SORCERER (The Elemental Magic Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: SORCERER (The Elemental Magic Series Book 1)
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After eating quietly Alec and Jake both climbed into their bedrolls without any encouragement from Peter. The two of them were sound asleep in no time being sore and exhausted from not being used to riding a horse.

James stayed up awhile gazing into the flames of their fire and occasionally looking over at the boys. They couldn't be more different he thought to himself.

Jake had the body type and size of a warrior being a little over six foot tall and probably weighing over two hundred pounds. Alec on the other hand was a lot smaller. Being maybe five and a half feet tall James doubted if Alec weighed close to a hundred and fifty.

He looked at Alec trying to see Patten in him. Hopefully Alec would sprout up and fill out like he remembered Patten doing. Patten had finished growing later than would normally be expected too, if he remembered correctly, and never had really gained the big bulky muscles like most warriors. He certainly hoped Alec would do some more growing.

Peter’s thoughts turned to worry as crickets started up another chorus. If news from the capital had any weight behind it a continuation of the war might be stirring within the next few years. He dreaded what might happen to them if it came to war again, especially the young men in his community. With the fire having died down enough he rolled himself into his bedroll to sleep fitfully with the worries and memories of war on his mind.


Far out amongst the rolling sand dunes of the Northern Desert Lord Marcus watched the sand as it slowly shifted from one hill to the other. The moon was in its third phase and he was spent having added a large portion of his own power to that of the shield.

The Lady Silvia slowly walked down the nearest dune letting the sand slide passed her feet before stopping next to Lord Marcus.

“How bad was it?” She questioned.

“I fear if I hadn’t been there it would have failed. It took nearly everything I had. There is no doubt that our fallen brothers and sisters have grown in their captivity,” he shook his head sadly.

The two gods stood there in silence as Silvia intertwined her fingers with his and began feeding him some of her power. Of the five elder gods not to have fallen to darkness Lord Marcus was the most powerful.


Alec and Jake were roused by the smell of honey coated oatmeal being stirred over the coals of their fire the next morning. The glow of the sun was just starting to peek above the horizon.

"Morning boys!" James said cheerfully.

A grunt was the only response he got from either of them.

“You’re a bit sore aren’t you?" James chuckled, he didn’t expect an answer and all he got was a stare as he smiled at them. "I mixed some bitter-root in the oatmeal. It should help with the soreness in no time. That and we'll be staying at an inn tonight." James told them as they slowly got up.

Gods I feel like I've been kicked in the legs and between them by the damn horse, Alec thought casting a glare toward his horse. An involuntary groan escaped his lips as he got to his feet. From the looks of Jake he wasn’t any better off.

"You think we'll make Kingston today Mr. Phillips? We're really sore, sir, I don't know how much longer we can stay in the saddle." Jake said rubbing his rear.

"Yah and you get to ride back too Jake," Alec teased.

Jake groaned out loud and gave him a dirty look.

"That's OK. Alec will be riding for hours every day at the academy." James joined in the fun, laughing at the look of pain on Alec's face.

"Ha, ha!" Jake laughed while pointing at him. 

By the time the sun had come up the bitter-root had done its work and everyone was ready to ride. The awkwardness having faded the two young men pestered James for stories about his time in the academy. They ate a late lunch while they rode, the ground slowly flattening out to large fields of corn, beans and pastures on either side of the road before coming upon Kingston early in the evening.

Alec and Jake stared at the huge grey city walls surrounding the city with seven rose colored towers belonging to the palace poking up behind them. As they rode through the massive city gates Alec and Jake swiveled their heads trying to take in as much as they could. James led them down the main rode to the palace. Merchants of every type and color called out to anyone and everyone who could hear them.

I'll be in there on guard duty one day. Alec told himself proudly as they passed by the beautiful green and brown gates to the palace grounds. They were made to look like vines as they intertwined. The guards in their highly polished armor at the palace were rumored to be the best warriors the country had next to an actual knight.

Pushing their way through the crowded streets and a handful of turns off the main street they entered the courtyard of The Busted Barrel. The inn was a little larger than the other buildings around it and the sign was painted brightly above the banded wood door showing an ale keg cracked in half.

A boy a little younger than them came out of the stables to take their horses.

"Thanks Andy, take good care of them." James told the boy while handing him a full silver piece and a wink.

"Yes sir, always Mr. Phillips." Andy replied grabbing the reins of the horses and tying them to a post while they grabbed their packs to go inside.

Alec and Jake fairly hobbled after James joking that neither of them would ever sit right again. Inside the inn was a brightly lit common room with a long worn bar that ran the length of the room with tables set out in rows clear to the cold fireplace set in the far wall. Over half the tables were full of people eating and drinking. The noise they made was loud enough that Alec was surprised they could even hear each other.

A very large round man came around the bar in a hurry rushing toward them. Alec and Jake took a step back instinctively. James, however, took a step toward him and they threw their arms around each other slapping their hands on the each other’s back.

"Polly! James and two boys are here woman!" The large man bellowed after letting go of James.

Turning to the boys he spoke in a quieter voice. "I'm Brian, welcome to The Busted Barrel." He stuck a hand out to Alec, then to Jake.

An equally large Polly came from the kitchen and was introduced to them after she finished hugging James.

"Find a seat I'll bring you out some supper." Polly told them with a gesture to the room.

They gathered around one of the smaller tables with Brian as James began filling him in on the nature of their little trip as well as the rest of the gossip from the farm. It turned out Brian had lived on the farm and Polly had lived on a neighboring farm at one time. James and Brian talked while Jake and Alec ate roast chicken with steamed greens and watered ale and listening attentively to their conversation. Then Brian confirmed what had Alec feared.

