Solid Muscle (Unseen Enemy Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: Solid Muscle (Unseen Enemy Book 5)
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"Oh, Hunter," she chided him. "You said you could take it but you barely lasted two minutes."

"I know." He was almost dying here and he didn't care about anything except getting that sweet, hot mouth back on him. "I'm weak."

She laughed. "Yep. Seems so."

"Take pity on me, baby. Put me out of my misery."

Without another word, she did as he asked. She licked up and down his cock, long, slow, soft strokes that made him shudder. He wanted to beg her to take him whole and hard, but he lay still and trembled as she slowly worked her way up and down, giving the tip a tiny flick with her tongue every time she reached it. When she slid her mouth over the whole head, just an inch, he jerked and cried out.


She swirled her tongue around now, listened to his desperate groans. She took another inch; then another. He arched, opened his thighs, tangled his hands in her hair.

"You're killing me here," he said. "Please. All of me... take all of me."

She moved down a bit.

"More... more."

She slid down his cock, all the way to the shaft and before he could control himself, his hips leapt in to her mouth, eager and thrusting. She didn't mind at all, though, and she gently pressed down on him with her lips. He made a guttural sound deep in his throat, tried to hold on.

Cordelia slid up now, faster and harder. She circled her tongue around his sensitive tip, moved down even faster, with more pressure. Hunter shook, tensed, shook again as she started to suck him in earnest. When she finally opened her throat and took him as deep as she could, he knew he was about to lose all control. Even though it felt so damn good, he pulled out, hauled her up his body. He crushed a kiss to her sweet, sultry lips.

"Why'd you stop me?" she said, pretending to pout. "I wasn't done."

"God, Cordelia." His hands were shaking as he stroked her hair back from her cheeks. "I was about to come, baby."

"So?" She smiled up at him. "That's exactly what I
you to do."

"Yeah, I want that too... but not like that, OK? Not the first time I come with you."

"Hmmm. You want to come another way?"

"Fuck, yeah."



"I don't have any condoms."

He grinned. "I do."

"Really?" she asked. "You carry them around with you on every job?"



"No, not on every job. Just this one."

"Aha." She kissed his chest. "You had a game plan, huh?"

"No. Cordelia, no, I promise. I just – I guess I just had hopes."

"Hopes that we'd be together?"

"Yes." He was suddenly terrified that she'd think he thought of her as an easy piece of ass. "I didn't really believe it would happen, but I did wish for it. I guess I just... I wanted to see if you'd have me."

"Oh, Hunter." Her kiss was so damn sweet, it almost brought him to his knees. "Of course I'll have you."

"Then I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here."

When he got back from his bedroom and saw her spread out on the bed, like a delectable feast that was all for him, he paused. God, she was so, so beautiful: all ripe curves and chocolate skin and glowing eyes. She was warm and real – and in this moment, she was exactly what he wanted. She was perfect.

When Hunter rolled on the condom and took her in his arms, Cordelia closed her eyes, relishing his weight on her. She never thought that he'd be here with her like this, never thought that he'd be preparing to enter her body. It was like a dream and she just inhaled him, basked in the moment. Held on to it and loved it.

"Cordelia." His voice was so soft, so gentle. "Open your eyes and look at me as I make love to you."

She did as he asked. As soon as their eyes met and locked, he pushed inside her welcoming heat. They both gasped, amazed at how right this felt. He slid in a bit more, going slowly, loving how her sleek flesh parted to take him. Cordelia gripped his shoulders, her nails leaving tiny crescents in his muscle. God, he filled her so completely, it took her breath away. When he was all the way inside her, he stopped and cradled her face in his hands. He just waited a few seconds, kissing her, murmuring that he had her. That she was gorgeous and amazing and that she felt so damn good.

He started to move in circles, then plunges. It was happening too fast for him now, and it only got worse when she started to move under him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust, pushing him closer to the edge.

"Hunter," she whispered. "Let go... I want to see you."

"I want to wait for you," he groaned. "I want you to come again..."

"No." She pushed him in deeper with her hands on his ass. "No, don't wait. You're so close, babe, so just come. Come for me."

