Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series (21 page)

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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She listened as he caught his breath. "The things you do to me Angel." He leaned down and captured her mouth in one of his aggressive kisses. "Now let me return the favour." Yes please. He slid down her body capturing one of her nipples in his mouth. He licked, sucked and bit while he pinched her other nipple between his fingers. She was already wet and out of her mind with lust she just wanted to be fucked not teased. A whimper of need escaped her. He released her breast momentarily. "Words Angel." She opened her mouth to tell him what she wanted as his teeth sank back into her nipple what started as a word became a moan. She took a few deep breaths to clear her lust fogged mind. "I want you." His mouth moved lower down her stomach to her hip. "You want me?" his tone was incredulous. What was so bad about wanting him? He kissed along the inside of her thigh towards her soaked sex. Cole's lips brushed ever so lightly over where she needed him and moved to her other side. She moaned in frustration, god she ached inside. "Words Angel." Words, right. His hands slid under her ass and squeezed gently reawakening the sting from her caning. She needed so badly for him to just... That's it. "Please Sir, I need you." She felt him smile against her skin then his mouth was on her. He devoured her, his tongue working her clit then sliding into her wet centre. He had her crying out within minutes. He moved back up to her clit and slid two fingers inside her working them in and out in time with his tongue. Her body barrelled towards climax. Nikki tensed just before the wave hit caught in that blissful moment just before release. Cole nipped her clit with his teeth and her body exploded with intense pleasure.


She was still experiencing the aftershocks of her orgasm when Cole plunged deep into her. The sudden intrusion sent her spiralling into a second orgasm. "Fuck" Cole froze waiting for her climax to subside before sliding slowly in and out. "You feel so fucking good Angel. So wet and tight." With unhurried strokes he slowly stoked the fire still burning within her till she was once again aching for release. "Please Cole" She'd never been one to beg not for anything and she knew it would cost her to do so with him. It would put them on a more uneven footing when it came to his view of her feelings towards him but she couldn't help herself. He leaned down over her so his chest was touching hers his mouth close to her ear. "Who owns you Angel?" he growled as he increased his pace. "You do" her reply came out a breathy whisper. "Louder Angel." She was mindless with need. Why couldn't he just make her come? "You do." She managed to make her words heard. "All of you?" He quickened his pace again driving into her that little bit harder. "Yes" she moaned. "Tell me." "You. Own. All. Of. Me." She gasped between thrusts. He really began to pound into her in earnest his strokes fast and deep hitting the end of her with every stroke. She lost herself completely to the intense burn winding its way through her body. He reached down between them his fingers finding her swollen nub. "Your heart?" he whispered into her ear as he plunged deeply and pinched her clit. Her body clamped down on him hard as her climax hit. "Yes" she cried out as wave after wave of intense pleasure rolled through her. Cole joined her a moment later whispering into her neck as he came "I love you Angel."


Nikki slowly came back down to earth with Cole's words echoing through her head. Fuck. She had royally fucked up. In her mindlessness she'd opened her mouth and cried out accidently answering his question with a yes. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How the fuck was she gonna dig her way out of this one? Cole's breathing slowed and he brought his mouth to hers kissing her slowly. She tried to return the kiss with some sort of enthusiasm but her mind was elsewhere. He slid out of her leaned over and untied first one hand then the other. She brought them to his shoulders and gripped them hard. She wanted to push him away rip the blindfold off and run. This was bad. Cole hooked his thumbs under the elastic of her blindfold and smoothed it off her head. Nikki kept her eyes closed while she drew in a deep breath. She had to get her shit together. She couldn't let him see the fear in her eyes. She dropped her head down blinking a few times to get her eyes to adjust to the warm glow of the room. When she brought her head up the look in his eyes told her exactly what she'd feared. His gaze was intense in its admiration, confident in his sureness of the meaning behind her words, she was really fucked. She smiled at him softening her face purposefully. "My Angel" he said the words with such reverence that she wanted to die from the guilt. She was totally fucked. He rolled over onto his back dragging her into his arms. She dropped her head into his chest snuggling into him so he couldn't see her face. What was one more thing to feel shit about? She closed her eyes and let sleep take her away.

