Soul Bound (4 page)

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Authors: Luxie Ryder

BOOK: Soul Bound
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Nathan's lips pressed against my ear.  "I want to be
inside you, to feel how your body reacts when I touch you."

"Oh God.  God!  I need…Nathan please...” My
jumbled words made no sense but when my legs opened wider and I thrust my hips
against his hand, I guess it didn't take a genius to figure out what I was asking
for.  The heel of his hand pressed against my bud as his fingers slid
deeper between my thighs. 

I came the instant his finger slid inside my tight walls. 
His mouth closed over mine, swallowing my husky cries, his body holding me
upright as I shuddered around him.  One spasm rolled into another, each
tighter and more intense than the one before. 

Nathan let go of my arms and I slumped against him, unable to do
anything but cling to his shoulders and accept his kisses as the orgasm waned
and my bones turned soft.  His hand slid away from me and I gasped at the
loss of it, missing his touch already.  Before I knew what he planned to
do, I was in his arms as he turned and walked into another room.

His bedroom looked exactly the same as the living area had, at
least it did in the darkness, and the same ethereal light played across the
ceiling.  Still breathless from what he'd done to me, I did nothing to
help him as he lay me on the bed and pulled my clothes off.  With anyone
else, I would have felt self-conscious lying there with my legs apart, my
breath coming in ragged pants and my skin glistening with sweat, but not with
him.  Never with Nathan.  I’d waited my whole adult life for this
moment and I couldn't hide who I was from him. 

His eyes crawled over me, inch by inch, as if trying to commit me
to memory.  Nathan bit down on his lip and shook his head, laughing softly
when he met my gaze.  "I was a fool to think I could stay
away."  His expression turned somber.  "All those years,
Jess.  I wasted all those years."

The instinct to go to him and kiss the sadness from his face took
me by surprise and I wondered if I should ask what he meant, but when Nathan
reached over his head and tugged the shirt from his body, a surge of lust
coursed through my blood and I forgot about his sudden change of mood. 
Later…we'd talk later.  Right at that very moment, I wanted him inside me
more than I wanted my next breath.  I crawled to the edge of the bed to
hook my hand into the waist of his jeans and tug him closer.  On my knees
before him, my nose level with his chest, I tried to give him a little of what
he had given me. 

He groaned when my tongue flicked over the small, hard bud of his
nipple and he buried his hands in my hair.  I thrust his jeans down,
sliding my hands over the dimples in his ass as I pushed the clothing over his
hips and freed his long, hard cock.  Nathan pulled me up against his body,
just as I would have wrapped my palm around the soft steel of his
erection.  My disappointment evaporated when his arms closed around me,
his lips slid over mine and my nipples grazed his warm, smooth chest.  He
stepped away to kick off his jeans and boots, his eyes never releasing mine
while I waited on my knees.

He came back to me and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my
head back in dominant possession as he half turned me away from his body and
leaned down to kiss me.  His other hand trailed over my strained nipples,
down my abdomen, around my hip and across my thigh to my trembling pussy. 
I jumped at his touch, still sensitive from the intense release I'd had only
moments before, but I didn’t want him to stop.

My hands were just as busy as his and I gave as good as I
got.  He kept a firm grip on my hair and trailed kisses along my jaw and
down my neck, dropping his head to my breasts now and then to suck or nibble at
them.  Nathan gave a shuddering sigh when I cupped his hard penis between
my palms and molded my hands around him.  He gasped and pushed against me,
trembling more when I gripped harder and flicked my thumb over the glistening
tip of his erection.  His reaction was to slide a long, thick finger
inside me and press his thumb against my clit.  The first warning spasm of
my orgasm tugged at me and I gritted my teeth, chasing the feeling. 

"‘Come for me," he growled into my ear, and I toppled
headlong into my climax.  My cries filled the room without his mouth over
mine to swallow them.  I managed to open my eyes for a brief second and
the sight of him standing over me, his gaze riveted to my face, taking in my
every reaction, gasp and moan, intensified my release. 

Nathan kissed me when the shudders wracking my body stopped,
pulling me to rest against him, his hands smoothing my hair and


I opened my eyes at the sound of my name, confused to find him
staring at me, a weird expression on his face.  "Huh?" I said,
because I couldn't find the breath to say more.

"Is this what you want?"

I laughed until I saw he was waiting for a proper answer.
"Yes Nathan.  I want this very much."  I shuddered at the
ripple of heat that went through me as I said the words.  "Why are
you asking me this now?"

Nathan brushed his thumb across my lips and I nipped the fleshy
pad, unable to resist the opportunity to lavish attention on every part of
him.  "I can be…persuasive."

"You can say that again." 

