Solaria - S1 (13 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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Handing Jain a business card, she turned to walk away then stopped and looked back.


"You're going to be okay, right?"


"Yeah, I'm fine. Really, umm Dr. Rodelle;" Jain said, glancing at the card.


"Good. Well, it's been a real pleasure," the woman said and then winked.


Jain's heart gave a hard thump.


If only I could pass out again,
she thought and then wondered how her mouth could be so dry when she was practically salivating. Watching the doctor stroll away, she was mesmerized by the swaying hips and long muscular legs.


*  *  *


The room was pleasantly decorated with a mixture of scenic paintings and tropical colors. Magazines lay scattered around the end tables and a unisex restroom was in the far corner near a window overlooking the bay. Looking at the other patients, Jain wondered if she was making a mistake. Obviously, the clientele were wealthy if their clothes were an indication.


The receptionist gave her a strange look after glancing at her signature on the sign-in sheet. Handing her the appropriate forms, she explained how they were to be filled out and asked for proof of insurance. Jain could tell she was dying to ask her a question and was pretty sure what it would be.


"Dr. Rodelle suggested that I see her," she said, feeling suddenly defensive.


"Oh," the woman said, looking somewhat doubtful. "What exactly is the problem?"


"I fainted."


"I see. What else?" she asked, her pen poised expectantly over the form.


"Uh. Nothing else. That's it."


"Hmmm. Well, I don't see your name in the appointment book. Are you sure Dr. Rodelle suggested you see her? I mean she's a neurosurgeon. Normally you would see a GP first," the receptionist replied skeptically.


Pulling out the business card, Jain flashed it at the woman.


"I'm sure."


"Well, okay. If you'll have a seat, I'll let the doctor know you're here. It'll probably be a long wait, though. There are several people in front of you who have appointments and naturally we have to take care of them first."


"Of course," Jain replied, wanting to ask what the woman's problem was. She picked up one of the magazines and a chair by the window putting as much distance as possible between her and the obnoxious woman as possible.


Maybe this is a mistake,
she thought.
After all, there's really nothing wrong with me.


Jain stared out the window at the water. A small sailboat was battling the wind and waves. Lost in her own world of self-doubt, it took her several seconds to realize someone was talking. Looking up, she saw Dr. Rodelle standing next to a small, elderly woman using a cane for support. Unable to hear what was being said, she watched the expressions on the women's faces trying to guess at the content of the conversation. When the doctor suddenly smiled and leaned down to give the woman a kiss on the cheek and then escorted her to the door, Jain was surprised.


Maybe she's a relative!


After shutting the door, Dr. Rodelle glanced around the room at its occupants. When she saw Jain, she smiled and winked and then left through the examination room door. A few seconds later, she appeared next to the receptionist. Jain watched as the doctor picked up a folder and scanned the papers inside. After a few more words with the receptionist, she left, disappearing behind a door. Several minutes later, the receptionist walked into the room and walked over to whisper to one of the patients. After a short conversation, she moved to the next. Shortly afterward, both patients stood and left the room.


I guess she's got an emergency,
Jain thought, standing to also leave.


"Dr. Rodelle will see you now, Miss Plaine," the receptionist said walking over to stand by her. The haughty behavior from before had been replaced by a more professional tone.


Surprised, Jain just nodded and followed the woman to a nicely furnished small lounge at the back of the complex.


"Can I get you something to drink? Coffee? Tea?"


"No thanks," Jain replied. My insurance is definitely not going to pay for what this is going to cost.


"Well, just let me know if you need anything. Dr. Rodelle will be in shortly."


Walking around, Jain examined the furnishings. She had no doubt everything in the room was extremely high quality. The sound of the door opening caught her attention and she turned to see Dr. Rodelle enter the room, shutting the door behind her.


"Ms. Plaine, how are you doing?" Again the voice sent shivers down Jain's spine, causing her arms to pebble up with goosebumps.


"Uh... fine. I'm... fine, Dr. Rodelle," she stuttered.


"Good. Please have a seat. I need to ask you a few questions before we get started."


Swallowing a lump in her throat, Jain complied and was startled when the doctor sat next to her, crossing her long legs and leaning back on the couch. Jain stared at the smooth golden skin along her lower thighs and calves. Immediately her heart began beating faster and she felt faint.


"Are you okay?" Dr. Rodelle asked, noticing the slightly flushed cheeks.


Reaching over, she placed her hand against Jain's forehead as if testing for a fever.


"Oh, yeah. Sometimes I just get these heart palpitations and feel faint."


"I see. How long has this been going on?"


"Ummm, well, it's a recent occurrence. Actually, this is only the second time."


"Hmmm. I take it the first was the other day. Interesting."


Scribbling a few notes in the file, she twisted slightly on the couch, her leg coming into slight contract with Jain's.


"Is there anything different you've done these two times? Maybe something you've had to eat or drink?"


"No. I pretty much have the same routine."


Putting down the folder, Dr. Rodelle leaned close to her, clasped her wrist then started monitoring her watch. Frowning, she pulled her stethoscope from her jacket pocket and stood up.