Chapter 10


Nikki could hear her phone ringing out in the main room. Tex's ringtone. She slipped out of Cole's bed and headed downstairs. She pulled her phone from her purse answering it quickly. "Hey Ace. Where are you?" "I'm still out. What's up?" "We've got some news on the Crows Bridges meet." "Yeah." "It's happening in a couple of hours." Fuck. She looked down at her naked body then up to Cole's room. She didn't know if the timing was shit or good. "Where?" "Meet us at the corner of Trigg and Harman Road. Park round the back of the building." "Be there in thirty." She hung up the phone and slid back into Cole's room quickly
to collect her dress and shoes from the floor. She glanced at his face in the glow of the city lights coming through the window. He looked so young and content as he slept. A new wave of guilt swept through her and she glanced around for something to write him a note. No luck. Have to be something in the kitchen. She moved down the stairs pulling on her dress as she went. She found a note pad and pen in a draw and scrawled a quick note telling him she was sorry but she had to skip out, duty called and all that. Grabbing her purse off the bench she slid through the door to the elevator. She pressed the button for the parking garage but the elevator doors didn’t move. She tried again but nothing happened. What the hell? She inspected the panel closely. Shit, she needed the fucking key card to get to it. Where the hell was she gonna find that? Movement in the corner of her eye made her jump. She looked up to find Roger standing in the lobby.


“Shit Roger you scared the crap out of me. Where the hell did you come from?” Roger gestured behind him to a door she hadn’t noticed before coming off the lobby of the penthouse suite. “My apartment is next door. Pays to stay close to the man you’re paid to protect.” She nodded her head “You’re up late or is it part of the job description to be sleep deprived.” Roger shook his head “No Ma’am silent alarm on the elevator woke me.” She grimaced, “Sorry. I need to go one of the brothers called and I’ve gotta go take care of some business. I was trying to sneak out without waking Cole up.” Roger frowned at her. “Oh no, not sneak out like that I left him a note. But I can’t get the elevator to work anyway. No key card.” He smiled at her “Now that I can help you with.” He handed her a white key card “That’ll get you in here and into the parking garage. Mister Cole had me set one up for you I just hadn’t had the opportunity to give it to him yet.” She smiled at him and took the key card from his hand. At least now she didn’t have to wake Cole up. “Thank you.” She stepped back into the elevator car and watched Roger’s eyes flick towards the penthouse doors then back to her. An attack of the guilts hit her again “Can you just tell him I’m really sorry and I’ll speak to him soon.” “Of course. Goodnight Miss Jones.” “Goodnight Roger and thank you again.” She breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed and the elevator moved. She slipped her heels on and glanced at her reflection in the mirrored surface. She was hardly dressed for recon but she always kept a change of clothes in the saddlebags on her bike. Her bike was parked in one of Cole's reserved bays and she delved into the bags grabbing out her spare clothes. She changed as quickly and discreetly as she could sliding into a pair of black jeans, singlet and hoodie. She exchanged her heels for some black sneakers and chucked her discarded clothing back in the bag. She looked down at her outfit, all black, how fortuitous of her. With her helmet, mask and glasses in place she rode out of the parking garage with only one thing on her mind. Bridges.


