Sold into Slavery (2 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

BOOK: Sold into Slavery
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Devin smiled, a lazy, sensual smile that belied the sudden fire in his eyes. Leah could sense the power behind his expression, coiled like a panther ready to spring. His hand still on her throat, Devin leaned closer, his thigh touching hers.

“I know we’ve only just met, but on some level I feel as if I already know you. As if I’ve always known you.”

Though a part of Leah tried to tell herself this was just an old pickup line, she found herself believing him, as she’d felt the same way from the instant she’d seen him staring down at her on the beach, outlined in gold from the sun.

She went so far as to open her mouth, ready to quip that she’d heard that line before, but when he touched her cheek, drawing two fingers along her skin, the words died in her throat. His fingers moved down past the chain, tracing the line of her collarbone and Leah had to press her lips together to keep from moaning.

Just then two men settled onto the empty barstools on her other side, bumping her shoulder as they loudly called for a drink. Devin dropped his hand, and Leah shook her head, feeling as if she’d just awoken from a dark, sensual dream. She reached for her glass, taking a long drink of the tangy rum and lime.

Devin pushed himself from his stool and stood. Reaching for their drinks, he said, “Let’s move to a booth.” It wasn’t a question, and it didn’t occur to Leah to refuse.

She followed him to an empty booth in a dark corner of the large bar. She slid onto a leather-covered padded bench on one side of the booth, expecting Devin to sit across from her, but instead he sat beside her, setting the drinks down in front of them.

They were quiet for a few moments. Leah was keenly aware of Devin’s strong, sexy body so close to hers. He smelled good, exuding a clean, masculine scent that made her want to nuzzle her nose against his neck. Not quite daring to do this, instead she lay her head lightly against his shoulder.

“It’s not often,” Devin said softly, “I meet a woman with whom I feel such an immediate and intense connection. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I want to take you up to my suite right this minute and have my wicked way with you.”

Leah said nothing. This sounded pretty good to her too, though a small voice of reason warned her to slow down. Devin continued, “I sense your passion, Leah, and your submissive desire. Just as I’m hardwired to take erotic control, you are hardwired to relinquish it.” He paused before adding, “To the right man.”

“To the right man,” Leah echoed, his words sending a jolt of aching desire directly to her pussy. She was glad of the darkness in the booth, and the fact they were staring straight ahead, rather than at each other.

“You crave the sensual eroticism of rope, and the kiss of a leather whip to heighten the experience,” Devin continued in his lovely, rich accent.

“Yes.” She nearly whimpered with longing. How was it this man she’d only just met seemed to know her deepest secrets?

“D/s is like a fire, Leah. Fire, not handled properly, can cause damage. There’s a thrill there, a flirtation with danger as you take it to the edge. Part of the dance is getting close to that fire without being burned.”

“Oh,” Leah breathed, the word pulled from deep inside her, her entire body thrumming with anticipation. Devin placed his hand on Leah’s thigh. She could feel the warmth of it through the light fabric of her skirt. Lifting her head, Leah started to turn toward him, her lips actually tingling with the need of a kiss, but Devin stopped her.

“Don’t move.” His voice was gentle but sure, brooking no disobedience. “Keep your eyes straight ahead, hands on the table.” It didn’t occur to Leah to refuse. He moved his hand slowly down her thigh and calf. She felt him gather the hem of her skirt and then slip his hand beneath it, his fingers now moving slowly up her bare leg.

“I sensed your strength the moment we met,” he said. “Submission is not about weakness, but rather about courage, the courage to recognize and embrace what and who you are at the very core of your being.” His hand moved up her leg, coming to rest on her bare thigh beneath the table.

Leah blew out a breath, his words electrifying her as much as his touch. She let her legs fall open, unable to exert even the slightest self-control. Her panties were soaking wet, her pussy tingling. Devin’s hand inched closer and Leah bit her lip to keep from begging.

She turned her face abruptly to his. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

Devin obliged, dipping his head to hers, his lips soft and warm. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she felt herself melting against him. He took his hand from her thigh and Leah wanted to grab it back. She wanted him to put his hand into her panties. She twisted toward him, aware someone might see, but too turned on to care.

