Something Forever (4 page)

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Authors: M. Clarke

BOOK: Something Forever
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“Say it,
babe. Tell me what you want.” His tone was hot and demanding.

Ever since I
’d tied him up, and started to become more open and playful, Max had opened up to me, too. Sometimes he would say things he would have never had said at the beginning of our relationship. Knowing I was open to trying new things, Max was beyond thrilled. I knew he would never force me or put me in an awkward position, but I wanted to please him as well, so I needed to be open-minded. “I want you to take me.” My eyes bore into his as I said those words. “Please, I need you inside of me.”

’s eyes showed that he was thoroughly enjoying my whimpering, begging. He knew he was in control, and he loved how he was making me feel right now. With his dick right on that perfect spot, he whispered heavily and hotly in my ear, “I’m going to fuck you hard.”

shit! His words alone made me explode, but I was already diffused with pleasure. Max was inside of me, slowly building me up. While his elbows supported his weight, he cupped my face and rewarded me with a loving grin. He was filling me up in my body and heart. I was head over heels in love with this man. He knew exactly how to turn me on.

Just when I was on the
point of no return, Max pulled out. “I’m not done, babe. I’m still hungry.” Without warning, he lifted me up, and began carrying me. “Let’s see how big this bathroom is.”

gently put me down and spun me around. With my back to him, I was facing the sink. There were huge mirrors in front of and beside us. I could see our naked bodies, and it was the hottest thing. Max’s eyes caught mine through the mirror. The old Jenna would have been shy and looked away, but not this new Jenna. I continued to keep my eyes locked on his, and watched his hand caress my body.

Even when he was inside
of me, I watched his hips in motion. Holy Jesus! I was watching Max and Jenna porn. I had never seen porn before, only the previews from the hotel television, but was hot and I was losing control.

“I like to
watch you watch us,” Max panted, pumping faster. “Don’t we look good together?”

“Yes.” That was all I could mutter. When Max starte
d grinding harder, deeper, I let my head fall back to his shoulder and closed my eyes. “Oh God,” I yelped when Max went faster.

“No one can hear you,
babe. Scream all you want. Let me know how good I’m making you feel.”

I didn’t hold anything back after that. Familiar sounds escape
d my mouth, the types of sounds that screamed pleasure. “Max,” I called his name as I gripped his hands. “Oh God. Oh God.”

“Open your eyes, Jenna. Look how beautiful you are,” Max demanded as he pumped deeper with each word.

I did as he’d instructed, staring at this wonderful man who let me see things I refused to see, being, being, being loved the way every women should be loved.

Max pulled out again and
laid a towel on the sink counter. Placing me on it, he entered me again. “I love you, Jenna,” he said tenderly, caressing my cheek with his lips.

“I love you too, Max
,” I replied with conviction.

With a satisfied grin, Max held me tightly in his arms and gave me all of him
...till I couldn’t take it anymore and his will had been spent. Panting and breathing hard, Max’s head rested on my shoulder. His hot breath escaped against my skin.

“I like my surprise. You can surprise me like that any time,” I said weakly. Utterly drained,
I leaned against Max.

Max’s body slightly shook when he let out a
soft laugh. “I will. I go wherever you go.” He paused. “I better let you get ready. You girls have a long day planned?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Tonight is the real party. Some of Nicole’s friends will be there
, too.”

“Just be careful. And you sure you’re feeling better?”

“Yes. I just needed that nap.”

“Good, but nothing else is on your mind? You seemed pre-
occupied at times. The only time you’re not is when I’m inside of you.”

I flushed with warmth from
his comment. “That’s not true.” I pouted, giving him my most sexy smile with my finger in my mouth.

“Geez, Jenna.” Max raked his hair back and looked away. It was probably the way I was sucking my finger that made him
do so. “I’d better go before I lock us in the bathroom and don’t let you out.”

“Wait.” I grabbed his arm. “Thank you for everything. For this room, for the limo.”

“Only the best for you. And you can stop thanking me.”

had lost count of how many times I’d texted Max thanking him for everything. Max walked out of the bathroom and I followed, watching him put his clothes on. The way his muscles flexed when he slipped his shirt over his head, the way he tucked it inside of his jeans, and the way he slicked his hair back was too dreamy. I could just stare at him doing this all day.

“Where are you going?” I asked, slipping into the covers naked.

“Matthew and I are heading back home. I came by to make sure you were feeling better.”

“You didn’t take my word or Becky’s?”

Max slipped on his shoes. “I did...just thought I’d give you a surprise visit.”

“Are you driving back home?”

“No. We took the plane.”

