Read SORCERER (The Elemental Magic Series Book 1) Online
Authors: Michael Nowotny
"I know and that's what scares me." Was the reply, too soft for him to hear.
Karen sat alone in the commons when James showed up.
"So did you have a talk with Alec?" He asked knowing full well she had.
"Yes, I did."
"And what?"
"What's it to be, is he going or not?"
"He's going. But I don't have to like it. You'll be taking him when it's time." It was a statement not a question.
"I'd be proud to Karen. I'll send the reply back with Cole tomorrow."
"Thank you James." Karen said getting up to leave.
James got up quickly and said soft voice. "You know you don't have to be alone all the time."
"I know James, but he is my responsibility, at least till summer solstice." She told him with a smile and went to her room next to the kitchen.
Alec closed the door to his room and got ready for bed. He quickly pulled his pants back on at the sound of light knocking at his door. Quietly opening his door so as to not disturb the field hands sleeping down the way from him, his room was on the end so he could get up and over to the kitchen and commons without waking anyone else. There stood the prettiest girl he knew, Sarah.
"Uh, uh. Hi." He stuttered.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"You’re going to be leaving us after the summer solstice?"
"Um, yah. I’m going to the academy." He said with his face turning red, realizing he was standing there with his shirt off talking to the most beautiful girl in the community. And after lights out! The only thing he could do was stare into those big soft brown eyes.
"That's so romantic, you'll go and learn to fight then go off to fight in grand adventures. Maybe even become a Knight! That would be so romantic!" Her eyes opened wider and her hands clasp each other under her chin.
"Um, I can't be a knight, I'm not a noble." He stated, still in a daze and logic never failing.
"You won't forget me when you’re all famous, will you?" Sarah asked, batting her eyes.
Then before he had a chance to answer she leaned forward and kissed him. Not like the kiss he got from his Aunt when he did something extra good. This was on the lips! Before Alec could react she was gone. He turned his head just in time to see the door at the end of the hall swing closed.
Leaning back against his door frame, his eyes closed feeling a little light headed and the bottoms of his feet tingling. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes to the big grin of Ralph, his one and only neighbor.
"You OK, boy?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Yah." It came out more as an expulsion of air than a word.
Then came the laughing, Ralph was laughing so hard he had to sit. While Alec just stood there looking confused. Soon doors were opening and some of the other hands were asking what had happened. Ralph finely got himself under control long enough to explain.
"Young Alec here just got his first kiss! And, and it was from little Miss Sarah!"
That set off a whole new set of laughter from the rest of the hands followed by a bunch of back slapping and some very eye opening but embarrassing jokes.
Finally everyone started to head back to their own rooms as the excitement died. Alec turned to go into his when Ralph said to his back.
"Just don't let the first one reel you in for lunch, you'll be caught many times." It was another of his famous sayings.
Alec closed the door to his room and lay down to try to sleep. He had no idea what Ralph had meant.
Chapter 3
The three weeks till his birthday went by fast. Things calmed down and got back to normal. Getting up early to help with breakfast then out to help weed the fields or help repair one of the fences. Most of his days were spent with Ralph till late in the afternoon when Alec went in to set the commons up for supper. Alec tried stealing glances at Sarah but she almost seemed to be trying to ignore him. It was confusing to him.
After unsuccessfully gaining the courage up to go talk to her the morning of his birthday Alec went back to his room to get some advice from Ralph. He was about to knock on his door when he saw a note stuck to his own door. Plucking it off he read it quickly. Mr. Phillips wanted him to come up to the manor at some time that afternoon. He shrugged and knocked on Ralph's door. He really needed some advice.
Ralph was almost like a big brother to him, he'd been there for as long as he could remember and he always had time for his questions, even the embarrassing ones.
Ralph opened the door with a "Hi yah sonny boy," and a big grin.
"Hey Ralph, you got a bit?"
"Sure come on in, have seat. What can old Ralph do for yah?"
The room was exactly the same size as Alec’s but with an extra chair next to the small table in the corner.
Alec sat down in one of the chairs as Ralph took the other.
"Well, I'm confused, see. Back a while Sarah, you know, kissed me but now it's like she won't even say two words. I don't understand it!"
"Sonny boy, women are mysterious creatures to all of us. If you ever do figure them out, you come enlighten old Ralph, you hear!" He said going from serious to a chuckle at his own joke. "Now, on the other hand you could try it the easy way."
Ralph had Alec's full undivided attention as if he were about to tell the secrets of the gods themselves.
"Well, what's the easy way? Come on!"
Ralph leaned forward and put his hand on Alec’s shoulder looking him in the eye. "You’re going to have to ask her," was the startling answer.
"Yah, talk to her. If something is going on, good or bad, she probably knows it. I suggest starting with an apology."
"I can't do that!" Alec hung his head in defeat.
"You can't apologize?" Ralph asked, frowning.
"No, I can't talk to her. She scares me!" He said with his voice breaking.
Ralph laughed. "They scare all of us, sonny boy. But remember, she's a person too. Talking is the only way, really."
"Great! Talk to her!" Alec said sarcastically as he got up to go. "Got any other sage advice?"
"Stay away from horses with white socks."
"They have bad tempers and kick hard."
"Thanks Ralph, I knew if anyone could help me it was you." Alec said sarcastically reaching out to shake Ralph's hand even if he didn’t like the advice.
"Anytime Alec.”
"Mr. Phillips wants me up at the manor so I better get going, thanks again Ralph." Alec said as he left.
The walk through town was a short one. He stopped at the butchers to say hi and asked if Jake could go with him. After getting birthday wishes from Jake’s parents they headed to the manor.