He was the first to pull away from the kiss. Leah opened her eyes, her body leaning into his, her breath coming in rapid pants. Devin slid out of the booth and held out his hand. Leah put her hand in his, allowing him to pull her upright.

He put his arm around her as he led her from the bar. They didn’t speak as they waited at the bank of elevators. His arm still around her shoulders, Devin led Leah into an empty car and pushed the button for the top floor of the fourteen-story hotel.

When it glided open, he led her past several doors that lined the narrow hallway. He stopped in front of the last door and slipped his card key into the lock. Pushing open the door, he gestured for Leah to enter in front of him.

Unlike her cramped economy room, with its single bed and a bathroom that barely had room for its toilet and shower stall, Devin had a suite of rooms, including a large, furnished sitting area, a master bedroom and a bathroom with a full-size Jacuzzi.

“Wow,” Leah said, lifting her arms and whirling around in a circle. “The penthouse suite, huh?”

Devin smiled. “I’ve got an expense account. Comes in handy.”

It occurred to Leah she’d just allowed herself to be brought up to a strange man’s rooms, and not a soul knew where she was. Would she be found the next morning, strangled and stabbed to death, stuffed in the laundry hamper?

She knew even as this thought flitted through her mind that it was nonsense. She’d felt such a strong connection with Devin. And beneath the undeniable sexual attraction, there was a deep, innate sense of trust. She
, on a gut level, that she could trust this man.

He was watching her, a small smile on his face. “It’s not often I bring a young woman to my room after only a few hours’ acquaintance,” he said, as if privy to her thoughts.

“Afraid I’ll be too much for you?” she quipped, grinning.

“Quite the contrary,” he growled in a low, sexy voice, as he moved suddenly toward her, wrapping her in a strong embrace. Bending her back, he kissed her, all the pent-up passion they’d shared at the bar spilling over into that kiss. He moved her toward the bed as they kissed, finally falling over her and pressing her into the mattress with his body.

If either had thought about taking it slow, their hunger for each other made it impossible. Their hands were moving in a frenzy, tugging, pulling, unbuttoning and unzipping as they lifted hips and shrugged shoulders in their eagerness to feel skin on skin.

When they were both naked, Devin fell on her again, his kiss voracious, his cock hard as steel against her thigh. He lifted his head, lowering it to find her nipple, which he took between his teeth, lightly pulling and then sucking, while Leah moaned her approval. She could feel the wet, swollen throb of her cunt, and ached to feel him inside her.

Lifting himself from her, Devin scooted down, pressing her thighs apart with strong hands. “Ahhh,” Leah sighed, the word pulled from her when his tongue made contact with her labia, licking in a teasing circle around her clit. She reached for his head to guide him, and was momentarily startled when she felt the grip of his fingers circling her wrists. As he continued to lick and suckle at her sex, he pressed her wrists firmly to the mattress, making it very clear who was in charge.

Leah felt the sweet heat of submissive surrender settle over her like a silken blanket as Devin held her down. He brought her quickly to a series of orgasms that made her cry out with blinding pleasure.

As she came slowly out of her swoon, she was aware of his mouth still on her—light, sweet kisses on her labia and along her inner thighs. He looked up from between her legs, his hair tousled and falling into those golden brown eyes, a soft smile on his face.

“Beautiful girl,” he whispered. “You taste sweet as honey.”

She smiled back, feeling as lazy and content as a cat. She watched as Devin stood, and the sight of his huge erection stoked the smoldering embers of her desire. She lifted herself onto her elbows as he moved toward the bureau. She recognized from his movements that he was putting on a condom.

When he turned around, he was holding something. Leah’s eyes widened as she took in the black leather bullwhip, dangling like a promise from its braided handle.

“Oh,” she gasped, her sexual stupor burning quickly away. It took skill and care to handle one of those properly, and the fact Devin owned one made it pretty clear he was an expert in the delicious, dark art of BDSM.

“You know what this is?” he asked softly as he advanced upon her, his large, thick erection leading the way.

