God knows, she’d done it often enough in her music videos.

Lillian pushed to her feet and took a step backward to give herself some more space. She began to sing, soft and sensuous, a track from her latest album as she swayed gently, left and right. Jake’s eyes were fixed on her face. He looked expectant and so very desirable. She’d make this good for him.

The glittery camisole was first to go. She pulled it over her head in one fluid movement, dropped it to the floor, and kicked it toward Jake. His eyes widened and he stared at the lacy bra that cupped her breasts. “
See me
,” she crooned, “
see the real me
.” She bent forward. She knew her cleavage looked impressive and she pressed her breasts together to make them even bigger, then forward even more, tracing her fingers up her legs, one at a time, trailing them up her clingy suede boots.

She turned her back to Jake and played with her bra clasp before sliding the straps down her arms. A quick peek over her shoulder confirmed that he was enjoying the show if the intensity of his expression was any measure. “
Love me
…” She popped open the bra and turned to face him again, her hands holding the wispy lace in place. “
Love the real me

Jake sat with one hand cupped over his groin. His hard-on was visible and Lillian felt a surge of excitement. “
Love me
…” She had seen his dick jerk the moment she released the bra and her breasts escaped. “
Take me
…” Right now she was more turned on than she’d ever been, the sultry lyrics resonating with her like never before. From now on, every time she performed this song, she’d remember this dream and the man who ate her up with his eyes.


Jake was transfixed. His Mate had the voice of an angel and a body made for sin. Where had she learned those porn-star moves? He was dying, sitting there, his cock iron hard and throbbing for release. She shimmied in front of him, her creamy, rose-tipped breasts quivering gently, her body clad in a microskirt and high boots. Sex on legs. His poor neglected cock threatened to explode when she began to play with her nipples. Sweet Jesus, he’d castrate himself on his zipper before she’d finished.

Take me
…” The need in her voice sang out to him, soothing and exciting his wolf at the same time. With her back to him again, she played with the zipper on her skirt, rasping it down and then up again, before opening it completely. There was a long moment where she held the skirt bunched in her fist, and then she let go, the slinky fabric swishing to the floor. Turning around, she nudged the abandoned skirt away with her boot and Jake saw her panties. He groaned. They weren’t panties … more a miniscule triangle of peach-colored lace with two wisps of mint-green ribbon over her slender hips. For a second, he fantasized about laying her over his lap and spanking that perfect, heart-shaped ass.

Her smile was angelic. The way she slipped one hand down the front of the lace and then brought it to her mouth, sucking each finger in turn, was slutty beyond belief. This was painful and his wolf whimpered, clawing inside him, demanding to take her. His mouth felt as dry as the Sahara Desert. He couldn’t sit still any longer.

Lillian wagged a reproving finger when he started to rise and he froze. He was convinced he’d lost the power of speech, his sanity being stripped away with every inch of perfect skin she exposed. He was pretty sure his tongue was hanging out. She winked and beckoned to him, gesturing toward her feet. The Alpha in him hesitated. The slobbering hound won.

Touch me…”
Her voice wrapped around him. He scooted forward, his ass still on the floor, and grabbed her ankles. Her startled giggle pleased him. Time for the wolf to take control.

Chapter 9

Lillian couldn’t take her eyes off Jake, his strong hands holding her ankles, and his delicious grin oozing confidence and power. As she watched, he slid his hands up her legs, and eased closer, shocking her with a long lick up the inside of her thigh. She fisted her hands, every muscle tightening. When he brushed his nose across the front of her panties, she thought she might faint it was so good. She felt a hot surge of moisture escape and knew Jake couldn’t have missed it. He inhaled deeply, his grin widening.

“My turn to play, Lillian.” His voice sounded even deeper, more growly and a shiver of anticipation ran through her.

“Everyone calls me Ella.” It came out as a gasp. Jake’s tongue flicked up her thigh again, taking her breath away.

“Everyone except me. Sit down,

She complied, curious to see what he would do next. Slowly, as though she wasn’t burning up with desire, he bent her legs at the knee and nudged them apart. “Now lie down.” The rug was warm and soft against her naked back and she lay for him, exposed and vulnerable. Trusting. “So pretty,” he murmured, stroking one finger across her panties. He kneeled between her thighs and slid his hands underneath her ass, positioning her exactly where he seemed to want her.

