Solemn Duty (1997) (37 page)

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Authors: Leonard B Scott

BOOK: Solemn Duty (1997)
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Eli kept his eyes locked on the general. "I know what has to be done, sir."

Walker shifted his gaze to Anderson. "Colonel, when it happens hit the ground and stay there. With that leg wound of yours, you'll only be in Tanner's way if you stay on your feet.

Tanner has to know everybody that's standing is the enemy.

He won't have time to think, he has to react. You hit the ground and don't move. As soon as my people come in, roll over faceup and don't move. Tanner, that goes for you, too. When my people come in they'll come in quick. You hit the ground and stay faceup so they can ID you easily and move on to take out remaining targets."

O'Malley clapped his hands. "All right, looks like we've got a plan. Chris, tell the colonel and Agent Tanner how we're going to keep track of them."

Chris Pullen took a small metal disk from his pocket.

"Gentlemen, this is the latest design of the smallest commercial transmitter on the market. The problem is, a security wand will pick it up because of the metal shell and the components inside. In this situation we'll have to use one that our people designed a year ago and recently turned into a reality. It is constructed entirely of plastics, ceramics, glues, and fiber optic wiring. It's bigger than we would like, but it works like a champ. Once it's swallowed, we'll be able to track you with no problem. Since you both will have them, we have redundancy and that makes it even better."

O'Malley stepped back to the table and picked up his notebook. "Gentlemen, it's time for us to prepare. Chris, I'll need your techs here as soon as possible with the transmitters. We'll have to settle on frequency compatibility and see what kind of work-arounds are going to be needed. General, I'll need your commo people ASAP to get me up to speed on the airborne command post's capability and also to talk to the Agency reps about their transmitters."

General Walker stood. "I'll have them over within an hour.

I need to request the assets we'll need and begin staging aircraft and my detachment from Delta Force. I should be able to brief my people and be back to go over the plan again in three hours."

O'Malley raised his hand. "Okay, we'll all meet again at four and take a break to listen to Devoe's call at six in the deputy's office. Agent Tanner, you and the colonel will not need to be in attendance at the four o'clock. You two should get some rest. For now, you have all you need to know, and we'll fill you in on details much later. Okay, that's it."

Eli and Anderson remained in their chairs as the others departed. When the door shut, they looked at one another and Robert slowly lowered his head. "Eli, they're working hard for us, but we both know your idea is a long shot I want Devoe just as much as you do, but my first priority is making sure my wife is safe. When I know she's out of harm's way, then I'll do anything you want."

"I understand, sir, and I feel the same about Agent Sutton. . . . I got kind of close to her. We'll still have surprise on our side, so it ups our odds."

Anderson reached over and patted Eli's arm. "Anything else got you worried?"

Eli raised an eyebrow. "To tell you the truth, yes, sir. The CIA DDO said we could swallow those big transmitters, but he didn't say how we were supposed to get 'em out. That's got me real worried."

Anderson grinned and pushed his wheelchair to the doctor.

"That's good, Eli-you're thinking we're going to be alive after it's over. Come on, I need to find some real food, and I want to buy some Cheetos for tomorrow's trip."


5:55 P. M. FBI Headquarters.

Those seated around the large conference room table sat in silence listening to the Chief of Operations as he reported on efforts to find Devoe. ". . and a check of the rental car agencies also came up negative. Sir, Devoe has covered his tracks well. We haven't developed a single lead. Even inside the Beltway most people can't distinguish a Cambodian from any other Southeast Asian, or even a Chinese or a Mexican, for that matter. I'm sorry, sir. We've done our best but we're still at square one."

The deputy nodded. "Bill, I know you and your task force have done your best." He looked at the faces of his other chiefs of divisions. "Do any of you have any good news to report?"

Silence and the lowering of heads told him his answer. The deputy turned to his left and looked at the director. "Sir, as you heard, despite our best efforts we have been unable to make any headway in finding Devoe or the location of the hostages.

