Solid Muscle (Unseen Enemy Book 5) (15 page)

BOOK: Solid Muscle (Unseen Enemy Book 5)
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Chapter Nineteen
Two weeks later

Cordelia winced as she took another step towards the coffee machine. Jesus, being shot sucked and the recovery time dragged on forever.

“Hey! Where are you going?”

She turned to see Hunter glaring at her from the doorway of his kitchen.

“To get a coffee.” She smiled in her most winsome way. “And to stretch my legs a bit.”

“You want a coffee, you ask me.
get it for you.” He crossed the kitchen, muttering under his breath. She thought she heard the words, ‘stubborn woman’ and ‘be the death of me’ and she hid her grin. “And you want to stretch your legs, don’t. Sit on your gorgeous ass and be still, woman.”

She sat at the kitchen table. “But I’ve been sitting on my ass for two weeks. I swear, I can actually
it getting wider.”

“So?” He poured the coffee and glared at her some more. “More ass for me to hold on to when I’m thrusting deep inside you.”

She gasped, stunned at the bolt of bright arousal in her body. “What?”

“You heard me.” He brought her the coffee and some milk. “I’m dying to grab hold of that amazing body and hold you in place while I move inside you. Keep you pinned under me and totally at my mercy while I watch you come on my cock.”

She swallowed. “Uh…”

Now Sully grinned. “Speechless?”

“Completely turned on.”

“Yeah. Makes two of us.” Gently, he ran trailed his fingertips over her breasts, down her stomach. She inhaled, held her breath, praying for him to move down. He paused, saw the frustration on her face as he teased her, his fingers just skimming her pussy. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“Don’t stop.” Her breathing was uneven. “Please, Hunter… please keep going.”

“How far?”

“All the way.” She was surprised when a tightness appeared in her throat and her words came out almost as a sob.

“Hey.” He was gentle now, pulled her in for a hug. “What is it?”

Cordelia shook her head. “I don’t know… nothing, I guess.”

“So why are you seconds away from tears?”

“I don’t know,” she repeated. “I just – I miss you.”

He kissed her now, the most amazingly tender kiss she’d ever received in her life. In that kiss, Hunter gave her everything she needed, he just lay it all out for her. He told her in no uncertain terms that she was his and everything was OK now. That he’d never let anyone or anything hurt her – not ever again. That he loved her and that was the end of the discussion.

She pulled back a bit, looked in to his eyes. Yeah, it was all there, bright and large and no mistake. She smiled now, her moment of sadness passed.

He stroked her cheek, searched her face. “So what do you think?”

“I think I want you.”

“You sure?” he said, his voice husky. “Your leg’s OK?”

“It will be if I’m lying down and you’re doing most of the work.”

Without a word, he swung her up in to his arms, started towards the bedroom. Cordelia hung on to his shoulders, already panting with desire.
, she’d missed being naked with him, missed taking him in to her body.

Oh, sure, they’d been in the same bed ever since she’d been released from the hospital, but Hunter had flat-out refused to do anything strenuous. The man had been a goddamn model of propriety and gentlemanly behavior and she was
with it. She wanted her dark, erotic, dirty-talking man back.

As if he heard her, he whispered in her ear, "I want to taste you, baby. I want to lick your hot pussy until you pass out."

Her groan just goaded him on.

"Oh, yeah... that's it." Gently, he set her on the bed and she fell back. "No staying quiet this time. You show me just how much you love what I'm doing to you."

Before Cordelia knew it, her jeans and panties were ripped unceremoniously off her body, her t-shirt and bra were over her head, on the floor. Hunter crawled between her legs, his hands delicately cupping her sex as he stared down at her. She watched him lean forward and just inhale her sweet scent, and then bury his tongue in her soaked pussy right away –
fuck waiting, fuck slow
– with a guttural groan. Her legs fell open even more, giving him all of her, just offering him everything, and he accepted it. Eagerly, greedily, hungrily, Hunter just took it all.

He fucked her with his mouth, his tongue, his fingers. Her movements got stronger, wilder, more frantic and he held her down. She liked that, though, liked the rough dominance and her cries had a sharp, glimmering edge now.

"Hunter!" She writhed under his mouth and hands. "There... there! Oh, God...

He flicked her clit with his finger as he thrust as deep as he could inside her; within seconds, she was trembling so hard, he had to clamp down to keep her from flying off the bed. He felt her orgasm on his finger, against his tongue and he loved every second of it, wished it could go on forever. Far too soon for him, her screams tapered off, her body relaxed, her gasps quieted. He kissed his way up her incredible body, giving her time to recover before taking her mouth with his own.

His kiss was possessive, hard, intense. She was
, all his, and he didn't give a good goddamn that that was unenlightened or caveman. It was still true and he wasn't about to fucking apologize for it.

