Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I like all of it,” she gasped.

This was all going too fast. Julian knew he’d soon be shooting like an inexperienced dickhead without anyone even touching his cock.

So he took Nathan’s jaw firmly in his hand, removing Nathan’s mouth from Xandra’s tit. And kissed him full-on, just as he’d been dying to do for days now.

Ah. This is heaven.

Male jaws working against each other, sucking, licking, snorting like bulls against the sides of each other’s faces.

Of course Nathan knew it was him. This didn’t deter Nathan from lapping up Julian’s tongue like a thirsty cow. Nathan gripped the back of Julian’s neck and deepened the kiss. Although they were both leaning up against the shapeliest and most buxom woman in the valley, Nathan preferred to kiss Julian. This pumped not only Julian’s ego, and again, he felt about to shoot in his pants.

Luckily Xandra put a stop to it. She snagged the thong of her panties under a thumb and yanked them into the pile with her skirt. “Eat me,” she begged.

But it was confusing because she had one hand on either man’s head. They broke the kiss, Julian looking up quizzically at Xandra. Instantly he knew the correct procedure. He gripped Nathan by the neck and shoved him to his knees, his face in Xandra’s bare pussy.

“Eat her,” he commanded.

An overwhelming wave of gratitude washed over Xandra’s face. But when Nathan dove his face into her muff and started lapping, her eyeballs rolled up into their sockets.

Chapter Twelve


Oh, dear Lord. I’m not going to last long

As she could have predicted, Nathan was an expert pussy eater. And just the image of that stately aquiline nose buried between her thighs was enough to bring her off. But even when he barely touched the tip of his tongue to the extension of her clit, it was as though he’d touched a raw nerve.

Javier, of course, had never eaten her out. He claimed that it wasn’t a Latino, or a Catholic, thing to do. Naturally he expected head night and day from
, but it just didn’t work the other way around. So it’d been years since Xandra had had anyone lapping away at her button.

But it was
. Jesus H. Criminy. The masculine BASE jumping commando was urging her thighs over his shoulders and lapping away greedily as though she were a salt lick.

I’m going to come. I’m going to come. I’m going to come

When she forced her eyes open, she saw that Julian had peeled Nathan’s T-shirt off. He kneeled behind Nathan, slapping Nathan’s bare ass with one hand. His other hand was buried in the front of Nathan’s crotch, and Xandra leaned forward to get a better view.

When she saw Julian vigorously pumping Nathan’s long, fat, cock in his fist, Xandra absolutely exploded. It
like those euphemistic, symbolic films that depicted a train plowing through a tunnel. Only in her case, fireworks were more apt.

Perhaps because she squeezed her eyes shut so tightly, little multicolored bursts appeared like dandelions against the velvety blackness. Her inner channel contracted so strenuously the muscles of her pelvis lifted her off the ground until she was standing like a ballerina on one tiptoe. She must have even clapped the back of Nathan’s skull to her palm because she was vaguely aware she was grinding like a pole dancer against his face.

Wave after wave of rapture flooded into her pelvis, electrifying the spasms that wracked her uterus. Nathan slid a couple of fingers inside her as he slowed his licking down, sipping at her juices, now just tickling her clit with the tip of his tongue.

“That’s right,” Julian urged. “Eat her pussy, Nathan. Drink up all her cream. Give her the best fucking orgasm of her life.”

How does Julian know that?
Xandra started to emerge from her orgasmic coma, twitching and jerking her pubic bone against Nathan’s face.
How does Julian know it’s the best orgasm of my entire life?
Embarrassment washed over her at the realization she had creamed all over poor Nathan’s beautiful face. She had apparently opened the floodgates, according to Julian.

“Good. Drink up all her tasty cream,” he urged lewdly. “Do you know what a real man does? A real man gives a lady a mind-blowing orgasm.”

That’s true
. Xandra nearly giggled, but she choked on a hiss instead when Nathan’s lapping became too much for her. She pushed him, and he fell back into Julian.

