Solaria - S1 (14 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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Jain could feel the tingling moving from her groin to her stomach and spread to the rest of her chest causing her stomach muscles to clinch. As the dildo moved faster her hips met each inward plunge with a thrust of the hips. Only the weight of the doctor kept her from pushing off the couch and falling on the floor.


"Geez!" she moaned, pushing upward faster and faster.


*  *  *


"Jain! Jain! Are you okay?" a voice called.


Opening her eyes, she stared at the woman, confused. Blinking several times, it took a few seconds for her to realize where she was.




"Who else? Listen, Jain, you don't look so good... kind of flushed, and you were groaning something awful. Maybe you should go home."


Looking around, Jain saw several people in the library staring at her curiously.


"Oh. No. I'm fine. Just a... a cramp in my foot. That's it."


Amy gave her a peculiar look but didn't say anything more.


Jain thought and then realized she needed to go to the ladies room.
I hope my pants aren't as wet as they feel.
Shaking her head in disgust, she asked Amy to watch the place while she took care of some business. Hopefully, the restroom would be empty and she could clean up a little.


By the time Jain returned, Amy had gone back to her desk. Sighing, the librarian picked up several books and began sorting them, cursing under her breath. Her associate had interrupted her at the climax of a great daydream. Snorting at her pun, she didn't hear the soft footsteps approaching and was startled by the husky voice of a woman.


"Excuse me, miss. Could you tell me if this library has a computer with public access?"


Looking up, Jain stared into teal blue eyes, a color she had never seen before. Blinking several times to make sure she wasn't imagining it, she found herself tongue-tied when she realized the woman waiting patiently for an answer was...


Was what?
She thought, searching for the right word.
Handsome! Yes, that's it! She's handsome! The eyes, though, are gorgeous and that silver hair. WOW! Natural or not, it's gorgeous too.


"Umm... I'm sorry. What do you need?"


"A computer with access to the Internet. Does the library have one?"


"Oh sure. Every library is equipped with them. I'll show you."


"There's no need. If you'll just give me the directions..."


"No, no. It's my job. Besides, I have to enter the password. Policy. Kids nowadays know more about computers than adults. We have to make sure they don't go hacking into some illegal site or download a virus. I'll need your library card."


"I'm sorry," the woman apologized. "I don't have a card. I'm new to this town."


"Oh. Well, not a problem. We'll just fill out the proper form and get you started. Now, if you've got a government I.D., it will simplify everything."


When it was handed to her, Jain looked at the name and photo.


"You take a good picture, Ms. Dayes."


"Thank you."


Entering the required information, Jain waited as a small computer spit out a plastic card. Picking it up, she glanced at the information to make sure it was accurate then handed it to the woman.


"You'll need this every time you come in. Now, follow me and I'll show you the computer wing. It's slightly isolated to give the users privacy."


Minutes later they were in a small room tucked in the back of the library. Walking to one of six desks, Jain leaned over and punched a button. Instantly a virtual keyboard appeared. Typing in a series of characters, the plasma screen illuminated giving the user instant access to the Internet.


"We close in three hours," Jain said, turning to the woman. "If you need any assistance, please push the red button here. It sends a silent signal to my computer."


"Thank you. I doubt if that will be necessary."


"Okay then. I'll check back in awhile, though, just in case."


The woman smiled but said nothing. Waving nonchalantly, Jain left, unaware this day would be one of many that she and the woman would have over the next several weeks.





VERY DAY SOLARIA came to the library, greeted Jain pleasantly then disappeared into the computer room. Naturally curious, Jain decided to check her out, or at least find out why she was spending so much time there.


Probably an investigative reporter or something. With her looks, she has to work for a big newspaper or television station.


Reviewing the history files on the computer, she was surprised to find they had been deleted. Even stranger was her inability to recover the data through normal procedures. Jain was a computer expert with a degree in the field and had spent fifteen years as a librarian. The only thing that kept her from being a top hacker was her integrity, although she wasn't averse to infecting her boss' laptop with small nuisance viruses whenever he pissed her off. Usually, it was something simple like making his DVD player open and shut on its own or some strange tune suddenly blaring out. Her favorite was the theme song from an old television series called the
Twilight Zone
. She had seen a few episodes at a convention and loved them.


Sitting down at the station Solaria always occupied, she typed in a series of commands. Fingers flying, she wasn't aware of the time passing until her assistant coughed.


"Oh! Sorry, I didn't hear you," Jain apologized.


"So I noticed. Listen, it's about time we closed up. You want me to do the building check?"


"Please, if you don't mind. I need to finish what I'm doing."


"Something wrong?"