“Spoiled,” I commented playfully
, with a light laugh.

“I offered you the plan
e, but you turned me down.”

“Next time, I won’t. That was a long drive.”

“See, I’m always right.”

I frowned because most of the time he was.

“Call me later. And please be careful.” Max leaned down and kissed me. Then he did it again. This time, each spoken word was punctuated with a peck on my face. “Don’”

“Understood, M
r. Knight. I’ll call you later.”

Max looked over his shoulder
, winking one last time before he closed the door behind him.

Chapter 4



“So glad we had VIP passes. Can you imagine standing in that line?” Nicole asked, and took a bite of her smoked salmon.

I glanced at the line again. From w
here we were sitting, we had a clear view. “The buffet lines are crazy. I don’t remember it being like this the last time I came here, but then again, I was in high school and I came with my parents. We always ate early to beat the rush.”

“We did come around t
he time when everybody heads to the restaurants. It’s brunch time.” Kate looked like she was going to bust out laughing. “Some of us were ready for breakfast, and some already had breakfast in bed.” She cleared her throat.

Becky and I looked at each other and our cheeks turned the same color. “Sorry,” Becky said sheepishly. “I had no idea Matthew and Max were going to throw us a surprise visit.”

“That’s okay.” Nicole adjusted her tiara; it was made of plastic, and attached to a long veil. On the back of the veil it read Bride to Be. It was Kate’s idea. She also gifted us with T-shirts that read Bride’s Maid, which were decorated with pink trimmings. Though it was something I would normally never wear, we did it for Nicole and for the fun of it. It made Nicole happy and that was all that mattered.

“So, here is the plan
…” Becky started to say between bites of her toast. “We’re going shopping after we eat, catching an early show, and going to dinner. We’ll be meeting some of Nicole’s friends, and we’ll all be out together for a fun night.”

“Sounds good,” Nicole agreed
, glancing at me. “Jenna, how are you feeling? You look a little out of it.”

“That’s because she has something to tell you.” Becky nudged me unde
rneath the table to reassure me that now was the time to let my friends know.

I couldn’t hold on
to this news any longer. I should have told Max when I saw him that morning, but knowing how he felt I couldn’t. The fact that he had traveled miles to surprise me was even more reason not to dampen his visit. However, these were my best friends, friends I could trust. Why couldn’t I just say it? I was embarrassed...that was the main reason.

I swore I would never be pregnant before I got married,
so what had happened to the promise I’d made to myself? Max happened. He gave me pleasure beyond anything I could imagine, and he gave me a love that far surpassed the pleasure. I shouldn’t be embarrassed. It was out of love that I was carrying his child.

I had to admit
that a part of me was beyond exaltation. Never knowing if I could have children because of my mom’s history, I was thrilled when I found out I was pregnant. I could still recall the day I’d told Becky.

“Becky.” I rushed out
, not knowing she would be just outside of the door, and almost ran into her.

“I’m right here, Jenna. Where would I be? I’m nervous as hell for you right now.
” Becky looked as if she was the one who had to tell me the news, like she was holding her breath. I could almost feel her heart pounding hard against her chest, like mine was.

Holding out the stick with my shaky hand
, I said, “I’m not sure how I’m feeling right now, but for whatever reason...this happened. I’m pregnant.” I bawled in front of her, not knowing if I was happy or upset over the news.

Becky reached for me and held me tightly
. “It’s okay, Jenna. Things will work out. Max will embrace his baby.”

Nodding to agree
, I cried harder. After I let it all out in Becky’s arms, I wiped my tears and gathered myself. “Sorry, Becky. I’m happy that I can get pregnant, but I’m also worried. Even if Max and I were married, he didn’t want to have children right away. He wanted us to travel the world and have an adventure before we started a family.”

Holding my hand, Beck led me to the sofa. “
You don’t always get what you want. Sometimes, life just happens and you have to make new plans. Nobody is prepared for the unexpected. Knowing Max, he will be a great father. You’re already engaged, so there is no reason to be ashamed about this news.”

niffing, I wiped my tears. “To tell you the truth, I think I’m excited, but at the same time I’m really scared. This is a life changing moment.” I paused and ran my hand down my face. “How do I tell my parents? They are going to flip.”

Becky leaned closer to me. “Your parents are cool. Give them some credit. Plus, you said your mom had a difficult time conceiving you. Maybe she’ll be
relieved that you can get pregnant.”

I smiled to let
her know that I agreed. Part of me knew my parents would be okay with this, especially since Max and I were engaged. Peering down at my huge, sparkling diamond ring, my mind went back to that day he proposed to me. Thank God he had. If he had asked me afterward, I would’ve thought he was asking me out of obligation.

