Society Girls: Waverly (10 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Waverly
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I spent the last 24 hours outside Waverly’s door. For the first few hours, I knocked frequently, making sure she was still breathing. She finally got tired of answering me, and unlocked the door so I could look in and see for myself. After reaching for her and having her shrink back, I’ve satisfied myself with just quick peeks inside to make sure she hasn’t hurt herself.

Her crying has been killing me, but I won’t force myself or my comfort on her. I tried to convince her to eat, but she threatened to lock her door again, so I’ve let that go, too. I got a text from Kendrick saying they had landed, so I know they’ll be here soon.

I can’t pretend that knowing she’ll let him hold her isn’t killing me. I know he’s got a girlfriend, and even if he didn’t, I love Wave enough to want to her to have comfort, no matter who it’s from. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, and I wish it could be me, but apparently, it can’t.

The doorbell rings, and I hear Cohen answer it. Running footsteps alert me to Kendrick’s arrival, and then I see him. The man she trusts more than she’ll ever trust me.

“Is she in there?”

I nod, and he enters the room. I hear her cry harder as the door closes, and then there’s silence. I force myself to stand up and walk down the stairs, since I’m definitely not needed up there.


I hear my name, and look up, surprised to see Isabelle Mason here in my house. Matisse is also here, chewing on a nail as she looks to the ceiling above us. “They’re more that way,” I tell her pointing behind me, and to the right.

“He’s going to help her.”

“I know,” I say, a little of the pent up bitterness I’m feeling slipping out.

“Don’t be like that. If you knew their past, you’d understand.”

“But I don’t, Matisse. I didn’t even know she’d been trafficked until she stood up and told her mother off.”

“We saw the video from the event. That was pretty awesome.”

“Not the point, but yes it was.”

“I need you to take me to that woman,” Isa says.

“Are you going to kill her?” I ask, secretly hoping the answer is yes.

“That remains to be seen.”

“I like you, Isa,” Coh says, in answer to that.

“My husband likes me more.”

“Gotcha. How about you, Matisse?”

“The good doctor,” she says, motioning to the stairs.

“Well, damn. Is there anyone you could hook me up with?”

“That’s our cue to leave, Knox. I’d hate to have to hurt your friend,” Isa says, giving him a hard look as she passes him on her way to the door.

“Call me if you need me, and try not to get yourself killed while I’m gone,” I tell him.

“Roger that.”

“Oh, and thanks for putting off your diving until tomorrow. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Go take care of business. We’ve got it covered here.”

No. Kendrick has it covered. I don’t say it out loud, but Matisse sees it on my face, and flashes me a reassuring smile. I don’t feel assured, but I manage to smile back at her.

I know where the bitch and her husband live, because he wanted us to come to his house for dinner before we left the country. That’s not going to happen, but at least I can take Isa there. It’s a short drive away from my rented house, and we’re let through the gates immediately.

The woman—Elani—runs out, but stops short when Isa and I get out of the car. “Waverly’s not here?”

“No, and you won’t be seeing her again,” Isa says.

“She’s my daughter. You can’t tell me whether I can see her or not.”

“She stopped being your daughter the moment you sold her. I know you invited Knox to the party the other night because you saw pictures of them together, but it will not happen again.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

I don’t even see Isa move, but Elani is on the ground with Isa behind her, and there’s a knife at her throat. “I don’t think I made myself clear. Go near Waverly, and you’ll be dead. If it’s not me, it will be one of my friends.”

“Who are you?”

“That’s not important. What
important is that you understand what I’m telling you.”

“I need to atone. The foundation is a start, but I need Waverly to forgive me.”

“Your foundation had better be on the up and up, because we’ll be watching you. As for Waverly, if she chooses to forgive you, I’m sure she’ll seek you out. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.”

“I-I understand. I’ll leave her alone.” Isa lets her go, sticks her knife back in her boot, and walks to the car. I start to turn, but Elani stops me. “Knox, please tell her again that I’m sorry. And tell her…tell her I named her Waverly because she always kicked when I was at the beach. I knew the water was her destiny.”

I’m not going to tell her, and I want to throw up. Elani found Waverly because of me. I brought her this pain, and it’s no wonder she wants nothing to do with me now. My fame brought the one person who hurt her most back into her life, and I know she’ll never forgive me. I’m not sure I can forgive myself.


I wanted Knox to hold me last night, and this morning, but I feel dirty. He knows about me now. He knows what I was, even if he doesn’t know all the things I did. How can he want me after that? I embarrassed him, and how he knows how fucked up I am.

When the door opens again, I prepare to turn away, but I recognize the cologne. I sob harder as my best friend strides into the room, and pulls me into his arms. “Ken. You’re here.”

“Of course I am.”

I cry for a few more minutes as he holds me tight. “Did you see it on the news?”

“I saw it, yes, but I was already on my way here. Knox called Reina, and said you needed me.”

“I pushed him away all night and day.”

“I know you did, because you tried to push me away when we first met. You were afraid I wouldn’t care, so you didn’t want to let me in. You did it with Knox now, but is that what you really wanted? To push him away?”

“No. I wanted to hold him tight, and never let go.”

“Then why didn’t you? You’re no longer a scared little girl—you are a strong woman, who
You said it yourself.”

“You saw what I did. What I said. How could I expect for him to look at me the same way after that?”

“You told him nothing of your past?”


“I could lecture you, but we both know I’m not in a position to do that. I kept too much from Matisse for too long.”

“She loves you. Knox said he loves me.”

“He would be stupid to not fall in love with you. Any man would.”

“What am I going to do?”

“Have you told him you love him back?”

“What if I don’t?”

“You do.”