. You keep your hands by your sides where I can see them.” He paused, his blue eyes piercing in their intensity.

Lillian licked her dry lips. Which part of her subconscious had conjured this guy? “I don’t take orders very well.” Despite her best intentions, it came out as an anxious whisper. In reply, he nuzzled at her panties and she couldn’t hold back a moan.

“Move your hands and I stop,” he continued. “Got that?”

“Yes.” She didn’t even think about it this time. His mouth was a heartbeat away from her pussy and everything else ceased to matter.


The smell of her arousal was intoxicating. Jake inhaled deeply into his lungs, letting her fragrance roll around his senses. So she didn’t take orders well? He chuckled to himself. Taming his Mate would be most pleasurable. How far could he push her? He ran his tongue along the edge of the lacy triangle and then tugged gently with his teeth on one of the wispy ribbons. It fell undone and he nosed the scrap of fabric aside, hearing her breath catch. Dear God. She was totally smooth. He knew some women waxed and shaved but hadn’t met one who did until now.

Moisture glistened on her pussy lips, and he blew a gentle breath over them, feeling her tense beneath him. As though he had all the time in the world, he licked a leisurely path along her slit, his head spinning at her taste. It exploded onto his tongue like the finest nectar, sweet and honeyed. He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and saw that she’d lifted one hand. Smiling, he stopped and waited.

.” It was a quiet reminder and she made a frustrated noise, but dropped her hand to the floor. He watched her curl her fingers into a tight fist and only then did he resume.

Satisfied she would behave this time, he pressed a series of openmouthed kisses over her lower stomach, inching closer to her pussy. Already, her clit peeked from its folds, pink and swollen.
So responsive.
He wasn’t sure how long he could wait, but he’d try to torture her a little first.

A soft breath over her clit made her tremble, her knees shaking and hands fisting tighter. She moaned. “Jake, don’t tease.” He ignored her plea and moved south, sucking on her pussy lips, one at a time. More of her cream coated his tongue and he closed his eyes, savoring her. “Please, Jake …
.” Need tightened in his belly and he tried to tamp it down, but it was hard. His cock pulsed, and his balls had tightened to the point of pain, but he carried on teasing. She writhed under his mouth, her muscles straining, her ass rigid in his hands. He dug his fingers into her flesh and, at the same time, sucked hard on her clit.

Her cry rang around the room and she bucked fiercely, but he held her still, licking and nuzzling as she convulsed, filling his mouth with her nectar as she came. He gorged, greedy for her cream and knowing that in a matter of minutes he’d finally be inside her.

Chapter 10

Jake decided that next time he joined Lillian’s dream he’d wear less restrictive clothing. He willed away his jeans and lifted his head, planning to move up her body and claim her lips.

“God, Jake. That was in-fucking-credible.” Her voice was sleepy and she yawned, her breasts rising and falling with her breathing. Like a flickering television, her image stuttered beneath him, before stabilizing again. Her eyes closed and Jake panicked.

, stay with me, baby.”

“Mmm … later.” She sighed and yawned again. “Need to sleep.”

Jake lunged forward to kiss her but it was too late. She’d slipped from her dreaming state into deep sleep, and Jake could no longer follow her. His wolf howled in frustration. He was alone with a hard-on he could use as a cricket bat and no idea when she would surface. He would have to wait, and he wasn’t very good at waiting.

Jake opened his eyes and glared at his Mate. She’d fallen asleep on him. Asleep! She looked adorable though, all snuggled up against the pillow, her wild curls tumbling onto a porcelain-smooth forehead. He blew out a breath and tried to slow his racing heart. She would dream again later. Slow down, Jake.

Lying there wide-awake didn’t appeal so he slipped quietly from her bed and padded into the lounge. He would fetch some wood for her and make up the fire. One match and she would have a toasty-warm cottage. Shifting into human form, the clumsy bandage fell off his leg and dropped to the floor and he smiled at it, remembering her hesitant efforts to patch him up.

He’d found his
. Jake breathed deeply and tried to process the fierce and possessive urges that flooded through him when he thought of her. It wasn’t just lust. He’d had other females, of course, but none had even come close to affecting him in this way. He examined the wound on his leg. It didn’t look infected, but it was probably too soon to tell. The memory of her gentle fingers running through his coat made him groan. How long until she was awake, and he could see her smile again? He shook himself and tried to clear his head. This was going to take some getting used to.

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