"Now," she whispered. "Take me now."

He kissed her again, his tongue stroking her lips almost lazily. "No more fooling around?"

"No." She pulled his t-shirt off and ran her hands over his muscled torso. "I need you inside me, Hunter, and I mean

"Fuck, yes," he growled and yanked off his jeans and boxers, his fingers shaking as he opened and rolled on a condom. "I need this. I need it like I need to breathe."

"Me too." Cordelia gasped when he flipped her over on to her stomach and stretched her arms over her head. Her fingers tightened on the pillow. "Hunter..."

"Is this hurting you?" Carefully, he slid her legs open with his knees, lowered his upper body on to her back. "Tell me."

She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes bright with love and lust. "You'd never hurt me, babe. Never."

"No way." His lips were hot and tender now, moving slowly over her upper back, ghosting kisses on her shoulders. "All I want is to make you feel good."

"I know how you can do that."

"Oh, yeah?" He pushed her legs wider, extended his body over hers. Protecting her, covering her fully, cherishing her. "How?"

"You really don't know?"

"Oh, let's see if I can guess." He lifted her hips to ease his entry and he watched her back arch. He took his cock in one hand and rubbed it against her slit, just stroked up and down her length. "How's that?"

"Good." Her voice was high, tight. "But it could be better."

He inserted the tip of his length in to her, stopped. "And that?"

"An improvement."

"So I'm moving in the right direction. Good to know." He slid in an inch, then two, paused again. "Still going the right way?"

"Hunter..." Her fingers curled in the pillow. "

"I need some more direction here, baby." He covered her body now, took most of his weight on his forearms, sank in to her another inch. He threaded his fingers through hers and they clenched together, his breath hot on her neck. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Fuck me," she gasped out. "Fuck me so hard, so deep... oh, God, Hunter. Make me come. Make me..."

He didn't wait for one more word: he slammed in to her body hard and fast, drove himself all the way to the hilt. She froze under him, the breath knocked clean out of her. He bit her shoulder and the small pain made her suck in air, shudder. He licked the spot, his tongue teasing and tender.

"Fuck you like that?" he murmured. "Or more?"

"More." Cordelia was begging and hoarse now and didn't care at all. "More."

"OK, Cordelia. As you wish."

Done joking now, he started to thrust in to her with a desperation and need that took him aback: never in his life had he wanted to become one with a woman as badly as he wanted it with Cordelia. She'd become a part of him, somehow, she'd just crawled on in to his bones and his heart, become a piece of his being. Being inside of her was like coming home... and he never thought he'd be able to call a woman 'home' again after he lost Jessica.

Cordelia had broken down every barrier and wall he'd built up over the past twelve years, just blown on through them like they were tissue paper. Yeah, at first he'd hated that and run scared from it. But now? Now he didn't think he'd ever get close enough to her – but he wanted to try. He wanted to go as deep inside her amazing body as he could; he wanted to touch her so deeply that their souls fused; he wanted to become one with her and just stay that way forever.

It was impossible, of course, and he knew that, so he just did what he could: he made love to her. He held her hands in his own, kissed her closed eyes, whispered how much he loved her, plunged inside her heat over and over. All he wanted to do was make her feel good... and so that's what he did.

As Hunter moved above her, trapping her under his massive body so she couldn't move, Cordelia could do nothing more than hold on. He was making love to her so urgently, so tenderly, and she got the feeling that this time was special... there was an honesty and a vulnerability to Hunter that she'd never sensed before. He needed her; he needed
. And so did she, so she gave him everything now – she came for him, her body convulsing and shaking and as she exploded, she called his name and told him that she loved him.

When she came, clenching on him over and over in waves of rapture, he gave up. God, he just surrendered to it all: her love and her warmth and her being in his life. She was all he wanted and needed, and when his own climax roared through his body, white-hot and powerful, he lowered his mouth to her ear.

"I love you," he growled, his cock throbbing deep inside her. "Cordelia... I love you."

"I love you," she said, loving how it felt for him to let go so completely.

He caught himself before he collapsed on her and crushed her. With a low groan, he eased out of her sweet body, rolled over on his side and wrapped one large arm around her waist. She didn't move, she just turned her head to look at him. Their eyes met, hazy and satisfied.

"OK?" he said softly, stroking the curve of her lower back. "Your leg?"

"Yes." She smiled and his heart caught in his chest at her shining beauty. "I'm good."

A few minutes later, he forced himself out of bed to get rid of the condom and by the time he got back to bed, she was asleep. He gazed at her, thanking every single lucky star in the sky that he'd opened up to Cordelia. His life had been so dark before, so cold and lonely... and now it was overflowing with warmth and bursting with sunlight.

He climbed in next to her, carefully took her in his arms. Then he lay awake and held her; just held her and breathed.