"So did you talk to Sarah?" Jake asked.
"Chicken! Well, I did a bit of asking around for you and found out she's mad at you," said Jake. He drew it out like he use to do when telling Karen that Alec had done something wrong.
"But, why?"
"Apparently it's gotten round that she kissed you and not in the most flattering way."
"But I didn't tell anyone but you." Alec paused thinking back. "Ah crap, Ralph and some of the hands saw it. Those guys are worse than the woman’s circle yapping it up. What am I going to do?"
"You’re going to have to see if she'll let you explain it to her, other than that you're leaving at the end of the week with the solstice, so you won't have to worry about it."
"I know but I don't like the thought of her thinking bad about me."
"Then talk to her, chicken." Jake mock slugged him in the shoulder making him scramble around a tree so he didn’t end up on his butt.
The boys made it to the manor cutting through the park past the stores and various shops. The manor was huge, it had been painted earlier that summer, and Alec had gotten to help with the second floor being light enough to go up the scaffold. They were let in by old Jimmy, who led them to the sitting room. Mr. Phillips was waiting with Aunt Karen.
"Welcome boys, have a seat."
"Thanks Mr. Phillips." They said in unison.
"Just thought I'd talk to you Alec, about leaving next week and what better time than on your birthday. This reminds me, happy birthday young man." Mr. Phillips said with a smile.
"Thank you, sir." Alec replied sitting down with Jake on one of the plush looking sofas that faced an empty fireplace and taking note of the packages beside Mr. Phillip’s chair.
"I'll be taking you to the capital then on to the academy. I've already talked to Jake’s parents and they've agreed to let me take him along with us too.” The two boys looked at each other smiling. “I normally make it a long hard two day ride to the capital then it’s just a couple hours to the academy. Once you're all settled we won’t be able to stay long, I've some business to do in the capital then Jake and I will head back here the next day, pretty simple really. Any questions?"
"No sir." They answered.
"I guess you'll want to open these packages you've been spying at." James nodded to the packages beside his chair and reached over pick up the three of them up and handing them to him.
"Thank you, sir," Alec said.
"Only the bottom one is from me. The top one is your Aunt Karen’s and the other is from the hands you bunk with, I think they consider you one of them." He said with a smile knowing it was true.
Alec set the two smaller packages in Jake’s lap and tore open the larger bottom gift. He held up a very dark gray cloak made of northern seal skin.
"Wow, thanks Mr. Phillips."
Alec had seen a cloak just like it at last solstice and knew it cost more than he'd ever have or seen.
In fact it was the same cloak. James had seen Alec admiring it and having an idea of what was coming this year had purchased it just for this reason. Alec looked over at Aunt Karen as she gave him a short nod and smile. Alec stood and shook Mr. Phillips hand. He then sat back down as Jake handed him the gift from Ralph and the hands.
The shape gave it away. A very well made plain knife with a sheath that was obviously Ralph's handy work, it being what he called his hobby. Alec passed the knife over to Jake and took Aunt Karen’s gift to him. Inside a small bag that could have been a coin pouch was small blue jewel held by a thin silver ring and a matching silver chain which ran through it.
"It was given to me by your father before he left." Karen spoke for the first time. "He was told the stone would glow if someone near you meant you ill. I don't know the truth of it having never had cause to test it."
He put it over his head letting it settle just below his collar bone.
"Thank you so much Aunt Karen, it means a lot to me!" He told her getting up and giving her a hug.
"You’re welcome Alec. Now get out of here and go enjoy the day. I hear their setting up the festival booths in the west field.”
The boys ran out of the manor and through the park area dodging trees as they went. Slowing to a walk as they neared the edge they saw Sarah walking and Alec turned to avoid her.
"Sarah, over here!" Jake called.
Alec gave Jake a dirty look and got a shrug for a response.
"Hi Jake, do you mind if I talk to Alec in private for a minute?"
"Sure, no problem I need to get back and help dad with some orders anyway. Festival and all you know.” Jake explained as he turned to go. "Hey, take it easy on him, it actually wasn't his fault. Let him explain."
Jake headed towards home at a jog cutting through the trees.
A loud smack sounded as Sarah slapped Alec hard across the face rounding on him. "So you think you can run around and tell everyone that I basically threw myself at you! I don't think so mister!" She shook a finger in his face with the other hand on her hip.
"Wait! I didn't say anything except to Jake." Alec said holding his cheek. It stung.
"I’m waiting, and this had better be good,” she told him. Her cheeks had a dark red color to them as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other impatiently.
"The only thing I can think of is that one of the field hands said something."
"Really and how would they know anything?"
"Ralph and some of the hands saw it all. They all came out to the hall after you left." He told it all to her, the guys laughing at him, the jokes, all of it.
"That Johnny guy who runs the wagon during harvest, was he there?"
"Yah, why?"
"He's always spinning tales to Mrs. Taylor and if Mrs. Taylor is told anything then everyone will know it inside of a day,” she said shaking her head. "I'm sorry Alec, for the sake of being proper I don't think I can be with you, unless you plan to court me properly?" She smiled almost daring him to say yes.
"I'm leaving after the solstice. I don't think I can." He said with his head down cast.
"I didn't think so. Look me up if you make it back our little corner of the world. I'll miss you Alec. I think we would’ve had a lot fun together." She said as she turned and walked away, leaving him with a thousand thoughts running through his head.
He watched her head back to town as he leaned back against a tree and slid down it with a sigh. He sat there with his head in his hands a while thinking of how much his life was going to change in a mix of excitement and sadness.