Snowscape Trilogy (12 page)

Read Snowscape Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessie Lyn Pizanias

Tags: #dreams, #romance paranormal fantasy, #demon and angel

BOOK: Snowscape Trilogy
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“We all did it for love, brother. We all
chose the freedom to love over the calling the God proclaimed upon

“Some did it for pride, Nathaniel. Never
forget that.”

“Did you think I had?” Nathanial sat casually
on the ground and crossed his feet as the demon turned away from
him. “Come, Samandiriel this is a conversation that is long
overdue. Was it worth it? To give up all of your power and all of
your righteousness to wait centuries and to just watch over a
single human female?”

Samandiriel lowered his head, deep in
contemplative thought. Was it worth it? Had he had to ask himself
this question ever before in the history of his chosen fate? When
God had given the angel Samandiriel the choice he had known the
price would be high. He had thought their love would endure. Angels
had loved and fell for less. God’s mission to watch over the woman
he had fallen in love with be reborn and remade into the master of
all human dreams was a challenge he and Ambrosia had both
wholeheartedly agreed too. For the human soul, they had never
thought their love would be tested, would be in jeopardy. But
Lucifer had insisted on turning the odds closely to his favor with
the birth of this new power. Had insisted Nathaniel, his first
officer in the army of darkness, also have a part to play. He also
would have a chance to sway the sides and so God had agreed. A fair
fight and so no other would have the upper hand, Nathaniel had
given up all of his power and fortunes attainted on earth and in
Hades to watch over her from the dream realm as she was reborn and
re-mastered into her destiny. Samandiriel was given all power over
the earthly elements of war to protect her, but the cost for such
protection was dear. He had to fall. And fell he did, for the sake
of love. The masters of hell had been waiting patiently for
Ambrosia to be reborn and with that they had taken up arms deciding
to rewrite the rules and grasp all of her heavenly power for
they’re own. “They have her, “ Sam said simply.

Nathaniel palled for a moment before
regaining his composure. “I had thought it must be dire news for
you to make the trip. I am not one hundred percent sure I can
return you to earth.”

Samandiriel took another long drawl from the
cup “I don’t know that it matters if I cannot recover her from
them” he said sitting on the ground next to Nathaniel. He noticed
then what he had thought to be moss had actually been a bed of
clovers. He closed his eye, softy inhaling the scent. Had she known
this was what her essence held for those of another plane? The
smell of rebirth and fortune; the innocence and fragility of life?
He looked to his brother questioningly. 

“This is her favorite place to be,” Nathaniel
said without emotion as the angel picked a single three-leaf clover
out of the masses and twisted it into a misshapen ruin between his
thumb and forefinger. “You know you do not mean that. You will
fight for her until your last feather is pulled from you

“I take it you cannot reach her from this
edge?” Nathaniel didn’t answer and that was answer enough for
Samandiriel. His emotions overtook him and he could not any longer
keep the fear at bay. The suddenness of all that he had lost and
given for her overtook him and the tears fell rapidly own his
cheeks, but Nathanial did not judge him. ‘God created tears, as an
outlet for the emotions that kept inside would otherwise burst. ‘
But nor could the angel console him: they were at odds. And he was
ill at the sick feeling inside of him permeating his being with the
thought of her pain.

Nathaniel stood up, looking down to his
crestfallen friend and former brother not with pity but with
resolution as the landscape turned dark and grey. The clouds
mustered above and small flakes of snow started to fall piercing
the angel and demon with their sharp icy thrill. “You must leave
this place. It is not safe for you to have crossed the boundary and
I cannot help you.”

Samandiriel nodded, and plainly said, “Thank
you for your hospitality brother. I will find her on my own.”

Nathaniel looked so deeply in Samandiriel’s
eyes he saw the flame reflected back into his own. Emotion brewed
within both, but the words that should remain unspoken did. They
were at odds and had been for a long time now, but both understood
the pain and the love each held for a single soul. “I will claim
her power for this realm as is my father’s will,” Nathaniel said
with a bow of his head. Once again the short truce they had shared
had been broken and they were they were at war. Nathaniel bowed his
head and whisked Samandiriel back to earth effortlessly with a
touch of breath.