...what’s the news?” Nicole asked.

“Are you moving in with Max? Wait.
” Kate looked confused. “You practically live with him, so that can’t be it.”

“Hurry, Jenna. You’re driving me crazy. You
know I’m not good with waiting.” Nicole laughed, but she was serious. She leaned from the opposite side, staring at me as if the words were printed on my face and she would be ready to read them.

“I’m pregnant.” There, I said it. I finally said it.


More silence.

Kate stared at me like I’d just told her that I was an alien, and Nicole simply looked dumbfounded.

“Oh my God!
Jenna, I’m so happy for you.” Kate finally opened her mouth, but her tone betrayed her words. She appeared more worried than happy for me.

icole looked like the news was finally sinking in. “That’s wonderful...right?” Her words confirmed my expression wasn’t a jovial one.

“Yes, of course
it is,” Becky intervened. “It’s all good. Kate was pregnant before she got married.”

Max proposed to you even before knowing, so that’s great,” Kate threw in. She got up and walked around to give me a genuine hug, and so did Nicole.

Kate raised her glass to toast, but stopped. “Wait
, does Max know?”

“Not yet. I planned to tell him when I
got back.”


“You didn’t tell him?” Kate whispered. “I’re going to tell him, right?”

“Of course she is.” Becky sounded upset. She
glanced at Kate with her brows raised, questioning her choice of words.

“Sorry, Jenna. I didn’t mean to ask so many questions. It’s just that I remember being so nervous to tell Craig. He didn’t take it well at first, but he came around. I’
m sure Max will be different.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

I hoped so

Chapter 5



All dressed up—in high heels and dresses that could turn guys’ heads—we were ready to party the night away. Getting into our limo, we took pictures and sent them to Max and Matthew to thank them. I even sent a picture of just myself to Matthew. He texted me back, telling me to change into sweats, and I had to laugh at that. In reply, Matthew sent me a picture back of his frowning face. It was too adorable.

I’ll be there tomorrow
, I texted.

Waiting for you. Have fun and be safe.
I’ll be hanging out with my boring one and only brother.

No surprise visit tonight?

You didn’t know I had a secret side job, did ya?

What? Lol!

I’m one of the Chippendale dancers. It’s my shift tonight. I’ll dance for you.


You hurt my feelings. You don’t think I could be one?

You have
the body for it.

Good answer.

You can dance for me privately when I come back home.

I can’t wait. I won’t even take money from you.

I’m not sure what I did right, but I couldn’t believe Matthew and I were together. Not that I didn’t deserve a guy like him, it’s just that a guy like him was hard to come by. Never would I have imagined finding a guy who was good looking, had a great career, and knew how to treat a woman. He was a fabulous package, one that I hoped to keep forever.

Looking at us with teary eyes, Nicole passed
out the champagne glasses to toast. We all had alcohol in ours except for Jenna....hers was filled with apple cider. “Thank you to my best friends. My life wouldn’t be the same without you. You fill my heart with happiness. When I need someone to lift me up, you are all there for me. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love you all to pieces.”

“Love you
, too, Nicole,” Kate said. “May you and Keith forever hold on to the happiness you both deserve.”

“Ditto,” I bellowed
. Kate had taken the words out of my mouth.

“I can’t wait for you and Keith to finally get marrie
d,” Jenna said. “Only a month away.”

After we
toasted, our limo driver blasted the music for us. We were headed to dinner to meet Nicole’s friends. “Whoo hoo!” Nicole shouted. “I’m going to get blasted tonight.” She gulped down her drink and asked for another. Nicole was good at holding her liquor, so I didn’t worry.

Jenna looked a little spacy
, so I nudged her. “You okay?”

“Just a little nauseous. I hope it doesn’t get worse.”
She took a few more sips of her drink. Poor Jenna, she’d hardly eaten during brunch. I knew it was worse than she was letting on; it was the way she was. She was worried that she would ruin the fun, so she was trying her best to hide how miserable she felt. I knew her best...Nicole and Kate had no clue.

“Look.” Jenna
showed me her phone. It was a picture of Max with a frown face. He had sent her a picture of himself just like Matthew had done. I laughed out loud and showed Jenna the picture I’d gotten from Matthew.

’re having dinner together,” I told her, but she already knew that. “If you need to leave early, don’t be afraid to let me know. I can tell you’re not feeling well.”