“Yes. And yes, I told him. Right before that all happened.”

“So what you’re going to do is tell him everything else. All of it. He deserves to know it all if you’re going to be with him.”

“What if he doesn’t want me?” I may be strong, but I still hurt.

“From what I could tell, he sat outside this room for over a day. He was looking pretty rough.”

“He did. I think he was checking to make sure I didn’t hurt myself.”

“That right there should answer your question about him wanting you.”

“I should probably go talk to him now.”

“He’s with Isa, but when they get back, yes.”

“Isa? She’s here?”

“Yes, and so is Matisse. Isa was going to have Knox take her to your mother. Matisse is probably getting herself into some kind of trouble downstairs.”

“Is Isa going to kill her?” I don’t know how I’d feel about it if she did.

“Not unless she has to.”

I nod, not sure if I’m relieved or upset about that. “Matisse is probably hanging out with Cohen, which means there’s definitely some trouble happening.”

“Cohen is a man?” he asks, stiffening.

“Yes,” I say with a smirk. “A very handsome man.” I can’t resist goading him now that I feel a little better.

“I will kill him, slowly, if he tries to touch her.”

“You don’t trust her to do that herself?”

“I do,” he says with a laugh. “Thanks for reminding me, though.”

“Thank you for flying across the world to talk some sense into me.”

“I also came to make sure you’re okay after seeing

“I’m not necessarily
, but yelling at her made me feel a little better. Like there’s closure, you know? I haven’t thought of her as my mother for so long that I didn’t realize I needed to see her. I
to say those things to her, and show her that despite what she did, I survived.” There’s that word again. The word that when said, has the power to give hope.

“I’m so proud of you.”

“I’m proud of me, too.”

For that at least. How I’ve behaved since then, especially where Knox is concerned, is a different matter.

“Now that you’re back among the living, you should probably take a shower.”

“And eat.”

“Yes, as your doctor, I insist you eat a good meal. I know just the place to take everyone once they’re back.”

He tells me what he has in mind, and I agree that it’s perfect. With one more hug, he’s out the door to track down Matisse, and I’m heading for the shower. Talking to Knox isn’t going to be easy, but I’m ready to do it. I should’ve done it sooner, but better late than never, right?

I have to stifle a scream when I walk out of my bathroom, because I’m not expecting Matisse to be lounging on my bed. “Jesus, Teesy! A little warning next time would be good.”

“What fun would that be?”

“I’m sure you had plenty of fun with Ken and Coh downstairs.”

“They’re fine. Talking about cliff diving, in fact.”

“Ah yes, adrenaline junkies unite.”


“Thanks for coming here.”

“You’re welcome. I hear we’re going somewhere special for dinner, so I picked out a dress for you.”

She motions to the other side of the bed where one of the sexiest dresses Stella picked for me is lying. It’s deep blue and tight with ruching to my calves and a neckline that’s meant to be pushed off my shoulders so plenty of cleavage is on display.

“It’s too much. I can’t wear that.”

Stella and Kevin said I looked smoking hot in it, and the ruching does wonders when it comes to hiding things, but I wasn’t comfortable in it when I tried it on. It screams “sex” and while I’m finally having it now, I don’t know if I can project that to the world.

“It’s not too much. It’s an apology.”


She looks exasperated as she sits up and starts ticking things off on her fingers. “You didn’t tell Knox about your past. You had a meltdown, and then pushed him away. You made him so worried that he still sat outside your room all night, checking on you, even though you wouldn’t allow him to comfort you. You didn’t thank him for calling Reina to bring Doc here. Shall I go on?”

“I haven’t seen him to thank him. As for the rest, I plan on apologizing.”

“That dress will help.”

“Not if I feel uncomfortable.”

“You felt uncomfortable when you tried it on for Stella?”


“Hmm. Have you tried it on again since you’ve been getting sexed up by the hot swimmer?”

“What? How did you know?”

“I didn’t. It was a guess. A correct guess because I’m just that good. Now put on the damn dress so I can salivate over your hot curves.”

I laugh, thinking about how we always want what we don’t have. Aside from not being athletic, Matisse is the type of girl Knox is usually seen with. Or at least the type he used to be seen with. I’ll admit I’ve envied her tiny waist before, although I do like my full breasts. Clothes would be easier if I looked like her, but then I wouldn’t be me. Besides, I have Stella on speed dial if I need an outfit. I trust her to help me look good.

Matisse is right. When I slide the dress on over the scraps of lace she threw at me, I’m not self-conscious. I look in the mirror, and imagine Knox’s hands on me. Pulling the top down to get to my breasts, and pushing the bottom up to get to my vagina, or pussy, as he prefers to call it. I can feel his hands caressing me, and I feel powerful and sexy.

“I was right, wasn’t I?” she asks, walking up behind me in a dress I didn’t even know she had with her in my room.

“Yes, you were,” I tell her with a smile.

“That smile on your face is telling me your guy knows what he’s doing.”

“He does,” I admit, but that’s all I’m telling her.

“Did you tell Ken you had your cherry popped?”


“Thank God. I want to be there when he figures it out. It’s going to be

“He’s been telling me I’m missing out for years.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t get to have the ‘dad’ talk with Knox before he brought his dick out to play.”

“Ken isn’t my dad.”

“He’s your dad, brother, favorite uncle, and bestie all rolled into one.”

“Yeah, he is. He used to be my everything else as well, but now I have all of you girls.”

“And Knox.”

“Yes. Well, maybe. I don’t know how things are with us right now.”

“Well, let’s get you downstairs so Ken can figure things out and get all growly. I love it when he gets growly because it means he’ll be rough with me.”

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