Chapter 4

Samandiriel awoke lying on the bottom of a
ravine just as the sun was breaking over the horizon. Overhead a
single vulture circled high above claiming the war torn body as his
own. He could hear the simple splash of a small creek echoing in
the distance, but stayed still for a few moments looking toward the
light blue sky, touched with tinges of amber and gold of the rising
sun. The sky was clear, bereft of clouds or buildings or planes or
anything. Just Samandiriel and his God looking down, smirking in
enjoyment over his current predicament.

He smiled to himself and closed his eyes,
inhaling the scent of her from his memory. She had been younger
when he had first come upon her. Walking the edge of the stream
outside her family cottage in the brink afternoon. Fall was coming
on fast and he had been out walking the earth, as was his habit
when he felt restless. If not on the call of God, angels found
themselves with much free time to enjoy the temptations of earth an
her people. Although not pleased with this use of time, God had not
found a way to fill it any other way and Samandiriel, angel of ages
past, enjoyed his time among humans just as much as any other did.
He basked in the memory for only a few moments before resolutely
returning to his task. He had loved her as strongly as any two
souls could love. She had forgotten that, but he had not and he
would protect her until his worn and beaten soul had turned
entirely to ash.

He sent out a silent call only Violet could
hear and would not be able to deny and sat watching the sunrise in
the distance. He closed his eye and tried to settle a calm about
himself. If they were to find her, he must think logically. He was
a demon now and as such had certain sway and power over humans. He
could forge deals and coerce as needed. He would have to find a
human who had knowledge of dark places, but no stakes involved in
this snowscape game they now played and immediately a name came to
mind of a person who had just such an ill repute.

Chapter 5

Craig Ainsworth was a 17 year old,
unemployed, overweight genius. He had somehow gotten in good with a
local demon coven outside of Philadelphia and had since insisted to
only respond when he was called Zebulon. Sam and Violet had
dealings with him for other reasons a few years back, and it pained
Samandiriel greatly that he was now back knocking on Zebulon’s
door. ‘Dire times indeed’, Sam thought to himself with a grimace.
Violet, as always attuned to Sam’s vicious mood swings, gently
patted his arm in support. Only true love would have brought him
back to Philadelphia after the past incident.

The door of the
century colonial suddenly swung inward. “Come in oh dark
ones,” a voice called out in a truly obnoxious melodramatic

Violet swung open the metal, rusted screen
door. “Knock it off Zeby. And stop with the ‘dark ones’ nonsense.
In case you’ve forgotten, I’m still human.”

“I told you on the phone
that if you want my help you must refer to me my by given name that
is Zebulon. And
is still a demon. I can tell, you know.”

Violet let out an auspicious sigh. “Fine. But
cut the shit Zebulon. We need info.”

Zebulon the magnificent led them into his
parent’s living room where his mother, a local grade school
teacher, proudly displayed her collection of ceramic kittens and
homemade throws. Violet snuck in a look of disgust to Samandiriel
before settling herself down on the faded brown nylon couch.
Although centuries old and no stranger to hard work, she preferred
to live a more comfortable lifestyle given the choice. Sam remained
standing, keeping silent guard on the front door. Knowing that
Craig held a bit of a crush on his confidant, as it were, he left
the information gathering up to Violet. For the first time in what
had been months since discovering Amy’s whereabouts, Samandiriel
felt the familiar sense of he and Violet working together as the
well-oiled team that had kept tabs on the local covens as well as
built a comfortable life for them both. They kept well informed,
but stayed out of day-to-day demonic politics as much as possible.
They had lived like this for centuries making their way in the
world but always on the lookout for the birth of the dream master.
As such working information out of a human was a task they both
found easy and entertaining. A smile of contentment slipped its way
on to Sam’s face as he looked out the dirty screen door, leaving
Violet to do what she did best. Manipulate humans. Specifically

“So, Zebulon. How are things here with the
Demogorogn clan?” The Violet charm was turned on high and Sam
noticed a hint of southern inflection added in for dramatics.
Craig, not having a lot of experience with pretty blondes ate it
right up as he sat next to her on the couch after a pat of an
invitation by Violet.

