Society Girls: Rhieve (11 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Rhieve
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I woke up this morning even more conflicted than before. I still don’t want to make a fool of myself again, but I genuinely feel like Calum is being sincere. He didn’t try to take advantage of me at all, even when I called him Cabe. I feel like I’ll regret it if I don’t try again with him, because he’s always been the only one I could see myself with forever.

He’s at work now, but I’m meeting him for our interview and photoshoot with a British magazine. They asked me to wear my own clothes, and pick something white. I bought myself a white taffeta dress that’s sheer with pearls and crystals all over the shoulders. It classic, but with a little bit of the edge I prefer. Silver sandals and yet another sleek bun complete the look.

I smile at the guards in his lobby, and take the elevator up to his floor. Since Kaela was fired, there’s a temp from the secretarial pool manning the desk outside his door. When I approach, her eyes widen and she quickly stands up.

“You can’t go in.”

“Of course I can. I’m Calum’s fiancé,” I tell her, holding out my hand.

“I-I know who you are.”

“Okay. Well, nice to meet you.”

I brush past her, despite her protests, and open the door. What I see makes my heart drop, and my stomach roil. Julia and Calum are in an embrace, kissing like their lives depend on it. I close the door behind me as I quietly exit, neither of them noticing me. I smile at the girl, who looks sympathetic, and make my way back to the car waiting outside.

“There’s been a change of plans. I’m going to be meeting Calum there.”

“He didn’t tell me that,” his driver responds.

“You can either drive me there, or I can get out and take a cab.”

He looks at me in the review mirror, and whatever he sees on my face convinces him I’m not kidding. “I’ll drive you.”

I make arrangements for a flight to Norwich on the drive. If Calum wants to play with someone else, then I’m going to play tonight, too. I’m done being everyone’s doormat, and hiding that I like sex. Where better to give in to my desires than Thorns? Especially when I have something sexy in my purse already. It was supposed to be a surprise for Calum, and I guess he will be surprised, just not in the way I’d originally intended.

Having taken care of everything, I’m relatively calm when I arrive at the park the magazine reporter asked us to meet her at. I smile, and explain that Calum got detained, but will be here soon. We have a nice chat about my time in London so far while we wait.

When he gets to the park, he apologizes for being stuck at work, and kisses my cheek. “I don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but I can’t believe you left me at my office,” he whispers in my ear, making it look like he’s just being affectionate.

I don’t answer him, and I know he can tell something’s wrong during the interview and photos. I answer everything the way I should, smile and laugh on cue, and fool the reporter into thinking I’m blissfully happy. Yeah, she’s fooled, but he’s not. I can tell from the looks he gives me when no one else is watching, and the way he holds me tighter than he needs to when we’re embracing for the cameras. Oh, and maybe me asking him to use mouthwash before kissing me was a clue as well.

We say goodbye to the reporter, and walk to the car together. Once there, I kiss his cheek, and turn to walk away. I know he can’t follow me without making a scene, and since the reporter’s still watching, he won’t do that. I made it look like this was a planned parting, and he can’t do a damned thing about it.

I ignore my phone, which is blowing up with texts, missed calls, and voicemails, as I make my way to Norwich. I still have the keys to his apartment, so I change there, grabbing one of his suit jackets to cover myself for the drive to the club. I’m not great at driving on the opposite side of the road, but I manage to not hit anything on my way there.

They let me in at the gate, because I’m the owner’s “woman” but I valet instead of parking in the garage this time. I don’t have him with me for the scans, and I’m not looking for special treatment tonight anyway. I’m going in through the front, and requesting a bracelet other than my diamond one, because tonight is for me, and not part of the game I’m playing for the public.

“I’d like a green anklet please,” I tell the woman behind the reception desk.

“I can’t give you that,” she says, her eyes going so wide I’m afraid she may burst something.

“Sure you can.”

“I-I can’t.”

“Is there a problem here?”

I turn and see Guil behind me, one eyebrow cocked at us. “I simply want a green anklet.”

He looks to the ceiling, and then gestures for me to follow him down the hall towards the offices. I don’t want to talk to him, but I know the girl isn’t going to honor my request unless Guil tells her to, so I walk behind him to an office next to Calum’s. He waits until the door’s closed behind me to speak.

“What did he do?”

“I’m not talking to you about this.”

“You don’t want a green one.”

“I do.”

“So, you want to be gang banged or ass-fucked without anyone asking your permission?”


“Green means you’re up for
, no questions asked.”

“I thought consent was required here.”

consent. Now with yellow, they have to ask what you want—and don’t want.”

“Oh. Well, yellow then.”

“You sure?”

“I came here because I want to get rid of all the sexual tension that’s been building inside of me.”

“Calum would happily take care of that for you if you’d just forgive him. He really didn’t set out to hurt you. Neither one of us did.”

forgive him, and then…then something else happened today. I want to lose myself for a few hours before I have to pretend I can stand to be in the same room with him again.”

He studies me for a moment, and then shakes his head. “He’s going to kill me, but okay. I’ll give you a yellow anklet.”

“Thank you.”

We walk back down the hallway, and he gets me the anklet. I smile, shrug the jacket off my shoulders, hand it to him, and walk in. “Aw fuck, I am so dead,” he says on a groan as I wink at him.

* * *


I’ve given up on finding Rhieve for the moment, and am rehashing how big of a clusterfuck my day was. When Julia attacked me in my office, I kissed her back for a moment, so I could get her to let her guard down. Once she was relaxed, I twisted her around, and took her to the floor, her hands behind her back, and my knee on her spine.

