Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (18 page)

BOOK: Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“Have a heart!” Ashley groaned. “Not tonight, please. I’m totally wiped out.”

“Sorry, darling, but needs must.”

“You might have given me some notice.”

“Only just found out myself.” She felt his eyes focused on her ass as she bent to retrieve her bag. “Casual clothes, I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“No need.” Ashley had no intention of being alone in a car with Charlie. “Tell me where the restaurant is and I’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t know myself yet, so I’ll pick you up.”

And with that he sauntered off, leaving her wondering if his dictate was as innocent as he’d made it sound.

Ashley had to settle for a brief shower. She took Charlie at his word and changed into loose trousers and a long line top. She gave Matt a quick call and told him what was happening.

“You don’t know where he’s taking you or who’ll be there?”

“No, he just said someone from Stevenson’s wanted to run a few things by me.”

“Keep your phone in your pocket, darling, where you can get to it easily. Ring me immediately if you have the slightest concerns about anything.”

“Matt, relax. It’s just a business dinner. Nothing’s going to happen to me.”

“Perhaps not, but I reserve the right to worry. Ring me again as soon as it’s over.”

“Yes, sir!”

Charlie was right on time. Rather than invite him up, she ran down the stairs when he rang the bell and slipped into the passenger seat of his car. He chatted away as he drove, too fast for her comfort. He was dressed in chinos and a polo shirt, looking the picture of casual chic.

“Who are we meeting?” she asked as he led her into a flashy Italian restaurant on the Quays.

“Your opposite number from Stevenson’s.”

Ashley relaxed. ”Stella? Good. We have a lot to talk about.”

“Actually, I don’t think Stella’s coming.”

“But you said—”

“Her boss wants to talk with you.”

“Her boss?”

“Yeah, Philip Roker.”

“Why would he want to speak to me?”

Charlie laughed. “One thing you’ll learn about Phil is that he’s a control freak. He likes to be hands on.”

“It sounds as though you know him well,” Ashley said, sliding into the chair that Charlie held for her.

“Oh, for years. He’s a pedantic man. Likes everything to be just so. But he’s good at what he does.” He glanced at the wine list and ordered a decent bottle of claret.

“Who else is coming? This is a table for four.”

Before he could answer, Charlie was on his feet, kissing Eve on both cheeks. “There you are,” he said. “You should have let me pick you up.”

Ashley felt a chill trickle down her spine. There was absolutely no reason for Eve to be here. She didn’t take an active part in the running of the business. As far as Ashley was aware, Matt never included her in business dinners. Why would Charlie do so?

“Hello, Ashley,” Eve said, taking the chair next to hers. “Surprise, huh?”

“Er, yes.”

Philip Roker arrived, apologizing for being late. His bland features came alive when he saw Eve and he kissed her with genuine-seeming warmth.

“I didn’t know you were coming, Evie.”

“How could I stay away when Charlie told me you’d be here? I haven’t seen you for ages.”

“Matt keeps you well hidden,” Roker said, making it sound like an accusation. “Hello, Ashley,” he said, turning toward her, his face once again an impassive mask. “We meet again.”


She took his proffered hand. His grip was limp, his hand as cold as his expression. There was something about this self-contained man that set Ashley’s teeth on edge. She sincerely hoped that she wouldn’t have to work with him direct. His dead eyes bored into her profile for a long time. He didn’t seem to realize that he was being rude. He definitely didn’t feel the need to break the silence as he summed her up. Ashley met his gaze and refused to blink first. Eventually he turned back to Eve.

“You ought to be taking it easy,” he said. “You have to look after yourself.”

“Oh, I have a new girlfriend to make sure that I do. Ashley and I are such good chums already.”

Roker absorbed this information, looking almost as startled as Ashley felt. “That’s nice,” he said blandly, turning away from Ashley and starting a conversation with Eve about people she didn’t know.

The evening dragged on interminably. Ashley struggled to stay awake and to contain her anger. Almost nothing was said about the amalgamation, and anything that was said could have been covered in a phone call. Conversation centred on Eve, her baby, her life with Matt…and Eve. Ashley appeared to be the only person at the table who tired of the subject.

It was gone eleven when Charlie dropped her back at the flat. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she called Matt and explained what had gone down.

“What the hell are they playing at?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but I certainly didn’t need to be there.”

“Phil and Eve have always got along well.”

“Yes, I figured that one out for myself.”

“He was Dad’s right-hand man when Eve first came on the scene. He often played referee between Charlie and me when we fought over her.”

“Well, he doesn’t improve upon better acquaintance and still gives me the creeps.”

“It’s just his way. He’s a bachelor, over fifty, and stuck in his ways. But he’s damned good at his job.”