With a nervous fidget he sat down as close as
he could to her. Sam could smell the perspiration falling from his
brow and politely excused himself to the front porch where he could
listen in ease. Violet gave him a death glare that he knew he would
pay for later, but chuckling to himself, he made his way out to the
porch swing where he could keep watch, but not have to endure the
uncomfortable touching Violet will easily have to ward off from
Master Zebulon of the Demogorgon clan.

“You are very beautiful, Violet.”

“Thank you Zeb. Now about your clan –“

“It’s Zebulon actually. It means-“

“I know what it means, Zeb. I do work with a
demon. Professionally.“ After a pause that Samandiriel could only
assume encompassed a sullen look on Craig’s part, Violet continued.
“Sorry Zebulon, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings we are just in a
bit of a hurry. Seriously though, I need to know if you have heard
anything about the dream master.”

“Ambrosia Ross.” Samandiriel cringed as the
names left his lips. His body immediately tensed up and his wings,
tucked neatly into the fold of his back, hardened, ready to take
flight in an instant’s notice.

“How do you know her name,” Not to be
sidetracked, Violet kept on with her current course. Samandiriel
knew she could sense his tense state even from inside the

“Everyone knows her name. They are all out
looking for her. I’ve been told there is a reward.“

“What?” Sam and Violet spoke as one.

“A reward if anyone knows where she is at.
The Demogorgon is very interested in he weaver of the snowscape and
is willing to pay heavily for it. Its been said another clan has
her already and you know how demons like to fight amongst each

“Like children, they would rather rip their
toys to shreds than share with another.”

“Exactly. You will be hard pressed to find
her before another demon clan has her.”

With the sound of couch springs fighting
against the weight, Sam could hear Violet move closer to Craig and
dropping the tone of her voice, he smiled at her plan of attack. He
chose his compatriots well. She had been the first human not sent
directly from hell that he could call friend and that was a title
not easily carried. He still found her determination and loyalty
astounding and matched only by her intelligence. “Craig. I would be
eternally grateful if you could share any information with me that
you might know. Riel and I must find Ambrosia within the next two
days, or the earth will be in dire straits.”

“But my clan-“

“Fuck your clan Craig. Do you know how old I
am? Well over two centuries. And when I say that I will be
eternally grateful for your help, I am able to pay out an eternity.
Do you know what I mean when I say grateful…?”

Sam could hear Craig AKA Zebulon Ainsworth
suck in his breath sharply and the demon could only imagine the
imagery being laid out in the whisper to Craig’s ringing ears and
hardening cock. Sam could almost feel the red of his embarrassed
virgin blush creeping up Craig’s face. Should they survive this,
Violet will regret her current rashness when Craig came to call for
his payment due with flowers and condoms. “All I know is that there
is a very powerful demon, Nicor, who is saying he has the dream
master. I don’t know how true it is, but Nicor is too powerful for
any of the lesser allies to fight him.”

“Thanks Zebulon,” With an audible peck on the
cheek, Violet ran, flinging open the metal screen door into
Samandiriel’s arms and he took flight before Craig could finish his

Chapter 6

The wind ripped past their heads as
Samandiriel and Violet flew violently into the afternoon glow.
Nicor was known throughout the world for his savvy business
expertise and expensive lifestyle. Living a life of disguise was
something most demons and angels did on a regular basis: how else
to manipulate ad control the world’s human base? Nicor was known as
Robert Cossack and his fortunes ran in the multimillions. He held
sway over Washington, British Parliament and it was well known
within the more seedy community that he had worked with Middle
Eastern insurgents to supply weaponry to both sides all in the name
of profit. Sam was not surprised in the least that one such as
Nicor captured Ambrosia and in fact he was one of few who would
have the resources to keep her successfully hidden until she turned
twenty-six. Upon her ascension date, her power would not be able to
be contained unless she was fully unconscious and in a state where
even Nathaniel could not find her. It was no easy task for a mere
demon to take advantage of, but Nicor would be able to siphon her
power into the throngs of hell directly and provide Lucifer with
untoward advantage. Samandiriel and Violet arrived in New York in
less than six minutes having left Philadelphia. Although his wings
were torn and beaten, he was able to still take flight, an
advantage he held over many other demons that had given up their
angelic powers.

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