Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)
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With my heartbeat hammering in my ears, I sank back into Steven's arm behind my head, kicked off my underwear, and resumed stroking my throbbing feminine bud. Steven resumed watching me intently, his breathing heavy. Flinging his clothes off, Blake watched the movement of my fingers between my slick folds with an expression that could only be described as one of rapture.


When he got into bed beside me, I knew exactly what I wanted him to do. Which was just watch at first, and I told him that.


Then, I turned my face to Steven. "Let me feel your fingers inside of me."


Seeming all too happy to comply with my request, he immediately slid two of his long, strong fingers inside of me and began working them in and out of my slickness, slowly, while I continued to stroke my sensitive bud. The sensation of being filled by Steven's fingers, combined with the sensation of being stroked by my own fingers, while all the while Blake looked on, looking aroused to the point of being almost dazed, was almost more than I could take. And I didn't want to reach release quite yet. And somehow, I had just enough self-control to prevent it.


Moving my fingers up just a bit higher, to a still-sensitive, yet not quite
sensitive of an area, I turned to look at Blake. "I want you to watch Steven make love to me, and then when I ask you to, I want you to stroke me while he continues making love to me. Then, I want
to make love to me while
touches me. And I want you both to see who can give me the most powerful release."


I was far too turned on and intent on my plans to feel even the slightest hint of self-consciousness now. It was finally happening, the fantasy I'd dreamed about. And I wanted it to be just as amazing and fulfilling as I'd imagined.


Eyes glassy in the firelight, Blake nodded, and I turned to Steven, on my other side.


"Did you get all that?"


He responded with his voice barely louder than a gravelly whisper. "Yes. But if
going to give you the most powerful release, which I
going to do,
need to be in charge of how I think you need to be taken. And I think you need to be taken on your hands and knees, with me behind you."


That was exactly how I was wanting to be taken.


Dark blue eyes glinting a bit gold in the firelight, Steven continued. "And before I take you, I should tell you that I'm going to give you that little spanking that you earned yesterday."


I'd forgotten all about that. And I couldn't deny that I
deserve it. I also couldn't deny that just the thought of Steven delivering a few dozen sharp, stinging swats to my rear while Blake looked on was enough to make me move my fingers back down to my most sensitive spot.


"Yes. Please, Steven. What you just said. All of that."

He suddenly put a hand over mine to stop me in my stroking. "No more pleasure for you for now, then. Because I think a 'greedy' girl like you needs to be tortured a bit before her release."




Not a moment after he'd finished speaking, Steven rolled me onto my stomach and then brought me up on all fours, positioning me to take him inside of me. But first, I had to pay for my little comment to him the previous day.


While Blake pulled himself up to sit beside us, Steven bent his body over mine and spoke in a low, husky voice near my ear. "I hope this won't be
embarrassing for you to get your gorgeous little fanny warmed in front of Blake, but then again, considering the comment you made to me yesterday...well, I sort of hope it
a bit embarrassing."


I was sure it would be, at least a little. But for some reason, this thought just excited me further still. And I just couldn't resist the next words out of my mouth.


"All right. Go ahead and spank me, then. That is, if you think you're man enough to give me a good spanking."


Steven immediately delivered the first swat, to the side of my hip, before even lifting his body from mine or moving his mouth from my ear.


"Naughty little gorgeous brat."


He then rose up on his knees and delivered three sharp smacks to my right rear cheek, his hand hard enough to make me gasp.




Without even a pause, he switched hands and began working on warming my left cheek. And even though he was right-handed, it soon became apparent to me that his left hand wasn't exactly weak. I winced, turning my face to the side, catching sight of Blake, beside me and Steven on the enormous bed. With his eyes wide and breathing rapid, he appeared absolutely enthralled by what was going on.


Steven continued on with my punishment, frequently switching hands to warm each of my cheeks. And though I managed to not drop my rear, soon I couldn't help but reflexively reach back to cover my stinging left side.


But to my complete astonishment, Blake grabbed my hand, brought it back down to the bed, and held it there. "I'm not sure exactly what you said to Steven yesterday, but it seems like you
deserve this spanking, and you shouldn't be allowed to cover your rear."

I couldn't believe him. And no sooner than he'd finished speaking, Steven's hand cracked against my right cheek, making me gasp and squirm.




While he continued on, his hands hard but not so hard I couldn't stand it, I realized to my amazement, my excitement was only growing. My sensitive bud ached and throbbed and I could feel my most intimate areas becoming even slicker. And when Steven finally delivered one last stinging swat and then declared my punishment done, I pushed my hips back, pressing my femininity against his massive, rock-hard erection.


"Please, Steven. Please. Take me."


I didn't need to ask him twice. He slid into me with one long, powerful thrust, groaning. I arched my back, moaning, miles beyond caring who might hear me. I'd been miles beyond caring if anyone had been within earshot even during my little punishment.


