So Many Men... (7 page)

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Authors: Dorie Graham

BOOK: So Many Men...
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“You get over here and give me a squeeze.” He opened his arms to her and offered a smile of his own. “Why haven’t I seen hide nor hair of you in ages? Your minions keeping you too busy?”

She laughed and hugged the man who had taught her to ride a bike without training wheels. “I’ve joined a women’s group.”

“You have?”

“I figured I needed to get involved again in a little charity work.” She glanced at Erin. “That, and I’ve decided I can use a little less testosterone in my life.”

“You can’t be serious.” Erin stared at her, one hand on her hip. “You’re trading in your men for a women’s group? That’s hard to imagine. I can hardly move at the apartment without bumping into one of your men. Not that you’ve been around much lately.”

Tess shrugged at her sister’s look of censure. “I’m not tiring of anyone. As far as not being around I could say the same for you. I’ve been there. Just not over the weekend, but I called so you wouldn’t worry.”

“From the message you left you’ve found a new bauble for your collection.”

“They are not a collection. They are individuals. Each is a wonderful man in his own right.” And no one could ever categorize Mason along with the rest. He stood head and shoulders above all of her former lovers.

“Of course they are, sweetheart.” Thomas looped an arm around each of them. He smiled at Tess. “Now, what have you got for your sister? Seems she’s working on an entire duplex she needs greenery for. Should be a good piece of business for both of you.”

“It is.” Erin grinned, always content when involved in her work. “Did you get in the dracaenas we talked about?”

“Over here.” Tess led her to a nearby grouping of the trees with their large decorative leaves. “I picked these four for you.” She indicated the red sold tickets tied to the branches. “They’re the healthiest.”

“Oh, they’re beautiful,” Erin said as she fingered a leaf.

“Is it okay if I start loading them up, while you two work out the rest?” Thomas reached for a cart.

Tess slid the first tree closer to him. She glanced around for Evan, another one of her former lovers turned employee. “I’ve got a big hunky guy around here somewhere to help.”

“Don’t worry about it. I live to be of assistance to my girls.”

“Okay, Thomas, but you have to promise to make me your famous apple pie soon, so we can catch up.”

“Deal.” He gave her a wink as he turned to his task of loading the trees.

An hour later she finished putting together the order for Erin. Her sister was great to do business with, knowledgeable and willing to work with her on a few special-order items.

Too bad their personal relationship never seemed to go as smoothly.

“So, you have a new guy.” Erin turned to her as Thomas carted off the last of the load. They had filled the truck.

“Yes, his name is Mason Davies. He’s a doctor.”

“What kind?”

“He’s an internist. He has a practice in Pembroke Pines. He has these dark eyes and the softest hair and a body that won’t stop. The man is buff.” Tess grinned with the thought of Mason’s physique. “He helped found a free clinic in downtown Miami and this special organization, Project Mentor, that helps troubled kids—”

“Wow, you really like this guy.”

“Well, yes, I do like him.”

“You like him a lot. You’re gushing over him. I’ve never seen you like this with any of your minions be
fore. Look at you. You’re positively beaming.” Erin’s voice was incredulous.

“I am not.”

“Yes, you are. And he’s a doctor. You haven’t had one of those before, have you, except for that podiatrist a few years back?”

“Mason is a great guy. You’d like him.”

“As long as he doesn’t leave his dirty shorts lying around I’ll love him. Are you bringing him by the apartment anytime soon?”

Tess paused. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. May have to clean house first.”

“Do you mean you have to clean as in scrub the kitchen after Ramon has spent the afternoon whipping up his dish of the day?”

“Well, that, too.”

A knowing light shone in her sister’s eyes. “I see. You mean clean out your other minions.”

Tess scowled. She was beginning to really dislike that word. “I just don’t think he’d appreciate all the…disturbance the others tend to create.”

“That’s never been an issue with any of the others, has it?”


“So why worry about it now? Won’t it work itself out?”

she worrying about it? “I’m not sure. It just…wouldn’t feel right to have him there with the others.” She shrugged. “You’re right. It’s never been a problem before. It shouldn’t matter now.”

“But what you’re saying is that this guy’s special. That’s great. I’m happy for you.”


A short silence fell over them, then Erin straightened. “Thomas is waiting.”

She nodded toward where he sat smoking his pipe and regaling Evan, who’d finally shown up, with one of his stories. Thomas often had entertained the girls with wild stories of his youth. He’d filled a certain void in their lives.

