Something for the Pain (Pain #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Something for the Pain (Pain #2)
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Harley throws her arms around me the second that she sees an opening. “I knew it!” She squeals. “I so knew it. Now get out of here. It’s slow enough now. Dax can fuck off.”

“I love you,” I say thankfully. “Thank you, Harley.”

Grabbing me by the back of the neck, Alex pulls me in for a long kiss, before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the bar.

I can’t stop smiling as I look at our hands entwined together. Everything about it just feels so right.

“I love it too,” Alex says, pulling our hands up to kiss mine. “So get used to this; every fucking day. I am your man and I promise you I will show you that in every possible way.”

“You’re perfect, Alex. Seriously perfect,” I admit.

Alex pins me against his truck and spreads my legs with his thigh, making me straddle it. “I’m only perfect with you, babe.” He kisses me soft and deep, before stopping and smiling against my lips. “I love you, Firecracker.”

I moan as he pushes his thigh further between my legs, breathing heavily against my lips. “I love you.” I lean my head back. “So damn much.”

Alex removes his thigh from between my legs and smiles. “I’m going to love hearing that for the rest of my life.” He bites his bottom lip seductively. “I want to get you home, but we have a stop to make first. I’ll explain on the way.”

Grabbing my ass, he helps me into his truck and rushes over to the other side. He starts his truck and hands me my phone. “Why don’t you give Tara a call and tell her we’re on the way.”

I swallow hard, beginning to worry that something bad happened, but knowing Alex, he would be freaking out a lot more than he is if it had. It instantly calms me, letting me know that everything will be okay.

Alex always makes everything okay, and now I have the chance to show him that for the rest of my life. Tripp Carter . . . I love the sound of that, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Eight months later . . .


TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY AND all I want to do is get out of this shop, away from Ace and Styles’ annoying asses, and spend the night with my wife. I just got done with my last appointment for the day and I can’t deny that I rushed my way through it, being careful not to fuck up James’ back piece in the process. He picked a shitty day to set an appointment anyway.

“Damn, birthday boy in a hurry today or what?” Styles jumps up to sit on the desk, watching me as I throw my leather jacket on. “Where you going anyway? No more appointments today?”

I grin at him as I reach for my keys. “
. I’m meeting Tripp, Lyric, and Memphis for dinner and then I’m taking my wife home to pamper the shit out of her. I canceled my last appointment.” I spin my keys around my finger. “That woman loves me, man. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. So yeah . . . I’m in a hurry. Everything else can wait.”

Styles crosses his arms over his chest and looks over at Ace as he pops his head out of his room.

“Happy birthday, fucker.” Ace shouts, before slapping the door and disappearing.

I turn to leave, giving Styles a quick head nod. “I’m out, man. Tell Ace I said to fuck off and have a good day.”

“Alright, dude. Eat some good shit for me. I’m starving and there isn’t shit for food around here. I need a nice, fat, juicy burger right now. That or some hot chick to walk through that door and that doesn’t happen much these days since you scared them all away with that wedding ring.”

“Yeah . . .” I nod my head and reach for the door. “Good luck, man.”

Before Styles can hold me back any longer, I rush out the door and jog over to my truck, hopping inside to head to

It’s been eight months since I’ve asked Tripp to marry me, and three months since I’ve been able to call her my wife. Everything has changed since that day and I wouldn’t go back to my old life for anything.

Styles and Ace may not be too excited about the lack of girls at the shop since I’ve been wearing this ring, but I haven’t ever been happier in my entire life, and I make sure to tell them that daily when their asses are moping around complaining.

Since we got married Tripp and I have been going through the process of buying a house together, and we’re supposed to hear word any day now. I’m hoping that Tripp will have some good news for me tonight at dinner. That shit would make my birthday complete.

I pull up outside of
and practically jump out of my truck before I can even pull the keys out. It’s been seven hours since I have tasted Tripp’s lips, and right now that’s the only thing I’m hungry for.

When I walk inside, I spot Tripp sitting across a table from my brother and Lyric. Memphis notices me first, whistling and yelling. “Over here, birthday boy.”

I see Tripp twisting her wedding ring on her finger when I approach, but she quickly stops and jumps up to give me a kiss. “Happy birthday, stud.”

I grab her face and kiss her harder when she tries taking a seat. “I don’t think so, baby.” I run my thumb over her lips and bite my own. “I haven’t tasted those sweet lips all day. Come here.”