Jenna took
another sip and gave me a sideways hug. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll let you know if I can’t handle it. I could use a little distraction.” Jenna started laughing, shifting her eyes to Nicole and Kate. They were singing, moving to the beat of the music, and laughing like crazy. I couldn’t help but laugh, too.

“And people think I’m the loud one,” I said to Jenna.

“They just don’t know you like I do,” she replied.

was right. Not only did I get lucky in the “finding the right guy” department, I was lucky in the “finding a best friend” department. No one knew me the way Jenna did. I hoped I was just as good a friend to her.

Getting out of the limo was a trip. Nicole and Kate
gave us a show, giggling and saying funny things that made no sense whatsoever. Jenna held onto Kate, while I held onto Nicole. Thank God I didn’t drink—I had my own reasons not to—because I couldn’t imagine Jenna taking care of the three of us.

Nicole’s friends were already waiting for us at Ta
os. I had heard of this place before. The ambiance was amazing, decorated with Asian culture items and fixtures. I felt like I was actually dining in one of the finest restaurants in China. Being that we were a large group, we were seated in the corner. Luckily, the space allowed us to have some privacy.

After the introduction and
greetings, we ordered our food and held small conversations. Looking at Nicole, I saw that she was smiling and having a great time. I was so happy that everything was going as smoothly as planned. I was worried about how we would fit in with her other group of friends, but they were nice and friendly. It made the gathering that much more pleasant. Kate checked her phone now and then, most likely checking on Kristen.

After dinner, we all hopped back
in our limo, including Nicole’s friends. I took a bunch of pictures with my cell phone. When one of Nicole’s friends took out stacks of dollar bills, we started laughing like crazy.

“I’m ready for tonight,”
she said, fanning them in front of her.

Shoot! B
ringing dollar bills hadn’t even crossed my mind. I knew Jenna didn’t bother to bring any, so I didn’t even ask. However, I was surprisingly wrong. Looking at me with the most innocent smile, she handed some to me. With my eyes practically popping out, my jaw on the floor, I couldn’t help myself...I laughed out loud.

Jenna shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t know if you
’d brought any.”

“It didn’t cross my mind. I heard about it, but I figured tonight
was for Nicole, not me. I can’t believe you went out of your way to get all of these dollar bills.”

“Actually, Max gave them to me.”

Unbelievable! “What? Seriously?”

Jenna let out a small chuckle. “He wanted me to think of him every time I used one.”

“Max, Max, Max.” I shook my head, but I loved it. He was possessive in ways you couldn’t get mad at him for. I was surprised Matthew hadn’t done the same thing.

By the time we passed through traffic, everyone except for Jenna and
I were tipsy. Our group was loud as we stood in line, and we were even louder when we got inside.

was crowded. I had never seen so many women in the same room all at once. When the show started, not only did loud music fill the air, but women’s screams and shouts for the men strutting along the stage echoed all around us.

It was hard not to stare at the muscular men with nicely define
d pecs, grinding their hips and posing to the music. Women ran to the stage and looped their dollar bills around their G-string thongs. Some men came out as doctors, firemen, or businessmen, but fully clothed. They would slowly strip their way down to their very toned asses.

One of the strippers went directly to Nicole and tossed her plastic wedding veil off
her head. Laying her down on the table, he pretended to be fucking her. It happened so fast, but we were spellbound by him...we didn’t know what the heck was going on. Oh my God! He seemed to make women around him want to drop their panties.

I had to admit
, he was beautiful. With a toned body and ripped muscles that would be found on a perfect man, he was the complete package. Lifting Nicole’s hand, he placed it on his chest and ran her hand down to his thigh. I swear I thought I heard Nicole whimper and gasp hard. She was going to dream of this tonight...if she was sober enough.

Looking at
the women watching as their eyes grow wide, I was pretty sure they were wishing he was doing it to them. When I turned to Jenna, her expression was the same, but she stepped behind me when the stripper looked directly at her; I didn’t blame her. She probably thought he would go to her next. And sure enough, he got off Nicole and headed toward Jenna, but one of Nicole’s friends grabbed him. She was a willing participant he gladly took instead.

As much as I was enjoying
being with my friends, now that I was dating the man of my dreams, it didn’t seem right. Though I wasn’t participating, or screaming and lusting for these men, a part of me felt guilty. I wouldn’t want Matthew to be in a room full of almost naked women parading around for him to lust over. Now I understood why he didn’t want me to go.

were not all that they were cracked up to be, not that I was expecting much in the first place. If I were single, the experience might have been different. Nicole and her single friends had a blast, and that was all that mattered. After the show ended, we dropped off Nicole’s friends at their hotel and went back to ours.

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