“A bullwhip,” she whispered in reply.

“That’s right.” Devin set it down on the bed beside her. “I want to use it on you, if you prove yourself worthy.”

“Oh,” she said again, language for the moment abandoning her. She could almost feel the wonderful, fiery sting of its tip, and hear the sonic crack as it made contact with that part of her that longed for erotic pain.

“But first,” he whispered, settling himself over her. “I must have you.”

He reached for her wrists, guiding them up over her head and pressing them into the mattress as he nudged her still-wet entrance with the head of his sheathed cock. He moved carefully, entering her slowly, his gold-flecked gaze burning into her.

Leah tried to keep her eyes open as he eased inside her. She could feel her muscles contracting around his shaft and she groaned with pleasure as he began to move inside her. She focused on his face for as long as she could, loving the feel of his fingers curled around her wrists and his strong, muscular body over hers as he moved sensually inside her.

Finally she gave up, letting her eyelids flutter shut as she arched up into him, embracing the pleasure radiating from her groin as it flowed over her body. He let her wrists go and threw his head back as he thrust hard inside her. His skin was hot, his neck flushing red as he orgasmed. Leah wrapped her legs around him and held him close in her arms, pulling him deep inside as she lifted her body to meet his.

Afterward they lay still for a long time, his cock still buried in her warmth, their heartbeats tumbling over each other as their breathing slowly eased. Leah drifted in and out of a sexual lethargy, stunned at the intensity of what she’d just experienced.

Eventually Devin rolled from her onto his back. Reaching for her, he pulled her close, guiding her head until she rested it on his chest. As she lay in the comfort and safety of his arms, something surged through Leah, reenergizing her and making her body feel light, as if she could fly. It was, she realized with sudden, startled recognition, joy.

Pure joy.

Her eyes landed on the bullwhip, which lay curled like a sleeping snake on the sheets beside them. She reached for it, stroking the deceptively soft leather. Tilting her head to look into Devin’s handsome face, she asked, “So, what’s the verdict? Am I worthy?”

His smile told her everything she needed to know.

Chapter 2


Leah wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. Though it was only March, the day had dawned hot and wet, the temperature already over ninety degrees. While it had felt pleasant enough when lying on the beach with the sea breeze keeping her cool, here in the heart of the old shopping district with its close, narrow streets and throngs of people was another story.

She touched the V at the hollow of her neck, feeling the lack there, and it made her smile. She was well and truly over Todd Benjamin. He was just a memory, and a fading one, at that.

She’d spent the entire night in Devin’s arms. They’d made love again at dawn, this time taking it slower, exploring each other’s bodies with passion and tenderness. As Devin held her close, he whispered his promise that soon she would experience the stinging kiss of the whip and the sensual, hot comfort of binding rope.

She’d slept deeply after that, not waking until after nine. When she’d reached for her new lover, she’d been dismayed to find the bed was empty and Devin nowhere in sight. He’d left her a note, written in a strong, masculine hand on the hotel’s stationery:


Darling Leah,

I couldn’t bring myself to wake you, as you look so beautiful lying there asleep, with that

soft smile on your lips that I like to imagine I put there! I have to spend a dreary day with

stodgy old businessmen, but I should be back in time for dinner. Feel free to order room

service. I can’t wait to see you again, lovely girl. If we don’t connect sooner,

meet me in the bar at 7:00. I do hope you are free for dinner and then…

With wonderful, wicked thoughts of what I’m going to do to you, Devin


Though she would have rather spent the morning in Devin’s arms, Leah contented herself with a breakfast of freshly squeezed orange juice and hot rolls with butter and jam, after which she took a long, steamy soak in Devin’s hot tub. While in the tub, she’d removed the slave collar, no longer wanting someone else’s chain around her neck, even if it had lost its original meaning. She’d dropped it into the bathroom trashcan, wondering why she’d worn it for so long.

When she finally headed back to her own room it was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon. Surveying her meager wardrobe, she decided she would buy a few new things—something nice for their dinner date, and definitely something sexy for the promised, “
and then…”
in his note.

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