Society Girls: Waverly (13 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Waverly
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I wait until he’s gone before I fall to the floor. How? How could he say those things to me? He said he loved me, but he hates me. He has to. No one who loved someone would say those things, especially more than once.

“Wave!” Isa yells. I hear her running down the stairs, and then she’s on the floor next to me. “What happened?”

“He was angry, and he said things,” I sob, trying not to choke because I’m crying so hard. “It’s over.”

The door opens, and I stiffen until Aiden speaks. “I don’t know what the fucker said, but I saw everything on the cameras, and I know it’s bad. I try not to kill anymore, but I can make an exception for him. You just say the word, and it’s done.”

I can’t help but laugh. “No. I don’t want you to kill him, but thanks for asking. And for making me smile.”

“I was serious,” he says, and when I look up, he almost looks offended.

“I know, and I really do appreciate it. I’d rather just get this mission over with, and forget I ever met him.”

“Okay. Feel better, beautiful,” he tells me, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

“I already do.”

It’s not a lie. I don’t know if I’ll ever love someone like I love Knox, but I’m grateful for the fact that I now know I
love. I’ve been battered before, and come back stronger. It’s time for me to do it again. Cats have nine lives, but a woman can have unlimited strength when she allows herself to embrace it.



Things are back on track. For the last two days, my times are not only low, they’re better than ever. Now that I’m not thinking of how soon I can get back to Waverly, my mind is clear in the pool again. Outside of the pool is a different story.

I’ve caught glimpses of her in the backyard, although she always packs up and goes in the guest house once I’m home. Seeing her in those brief moments is torture. I want to kiss her, and hold her. Make her feel beautiful again. She proved she doesn’t need that from me, but I want it regardless.

“When am I going to meet her?” my mom asks, breaking me from my thoughts as I drink my sports drink on her patio.

“Who?” I ask, although I know playing stupid isn’t going to get me far with her. She raises an eyebrow, and yep, I give in. “We’re not together anymore.”

“I just talked to you a few days ago.”

“A lot can happen in a few days.”


“She refused to sleep in my bed. She said she knew I’d had a bunch of girls in there before her.” I’m still annoyed by that, even though I know I was the one in the wrong about the rest of it.

“Can you blame her?”

“Yeah, I can. She had no problem sleeping with me in Cape Town. So what if I took girls to my bed. It’s not like I haven’t changed the sheets since then.”

“Did you don a hazmat suit, and do a thorough cleaning, because while I love you, I won’t even go in your bedroom. God only knows what a black light would find in there.”

“You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am. You know I won’t lie to you, even if it makes you feel better.”

She wouldn’t, and whether I want to admit it, or not, she’s right. So, it
all my fault. “Shit. I’ll get a team in there later. It’s not going to change anything at this point, though.”

“What else did you do?”

“I said things to her,” I say, hanging my head because there’s no way I can look at her for the rest of this.

“What things, Knox?”

“I-I told her she could lose some weight, that she wasn’t my type.” I feel the smack on the back of my head before her hand even connects with it, because I knew it was coming. “I made a comment about how the man who trafficked her would have trouble selling her when she wasn’t thin.”

“No. Knox. No.” Her hand lands on my head in a gentle way this time as she pulls me to her. “I love you, but right now I’m not liking you so much.”

“Now you know why changing my bed doesn’t matter.”

“Maybe changing the bed won’t matter, but you should still do it. Then you should do every big gesture and romantic thing you can think of to convince her you’re sorry.”

“I can’t do that,” I tell her, pulling away.

“You love her.”

“Yes, but it was affecting my performance in the water. All I could think about was her, and how soon I could get back to her. I couldn’t clear my mind, and my times were going up.”

“Thank God, it’s finally happened.”


“I’ve been waiting for the day when a woman would mean more to you than swimming.”

“You want me to fail?”

“Falling in love isn’t failing unless you let the person you’re in love with get away.”

“People depend on me.”

“Those people would always have a job with us.”

“I said I’d be back for the next Games.”

“No one’s saying you can’t.”

“Mom, seriously! You can’t tell me to chase after love and then tell me to swim, too. I told you I can’t do both.”

“You only think you can’t. Gwen wounded your pride, so you’re still holding it too close to you. If you let go, and let Waverly all the way in, you wouldn’t have to worry about whether you’re going to see her again. Or if she’s going to be with another man.”

“I don’t…I’m not.”

“Aren’t you?”

Am I? Is that why I can’t clear my mind? “I don’t know.”

“I haven’t met Waverly yet, but I already know she’s nothing like Gwen.”

“She’s not,” I agree.

“So don’t treat her like she is.”

“It’s too late.”

“You get that room, and well, probably your whole house and grounds, cleaned. I’ll get Waverly to the party tomorrow night. Once she’s here, you can begin your groveling.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too. Now go on and make those calls.”


“This is pretty impressive,” Aiden says from next to me. “You know it’s for you, right?”

We’re sitting on the bench outside the guest house as an army of men and women take apart Knox’s house. It started this morning, and when we went to investigate, we saw them throwing Knox’s mattress into a dumpster they brought with them. Two charity trucks pulled up soon after and every piece of furniture inside, and outside of the house, went in them. The cushions from the fire pit benches followed the mattress, and now there’s some kind of deep clean going on.

“It’s a little too late for that,” I tell him, although I am interested to see what the new furniture looks like.

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

“Don’t look now, but his mom’s on her way over.”

I jump off the bench and try to make a run for the door, but Mrs. Edwards is faster than she looks, and she reaches me before I can even touch the doorknob. “Hello, Waverly.”

I turn and paste a smile on my face. “Hi. Mrs. Edwards, right?”

“Right,” she tells me, smiling indulgently because we both know I know who she is. “You’re even more stunning in person.”