Erin gestured to the clipboard Tess held. “Have you got everything you need to invoice me?”

Tess nodded. “I’ll work in the discount we agreed on.” She extended her hand. “Thanks.”

“Yeah, no problem.” Erin gave her a hardy shake. “Where else am I going to go for personal service and a great family discount?”

A feeling of heaviness descended on Tess as her sister walked away. Tess hadn’t even asked Erin what she’d been up to lately. It seemed they never saw each other anymore, and when they did it was never quality time.

“Hey, Erin, wait up. I’ll walk you out and say goodbye to Thomas.” She ran to catch her sister.

They strode side by side toward Thomas and the truck. Tess glanced over at Erin. The two of them were so different. Erin was petite with smooth blond hair and green eyes. She favored her father, whom she’d actually met. Tess’s father came from some far-off country their mother had visited in her earlier vagabond days. Tess wasn’t sure if he even knew she existed or if Maggie had any idea how to reach him.

“So…” Tess broke the silence. “What’s new with you?”

Erin shrugged. “Nothing, really. Been building up my business. I’ve been getting some really good bookings. Took a computer-design seminar.”

“Computer design? That doesn’t sound like you.”

“I’m not doing feng shui anymore. I need to broaden my services.”

“Great.” Tess hesitated, still unsettled by her sister’s decision to abandon a natural talent in favor of something more mainstream. But they’d already argued that one and she wasn’t about to drag it out again. “So, have you heard from Ryan?”

Erin’s shoulders tensed. “No, and I don’t expect to. I told you before I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Right, I’m sorry. It’s just that you two seemed to hit it off so well.”

“Look.” Erin stopped and turned to her. “I’m not like you. I don’t want to discuss every detail of my love life, or lack thereof.”

“I’m sorry—”

“It’s okay.” She held up her hand before Tess could respond. “Really. It’s me. I’ve been a little out of it lately. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve been feeling a little…I don’t know, disconcerted, myself lately.”

Erin frowned. “Really? You?”

“Yeah. Why not me?”

“You always seem to have it so together.”

“I can’t figure it out. Everything’s going well. The nursery’s turning a nice profit. Mason’s the bomb. I can’t find anything specific to complain about. I just— You know, I’m with my guys and I get so frustrated sometimes.”

“You and me both.” Erin rolled her eyes.

“I know they’re a lot to put up with. You really have been a sport. But…it isn’t them. They’re great. It’s…me.” She inhaled a deep breath. “Like something’s missing.”

Erin cocked her head. “So much of your life is wrapped up in your guys. Maybe you’re feeling the need to move beyond that.”

Move beyond her guys? Tess frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, maybe life for you shouldn’t be all about the men.”

“But my life isn’t just about them.” She had her job. True, she wasn’t as passionate about her work as either of her sisters, but that didn’t mean anything. Did it? Besides, what was wrong with focusing her energy on her gift?

“Well, thanks for all the help. You’ll let me know when you get the rest?” Erin asked.

“Sure, I’ll let you know.”

“Great. I’ll be working late again tonight, so don’t worry about me. I’ll have my cell on if you need anything.”

“Okay. I’ll hold down the fort then.”

Erin nodded, then climbed up into the passenger seat of the cab. Tess walked toward Thomas, who was saying his goodbyes to Evan.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Thomas said as he packed away his pipe.

“Hey, Tess, what’s up with Erin?” Evan nodded toward the cab. “She didn’t even say hello.”

“Don’t take it personally, Evan. I think she just has a lot on her mind lately.”

Thomas scooped his arm around Tess’s shoulders. “What do you think is troubling her?”

“I don’t know. I asked about Ryan.”

Evan and Thomas cringed in unison.

“I know. I know. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s still a touchy subject. Why couldn’t I have left well
enough alone?” Frustration spiked through her. She had to shake off her own funk and focus on helping her sister. That was what big sisters did.

Thomas shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, hon. She’ll get over it. She always does.”

“No, she doesn’t. Don’t you see? That’s the problem. She just holds on to stuff—like this Ryan thing. Maybe I should get Max to talk to him. He’s the one responsible for those two hooking up in the first place. Maybe he can find out what really happened.”

“And how do you think Erin will feel about that?” Evan asked.