She reached the corner of Trigg and Harman and pulled around the back of the old pawn shop. She could see Tex and Trace in the shadowed corner of the parking lot. She stopped beside them and pulled off her gear. "So what are we doing here?" She raised her eyebrows at them. "You changed?" Tex was eyeing her funny. "Well I couldn't exactly ride the bike in my dress and you know I always keep spare clothes in my bags." He nodded but kept the funny look on his face. "Not that it's any of your business but I didn't sleep with Slick if that's what you're wondering. We just hung out and chatted about old times. Now can we get on with this shit?" Tex looked a little less stiff but it was Trace who answered "You're right it's none of our business." They sat in silence for a few more seconds. "Right, the Crows are meeting with Bridges or Bridges' men to discuss this bullshit territory grab he's trying. Bull does not want to make a deal with them and neither do the rest of the club."  Well that will make for a fucking short meeting. "So what? Bridges is gonna make an offer, Bull is gonna tell them to shove it and then they go to war. Why bother with the meet? May as well just call it and move on." "Because they can give us a line to Bridges." If they were lucky and his men were fucking stupid. "Don't know if they'd be that dumb. The guy's been operating from off the grid for a long time and I don't think it's due to hiring morons who'd give away his identity." "It's the only lead we got Nikki." She nodded. They had to take what they could get. "Where do we come in with this?" "Bull knows what happened with your mum knows it was related to his bullshit, so he's giving us an opportunity to be there." "What do you mean by us?" "You, me and Trace." She wanted that badly but they'd have to be careful what role she played. A woman at a meet would look outta place.


As if reading her mind Tex spoke "We got you covered. You're gonna play bar wench." The grin on his face was irritating. He knew she hated playing the dumb obedient woman. "Whatever. This gets us closer to Bridges I don't give a fuck." It was the honest truth she'd do far worse to get her hands on that bastard. "They're meeting at Barney's we've got an hour to get there and get squared away. I doubt they'd go in cold they've probably got people out the front so we ride in without colours." Barney's wasn't your typical biker bar. It was actually pretty popular with the locals and the Crows had worked hard to build a relationship with the community that meant a blind eye was turned by the people when needed. But at this hour it was closed to the general public. "You need to be careful Nikki ok. You aren't you in there, you're gash and they'll treat you like one. I don't want you arcing up and fucking this up." She knew most of the Crows and they knew her so even playing this game they wouldn't treat her like the other girls. Given what was at stake she could handle it. "Not gonna happen." She put her gear back on and started her bike up. Tex rolled out first and Trace waited for her to go next. This was their thing. She was always in the middle one of them watching her front the other watching her back. Always protecting her without even realising it. Some days she was glad of it other days she wasn't. As they rolled through town her mind turned to the possibilities that would come out of this meet. Bridges wouldn’t be there that was certain he'd send cronies. These would be middle to high level guys depending on how seriously they took the Crows. The Crows weren't to be laughed at so she was hoping it'd be high level. The higher the level the less links in the chain between her and Bridges. She couldn't tail them out of the meet, too obvious plus that would link back directly to the crows and she didn't want that shit on her head.  A face and a name was all she needed. She'd find the guy then she'd make him talk.


They pulled into Barney's and parked round the side next to some of the crows bikes. Two of their prospects were watching the bikes. Nikki stood in the shadows to remove her gear and handed it to Tex pulling her hood up to conceal her face. The bigger of the two men stepped up to them "Can I help you?" "Yeah you can get the fuck outta the way, Bull's waiting for us."  Tex postured up to the young prospect. "It's all good Train. They're friendly." A voice from the door caught their attention. "How's it going Tex?" Alvarez, one of the Crows founding members stepped out of the doorway. The prospect stepped back realisation dawning on his face. "Rez." Tex acknowledged him with a single nod. "Trace. Nikki." They both nodded in response. "You better come in." He headed in through the side door with the three of them in tow. Inside there was a low tense hum in the air that made her skin prickle. The Crows leadership sat at a booth halfway along the wall. The door swung closed behind them and all eyes came to them. She could feel the resentment inside her creeping forward as she looked at Bull. Never one to be intimidated Nikki flipped her hood back and marched across the floor towards the table. Bull was already up and out of the booth by the time she got there. She stood in front of him in silence her hands balled into fists at her sides. She felt the tension radiating through Tex and Trace as they took her back. She was making a bold move here and everyone knew it. "Ace" his voice was tight as he called her by her club name. "Bull" she tried not to spit his name out and succeeded, mostly. "Didn't want shit to go down like that. Had no idea Sheila or you would've ended up as collateral. We'll do what we can to make it right for you. Know that." That was about as apologetic as a biker was bound to get. "I know it" she stated firmly because they would, she'd make sure of it. He nodded his head in understanding. That out of the way she stepped back letting Tex take the reins.

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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