Soaring Home (23 page)

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Authors: Christine Johnson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Soaring Home
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  1. Darcy often acts impulsively, placing her own desires first. How does that affect her relationship with Jack? With her father?
  2. Rejection and disappointment are part of life, yet Darcy perseveres when her desire to fly is thwarted. From whom or what does she find the strength to go on?
  3. How does Darcy’s relationship with her family affect her choices?
  4. How do the people closest to us affect our life choices?
  5. At what point does Darcy realize she forgot to include God in her decisions?
  6. Other than Jack, who helps Darcy achieve her dream of flying? Do you have someone in your life who has served as mentor or inspired you?
  7. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts we can give to another and to ourselves. Who did Jack have trouble forgiving? Did it affect his relationship with Darcy?
  8. Does Jack risk too much in his pursuit of the transatlantic record flight? Does Darcy?
  9. Jack battles twin desires: to protect Darcy and to let her spread her wings. How does Darcy’s eagerness to go along with Jack’s plans feed into his decision?
  10. What does Darcy learn from taking on the challenge of caring for her nieces and nephew? Have you ever faced something that took you out of your comfort zone? What helped you get through it?
  11. How does Jack’s response to the children surprise Darcy? How does it change their relationship?
  12. In times of crisis, it’s natural to turn to God, yet He desires a deeper relationship. Will Jack and Darcy move forward into that deeper relationship with the Lord? What in the story leads you to believe that?
  13. For much of the story, Jack and Darcy work against each other, even though they ultimately want the same thing. Are there any areas in your life where you’re working against someone, when working together would bring the desired result more quickly?
  14. When Jack’s faith was shaken in childhood, he turned from God, yet the Lord remained faithful. How has God shown steadfast patience in your life?
  15. In the world’s eyes, Jack and Darcy’s transatlantic attempt would be called a failure, yet they consider it a success. Why?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7541-0


Copyright © 2010 by Christine Elizabeth Johnson

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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