He was right. Erin would be livid if Tess had one of her guys talk to the man who had sent her into a tail-spin not so long ago. She sighed. “I just want to know she’s going to be all right.”

The blue of Thomas’s eyes pierced her. “If I’m not mistaken, you have enough on your plate right now to keep you plenty busy.”

“Yeah, I hear you’re planning some big ball or something,” Evan said.

“A ball?” Thomas’s eyebrows rose in interest. “Are we all invited?”

“You bet. The entire family will get invitations. The more the merrier. In fact, that gives me a great idea.” She kissed Thomas on his cheek. “Thanks. I need to talk to Erin before you take off.”

The truck’s horn blared. Erin waved at Thomas to hurry up.

Thomas touched Tess’s arm. “Think you may have to hold that thought.”

Tess nodded, but excitement raced through her a mo
ment later as she waved goodbye. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?

Of course, she should probably clear it with the planning committee first, but she’d help Erin boost her business a little, help Mason with his project and maybe get back in her sister’s good graces. It was perfect.

She’d hire Erin to decorate the ball.


into her apartment complex that night. She’d worked late ordering Erin’s special trees and inputting the latest shipment into the computer. She sighed with relief as she exited her car.


As much as she’d enjoyed her weekend with Mason, it would be good to sleep in her own bed again. Yawning, she climbed the short flight of stairs to her apartment. She’d get Ramon to heat up one of his specialties, maybe the chicken alfredo or some of that pork roast he’d cooked the other night. Her mouth watered with the possibilities. Josh would pour her a glass of wine and Max would draw her a bubble bath.

She pulled her house key from her bag, already feeling better. She’d missed her guys. How had they fared without her? She should have called to let them know she was going to be late. Then again, they might not have noticed. They were probably watching Monday night football.

She opened the door and stopped, staring at the dark living room. This was strange. Where was everyone? She flipped on the light and moved into the apartment. “Hello. Anyone here?”

The refrigerator kicked on, humming softly in the quiet apartment. She stood for a moment, staring at the blank TV screen. When was the last time she’d come home to an empty place?

She dropped her purse on the couch and her pulse quickened. Had something happened? Had one of her guys been hurt and the rest rushed him to the hospital? She turned to look at the phone, but no message light blinked. She pulled out her cell phone and flipped it open. Maybe she’d missed a call. She was always forgetting to charge the darn thing.

Her battery indicator displayed two bars, low, but sufficient, and her message box was empty. Not a single call?

Shaking her head, she dialed Ramon’s number. He answered on the third ring. She gripped the phone. “Ramon, what’s going on? Where is everyone?”

“Tess? Hi, sweetheart. What do you mean? I was watching the game with my new honey.”

“Oh. Are the rest of the guys there?”

“No, just the two of us. You okay?”

She gave a small laugh. “I’m fine. I’m just a little surprised. I came home and no one’s here. It’s not quite the same.”

“Erin’s working late again?”

“Yes, she told me earlier she would be. I just thought…well, I thought some of the guys would be here. Someone’s always here.”

“That is a little strange. There were still a few of them hanging around when I stopped by after work. Now that I think about it, it seems everyone had something to do tonight.”

“That makes sense. They all have their own lives now.” She picked up the remote control and ran her thumb over some of the buttons, her throat tight. Not that that had ever seemed to matter in the past.

“I left you some salmon cakes in the fridge.”

“That sounds great. Thanks, Ramon.”

“You want me to come by?”

“No, of course not. You’re with your girlfriend. That’s good. I’m fine. It’ll be nice to have the place to myself for a change. I’ve forgotten what real privacy is.”

“Yeah, you enjoy. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Sure.” Her throat tightened. “You two have a nice evening.”

She hung up and the silence buzzed in her ears. What was wrong with her? So her guys were taking a night off. Hadn’t she told Erin earlier she was worried about Mason coming by with all of them there? Maybe that wouldn’t be a problem now. Maybe she should take advantage and phone him, see what he was doing.

But she put her cell phone away instead of calling him. A night to herself would do her good. She could catch up on her rest, read. As she headed to draw herself a bath, Erin’s words drifted back to her.

Maybe life for you shouldn’t be all about the men.

Well, tonight it would be about reclaiming a little peace and quiet. She should enjoy the tranquility while it lasted, because sure enough they’d all be back tomorrow.

Surely they would.

The musical notes of her cell phone startled her, disrupting the quiet. Her heart sped as she answered it. “Tess McClellan.”

