Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)
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I'd sure been thinking about it enough at different times during the day.


"Well, even some twenty-two-year-olds aren't that experienced. I sure wouldn't blame you if you had any questions."


I took another sip of wine and then sighed. ", I don't have any questions. I haven't...fully been with a man yet before, but I don't think I have any questions. I guess I just have...maybe just a little sudden attack of nerves."


"Well, that's very understandable. But you are fully willing?"


I didn't even need to think about it


"Yes. Maybe before seeing Blake and Steven yesterday, I wouldn't have been, but...."


At the mention of their names, an image of their tall, muscular bodies popped into my head, and a little heat rose to my cheeks. 


"Yes, I'm...I'm fully willing."


"Well, good. But just so you know...the Ashcrest men are men of honor. They're not cruel or sick in any way. So...if you happen to get another sudden attack of nerves during one of their visits...and if you were to say stop, or slow down...I'm fairly confident they'd do so until you felt comfortable again."




Marielle knocked back the last of her wine. "And also just so you know....just to maybe help tamp down your nerves or maybe even make them disappear altogether...Blake and Steven are going to be very, very invested in your pleasure during their visits."


I liked the sound of that. It actually made me instantly a bit dizzy.


"What do you mean?"


"Well, it's like this. Each time a woman experiences the contractions that come along with a sexual release, it strengthens her uterus, which is a good thing for childbearing. Also when a woman experiences release, the contractions help take the man's seed deep inside of her, where it needs to go to create a baby. So, in light of these facts, and being that these facts are pretty commonly well-known around here...Blake and Steven are going to be trying to bring you to release as many times as humanly possible."


My cheeks became so hot that I felt a sudden, irresistible need to fan my face with a stiff, starched dinner napkin, so I did.




Marielle laughed, getting up from the table. "No, don't be sorry. It's a face-fanning kind of subject." She grabbed our plates and began heading over to the dishwasher. "But now, I think I'm going to load these in and take off so you have a few minutes to get dressed before Blake comes."


She soon left, and I changed into my new red dress and matching heels, unsure if that was really even the right thing to wear. Marielle had brought me over some very fancy, lacy underwear along with my other gifts that morning. I put on a pair of those as well, sure that
at least were the right thing. Being that the dress had some sort of built-in cups for breast support, I didn't even need to wear a bra.


Marielle had sure been right about one thing. Telling me that Blake and Steven would be very focused on my pleasure and release had certainly helped tamp down my nerves, or at least completely redirected my focus away from them.


However, I still had butterflies, and they were actually intensifying by the minute. But instead of being caused by nerves, they were now maybe just butterflies of pure anticipation. And more than a little building excitement.


The frustrating ache low in my belly that had developed the night before, after my dream about Blake and Steven naked, hadn't completely disappeared over the course of the day; and now as I finished getting dressed, my mind wandering, it was actually intensifying along with my butterflies.


I'd just finished applying a touch of lip-gloss when a knock sounded at the front door. Blake. And right on time, at eight on the dot, exactly.


I hurried from the bathroom to the darkened bedroom and lit a few red pillar candles on the dresser before dashing out to the foyer. I'd bought the candles at one of the little boutiques within the castle that day while Marielle had lingered nearby, with a little smile curving her mouth.


After walking out to the foyer, willing the butterflies in my stomach to just settle down a bit, I paused briefly to smooth my hair and take a deep, steadying breath before opening the door. It was a good thing I'd taken a deep breath. Because seeing Blake in dark jeans and a white dress shirt open at the collar, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his smooth, muscular chest, made it difficult for me to draw air.


Nonetheless, I managed to squeak out a greeting. "Hi. Please come in."


With the faint hint of a smile twitching across his full mouth, softening his stern features, he did, and I shut the door behind him.


He held a single rose, which was a gorgeous, very unusual fuchsia pink with dark red tips, and he handed it to me. "For you."


His deep, masculine voice sent a little thrill racing through me.


I took the rose and inhaled its sweet scent. "It's beautiful."