"No, not really. Someone's messed up a few files and I'm just correcting them. It's more time consuming than difficult."


"Okay. I'll lock up when I leave."


"Thanks, Amy. I'll see you tomorrow."


Nodding, Amy left.


"Now, where was I? Oh yeah..."


Jain resumed her typing.


She's good! I wonder what's so important she needed to hide her activities.


Two hours later, Jain was still trying to recover the data. She was making progress but realized it could be hours or days. Rubbing her eyes, she decided to call it quits for the night.


Tomorrow's another day.


Not wanting to take a chance on Solaria discovering what she was doing, Jain introduced a small virus that shut down the computer's functions. She would tell Solaria this particular computer was down for servicing. The woman would have no choice but to use another. After placing an
out of service
sign on the monitor, she gathered up her belongings and headed home.


*  *  *


Solaria arrived at the library at her normal time and smiled at Jain.


"Good afternoon."


The greeting always sent a chill down Jain's spine. Solaria spoke softly, her voice low and slightly husky as if she had just awakened from a deep sleep.


Some women get it all,
Jain thought and sighed.


"Are you alright?" Solaria asked, noticing the sigh.


"Yes. Just thinking, that's all. Oh, your favorite computer is down so you'll need to switch."


"Nothing serious, I hope." Solaria replied, quietly.


Jain laughed.


"We sound like we're talking about someone instead of a machine."


Solaria thought about it and then smiled. Even though computers weren't sentient, she felt a certain affinity to them.


"Now that you mention it, we do."


"Well, I think you've worn yours out. This morning when I booted it up; it burped once and then died."


"I'm pretty knowledgeable about computers. I could look at it for you," Solaria offered, wanting to continue her research into Future Dynamicon's network.


Jain pretended to think about it and then shook her head.


"I'd better not. The boss is a real asshole. If he knew I let an unauthorized person tamper with it I'd lose my job. It's all this Homeland Security crap."


"That's understandable. I wouldn't want you to get fired. I'll come back tomorrow."


Solaria knew she was pressing her luck. Several weeks of hacking into the Company's records from the same location was risky. It was too bad she didn't have more time when she was in the lab. It had been simpler accessing everything from the onsite computer. Still, she was so close to finding out the exact location of the other Hubot program that she didn't want to waste time searching for a new Internet access site... -nor did she want to admit to herself that she was fascinated with Jain. The human was intelligent and personable, with an extraordinary sense of humor. Solaria noticed the way she teased and joked with the customers who frequented the library but always in a tasteful manner.


"I'm sure it'll be ready by then. You can use one of the others and have the place all to yourself. It's been a slow day so far."


"Thanks but I can wait. I've... grown fond of that particular computer," Solaria said. It was her first attempt at teasing and she was pleasantly surprised when Jain grinned in response.


"Of course. It's obvious. I really am sorry about this. I feel bad that you made the trip for nothing."


"Not a problem, Jain. It's not like it's your fault and it gave me a chance to talk to you, so the trip isn't wasted now is it?" Solaria grinned and then winked.


Jain's heart skipped a beat.


God if I had just one night with her, I'd die a happy woman.


"Well, umm... have a good evening. See you to..tomorrow." Jain stuttered.


"Yes you will."


Jain sat and stared at the door for the longest time after Solaria left.





S JAIN PREPARED for work she remembered the wink and smile Solaria had given her the day before. Deciding to dress up a little bit, she put on a dark green blouse with brown slacks. A matching vest added the finishing touch. Backing away from the mirror, she stared at her image and smiled.


I may be fat but I definitely know how to make the best of what I have.
Batting her eyes, she spun around and laughed.
Oh to be tall and slender.


Grabbing her handbag, she headed off to work.


At 1:28 Jain glanced at the large clock on the wall.


Two more minutes!


Sure enough, Solaria walked in at her normal time and stopped to examine each of the people sitting at the tables or strolling through the aisles. Satisfied, she strolled over to the librarian's desk and smiled at Jain.


"Good afternoon!"


"Good afternoon to you too," Jain replied returning the smile.


"How's our patient?"


"Patient? Oh, you mean the computer. The operation was a success. It'll live to serve you another day."


"Perhaps you should accompany me just to make sure I don't work it too hard too soon."


"My pleasure," Jain said, pleased at the invitation.


"I'm sure it will be," Solaria replied.


Jain gave her a curious look then led the way to the computer room with Solaria close behind. When they stepped inside, Jain was surprised to see Solaria closing the door and locking it.


"Uh, is something wrong?" she said and swallowed nervously.


"I don't think so."


Solaria walked over to her and leaned close.

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