"If you're going to the academy for the martial school I hope you have some skills you’re hiding." He said to Alec. "Cause their testing everyone wanting in, three tests really."

"Why, they didn't use to?" James asked.

"Let me explain. The king needs officers who know how to make the right decisions. So they made it hard to get in, decreasing the combat learning and increasing the tactical stuff like when to advance or fall back. Then they opened a new schooling they call Enlisted concentrating on combat, cooperation, and following orders. They let in everyone, no questions, even in exchange for a full pardon in some cases."

"Sorry Alec." James said with a shrug knowing the same thing he did. He didn't have a prayer.

"Now they do still teach the other schools basic combat. Do you have any interest in being a merchant, Bard or a wizard? Ever been tested for magic?" He asked with a grin.

"No, he hasn't been tested and I seriously doubt he has any magic, it's kind of rare for anyone not of the magic families." James spoke for him with a thin sorry smile on his face.

Do I tell them or not, Alec debated, resigning himself to going to the magic academy. It was fun doing those tests perhaps doing magic will be fun too, he thought. They'll find out tomorrow anyway. He decided to tell them now.

"Um, that's not quite true sir." Alec interrupted James somewhat embarrassed. He now had everyone's full attention.

"What's not quite true, son?" James questioned him cautiously.

"Um, see during the festivities Father Marcus gave me three tests and I used magic twice, Jake was there when I did it. Broke the pin at the game and all, you know.” Alec explained looking at Jake to see how he would react.

Jake and James just stared at him their mouths hanging open. Brian roared with laughter at their expressions.

"He tested you without telling us, and you passed all of them? Are you sure?" James asked.

"I passed them without a problem. He said I did extremely well."

"Wow, that ass! He didn't tell me and I'm pretty sure he didn't tell Karen. Wow!” James sat back heavy in his chair. “Well, we need to get up to the academy early so you can take the tests up there. That is if you are planning to go for magic and not merchants or enlisted?"

"That's the new plan, I guess." Alec agreed.

Brian showed them their room so they could get good night’s sleep. The room was a bit small and cramped with three cot-like beds in it. A window was set in the far wall looking out over the court yard. Alec and Jake got ready for bed neither saying much to the other before falling asleep fast with over-full stomachs.


Chapter 7




Far to the east a group of people were meeting in secret. More than half the group were obviously warriors, two women and four men. The other four people wore robes, only the fine delicate hands of one betrayed her sex.

"Now that we're all here," one of the robed men said looking pointedly at the woman who was his colleague, "we can get started.”

“We now know with reasonable certainty that the Gods won't interfere with our war against Maldore again. We will need to press King Sallin to ready troops and make his formal declaration."

"And how do "we" know the Gods won't knock another mountain down on our heads? I lost a lot of good men in the Slide, Master Parten," asked one of the warriors.

"General Malcolm, if you must know, Mistress Stephanie here has "enlisted" the aid of a certain high ranking cleric. Don’t ask for names you won't get!" He spoke with an air of finality and certain amount of malice to his voice.

"I understand the need to keep our sources in confidence. We'll begin pressing his Majesty tomorrow when he calls for council." The general said suitably cowed knowing what happens to those who cross the high wizard.

The group broke up, most leaving in twos and threes, leaving Master Parten to himself. A shadow settled over him as he closed his eyes.

"It has begun again, as you command my Goddess."  He said

"You do my will Master Parten, power like you have never felt will be yours when I rule over the other gods." It was a dark yet feminine voice that spoke from the air itself.


Alec woke well rested the next morning with even more soreness from riding, till James came in with his special oatmeal.

Alec packed up quickly and they said their good byes to Brian and Polly. James and Jake would be coming back later that evening for their return trip.

It was a two hour ride to the academy over fairly flat ground. The road was crushed rock and in perfect condition. Alec was thankful he wouldn't be riding back to the city because it looked like it would probably rain before the sun set.

Alec turned and looked wistfully back at the city. It was exciting being it such a large place with so many people and he would have loved to take some time and see more than just the main road. He realized how much he enjoyed talking with the shop owners at the festival.

Mr. Phillips said something interrupting his thoughts.

"Sorry, off in my own little world. What did you say?" Alec asked him.

"I asked if you could explain why Father Marcus tested you for magic."

"Oh, yah. Well, when I was injured last week and he went to heal me, he'd said I wouldn't feel anything when he did it but I did. Then when I was playing the pin game at the festival I felt something when I threw the ball. I think he was watching me and must have seen it because he had me throw the ball a couple more times. That's when I broke the pin and he asked me to come to the temple after supper that evening." Alec explained with a sidelong look at James to see if he was upset.

“I’m not mad or anything but that old goat should have told Karen or at least me what he was doing. So how did he test you then?"

Alec could see he had Jake’s full attention and didn't know if that was good or bad. He didn't want things to change between them. He was almost like a brother to him.

"I'm still the same guy Jake. I'm not going to sprout horns or anything." Alec tried to put his friend at ease.

"I know that, you door stop! I was just interested. I've never known anyone who can do actual magic, you know." Jake grinned big and gave a little laugh at his playful insult.

"Then stop staring so hard ox head." With that everything was fine between them.

James cleared his throat getting Alec’s attention again.

"Anyway, after supper I met Father Marcus at the temple and he had me hold this box and make it change colors. After that he asked me to try to get each of the five elements to do something for me." Alec could see the look of confusion on James's face at the mention of five elements.

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