“Too much, too much!” she whispered. Every square inch of skin on her body tingled, and she had to rub her chest to wipe out the almost painful bristling.

“Amazing,” Nathan breathed, wiping his face with the back of his forearm. “Never felt a gal come so strongly for so long.”

“Believe you me.” Xandra tried to laugh. “It wasn’t my doing. It was you.”

But Julian wouldn’t let Nathan rest. He was yanking him to his feet, slapping him on the ass some more. Nathan lifted a hand to remove the blindfold, but Julian grabbed his wrist. “No. I want you to
everything. You said you feel more alive than ever when you’re soaring over the canyon floor, drinking in the smallest sight. I want you to
just as much without your sense of sight.”

I like it, I like it
. Xandra’s pussy still throbbed. Bolts of residual lust shot up from her clit through her abdomen, but she was drenched in her own juices, wide open. As Nathan reached out blindly, his hands seeking her shoulders, she boldly grabbed his cock.

It was easy to capture the fat tool between her thighs and ride it, swiveling her hips obscenely. The friction against her clit caused her to gasp, and she clung to Nathan’s sweaty shoulder. The abrasion of his hairy chest against her tits stiffened her nipples again. She did not want to taste her own juices, but Nathan’s sly, bowed lips proved too irresistible.

“You’ve got a hot, long, juicy cock,” she whispered against his mouth. “I want you, Nathan. I want to feel this fat cock up inside me. Don’t worry about condoms. I’m safe. I just want to feel you penetrate me with that fat horse’s cock. I want to feel you shudder and come just like I—

Unexpectedly, on one of Xandra’s backswings with her hips, Nathan impaled her to the sandstone wall.

Xandra cried at the suddenness of it. She hadn’t been used in quite awhile—probably never by such an enormous penis. But she was well-lubricated and more than ready for it, so she allowed Nathan to pin her to the wall with the strength of his pelvis.

He groaned deep inside his chest, and Xandra felt an undulating shudder run down his entire spine. He cradled the back of her head to him so she wouldn’t bang her skull against the cliff wall, his other hand lifting her ass, urging her to him.

Behind him, Julian encouraged, “That’s it. Fuck her good, Nathan. Plunge that delicious dick inside her.
her pussy grab at your dick. Smell her beautiful, feminine scent. Lick the salt off her neck. Feel what it’s like to slide your dick inside the most desirable woman in the valley.”

Hearing Julian talk obscenely like that made Xandra’s pussy clench around Nathan’s prick. One of her feet found a toehold in a rock’s indentation, and she was able to lift her hips to accommodate the girth of Nathan’s meat. Julian’s fingers slithered around the base of Nathan’s cock. He was apparently unable to keep his hands off the delicious stud even when Nathan was fucking Xandra. When Julian petted the outer lips of Xandra’s pussy, too, Nathan groaned and gyrated his hips against her. Julian’s adept fingers slithered around the rigid base of Nathan’s cock, where it plunged inside Xandra as he humped her.

She could tell Nathan was holding back. He fucked her raggedly, with hesitation, not balls-to-the-wall. She knew he was afraid of coming. She licked the side of his face, tangy with a film of her juices. “Do me nice and slow, Nathan. I want to feel every inch of your juicy, tasty dick.” It was absolutely exquisite the way he undulated his entire spine when he plunged his cock inside her, shivering and panting when he held it there, the cockhead up against her cervix. She was wide open for him, vulnerable and exposed. “I want to feel your beautiful cock splash deep, deep inside me.”

The biggest shudder of all passed through him, shivering Xandra’s hand on his chest. Julian had given a sharp lunge with his hips, and Xandra realized he had impaled Nathan. He’d been using her pussy juice as a lubricant for his own long, dark cock, and he was penetrating his friend’s curvaceous ass like a horny hyena. It turned Xandra on knowing that with every lunge of his hips, Julian jammed Nathan’s cock more firmly inside her.

“You like that?” she teased Nathan, licking a trail over his chin and down his full, muscular throat. “You like Julian fucking you up the ass?”