“Hey, beautiful.” Mason’s voice reached through the line like a caress. “What are you up to tonight?”

A smile bubbled up inside her. “Resting. For some reason I am wiped.”

“Must have been a busy weekend.”

“I don’t recall getting much sleep.”

“I won’t keep you, then. I know it’s short notice, but what are you doing tomorrow night?”

Happiness washed over her. Everything was okay in the world. “You tell me. What
we doing tomorrow night?”


.” Mason handed Tess a glass of champagne from a server’s passing tray.

Classical music mingled with the conversations of revelers dressed in black dresses and dark suits. Laughter sounded from a nearby group as another white-clad server passed by, bearing a tray of assorted appetizers.

“Thank you for inviting me.” Tess set aside her glass and snagged a small cakelike concoction and something that looked like pâté on crackers. “This is a perfect opportunity to talk up Project Mentor and the gala. Besides, I didn’t have anything else going on.”

“Right. You with the cell phone that doesn’t stop ringing and the
who seem to pop out of the woodwork.” He closed his mouth, silently cursing himself for the jealousy evident in his words.

She made a show of inspecting the floor around her. “I don’t see anyone doing any popping.”

“A first.” Evidently, she didn’t have any
in the medical community. He frowned. Wait, why wasn’t she getting any calls? “You didn’t bring your cell phone, right?”

She held up the little bag hanging from her wrist as she dabbed a napkin over her lips. “Actually, I did, but no one’s calling.”

“Have you got it turned on?”

“Yes. They’re just not calling.” She sipped her champagne, her bottom lip rounding in a sexy pout. “No one but you.”

The mournful note in her voice had him frowning even more. Shouldn’t he be overjoyed that the competition seemed to be slacking? Yet, somehow he felt a slight outrage on her behalf. “It isn’t possible that all your male callers have forgotten you. There must be an issue with your phone.”

“No. You got through fine earlier.” She sighed and took another sip, perking up slightly to wink at someone behind him.

He turned, scowling. Walter Cousins, an ear, nose and throat specialist, straightened as if he’d been caught stealing, then hurried off to mingle elsewhere. Mason turned back to Tess. “You were flirting with him.”

“I winked at him. He was staring. I was just trying to be friendly.”

Dismay rose in him. “You would wink at another man while you’re here with me as my date?”

“No need to get upset. It isn’t like I was making out with him.”

“Some men take a wink as an open invitation.”

“It wasn’t an invitation. It was a…nothing, a harmless little nothing. A hello-thank-you-for-noticing-me.”

As she soothed her hand along his arm he stiffened against the sudden impulse to sweep her into his arms and kiss her—to claim her as his before the entire room.
Good God, how could he even think of creating such a spectacle? The place was full of respected colleagues.

He inhaled a calming breath. “It was something to me and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t do it anymore.”

Her tanned shoulders, bared by the thin straps of her dress, shifted in a movement so erotic, his cock stirred, and he restrained himself from tasting that delicate curve of flesh. Her eyes took on a knowing gleam and she smoothed her hand farther up his arm, bringing her body in close contact with his. “Certainly, Mason.
you want.”

Her hip brushed against him, sending tendrils of heat licking through him. His hand, apparently running independently from his brain, flattened along her lower back and pressed her closer, so the heat of her lovely body melted over his aching cock. He moaned softly in her ear. “You have turned me into a hormonal teen. All you have to do is touch me and I can’t think of anything but being inside you.”

“We could slip away, find a quiet corner.” Her gaze fell to his lips.

“Here? Now?” He stared at her, stunned by her words, but aroused by the image of dragging her into a secluded room, hiking up her dress and taking her against a wall. “They’ll be serving dinner soon. We should mingle—promote the ball. People will notice if we’re missing.”

“So? We’ll mingle later.”

He pulled back slightly. “Tess, I work with these people.”

“And you think none of them have ever snuck off for a quickie?”

“I…it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“But it would be fun.” She ran her finger along her neckline, drawing his gaze to her breasts. Tiptoeing, she brought her lips to his ear. “There’s a reason you don’t see any panty lines with this dress. I want you, Mason. Now. I want you hard and throbbing and thrusting deep inside me.”

He cursed softly and closed his eyes. “You’re a tease, Tess.”

Her fingers slipped inside his jacket and traced his nipple through his shirt. Her gaze held him transfixed. “I’m not teasing.”