Chapter Twenty
Two weeks later

Olivia gazed at herself in the full-length mirror. Her mother stood on her one side, Emma on the other.

“Honey.” Grace Jameson was beaming with love and pride. “You look gorgeous.”

“You think so?”

“Oh, my God, Liv.” Beth shook her head. “You’re stunning.”

“It’s because you’re happy,” Jenny said quietly. “You’re marrying an amazing man in less than ten minutes… you’re glowing about that.”

“I am.” Olivia turned to look at her friends. “He’s the best thing that ever happened to me – besides the four of you. You are the four strongest, most inspiring women I’ve ever known… I ever

“You aren’t so bad yourself,” Emma said. “In the kicking-ass department, I mean.”

Liv gently reached out and touched Emma’s swollen stomach. “You feeling OK to do this?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Emma said. “I’ve given this kid a stern talking-to about not ruining Auntie Olivia’s wedding day. I think he’ll get with the program.”

The women went stock-still and Emma grinned, seeing that her words had had the desired effect.

?” Beth exclaimed. “It’s a
hanging out in there?”

“Yep. We found out yesterday.” She patted her stomach. “Dean’s thrilled.”

“Oh, God,” Jenny said. “A mini Dean?”

“I know, right?” Emma said. “I can only
what the guys will get up to with him, huh? What kind of life lessons those four will pass on to him?”

“Aw, little Dean will be just fine,” Beth said softly. “He could do way worse than having Dean and the guys as role models.”

The other women were silent for a minute, thanking whatever power above that Dallas, Chris, Jim and Dean had come in to their lives… it hadn’t always been easy with them, but it was worth it. It always had been.

Grace glanced at the clock on the wall and started. “Time to go, ladies!”

Olivia almost squealed. God, this was actually
. She was going to marry the most gorgeous, sweetest, most alpha, funniest, sexiest man she’d ever known. This man had saved her life – literally and in more ways than one. He’d looked past both her beauty
her scars, just stared on through all the distractions and the window dressing and he’d seen the real her. He always had. And he loved her.

Olivia picked up her bouquet. “OK, places everyone.” Just then, there was a frantic knock at the door and she grinned. “That’ll be Nigel, of course.”

Bang on cue, Nigel Ramirez stuck his perfectly-coiffed head in. “I’m missing three bridesmaids, a matron of honor
a bride! Are you
to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry,” Olivia murmured with a penitent expression on her face. “Just talking.”

“Plenty of time to talk
you marry the scary, tattooed ex-sniper!” Nigel snapped. “Let’s go!”

They fluttered out, trying not to giggle at his ferocious scowl. Nigel had been Olivia’s personal assistant back in her modelling days, but after that career had ended, he’d started up his own wedding planner business. When Olivia had gotten engaged, of course she’d called Nigel to help her. He was also the person that she’d asked to walk her down the aisle – her father was back in Montana and neither she nor Grace had laid eyes on the man since Grace had grabbed a four-year-old Olivia and they’d run from the savage beatings. Naturally, he hadn’t received a wedding invitation.

“So.” Nigel came over to Olivia and fussed with her dress. “You ready to do this, Liv?”

“God, yes.”

He grinned and offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

She took it. “Damn right we shall.”

They stood in the hallway outside the chapel, watching her friends and mother walk down the aisle. Olivia longed to peek in, but she forced herself to wait. She wanted her first look at Dallas to be when their eyes met and he saw her in her wedding dress.

“OK, doll… here we go.” Nigel gave her one last look-over and nodded. “Perfect.”

The bridal march started up, there was the sound of people standing and turning, feet scuffling on the floor. Olivia took a deep breath, glanced at Nigel.

“Thank you for everything,” she said. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“My pleasure.” He squeezed her hand. “I’ve loved every second of it.”

They shared a smile and then as one, they turned and walked through the door.

Right away, Liv’s eyes went to Dallas. There he was, somehow even huger than usual in a suit, surrounded by his friends. His face was beaming, split almost in two by a wide grin as he saw her walking towards him. He shook his head, admiring and loving, and she smiled back.

“You are a lucky man, Foreman,” Dean said to him. “She’s amazing.”

Dallas nodded. “She’s all I want, guys. I think – I think she’s all I’ve
wanted… even when I had no idea.”

“Yeah,” Jim said, shooting Beth a look across the aisle, where she stood with the ladies. “I think we all know something about that.”

“Uh-huh,” Chris and Dean agreed.

Dallas watched Olivia get closer to him and he just took her in, from head to toe. The dress was figure-hugging and delicate and – big shock – had a low neckline. The dark purple scar that ran down the middle of her upper body was clearly visible and he rejoiced that she felt comfortable enough in her skin to show it in public. He’d thought for sure that she’d hide it, cover it up. But Olivia had surprised him, yet again. It seemed that she never stopped doing that; he hoped that she never would.