His faint smile got just a bit wider. We were standing so close that I could catch just a trace of his woodsy, masculine scent. It seemed to be teasing me, tempting me to take just a tiny step closer to him. And so, completely unable to resist, I did. I'd intended to ask him if he'd like to have a glass of wine in the kitchen, but now, standing so close to him, looking up into his coal-gray eyes, I didn't even remember that.


The words that soon came tumbling out of my mouth had nothing to do with wine, or going out to the kitchen for anything.


"Kiss me."


A bit of shock at my boldness barely even registered. My desire to have Blake kiss me was crowding out all other thoughts from my mind.


The faint smile playing around the corners of his mouth had disappeared, and he now pulled me close, his expression serious. The feel of his strong arms around me, combined with his woodsy, all-male scent, made a little sigh escape my mouth.


"Kiss me, Blake. Please."


I didn't need to ask him again. With a barely-audible growl rumbling low in his chest, he moved his hands to the small of my back, pulling me even closer to him, and then lowered his mouth to mine. The moment our lips touched, some sort of little shivery thrill raced from mine all the way down to the tips of my toes.


With his mouth firm and warm, he kissed me slowly and tenderly at first, but then with increasing intensity, probing my lips apart to explore my mouth with his tongue. Soon the ache low in my belly turned from nagging to persistent, and, shifting my feet, I realized that the feminine folds between my thighs had become swollen and very slick. My nipples had also stiffened.  When they grazed the hardness of Blake's chest,


I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I couldn't help but whimper into his mouth. In response, he moved his hands to the fullness of my rear, pulling me against his already-stiffened manhood, making me whimper with desire yet again. I wanted him. Badly. Much more than I'd ever wanted anyone else in my life, and that was an understatement.  My need was becoming urgent.


While getting dressed, my thoughts had wandered to his manhood, and I'd wondered how big and hard it would be. Having a suspicion for some reason that he'd be large, I'd wondered if I'd be able to take all of him inside of me, if he would even fit. I'd wondered how he would feel, and if it would be painful.  Now, I could feel that he was not only large, but extremely large.  As far as hardness, the longer we kissed, the more it was beginning to feel as if he had a steel bar straining against the front of his jeans.


But instead of making me wonder again if taking it inside of me would be painful, it was just having the effect of turning me on more and more. I was developing a desperate desire to be filled, stretched. Even if the sensation was a little painful at first.


So, it was to my great relief when Blake briefly broke our kiss just long enough to scoop me up in his arms and begin carrying me toward the bedroom. With his mouth still hungry, claiming mine, he kissed me the entire way there.


In the glow from the tall red candles on the dresser, he set me down on the enormous bed before climbing in beside me and taking me in his arms again. With his mouth on mine, he slid a hand down the scoop-necked front of my dress and began slowly circling my stiffened nipple with a single fingertip, making me moan. Seeming to appreciate my urgent need, he didn't continue kissing me for long. At least not on the mouth.


He began trailing a line of kisses down the side of my throat to my chest, releasing me from his arms while he did so. A little part of me began hoping that he was going to do what I had a tiny clue that he might. A little part of me began hoping, begging, and pleading. I wanted him to trail his warm kisses even lower. I wanted to feel his mouth and tongue on my most sensitive spot.


A spot that was now throbbing and tingling with need. I'd never been "kissed" on this spot before, though just fantasizing about the possibility of it had often consumed my thoughts. It had actually consumed my thoughts off and on a few times that day. It had definitely flickered through my mind when Mariella had said that Blake and Steven would both be intent on giving me pleasure and release.


As I'd desperately hoped he might, Blake continued his kisses a little lower, pressing his mouth against the fullness of my breasts through the fabric of my dress, before backward-crawling down the bed a bit and positioning himself right between my legs, which were straightened but splayed apart a little. With his ragged breathing rising above my soft panting, he removed my shoes, tossed them aside, and then lifted my dress up to my waist.


"Yes. Please."


My own voice sounded strange to my ears. A bit raspy. A bit obviously desperate for release. Thankfully, I wasn't going to have to wait long.