“Oh, he likes it all right,” Julian answered instead. “He likes being savaged by my long dick. Don’t you, Nathan?”

To Xandra’s surprise, Nathan muttered in reply to Julian’s demand. “Fuck me. Make me come, you twisted pervert. Turn me on. Make me shoot inside this tight, sweet pussy.”

Julian had slipped a hand under Nathan’s arm and was now pinching his nipple. Where Nathan held back from an all-out assault, Julian had no such compunctions. He fucked Nathan brutally, swiveling his hips like a rodeo star as he plunged into the shapely rear. His game warden’s cap off, his long hair had come undone from its ponytail and softly framed his face. He truly was beautiful, his long lashes fluttering, his bowed cupid’s lips formed into a pout of concentration.

“You want it like
” Julian slammed Nathan’s rear with another jab. “You want my cock to rub against that sweet spot
?” He lunged his hips harshly against the soft cushion of Nathan’s ass.

Every time Julian jabbed him, Xandra could feel Nathan’s cock twitch deep inside her. She imagined she could even feel his pulsing cockhead shoot a few squirts of semen up against her womb as he gasped, “
Yes. Yes,
I want it.
ibn himar
. Screw me, you deviant fucker. Do me up the ass.”

Nathan finally let loose with a few long, swinging lunges of his own, filling Xandra’s pussy with the length and breadth of his admirable cock. Xandra met his thrusts, squirming and writhing, grinding her pubic bone against his. It took only a few moments for him to erupt inside of her. He held her high up on the rock wall with the power of his hips, his head thrown back to expose his brawny throat. He gulped in air, his cock twitching and spurting deep inside of her as she licked a drip of sweat from his chin.

It took only a few swings of Julian’s hips for him to come off, too. Xandra could tell by the way he jerked and choked on his own cries. It was heavenly to feel the strength of these two virile men pressing in on her. Their spicy sweat mingled and bloomed inside her nostrils and she had never felt safer. Practically naked, speared by the brawn of these two athletic bodies on top of a thousand-foot mesa in the middle of an empty desert—Xandra felt safer, more protected than at any other point in her pathetic life.

I feel safe
I’m sheltered from harm.

When Nathan slowly let her down from the cliff wall, she had kinks in places she never knew existed. The trickle of semen down her inner thigh made her happy, for once, instead of disgusted. She allowed Nathan to fall face-first into the rock wall while she staggered behind the safety of another boulder. She meandered to look at the view.

The striata of geologic deposits all stacked up, like a submarine sandwich. The layers were warm colors, chocolate, berries, cinnamon—a perfect tiramisu of a cake, and now Xandra knew how to climb its sandy heights. She’d done so much this past week! She rode a horse, though she’d rather have parted ways with the obstinate critter. And she’d rode…

“A horse,” she whispered to herself, and giggled.

Nathan Horowitz
. “Whatever am I to
with him?”

“With who?”

Julian had come up behind her.

“Nathan,” she explained. They stood side by side about ten feet from the sheer drop. Julian may have been accustomed to this—and many other things—but Xandra wasn’t, and she shied back from the edge. “What will we do, Julian? He claims he’s going to stay here and fly fish for a few months, but what then?”

“He’ll leave,” Julian said simply. Hands deep in his pants pockets, he shrugged as he watched some critter on a faraway mesa scamper and leap—no doubt. Xandra couldn’t see that far.

“Yes, that’s what I mean. What then? Julian, you’ve got to admit, Nathan isn’t the homebody type who’s going to stick around. Does he even
that it snows here in the winter?”

Julian chuckled. He sure didn’t seem to be overly concerning himself with this state of affairs. He was probably accustomed to loving ’em and leaving ’em. “He might not know that it snows, if he’s used to flying over Central Africa.”

“And if he’s really from Abilene,” added Xandra. “Listen, I don’t want him to think I’m an ingrate for all the work he’s done for me. But I feel myself getting
to him. Do you know what I mean? And I don’t think that I like it.”

BOOK: Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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