She smiles against my lips as I kiss her for a third time. “I missed you too,” she says, knowingly.

“Happy birthday, handsome,” Lyric says happily as Tripp and I scoot into the booth. “You look nice today.”

“Thanks, sis.” I wink and reach for Tripp’s hand, kissing it. “You guys ready to order yet? I already know what I want and I’m starving.”

Everyone agrees that they’re ready and Memphis catches the attention of our waitress. We place our orders and enjoy our meals, making fun of each other and talking about old times. This is what family is truly about. This feeling. . . . The way we can be so free with each other and enjoy each other’s company, this is living, and I can’t imagine doing this with anyone besides Tripp.

“I’M STUFFED,” I SAY, SITTING back and rubbing my stomach, full.

The door opens. I look over and spot Tara walking in with her boyfriend, Charles, holding a cake box with her free hand.

“Happy birthday,” she shouts. “Who’s ready for cake?”

Smiling, I stand up and kiss Tara on the cheek, grabbing the cake from her hand and setting it down on the table. “Thanks, Tara. You made this for me?”

She nods. “Yes, and Tripp helped. You better like it.”

“I’ll love it.” I nod at Charles and then help him pull a table over, next to our booth.

Memphis cuts the cake and we all dive in, enjoying ourselves.

“Happy birthday, baby.” Tripp slides a birthday card in front of me, but keeps her hand on it. “Before you open this, I have some news for you.”

I slip my hand behind her neck and pull her to me. “The house. Did we get the fucking house?”

She nods her head and I pull her in, kissing her long and hard. “We get the key next week,” she exclaims. “Everything is about to change, Alex. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

I smile and rest my forehead to hers. “With you . . . yes. I’ve been ready my whole life.”

“Good.” She smiles. “Open the card.”

Everyone around the table watches me as I reach for the card and rip the envelope open. I pull the card out and read the front. It’s got some kind of stick figure on it that looks like a kid’s drawing. “Happy birthday, daddy.”

My heart stops when I look beside me to see tears streaming down Tripp’s face. “What’s this?”

“Your first birthday card from your child.”

“Holy fuck!” I stand up, almost knocking the table over. “You’re pregnant? We’re having a baby?”

Tripp nods and throws both of her hands over her mouth.

“Holy shit!” I reach for Tripp’s hand and pull her up to her feet. “I love you. I love you so fucking much, baby. This is by far the best day of my life outside of the day you became my wife. You’re going to be the
of my child. We’re doing this together.”

The girls all seem to break into tears of joy and Memphis and Charles both slap me on the back, congratulating me.

“I love you too. I’m so damn happy. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone but you.” She throws her head back and laughs as I bend down and kiss her belly, and then grab her face to kiss her lips. “I’ve known for a week. Do you know how hard it’s been to wait until today to tell you?”

I shake my head and tangle my hands into the back of her hair. “I’m so ready to start a family with you. Our baby is going to have the best parents. You know that, right?”

Tripp nods her head and kisses me one last time, before the girls pull her away and start talking in their high pitched, girly voices.

“Congrats, man.” Memphis throws his arms around me. “I’m so proud of you, little brother. I love you, man. The two of you are going to make great parents.”

“Thanks, bro. I love you too.” I grip his shoulder when we pull apart. “You’re going to be a great uncle. I can only hope that my child will turn out to be anything like you.”

He smiles and wraps his arm around Lyric, and that’s when I take the opportunity to take my woman back.

“I love you more now than I ever have in my entire life, and I would give up everything I own to make sure that you and our child are happy and taken care of. You know that, right?”

Tripp pulls me as close as she can and buries her face into my neck. “I know you would and I would do the same. Always.” She kisses my neck. “I love you.”

I’ve loved this woman since I was eight and I will love her and our child until the day I die. That’s a promise that I can keep . . .


The End . . .

First and foremost, I’d like to say a big thank you to all my loyal readers that have given me support over the last couple years and have encouraged me to continue with my writing. Your words have all inspired me to do what I enjoy and love. Each and every one of you mean a lot to me and I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for your support and kind words.

I’d also like to thank my friend, Author of the Fate Series and editor, Charisse Spiers. She has put a lot of time into helping me put this story together. I’m lucky to have her be a part of this journey with me. Please everyone look out for her books. She has shown me so much support through this whole process and it would be nice to be able to return the favor. Her stories are beautifully written and something that the world shouldn’t miss out on.

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