With a low growl rumbling in his broad chest, Blake began pulling down my lacy black underwear. I lifted my hips to help him, but instead of pulling them off completely, he just pulled them down to my knees before gently bending my knees and putting my legs over his broad shoulders.


Now, with another low growl, he seemed to feast his eyes on my naked femininity, sending a naughty little thrill rippling through me. I'd never been so intimately examined by a man before, not even in candlelight, and there was something about it I liked, even while a little heat rose to my cheeks.


I moaned when Blake began planting soft, slow kisses down the inside of my thigh, stopping just short of the area I really wanted him to kiss.  He repeated the process, trailing a slow line of kisses down the inside of my other thigh before I finally felt his mouth on my most sensitive spot. He kissed it once, then raked his tongue across it slowly, making me cry out, tangling my fingers in his thick, dark hair.


After several more slow strokes of his tongue, I was lost in a world of pure pleasure. Time seemed to have stopped. The world seemed to have stopped. The only beings that existed were me and Blake. The only thing that existed was the pleasure he was giving me.


After a while, I became aware that my pleasure was nearing a peak, and I clutched Blake's hair, pulling his face to my femininity, moaning. Making a few not-quiet noises of pleasure himself, he began flicking the tip of his tongue across my sensitive bud. And I didn't last very long after that.


With the sensation of his firm, rapidly-flicking tongue driving me over the edge, I shuddered with ecstasy, crying out. Every muscle in my body seemed to tense and release at once, over and over, until I finally sank back against the pillows, limp.


But when he moved to lie beside me once more, I realized I wasn't quite satisfied just yet.


Still catching my breath, I turned my face to look at him. "Please. Make love to me now. I want to feel you inside of me."







Not even a minute after my request, Blake and I were both back in bed, this time completely naked, after having hopped out briefly to undress each other, fingers flying. Blake hovered above me, pulling my knees up, and then settled a little of his weight on me with his stiffened member pressed against my slick feminine mound. And suddenly, I developed just a tiny bit of hesitancy.


While helping him undress, I'd taken a look at his manhood, and the sight had actually made me stifle a gasp. As I'd thought, it was extremely thick and long, and so erect that the shaft nearly touched his washboard abs. And now, despite still wanting him to make love to me, despite still wanting to feel him fill me, I was just a little concerned about how such a large, hard rod would feel sliding into my never-before-breached entrance. Especially if it were slid in quickly.


And so, just a touch embarrassed, if that was even the right word, I put a hand on Blake's chiseled chest, looking up into his dark gray eyes, which danced with candlelight. "Maybe just...very slowly. Because I've never...." I trailed off, swallowing. "Maybe just very slowly."


He caressed the side of my face, moving his head in a nod. "Of course."


I suddenly realized I could relax. Because I trusted him. I trusted him not to hurt me. At least not carelessly, and not for lack of trying not to. I realized that considering his width and length, and considering my inexperience, some pain might be unavoidable.


However, I was ready for it now. I gripped Blake's strong shoulders, parting my legs a little wider. After shifting his weight to one hand, he took his thick shaft in the other and positioned the head of it at my slick opening before very slowly beginning to slide himself into me, jaw clenched. I could tell he was using some deep reserve of self-control.


He continued his slow slide in, inch by slow inch, until I tensed, wincing, suddenly feeling a sharp pinch of pain. He paused immediately, his breathing heavy and dark eyes full of concern. But the sharp pain had been only momentary, and now it was completely gone.


Moving my head in a little nod, I gripped his shoulders tighter. "It's okay now. Don't stop."


After studying my face for a moment, seeming to be making sure that
was sure, he continued sliding into me, slowly, inch by inch, until he was completely buried in my slickness.


At first, the sensation of being completely filled, and by such a large, rock-hard member, was one of intense discomfort. I felt almost unbearably stuffed. Stretched. I couldn't help but squirm a bit, gritting my teeth. However, the movement had the effect of making my feminine bud tingle for some reason; and I shifted my hips again, surprised to feel my most sensitive spot now not just tingling, but beginning to throb again. And suddenly, being so stuffed and stretched didn't feel uncomfortable anymore; it felt somewhat pleasurable.