Steven usually began thrusting slowly and then gradually increased his pace, but he skipped all that this time. While Blake glanced from my face to my rear, seemingly mesmerized, Steven began working his thick shaft in and out of my slickness at a rapid pace, grunting. And it wasn't long before I felt my pleasure nearing a peak.


"Now, Blake. Now touch me. Please."

Not even a second passed before I felt his fingers gliding over my slick, tingling bud. I threw my head back with some animal-like noise coming from my mouth.


"Oh, God, yes. Yes."


Steven now gripped my hips, thrusting his rod deeper and deeper inside of me, growling, while Blake continued stroking me, his breath coming in a series of ragged gasps. Soon waves of pure ecstasy crashed over me, making me cry out, the sound a near-yell. I squeezed my eyes shut, seeing stars. Almost immediately, Steven began groaning with his own climax, filling me with his essence.


The moment he stilled in his thrusting, Blake just about shoved him off me. And I was only empty for a second or two before Blake filled me with his shaft, sliding in with exquisite slowness as if wanting me to feel every last inch of his considerable length. This slow restraint didn't last for long, though. Once he'd filled me completely, he began thrusting with fast, powerful strokes, while Steven took over in the stroking department. Minutes later, I cried out just as loudly as I had during my first climax, clutching the blanket hard enough to turn my knuckles white. It was kind of a toss-up as to who'd given me the most powerful release.


Over the course of the evening, Blake and Steven made love to me again and again, in different positions and while the brother not doing the penetrating did different things to increase my pleasure. During the final round of pleasure of the night, Blake knelt at the edge of the bed while I faced him up on my knees. Holding me around the waist, also on his knees, Steven very slowly and gently made love to me from behind while Blake spread my feminine lips with his fingers and raked his tongue across my sensitive bud. The cry of release I made that time was the longest and loudest one I'd done yet.

It was midnight before Steven, Blake, and I finally began settling down for sleep, all three of us in the bed, and me sandwiched between them.


Facing me, Steven ran a hand along the side of my face. "Yesterday, I know you were left more than a bit unsatisfied. But how about right now? Are you fully satisfied?"


I gave him a little smile. "For now. For the moment. But I can't guarantee that it won't take more nights of the three of us enjoying pleasure together to get me pregnant."


His full mouth twitched with a smile.


"As many as it takes."


Behind me, with his arms wrapped around me, Blake murmured his agreement.


I slept like the dead. I slept so hard that when I awoke a while after dawn, I couldn't even remember exactly where I was for a few seconds. But then, sitting up in bed, I remembered. Memories of the previous night's passion came flooding back as well. But, to my extreme dismay, Steven and Blake weren't in bed with me anymore.


Wrapping a sheet around myself, I got out of bed to investigate. But no one was in the bathroom, nor was anyone in any of the other areas of the tent, either. And just then, I heard Marielle calling to me somewhat quietly from behind the main entrance flap of the tent.


"You awake in here, Kira?"


I called out that I was. "Just barely, though. Maybe just a bit out of it."


Maybe just a bit sore in my intimate areas as well.


"Well, are you decent? May I come in?"


"Just one second."


A minute or so later, after I'd ditched the sheet and thrown on pajamas, I called out for her to come on in, and she did, carrying a breakfast tray.


"All the men have already left, well, all but two guards to protect us, anyway, so I thought we may as well enjoy a pot of tea and a nice meal while we wait."


Sounded great to me, and we took seats around a little table adjacent to the fireplace. While we enjoyed a breakfast of toasted egg-and-cheese sandwiches and grapefruit, Marielle explained that since Dimwood was still over a hundred miles or so away, we might be in for a bit of a wait.


"And since our shifters can fly with incredible speed while in dragon form, it probably won't be an all-day wait, but probably at least a couple of hours. And that's just if everything goes smoothly. So, we can just relax for a while, though after a certain amount of time, we
have to get ready to leave at a moment's notice, because whenever the men return, there might still be Destroyers on their tails That's probably not likely after a hundred miles or so, but who knows."


Thinking about the mission that the men were about to undertake, I suddenly couldn't believe Marielle was acting so calm.


Studying her, I set my egg sandwich on my plate. "Not that I want you to be, but aren't you a bit nervous? I mean...I know being a soldier is Alec's job, but just considering that this is the first time he's using his new invisibility skill."


With a little smile, Marielle picked up her teacup. "I'd be lying if I said I was completely
nerves. I do worry about Alec's safety. However, I wouldn't say I'm exactly nervous. He's very strong, and smart, and I just know in my heart that he's going to be okay. Along with Blake, Steven, and everyone else. We haven't had a Destroyer cause a single casualty on our side in over six years. And now we have a shifter with invisibility powers on our side, and they don't. At least, we don't think they do. We haven't heard of them having a shifter with invisibility powers in decades."


Experiencing a little chill for some strange reason, even though the tent was warm, I suddenly rapped my knuckles on the tabletop. "Knock wood, right?"


Chuckling, Marielle did the same. "Yes. Knock wood."


I chuckled myself and began drinking my warm tea, sure that a draft was coming in from somewhere.

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