“Shame he left Interactive then.”

“I don’t want to waste this call talking about him. Let’s talk dirty instead,” he said, dropping his voice to a seductive whisper. “I miss you like hell, baby.”

* * * *

Ashley got through her remaining days, counting the time until she could return to Reigate and be with Matt. Eve was leaving on Thursday to spend several days in the West Country with her mother. Eve hadn’t mentioned anything about it. It was Matt who’d told her of his wife’s plans, just to put her mind at rest about Eve stalking her for the rest of the week.

On Thursday, Ashley took Charlie’s secretary Gloria to lunch. Although Eve should be safely out of the way by the evening, Ashley didn’t trust her not to change her plans, so she told Charlie she was going out with some of the girls from the office. The message would get back to Eve, she felt sure. Just to be on the safe side, she turned the deadbolt and enjoyed a luxurious evening with her own company and her laptop. She logged on to the company’s system and delved further into the disputed claims, looking for similarities.

None jumped out at her.

On Friday, she was at her desk by seven-thirty. She took a sandwich lunch and packed up at two.

“I’m off,” she said to Charlie. “I want to avoid the rush hour traffic.” She packed files into her briefcase. “I’ll work on my spreadsheets at home over the weekend.”

“All work and no play.” He shook his head. “You need to relax sometimes.”

“Oh, I shall. My horse will have missed me.”

He chuckled. “That wasn’t what I had in mind.”

“Each to their own.” She shouldered her bag and grabbed her coat. “See you Monday. Have a good weekend.”

“And you. You’ve done great this week, by the way. I can see why Matt rates you so highly.”


As she drove away, Ashley discovered that her antagonistic feelings toward Charlie had definitely thawed. He was a charmer, a flirt, and all the other things she’d had him pegged for. Shame he was also Matt’s enemy and was intent upon bringing the company down. Under other circumstances, he might have been a friend.

Chapter Ten

“Hey, you’re back.”

Sandy gave Ashley a big hug then stood back to let her into her flat. Both of them were almost flattened by Freckles when he heard Ashley’s voice. Laughing, she bent to give him a hug as well.

“I hope he’s been good.”

“He slept every night on Callie’s bed. You’ll be lucky to get him back. They’ve become joined at the hip.”

“Well, I’m glad he was no trouble.”

“How did it go?” Sandy asked.

Ashley rolled her eyes. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

“That bad, huh?”

“No, not really. Just…well, odd, I suppose. I felt like a fraud.”

Sandy hiked a brow. “Because you were doing all the dirty work for the man of your dreams?”

“I offered. No one held a gun to my head.”

“Of course they didn’t. I’m sorry. It’s just that I worry about you.”

“There’s no need,” Ashley said, suppressing thoughts of Eve’s weird behaviour.

“Drink? The sun must be over the yardarm somewhere in the world.”

“Perhaps later.” Ashley glanced at her watch. “Look, I hate to do this to you, but I need to run. I must exercise the nag, and I have a ton of stuff to catch up on after that.”

“You look tired. Can’t you relax this weekend?”

“I went past tired days ago. Besides, riding is relaxing.”

“And tonight you’ll be taming a different sort of beast.” Sandy waggled her brows.

“I know you don’t approve of Matt—”

“It’s not that, I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Again.”

“Sandy, for what it’s worth—”

“Hey, that’s my line.”

“Go on then.” Ashley forced a grin. “Take your best shot.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, I do think he cares about you and means what he says about leaving the little wife.” Sandy sighed. “But when it comes to crunch time, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

Ashley kissed her friend. “Perhaps you’re right, but I’m in too deep to pull back now. I’ll just have to take my chances.”

“I knew that’s what you’d say, but I had to try.”

“Thanks for caring.” Ashley whistled to Freckles. “I’ll catch you later, hon.”

Back in her own flat, Ashley quickly changed into riding clothes. She called Matt as she and Freckles walked toward the stable yard at a brisk pace.

“Are you home?” he asked.

“Yes, I made good time. It’s only half-three. I’m just off to see Lucius.”

“Good.” Matt’s sigh made it sound as though half the world rested on his shoulders. “I’m going to be later than I hoped,” he said. “More meetings and a load of stuff to sign off, I’m afraid.”

Ashley quelled her disappointment. “How late?”

“I’ll be there by eight, promise.”

“That’s fine. I’ve got plenty to do before then myself.”

“I’ll bring a takeaway.”

“Just bring yourself.” Her smile was fuelled by anticipation. “I’ve missed you,” she said softly.

“Me too.” She heard voices in the background. “Have to go, babe. I’ll see you as soon as I can. Love you.”

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