A bit tentatively, I spread my legs even a bit further, taking maybe just the very last millimeter of Blake's considerable length inside of me. And it felt good. It made me feel like I wanted to rock my hips against his, and so I did.


He didn't seem to need any additional encouragement. With his breaths coming in ragged gasps, he pulled his rod out a few inches before sliding it back inside me, making me moan.


"More. Faster."

He was more than happy to oblige me and began thrusting in and out of my slickness, grunting. I wrapped my legs around his waist and was soon lost in this new paradise. Minutes passed, or they could have been hours. Time wasn't really registering. But eventually, I felt an urgent desire for Blake to increase his pace, and so, I began moving my own hips faster, silently urging him to do the same. He soon did, gulping air, driving himself deeper and inside of me.


My pleasure began building rapidly, to the point that my frequent moans were beginning to blend into one long, prolonged sound. Seeming to realize I was getting close and maybe just needed a little additional stimulation, Blake shifted his weight to his knees and one arm, then moved a hand between our bodies and began stroking my most sensitive spot while he continued to thrust. And almost immediately, my paradise turned into rapture.


Grinding my head back into the stack of pillows behind me, I cried out, my hips bucking. Blake seemed to will himself to hold out until my ecstasy had crested, but then, he drove into me a few final times, hard and fast, groaning. Experiencing one final and unexpected surge of pleasure, I felt the warmth of his seed filling me.


A short while later, with the strength of his arms around me, I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


I didn't wake once all night, and when I did finally open my eyes, bright sunshine streaming in through the bedroom windows told me it was mid-morning, at least. I suddenly realized Blake's arms were no longer around me, and I rolled over, expecting to see him still sleeping. But he was gone. I scanned the pillows and nightstands for any kind of a note, but didn't see one.


With my heart a bit heavy, I trudged off to the marble-floored master bathroom, telling myself that he hadn't
to spend the night, and that he hadn't necessarily had to write me a note. Despite our physical intimacy the night before, despite him bringing me to heights of ecstasy I never even dreamed were possible, we still didn't know each other very well, I realized, and I figured maybe sleepovers and notes would come later.


However, I couldn't help but think how nice it would have felt to wake up in his arms. And if not that, if he'd had to go out on patrol with his father and Steven early, a note would have been nice.


In the bathroom, I expected to find myself bleeding; however, a little light spotting was the only evidence of my new experience the night before. Relieved, I turned on the shower. I knew it was possible that Steven would want to visit me that evening, and I wasn't sure if I'd want to engage in any intimacy while bleeding.


An hour or so later, I met up with Marielle, and we left the castle. It was a warm September day, and we spent all morning and early afternoon exploring the city of Ashcrest on foot. I couldn't get over how everything gleamed. From the many cars that cruised down the well-maintained paved roads, to storefront windows, to the gilded railings alongside a bridge that arched over a large pond filled with ducks. It seemed like a whole new world compared to Quincy. And really, it was.


Over a late lunch at a place called a bistro, Marielle asked if I'd had a pleasant evening the night before, making my face flame.


However, swirling a straw in my iced tea, I couldn't help but crack a little smile. " was pleasant. It was very nice."


While I briefly recalled some of the events and activities of the previous night, a little more heat rose to my face, and I quickly took a cooling sip of tea. Right before changing the subject.


I'd told Marielle that I'd love to meet her little daughter, Ava, and so, after lunch, we got Ava from Marielle's mother-in-law, who took care of her most days. We took Ava to the park to feed bread crusts to the ducks; then after, we spent a good hour just sitting in the grass, watching her kick a soccer ball and play games with another little girl about her age.


Ava was an adorable little girl with softly curling hair the same pale blonde shade as her mom's, and I couldn't deny that spending the afternoon with her had reawakened in me some very strong maternal instincts I'd developed while caring for my little brothers. I told Marielle that I couldn't wait to have a child of my own.