With another silent curse, he took her hand, then threaded his way toward the rear hall, pulling her along with him. The study, it was along here somewhere—yes. He slipped inside the room, relieved to find it deserted.

Tess was in his arms before he could utter a word. Her mouth closed over his and he needed no coaxing as her tongue issued its demand. He cupped her breast and her nipple beaded beneath his palm. Kneading her, he pressed her to the wall and lifted her dress.

Indeed he found no panties to hinder him. Groaning softly into her mouth, he touched her between her legs, blood pounding through his cock as he fingered her wet folds.

She broke the kiss, even as she wrapped one leg around him to give him better access. Her breasts heaved as she laid her head on his shoulder. “Here. I need you inside me now, Mason. Now.”

For an instant he stared blankly at the condom she pressed into his hand, then his zipper grated and he hurried to ready himself. “I almost for—”

She impaled herself on him, the heat of her body taking him in, squeezing him, sending his pulse soaring. He lowered his mouth to the same shoulder that had tempted him just moments before and he thrust into her, lost in her scent, the feel of her, the magic that claimed him each time he took her.

“Oh, Mason.” Her breath caught and her muscles clenched around him.

The tension inside him coiled and it was all he could do to maintain control. Her moans of pleasure nearly undid him. He gripped her bottom and thrust, gritting his teeth against the primal urge threatening to overpower him.

“Let go, love…oh, harder…yes.” Her legs locked around him and she met him stroke for stroke.

He thrust and she stiffened as the first tremors of orgasm hit her. Her muscles tightened around him and he came, the intensity of his own climax nearly draining him. He buckled against her, pinning her between him and the wall.

For long moments all he could do was hold her while his heart pounded and he dragged in lungfuls of air. When at last he pulled back, he found her gazing at him, her eyes dreamy and dark with desire. She had the look of a woman well pleasured. Pride swelled through him and he kissed her, his tongue teasing hers with a new-found playfulness. A lightness filled him and laughter welled up inside him.

As he helped her straighten her dress he couldn’t hide his satisfied smile. “Woman, you are going to be the end of me.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” She pulled a pack of wet wipes
from her minipurse, handed him one, then began to clean herself. “I think I’m good for you.”

He frowned at the wet wipe. “You planned this whole thing. No panties, a condom and wet wipes in your bag. This was a premeditated seduction.”

A contrite smile played along her lips. “Are you complaining?”

The sound of laughter and clinking glasses drifted in through the door. The dinner. He’d completely forgotten where they were. “Not if no one’s missed us.”

A few moments later, they edged back into the group, just as the party moved into the dining room. Tess squeezed his hand. “Looks like we made it.” Her gaze drifted over the buffet spread out at one end of the room. “And boy, have I worked up an appetite.”

He scanned the crowd, but no looks of censure passed his way. Maybe their absence had gone undetected. He touched the small of Tess’s back and guided her toward the food, nodding greetings to a couple of people as they passed. Tess’s eyes rounded as she piled roast beef, sliced chicken and vegetables on her plate, and he smiled at her delight.

Following along behind her, he helped himself to a little bit of everything. When Tess eyed his plate with raised eyebrows, he laughed. “Seems you’ve finally given me a taste for the good times.”

She grinned. “Wonderful, then we’ll feast on the banquet of life.”

After their plates were as full as they could get them, he pulled out a chair for her at a table beside Walter Cousins. Tess again winked at the man and he laughed. “You’ve got a live one there, Davies.”

“That I do,” Mason said, smiling. He met Tess’s gaze, and the warmth in her eyes heated him through and through. At least for now she was his and he meant to make the best of it.


drifted from a distance as Tess entered the open lobby area of the Highlands Oak Park recreational building that Thursday night. The clack of pool balls sounded from a games room to her right. A young girl ran ahead of her harried mother, her arms wrapped around a violin case as they rushed down a side hall toward the strains of the unseen orchestra.

“Tess.” Mason’s unmistakable baritone filtered through the myriad sounds.

Her pulse quickened as he waved to her from across the room. Cassie and another woman from the DCWC stood beside him outside a meeting room door. Tess hurried over to them, glancing in the room to see many more of the DCWC members already seated in rows of chairs.

“Hi,” she said, her gaze warm on Mason.

“Hi.” His gaze lingered on her mouth. “Glad you could make it.”

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