And with those words, he was done. Totally fucking gone. His climax erupted now, just burst out of him, and every muscle in his massive body flexed and released in her, on her. He cried out, called her name. He ground his hips in to her, hard, and she felt his cock throbbing inside her. When he collapsed on to his elbows, she held him close, running her hands up and down his back. She listened to his rapid breaths and smiled, loving how he'd let loose.

When he finally had the strength to raise his head, he kissed her, over and over.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I wanted you to come with me."

She touched his lips. "Next time."

He groaned, rolled off her. "Give me ten minutes and I swear you'll come on my cock. And more than once."

"You promise me?"

"Oh, hell, yeah." He unrolled the condom and got to his feet. "Be right back."

And sure enough, after ten minutes of holding Cordelia close, Hunter was ready again... and again... and again. After her fifth orgasm of the night Cordelia begged him to let her sleep, but she didn't really mean it and he knew it. After making love to her once more, she passed out in his arms, exhausted and completely, totally satisfied, secure in the knowledge that Hunter was – without any doubt whatsoever – a man of his word. Many times and many different ways.

Chapter Fourteen

The next morning, the first thing that Cordelia was aware of was that her pillow was moving. Startled, she lifted one hand to touch it, felt a vast expanse of hot, hard flesh. She cracked her eyes open, totally confused.

“Good morning.” The hardness under her rumbled and vibrated and she raised her head; Hunter’s dark eyes sparkled at her, warm and loving. “You doing OK?”

“Oh.” She blushed. “

“Yeah. Oh.” He grinned, thinking that she looked damn delicious in the morning, all tousled and warm. “So,
happened, baby.”

“Many times,” she said.

“Many, many.” He kissed her now, luxuriating in the freedom to act on how he was feeling, no guilt and no regrets. “First morning-after kiss done. Coffee?”

“Um. What?”

“What you said last night, about kissing you and making you coffee and respecting you the morning after. Remember?”

She blinked up at him, still trying to wake up. “Yes?”

He laughed and she smiled back at him. Hunter looked so…
. Relaxed and young and full of light.

“I’m sorry to go all respectful on you, especially with you all curled up naked around me, practically begging me to be dirty.” He ran his rough fingers up and down her spine. “But we’ve got to get ready. They’ll be here at noon.”

She nodded, wide awake now. “What time is it?”

“Almost seven.”

“You’re going for a run?”

“Nope.” He stretched and she almost drooled as she watched the muscles in his chest and arms flex. “You gave me a good workout last night.”

She blushed. “You mind?”

“You kidding me?”

“Is that a ‘no’?”

“Hell, yeah, that’s a ‘no’.” He kissed her again, more hungrily. “That’s a ‘you can do it anytime’.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“I guessed that.”

They gazed at each other, both remembering last night, both thinking about that day. Finally, he got up and she openly stared at him, admiring his broad back and taut ass.

“So.” He turned, now giving her a glorious view of all his frontal assets. “Coffee?”

“Uh-huh.” She kept staring. “Please.”

He grinned at her. “You like what you see?”

“I sure do.” She licked her lips. “You’re gorgeous.”

“And I’m all yours.” He pulled her up on to her knees and held her against him. “For as long as you want me.”

“Oh, that’ll be for a while,” she said. “You mind?”

“You kidding me?”

“That’s a ‘no’, right?”

“That’s a ‘no’, sweetheart.” He held her closer now and stroked her hair, trying to stop worrying about just what the hell was coming their way in a few hours. “That is most definitely, definitively, absolutely and unequivocally a ‘hell to the no’.”


At exactly five minutes before noon, Sully and Cordelia were standing in the kitchen. She was in his arms, holding on to him, just trying to suck in air. Panic and fear were starting to work their way up her body: they began in her stomach, moved up her chest and were lodged in her throat, blocking her words and her breath.

Sully was deeply worried about her. He felt the tension in every nerve ending of her amazing body and he wondered if he and Dallas had made a big mistake when they'd decided to go ahead with this.

“You sure, baby?” he asked now, softly. “We can still call this off.”

“How?” Her teeth were chattering. “How do we catch them if we don’t do this?”

Sully paused. “We don’t. But are you sure?

“Yes.” She closed her eyes, held him tighter. “I’m scared out of my mind, but I want to do this.”

“I love you.”

Her eyes flew open and she stared up at his hard face, breathless for a completely different reason now.

“You – you do?”