She thought it was some sort of new sex game, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that if she ever tried anything with me again, I would make sure she paid for what she did to Rhieve, both in the past and also recently. She tried to reason with me when I told her she’s banned from Thorns, and then she started threatening me. I laughed in her face, and called security to throw her out the back door.

When I got downstairs, planning to apologize to Rhieve for being late, my car wasn’t there. I called my driver, and he informed me she told him to go without me. I was pissed, because I’m doing everything I can to make things right with us, and she just doesn’t care.

The interview and photoshoot were ridiculous, and how she left me on the curb made me want to punch things. Lots of things. When my phone rings, and I see it’s Guil, I remember I need to tell him about Julia being banned so he can notify them in Norwich before he comes back here to London.

“Hey, I was going to call you later.”

“Yeah well, you need to get your ass down here now.”

“Shit. Did Julia show up? I revoked her membership today.”

“Good, but no, she’s not here. Your fiancé is.”

I’m already up, and in my elevator before I know I’m even moving. “Rhieve’s there?”

“Yep, and she wanted green.”

“You didn’t give it to her.” It’s not a question, because he’s my best friend, and he knows I love her.

“No, but I gave her a yellow.”

“You have a death wish?”

“If I did, I wouldn’t have arranged for your helicopter pilot to meet you on the roof right about now.”

I’ve just reached the lobby, so I stay on the elevator and push the button for the roof this time. “Why is she there? Did she say?”

“She’s pissed at you, and she said it’s not about the whole Chet thing. What did you do to her today?”

“I didn’t do anything today. I was dealing with Julia, and then she took off in my car. She wasn’t herself at the magazine thing, and then she left me on the sidewalk after.”

“Did she see you with Julia?”

I want to say no, but then I stop to think about things. Things like my temporary assistant looking guilty when I rushed from my office to meet Rhieve. And how she made me use mouthwash before kissing her. She said it’s because I had onion breath, and I went along with it even though I hadn’t eaten any onions. My heart rate kicks up as I make my way onto the roof, and run to the waiting helicopter.

“She must’ve. Damn it. I need to talk to her, and explain. I don’t care what color she has on, you let it be known if anyone touches her, they’re out. And maybe not breathing.”

“That’s not the way the club works. You’re going to piss them off.”

“I don’t care. Let them all fucking leave if they don’t like it, but no one touches Rhieve.”

“I’ll let them know. See you soon.”

I hang up and give my pilot the go-ahead to take off. The forty-five-minute flight feels more like forty-five hours. As soon as we touch down on the roof of the club, I’m out the door. Guil is waiting, and I take a swing at him. He reels back, holding his jaw.

“What the fuck?”

“You gave her an anklet, and now you’re up here instead of down there making sure she’s safe. I’d do more than punch you if I had time.”

“The five guys who were circling her left when I told them to back off. They said they may not come back, but since you don’t care…”

“I don’t.”

“Anyway, after that, she knew something was up, and called me some choice names. Last I saw, she was in the viewing area outside the Bath room.”

Which means she’s turned on. Pissed off and turned on. If I can convince her I didn’t do anything wrong, I’m possibly in for the hottest fucking of my life. I push past him, and run down the stairs, ignoring everyone else as I go to find my woman.

She’s where Guil said she was, her hands on the glass as she watches what’s going on inside. Since she hasn’t seen me yet, I take a moment to look at her reflection in the glass. She’s got on some black lace corset thing that has her tits pressed together like an offering. There are black ribbons barley holding up the top, and then crossing again in the middle. She’s got on tiny panties that barely cover her ass, and garters are holding up her black stockings. It’s all going to be in shreds once I’m done with her.

I’m pissed now, realizing how many people saw her like this. That damn yellow is glowing on her ankle, and I reach down to yank it off before pressing my body into hers. “You need to listen to me.”

She stiffens, but doesn’t fight me, which lets me know just how turned on she is. “I hate you.”

“I was getting rid of Julia. I’m guessing you saw me when I kissed her back for a moment so she’d let down her guard. If you’d stayed around to confront me, you’d have seen that.”

“I didn’t want to wait around to see you take her on the floor.”

I reach around to cup her tits, squeezing them as I answer her. “I took her to the floor, but not how you mean.”

“Oh, did she suck you off?” she asks, moving against me, despite the anger in her tone.

I slide my hands down to grip her hips as I thrust against her. “She would have, but no. I told her to stay out of our lives.”

“You did?”

I slide one hand down to cup her mound, feeling how soaked her panties are. “Yes, and I told her she can’t come to the clubs anymore.”


“Because she’s toxic, and she’s hurt the woman I love, over and over again.”

“You’ve hurt me.”

“I know,” I say, sneaking my fingers under her lace to stroke her clit. “I’m the one hurting right now, though. You shouldn’t be here in this…whatever it is you’re wearing.”

“I bought it to wear just for you, but then I was mad…and sexually frustrated. I need to come.”

I pull her back from the window so her arms are almost straight against it. Then, I drop to my knees in front of her. “I’m going to take care of you while you watch them, because I know how much you love to watch. After you come on my mouth, we’re going to my office, and you’re going to let me fuck you, and take away
hurt. Are you okay with that?”


I lean forward and lick her through the lace as she moans. “What are you watching, Rhieve. What’s making you so hot and wet. Tell me while I eat you.”

“A woman. She’s on a lounger. There are two men and one woman with her,” she says, moving against my mouth as I push her panties aside and eat her like the special treat she is.

I stop my licking, and sucking for a moment. “What are they doing to her, love?”

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