Fortunately, I had two men very intent on getting me pregnant.


That evening, it was Steven's turn for a visit, and he knocked around eight. I opened the door with my pulse accelerating a bit. I'd been looking forward to seeing him all day. And in fact, not a half-hour before, I'd gotten out of the bath after having a nice, long soak while my mind wandered in different directions relating to our coming night together. During my soak, I'd also enjoyed a very large glass of wine, which had put me in a state of complete relaxation.


But when I saw him, my tranquility bubble popped, and I gasped, a hand flying to my mouth. A large purple bruise covered his entire left eye.


"Steven, what happened?" Immediately realizing I should at least invite him inside first before making him explain, I quickly ushered him in and shut the door. "Now please tell me how you got that enormous bruise."


He lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug, his lips twitching with amusement. "Oh, Blake and I may have had a debate yesterday about which one of us would be mating with you first. And things may have gotten a little heated, and I may have taken a swing at him. However, he may have ducked. Right before throwing a punch of his own that caught me on the eye just so. Just a gentle little clip."


That was obviously a bit of an understatement. He'd clearly been walloped. His dark blue eyes twinkled, and I couldn't hold back a little chuckle, smiling.


"Well, that's what you get for taking a swing at your own brother."


His delectable, full mouth curved in a slight grin.


"No, that's what I get for missing."


I laughed, looking into his eyes, while butterflies rioted in my stomach.


We didn't even make it into the bedroom. Passionate kissing led to clothes flying, and somehow, I soon found myself straddling him while he sat on the couch.


He gripped my bare rear and spoke in a husky whisper. "I don't think you have any clue just how beautiful you are."


Even with his black eye, he was still unbelievably handsome. In fact, he was almost even more so because of it. He looked even more rugged and tough than usual. And I couldn't deny that it was a bit of a thrill for me to see visual evidence of how two incredibly attractive brothers, and dragon shifters at that, not to mention royals, had fought over who'd get to spend the first night with me.


In response to Steven's statement about me being beautiful, I suppressed a smile, deciding to tease him a bit. "Well, maybe I
know how beautiful I am. So, why don't you tell me?"


He seemed to suppress a smile himself. "Well, how's this. The moment I saw you, I almost very literally tripped I was so dazzled by you."

Recalling that evening, I smiled. "I think I saw that. I saw you do a little stutter step."


Reflecting golden light from a blazing fire in the gilded hearth across from the couch, his blue eyes twinkled.


"You're lucky I didn't fall and hit my face on a bookshelf. Might have shown up with two black eyes tonight. Both of them somewhat indirectly caused by you."


I loved the sound of his deep voice, and I loved feeling it rumble in his chest against my own. I loved his clean, faintly citrusy, woodsy scent. I loved how his strong, long-fingered hands felt gripping my rear. And as we continued to banter, I began to feel as if I'd known him for much longer than I had.


Though after a short while, all bantering stopped. We resumed our passionate kissing, and soon Steven began rhythmically pulling and pushing my hips, causing my slick feminine lips and my throbbing sensitive bud to stroke up and down the length of his rock-hard shaft, which was very similar in size to Blake's. The sensation of being stroked in this manner, or rather, the sensation of being caused to stroke
, whichever, was one of such intense pleasure that I threw my head back, moaning.


"Don't stop, Steven. Please."


With a low growl rumbling in his well-defined chest, he didn't, and within a minute or two, I was crying out with a release so powerful that I dug my nails into his shoulders while wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over my body.


Not long after, I mounted him, sliding down his very considerable length with a long, loud moan. It was only then that I realized that despite all walls in the castle being made of stone, the doors weren't; they were made of wood. And though it was fairly thick oak, I wondered if noise could carry through it. Particularly very loud noises, like moans and cries of passion. Which could possibly be heard by Tom and Blake, who might be passing my front door on the way to their own apartment suites.


A little self-conscious now, I began riding Steven, stifling another moan. "I'll be a little quieter. Just realized people might hear through the front door."

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