“Oh, thanks.”

I’m in a Chinese print loose top and leggings with my hair in a ponytail and no make-up on while she looks like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. She’s in jeans, but I know they cost more than most people make in a week, and her top really was on the cover of Vogue this month. I’m way out of my element here.

“You look nervous.”

“I am.”

“Do you love my son, Waverly?”


“Then you’ll come to his welcome home party tomorrow night.”

“I’m sorry, but no. I’m not going to go into everything with you, but I can’t do that.”

“I know what he said to you.”


“Excuse me,” a woman says, coming up to join us. “Are you Waverly?”


“Great. I need you to look over these pictures and tell me what you want in the house.”


“Yes. Knox was very specific about you having approval over every item that enters the house. If you don’t like what I’ve picked, we can drive to the showroom.”

“Mrs. Edwards?” I ask, turning to her.

“Call me Gretchen. As for the house, it really is what he wants. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She walks over to Aiden. “It’s always nice to see you. Please tell your parents I would love to see them both more.”

“I will.”

“You’re welcome to come to the party as well. I already invited Isa when I saw her at the pool earlier.”

“I’m going home to my wife tonight, but thanks for the offer.”

“Bring her with you next time.”

“I will.”

Aiden turns to wink at me after she leaves. “I can’t wait to see what you choose for the house, Wave.”

I open my mouth, but then just close it and shake my head. Turning back to the woman at my side, I give her a smile. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

A couple hours later, the pieces I chose are already being delivered. I didn’t need to go to the showroom, because I loved what she’d chosen. I mixed up a few groupings, but it was all pretty much perfect for Knox’s modern and open house. The deck furniture will be arriving tomorrow, but the fire pit benches are already sporting their new pillows. I know money can make things happen fast, but I’m still impressed.

“Did you have fun, Wave?”

I stiffen as I hear Cohen behind me. It’s been hard to face him now that I know what I know. I let my training take over as I turn around. “It’s been fun. Not what I’m supposed to be doing, but I enjoyed it.”

“Taking a few hours off won’t really hurt anything, will it?”

“I suppose not. I just really want to find this person before she sends another threat, or worse. Now that we’re here, it’s only a matter of time.”

“Her? You’re sure now it’s a woman.”

“Yes. We’re lucky you took that picture of the mirror threat, because after analyzing the handwriting, we know it’s definitely feminine. And then there’s the way the skunk was stuck the door. That angle suggests someone shorter as well. Plus, you said you thought it was a woman in the alley. You’ve really helped us, Coh.”

He squirms a little and rubs his neck before answering. “Glad to be of help. I should get going, but I hear you’re coming to the party tomorrow. Please save me a dance.”

“Of course. Have a good night.”

“You too.”

Things are going to get ugly soon, and although I really like Cohen, I can’t protect him. My job is to protect his best friend, and that’s what I’m going to do. Even if I wasn’t in love with Knox, he’d be my priority, but I do, so it makes him even more important to me.


My mom always throws the best parties. She can put on a black-tie dinner like nobody’s business, but I’ve always liked the backyard barbeques the best. Tonight is somewhere in between. No jackets or ties required, but most of the women are in cocktail attire. More than one has tried to approach me, but I keep dodging them. There’s only one woman I want to see tonight, and since I’ve been assured she’ll be here, I can’t stop watching the door.

A woman puts her hand on my shoulder just as Waverly walks in. I shake the hand off as I walk across the room. She looks my way, and her eyes go wide as we make eye contact. I’m afraid she’s going to run, but she waits for me. She always surprises me, and I love that about her.

“You look even more gorgeous than usual,” I tell her.

She’s got on a sleeveless blue dress that circles her neck, with sheer fabric cascading to her ankles in front, while stopping further up on the sides. There’s a shorter dress underneath, stopping at her upper thighs. Her hair is in a messy bun with a few strands hanging down, and she’s wearing more make-up than usual, but not enough to hide how naturally beautiful she is.

Her amber eyes look me up and down before coming back to settle on mine. “You don’t need to flatter me, Knox. I already told you I don’t need that from you.”

“I’m just stating the truth.”

“Thank you.”

I was so caught up in her dress, and face, that I didn’t notice the necklace she’s wearing. It’s the one I borrowed for her in Cape Town. “You have the necklace.”

“Oh,” she says reaching up to touch it. “Thanks for this, too.”

Now I’m really confused. “I only borrowed it for you.”

“It was delivered to the guest house today. I thought it was from you. Who else would’ve sent it to me?”

“My mother,” I say, knowing immediately that I’m right. “I
to buy it for you, but I didn’t feel right asking my parents to borrow me that kind of money for a piece of jewelry, even if it was for you.”

“I wanted to buy it, too. I was planning on it, but then everything happened and I forgot. Until it arrived today. I should give it back—it’s too much.”

“It’s not, and I know my mom. She won’t take it back. It belongs with you, Wave.”

“If you’re sure…”

“I am.”

“I’ll thank her when I see her.”

“She’ll be happy to see you. Also, Cohen sent me pictures of the house. It looks great so far.”

“Why did you have me choose everything?”

“I want you to spend as much time there with me as possible, and I want you to be comfortable. Can we go outside and talk? There’s some stuff I need to tell you. I should’ve told you already, but I’ve been struggling with it…with us.”

“There is no ‘us’ right now.”

“I want there to be.”

“A necklace and an apology aren’t enough to undo what you did to me. Keep doing to me. You give hot and cold a whole new meaning, Knox.”

“I know it seems that way. Please, just let me try and explain.”

“I’m not sure you should be sneaking out of your own party.”

“My mom won’t mind. She already likes you more than she likes me. She bought you that necklace, after all.”

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