I ask your permission to allow Agent J. C. O'Malley to brief you on the second option we discussed earlier."

The director nodded in silence and steepled his hands under his chin as O'Malley stood. "Mr. Director, as we speak, final preparations for the Bureau, Agency, and Department of Defense joint operation called 'Sword' are almost complete.

Agent Tanner and Colonel Anderson, 'Team Tan,' have been instructed on the use of their equipment and been briefed on possible scenarios. The strike force, aircraft, and support personnel are staged at Bolling Air Force Base and are on one hour alert. If approval is given, Operation Sword will be ready to execute within an hour's notice."

The director lowered his hands to the table. "Agent O'Malley, if I approve option two, please tell me again how you'll be able to track the location of Agent Tanner and Colonel Anderson."

"Sir, Team Tan's internal transmitters emit a signal we will be able to monitor aboard a KC-135 military aircraft which will double as my command post. We would maintain a twenty thousand foot altitude and be able to track the location of Team Tan on a computerized, digitized map display within an accuracy of plus or minus five meters."

Turning and looking at Eli and Robert, seated to his right, Thomas spoke quietly. "Gentlemen, we speak of operational names and options, but it all really comes down to your willingness to try and stop these murderers. Before I make the decision, I must ask you if you still want to proceed with this."

Eli looked into the director's searching eyes and spoke without breaking eye contact. "Yes, sir."

Anderson nodded as he clenched his fists in determination.

"Yes, sir."

The director exhaled slowly and turned to the deputy.

"Larry, as I told you after the discussions with the Attorney General, we feel option two is our only recourse if your manhunt for Devoe and the hostages is unsuccessful. I approve option two with the understanding that your manhunt continues up till the time Devoe gives us for the handoff process to begin. So that everyone in the room is aware, the Attorney General has declared Devoe and his men a threat to national security. The Department of Defense has been authorized to provide us support, to include Delta Force and aviation assets from Special Operations Command. Agent O'Malley has overall operational command, and General Walker from SOCOM will have tactical command. This will be an historic joint operation made necessary by Devoe's proven capabilities. The President has been briefed and has authorized the Secretary of Defense to allow military involvement. The President has given the Attorney General and myself the authority to approve the option, and as you just heard, I have done so. I will be in the ops center with the deputy during the operation and will monitor the operation in progress and-"

The cell phone in Eli's hand began beeping. Eli waited for the tech to turn on the recorder, then answered. "Agent Tanner."

"Agent Tanner, I'm sure you are with your superiors. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Mr. Devoe, but before I give you the decision, I need to know if the ladies are okay. May I speak to each of them, please."

"Of course, Agent Tanner. I expected no less. Here they "Eli, this is Sandy, I'm doing fine under the circumstances, please tell Robert not to worry. Here is Ashley."

"Hi, Eli. I'm okay. Did you get the keys?"

Eli began to respond, but Devoe's voice came over the speakers again. "'That should satisfy you, Agent Tanner. As I told you before, I would not harm them. They are not now here with me, so I await your superior's decision."

Eli let out a breath of air and closed his eyes as he spoke.

"Mr. Devoe, my superiors accept your proposal, but there are two stipulations. As you know, Colonel Anderson sustained a major leg wound. He cannot move without assistance. The first stipulation, Mr. Devoe, is that I be with the colonel and assist him in reaching you. Like the colonel, I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, and the colonel and I have become friends. It is a matter of honor, sir, that I accompany him. I assure you I will follow your instructions to the letter and deliver him to you personally. The second stipulation is that the women be kept somewhere safe and not be taken to the handoff location. My superiors are concerned about the women's safety after the handoff is complete. My superiors request that you release the ladies upon the arrival of Colonel Anderson and myself, allow time for confirmation, and then the handoff of Colonel Anderson to you will be conducted. My superiors believe both stipulations are reasonable and actually benefit you."