"Pulse is a little fast. Let me listen to your heart."


Slipping the small diaphragm between Jain's blouse and chest, the doctor placed it against ample breasts. When her hand accidentally brushed her left breast, Jain's heart thumped so loud she could hear the pounding in her head.


Dr. Rodelle watched Jain's face closely as she moved the monitor around and listened.


"When's the last time you had a good physical?"


"Two years ago. Other than my weight, the doctor said everything was fine. Is there a problem?"


"Probably not. Still, I'd like to run a few tests on you. It'll take a few hours, though. Do you have anything scheduled for the rest of the day?"


"No, I'm not due back to work until tomorrow."


"Wonderful! I'll be right back."


Standing, Dr. Rodelle patted her shoulder then left the room. Jain looked nervously around wondering if maybe there was something seriously wrong with her. Ten minutes later, the doctor walked back in and shut the door.


"Sorry it took so long but my receptionist had to leave early. I wanted to make sure everything was locked up."


"Oh. Gosh. I don't want to cause any problems. I can come back another day," Jain offered.


"That's not necessary. I think we'd better get to the bottom of this today if possible. Now, if you don't mind, I'll need for you to get undressed."


"Here?" Jain squeaked.


"Well, it's more comfortable here but if you'd rather we go into the examination room..."


"No... no...  that's okay. This is fine. It's just that..."


"Ah, yes. Sorry. I'm so used to seeing naked bodies I forget some people are shy. I'll get you a gown."


Leaving the room, she returned holding a blue paper object.


"Here you go. I'll just get my instruments."


After the doctor left, Jain quickly disrobed, put on the examination gown then sat back down. Seconds later the doctor walked in holding a fairly large black leather bag.


"Good, now just lie back and let me check your heart again." The doctor placed her warm hand on Jain's chest and pressed it gently between her breasts. Immediately, Jain's pulse jumped and the doctor nodded then smiled.


"I think I know what your problem is," she said softly.


"Is it serious?" Jain asked, nervously.


"Very, but it's treatable."


Relieved, Jain sighed and then jumped when the physician's warm hand slid over her left breast. When the thumb and finger began gently rolling the nipple, she swallowed hard.




"Do you want me to stop?" Dr. Rodelle whispered, leaning closer. Her blue eyes twinkled with amusement.


"Well, no. I mean you're the doctor," Jain gasped.


Smiling, the doctor winked.


"Yes I am. Now, where was I?"


Her hand continued playing with the left nipple as her right traveled slowly down her patient's belly and then back up again. Jain could feel goosebumps forming on her skin and shivered slightly. Her heart raced wildly.


"You certainly do have a rapid heartbeat. I really do need to get to the bottom of this, don't you think?"


"Oh, yeah... certainly," Jain agreed.


"I thought you might agree."


For several minutes she gently stroked the skin while manipulating pebbled nipples with her fingers. Jain began to squirm when she felt a strange sensation between her thighs and squeezed her vaginal muscles tightly together.


Oh God!


Moisture began seeping between her legs onto the paper gown beneath her butt.


Grinning, Dr. Rodelle leaned down and stroked Jain's right ear with the tip of her tongue. Tracing the sensitive skin, she completed the journey by flicking it lightly against the entrance to the ear and then moved her lips down Jain's neck to her breasts. Gently drawing the right nipple into her mouth, she pulled on it and then ran her tongue around it while sucking.


Jain gasped but wasn't about to complain. In fact, the thought never entered her head; at least not until the doctor suddenly stood up. Before she could say anything, Dr. Rodelle began unbuttoning her own blouse. Removing it, she tossed it on the end table and then unzipped her skirt and sliding it down and stepping out of it. Standing for a few seconds, she looked down at Jain and smiled.


"You don't mind me getting a little more comfortable, I hope?"


"Oh, no. Um, you could get even more comfortable if you want. I mean pink really looks good on you but feel free to take off anything else you want."


"Maybe later. Right now, I think I need to complete my examination. I have to warn you, I'm very thorough."


"I... hope so."


Slipping a leg over Jain's body, the doctor straddled her patient and grinned. Again she let her hands roam lightly over the soft skin, hesitating every now and then to massage the more sensitive areas. When Dr. Rodelle stretched her long length over Jain's then began stroking her inner thighs, Jain just knew she was going to pass out. Fortunately, she didn't, but she did feel light headed... until two fingers nudged her lower lips apart and began caressing the moist sensitive skin hidden beneath.


Jain gasped, exhaling loudly.


Dr. Rodelle chuckled but didn't stop stroking. Instead, she began tickling the small raised hood around the clit making sure not to touch the engorged organ. Instead, she tried to distract Jain by nipping at her ear and then her throat. Scraping her teeth lightly against Jain's left breast, she again drew the nipple into her mouth and suckled.


"Fuck!" Jain groaned.


"If you wish," Dr. Rodelle replied and reached for her black bag. Opening it with one hand, she reached inside and pulled out a large purple dildo. Coating it with Jain's body fluid, she slowly inserted it into her vagina and pressed it gently inside. Rotating it slightly, she began to move it in and out and then recaptured the nipples with her lips.

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