Olivia reached the others and gave Nigel a kiss on the cheek. Emma took her flowers and she stepped over to Dallas. He extended his hands to her and she took them. She looked up at him, her face shining with love and happiness and all he wanted to do was kiss her.

Soon, man. The next time you kiss her, she’ll be your wife.

“You look beautiful, baby,” he whispered.

“You too.” She admired his large body in the crisp lines. “Very sexy.”

He gave her that trademark Dallas grin, all hot and slow and sultry. “Yeah?”

“Oh, yeah, darlin’.”

The priest was standing and smiling at them. “Are you ready?”

They nodded, still clasping hands.

“So then we’ll begin. Dearly beloved…”


Dallas held Olivia closer, loving how she felt in his arms. She was strong and fragile at the same time, and he thought holding her was like getting to touch a little piece of heaven.

“You happy?” he asked her as they danced.

“Deliriously,” she said. “Can’t you tell?”

“I can,” he agreed. “You’re smiling like a crazy person.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I just bet.”

He kissed her, for about the thousandth time since the priest had declared them man and wife just two hours earlier. And she opened up to him, clutching his upper arms tightly, relishing his strength and warmth.

“I love you, Mrs. Foreman,” he said as he smoothed her hair back from her forehead. “I’m going to love you until I take my dying breath.”

“I love you too,” she said. “Forever. I promise.”

“I’m going to hold you to that, you know,” he warned her. “The forever part.”

“Deal.” She kissed him, a sweet, lingering kiss that made him just want to sigh with happiness. “I don’t mind.”

“Hey, Foreman.” Chris was standing there, grinning at them. “Mind if I dance with your wife?”

Dallas mock-glared. “Ohhh-kay. One dance, man, and hands where I can see ‘em at all times.”

Chris nodded, sober and respectful. “Got it.”

Dallas turned to Jenny. “You OK having a dance with me, sweetheart?”

She gazed up at him, her blonde hair tumbling down her back, her blue eyes bright, and she stepped right in to his embrace. “I’d love that, Dallas.”

He nodded, still unable to believe that this woman that he was now holding so carefully – as carefully as if she were made out of spun sugar – had gone six years without permitting a man to touch her. He was amazed, humbled, honored, that she allowed him to take her in his arms and dance with her.

From their table, Jim and Beth watched their friends on the dance floor. She took a sip of wine and glanced at him, wondering why he was so quiet.

“You OK?” she said.

“Oh, yeah. I’m great.” He gave her a shining smile and she relaxed. “Just thinking…”


“About our wedding.”

Beth choked. “Our – our
? Are we getting married and I don’t know about it?”

“You mean I have to

“That’d be nice.”

“Not yet, baby. But if I
ask, what would you say?” His golden eyes were anxious. “Would you run screaming?”

Beth stared at him, frozen. “No. No, I wouldn’t.”

“So… what
you do?”

“I’d burst in to tears of joy and say yes.”

“I don’t like the idea of you crying, but I
like the ‘yes’ part.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“But not yet, OK?” Jim rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “I know that’s where we’re going to end up, but it’s a bit too soon.”

“You’re right… we’ll wait.”

“You sure you don’t mind?” Suddenly, Jim felt like maybe she’d think he was just teasing and taunting her.

“I don’t mind.” Beth took his hand and he gripped her fingers tightly. “It will be worth waiting for. Seeing you on your knees, asking me to marry you… I’d love that.”

“You like me on my knees in front of you, huh?”

Her breath caught; a vision of Jim kneeling in front of her, his mouth plunging in to her pussy, came to her. “Yeah. I love you on your knees in front of me.”

“Oh, I know.” His husky tone told her that he knew exactly what she was thinking. “And I love being there.”

“Ahem.” They looked up to see Emma and Dean standing in front of them, grinning.

“Awkward,” Dean said. “We
didn’t mean to crash that conversation.”

“Unless you were talking about Jim being down on his knees in front of you helping you to tie your shoes,” Emma said innocently. “Dean will be doing that for me soon enough.”

Beth giggled. “Sure. That’s
what we were talking about.”

“Thought so.” Emma sat with a sigh. “I need some food.”

Dean ran an affectionate hand over her back. “My girl the human vacuum cleaner.”

“Hey!” Emma said indignantly. “Don’t blame me… blame your son! He’s a little pig, Jessop.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. He’s going to be a big, strapping boy and he needs tons of nourishment already.”

“No joke,” Emma groaned. “I need to eat
, or I’ll start gnawing on the table, I swear to God.”

They laughed and Dean got to his feet.

“We can’t have you eating the furniture, angel. I’ll get something from the kitchen. OK?”

“I love you so much,” Emma said. “Now move your ass.”

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