With his eyes still closed, Eli held his breath and prayed as he waited for a response.

"Agent Tanner, what do you believe?" Devoe asked.

Eli spoke without hesitation. "Mr. Devoe, I agree that the stipulations benefit you and reduce potential complications. I do not believe Mrs. Anderson would want to leave her husband if she was at the site."

"Yes, Agent Tanner, you are correct. You, however, have again underestimated me. I fully expected someone to assist the colonel, and I am honored that it will be you. Your first stipulation is accepted. I also had no intention of causing Mrs.

Anderson unnecessary anguish. Your second stipulation is also accepted. But please inform your superiors no tricks will be tolerated. Explosive devices have been placed in very heavily crowded locations that will cause a great many deaths. Should your superiors play games with me, a device will be activated as a lesson to stop such foolishness. Tomorrow morning at 0900 hours I will call with the first instructions for the delivery of Anderson to me. Position yourself and Colonel Anderson in a white van on the south side of the Springfield Mall and await further instruction by cell phone. Good-bye, Agent Tanner. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow."

Eli lowered the phone. Robert nodded and whispered, "Looks like we're a team, Ranger."


7:45 P. M. District of Columbia.

Jean Paul folded the last map and placed it on the table before shifting his eyes to the nine men who stood waiting.

"My good friends, within fifteen hours it will be over. You have all heard our plan and know what I expect of you. Soy, you will remain in position as observer on the hillside until the operation is complete, then rendezvous with us tomorrow night at our last base." Jean Paul turned to Nim. "Is everything prepared?'

Nim nodded. "All the equipment is packed in the vehicles and all checklists have been rechecked. We can depart when you are ready."

"And you have given Sovan his packet and instructions?'

Again Nim nodded. "He has everything and will depart only when you give him the orders to do so."

Jean Paul handed the folded map to Nim. "I must say my farewell to him, and will speak to Agent Sutton for a moment.

You and the others can wait in the vehicles and I will join you in a few minutes." Turning, Jean Paul walked toward the kitchen and doorway leading to the basement.

Ashley was seated on her bed watching Oprah with Sandy when she heard a knock on the open door. Jean Paul stepped in and motioned for her to join him in the large open area outside the room. Sandy touched Ashley's arm. "'Tell them we need more bags for the chemical toilet."

Ashley moved out into the well-lit room and saw Sovan wiping his eyes with a handkerchief. She looked at Jean Paul with a questioning stare. "Bad news?" she asked.

"No, Agent Sutton, good news. Tomorrow you and Mrs.

Anderson will be free. The proposal was accepted. After tomorrow Sovan will depart your country, like the rest of us. I just bid him farewell for I will not see him again. Like the others, they are dear, trusted, fiends."

Realizing the implications of his statement, Ashley lowered her head. "I won't tell Sandy about the trade until we're free God, I hate you for this."

"Yes, Agent Sutton, I'm sure you do. Now please listen to me very carefully. Tonight your room will be locked, and will remain so until the authorities come to free you. Listen for them and stop them from opening the door until the simple detonation device is removed. This is simply a precaution that you do not try to open the door before they arrive. Please don't be alarmed. The device is harmless unless you do something very foolish. They will merely have to pull the two wires from the exposed charge to disarm the device. Sovan has been instructed to provide everything you need to be comfortable before locking the door."

Jean Paul reached out and gently raised her chin. "Agent Sutton, do you understand my instructions?"

She nodded silently. He nodded as he let his hand fall to his side. "I shall meet Agent Tanner tomorrow, and he will be the one who calls the authorities to set you-"

Ashley's face paled and her eyes widened. "What do you mean you'll meet him?"

Jean Paul took a step back, surprised at her sudden change.

"He insisted on assisting Colonel Anderson. He no doubt believes there is still hope for the colonel, but I will quickly dispel those notions very early."

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