“Yeah. I love you.” His hands were tangled in her hair, pulling her against his hard body. “You’re the fucking bravest woman I know. I promise you that I’ll do anything –
, Cordelia – to keep you safe today.”

“I know you will,” she whispered. “I love you too.”

The smile on his face was hands-down the most heart-shattering thing she’d ever seen: Hunter wasn’t a man who smiled often, so when he did, it was like watching the sun burst out of a gray sky.

“You mean that?” he asked.

“With my whole heart. Hunter, I love you.”

There was a knock at the door and they both tensed. He held her face between his large hands.

“Ready, Millie?”

“Ready, Garrett.”

“So let’s go and find a bunch of kids who need to go home.”

She nodded, looked down at her upper arm to make sure the tracking tag was still stuck on her. It was hard to see, impossible to feel. She rolled her blouse down and tried to look less freaked out than she was. Even without a single glance in the mirror, she knew that she was failing abysmally.

They walked over to the front door and Hunter had her stand well back as he opened it. He moved so that his massive body was between her and the people on the front porch, so for a few seconds, she wasn’t able to see anything at all.

“You ready to go?” a man said.

“Yeah.” Hunter sounded calm enough, but she saw nothing but controlled anger in his back and shoulders.

“Let us in, then. We need to check you both over.”

He nodded and stepped back and now Cordelia made eye contact with two men. They ranged in age from about thirty to fifty and they were without a doubt shady characters. Unlike the sweet old grandmother type that had taken the money, these two looked like nothing but criminals. Hard faces, hard eyes, hard voices.

As soon as the door was closed, they both pulled out guns. Cordelia gave a small shriek and Sully moved to her, shoved her behind him.

“What the fuck?” Sully hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Come on, man.” The guy sounded almost bored, like he’d seen this exact reaction hundreds of times, which he probably had. “Get over here so we can frisk you.”

Sully advanced on them and Cordelia found herself wondering what the hell these assholes would think if they knew that a trained killer was standing right there glaring at them. She took a deep breath, bracing herself to be touched by these animals.

She watched as the one guy ran his hands over the entire length of Hunter’s body, then ran some kind of scanner over him. She assumed it was to check for electronic recording devices.

The guy nodded at Cordelia. “Now you.”

She advanced cautiously and she heard the low growl in Hunter’s throat.

“You fucking watch yourselves,” he said. “That’s my wife.”

“Yeah, yeah. We know. Back down, man. This is what you agreed to.”

Cordelia put her hand on Hunter’s forearm, felt the muscle flex under her touch. “It’s OK, Garrett,” she said softly. “Don’t worry.”

He stared down at her, rage etched in to his face, but he nodded. She turned to the man, extended her arms out to the sides. He checked her – cool and professional – and then ran the sensor over her too. When he stepped back again, she felt nothing but relief. Hunter grabbed her, pulled her close.

“OK?” he murmured.


“So.” Now the second guy was talking. “This is what’s gonna happen: we go out to the SUV and you climb in. You…” He nodded at Sully. “…in the middle, next to me. The gun stays jammed in your side and you make one sudden move, I pull the trigger. Yeah?”

“Yeah,” Sully spat at him.

“Once you’re inside, we’ll blindfold you both. No bitching and no whining about it, by the way. This part’s non-negotiable.”

They nodded quietly.

“The blindfolds stay on the whole way there. They stay on until you’re inside the building. Then, and only then, will we take them off you. You’ll have fifteen minutes to walk around and look at the merchandise and if you don’t like what you see, we leave and go to the next place. Same deal: blindfolds until we’re inside, fifteen minutes.”

Cordelia was still reeling at the dickhead’s use of the word ‘merchandise’ to describe children but she managed to stay reasonably calm.
, how she thought this moron would benefit from a kick to the nuts.

“If you still ain’t seen anything you want, we go to the third place,” the man continued. “After that, you decide which one you want. No second-looks, no returns. Once you make up your mind, we go get that one and we bring you all back here.” He paused. “You got the cash ready?”

“Yes,” Sully said shortly.

“Good. You give us the briefcase, we give you the papers for that particular brat. They’re all ready, so no need to wait beyond typing in your names. Clear?”

They nodded again.

“OK. Grab the car seat that you brought and let’s go.”

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