I regretted the words as soon as I said them, sensing there was
more, much more, that he needed to say and it mattered to him that I took him
seriously.  But he fell silent, his gaze avoiding mine.  I wrapped my
arms around his torso and pressed my cheek to his abdomen, scared to say what I
was about to. 

"You can't know how often I've thought about you, or being
with you like this."  I looked up at his face.  "It seemed
as my life stopped when you left Seattle and I've been waiting for it to start

I knew I'd said too much but I couldn’t bring myself to regret
it.  Facing death had changed my life not once, but twice.  If Nathan
rejected me now, it would hurt, but not as much as living the rest of my life
tortured by the idea I'd thrown away my one chance to ask for something I
wanted.  Waiting any longer to tell him how I felt somehow seemed

Nathan simply stared at me, giving me no clue to as to how he
felt about what I'd said.  I tried to pull away but his arms tightened
around me.

"I never stopped loving you."  I barely heard his
whispered words but I felt them right down to my soul.

"Then why did you leave me?" 

A sob caught in my throat and the note of raw need in my voice
surprised me. 
Love?  Was that what I felt too?
  I'd only
ever known a feeling of loss and desolation after Nathan left.  I'd never
applied adult thoughts to my feelings for him or experienced him as a grown
woman.  Realization slammed through me. Love seemed to be the only word
that could sum up how much being there with him, right at that very moment,
mattered to me.

"I would never have left you through choice."

"But you did."

"Some things are beyond my control.  I had to go."

"Because of your parents?"

His harsh bark of laughter seemed at odds with the gentleness he
had shown me so far. "If only it were that simple."

"The more you talk, the more confused I get," I avoided
his gaze, feeling guilty that I hadn't been brave enough to tell him I loved
him too.  

"Then let's not talk anymore." Nathan's hand wandered
over my breast.  "Now where were we?"

I latched on to the distraction, both out of gratitude that I
wouldn’t have to think for a while, and a desperate need to have him inside
me.  "I don't know where we were, but I know where I want you

I tugged on his waist, knocking him off balance and pulling him
on top of me as I lie back on the bed.  Nathan braced his weight above me
but didn't move away as I opened my legs and wrapped them around his
hips.  I slid my hand between us and grabbed his still hard and impressive
cock.  The bed shook a little from the trembling in his shoulders I caused
each time I ran my hands up and down his length.

"Condom?" he asked, his teeth clenched together and his
face taut with tension when I pulled on him again.  Nathan leaned to one
side, fumbled with the drawer in his bedside cabinet and knocked it to the
ground when he dragged a small box out of it.  I took over, sliding the
slick latex over his rigid penis and delighting in the extra torture I
inflicted on him while I made sure it was on properly.

"Witch," he said with a laugh and surged up over me.

Nathan lay between my thighs, his erection resting against my pussy. 
All I had to do was bear down and he would be pushing into me but, desperate as
I was, I waited because he seemed to want to.  His hands came up to frame
my face, his thumbs resting on my cheeks and his fingers buried in my
hair.  He held my gaze as he pushed inside me.  My body bucked
towards his, almost against my will, and I thrust down to meet him.  My
eyelids fluttered closed, all of my energy focused on the hot, hard heat
sliding into me.

"Open your eyes." 

His husky plea cut through the fog of lust clouding my brain and
I obeyed him without hesitation.  My reward was witnessing proof of how
much I was affecting him.  Nathan's beautiful face wore an expression of
such rapturous awe that seeing it made me feel powerful and sensual.  He
thrust into me again, and I fought to hold his gaze as he sank in to the hilt.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and barely let him
withdraw.  Breathless as he rocked into me over and over again, I lifted
my hips to match his movements, pushing back against him as hard as I
could.   My hands latched onto his hair, holding his mouth to mine,
our lips locked in a kiss so intimate that I only breathed in when he breathed
out.  Nathan's essence seeped into my very soul and I couldn’t taste
enough of him or get close enough.  When he moved his hands, my neglected
flesh missed them instantly even as some new part of me thrilled at what he'd
begun to do. 

Nathan rolled on to his back, taking me with him, and I reared up
over him, splaying my hands against his chest as I sat on his erection.

Nathan gasped. "God Jess!  You're so tight and

I rode him hard and fast, frustrated and aroused in equal
part.  I wanted to be driving myself to orgasm above him, but I wanted his
mouth on me too.  When I leaned forward to kiss him, I couldn't run my
nails over his strong thighs or take him in as deeply as I needed to.  I
craved the feel of his hands on my hips, lifting me up and pushing me down in
time with his thrusts, but I also wanted his touch on my nipples and breasts.

Remember my touch.  Feel me where you need me to be.

I heard Nathan's voice but I knew he couldn't have said the
words.  His ragged panting had intensified, his cries echoing around the
room and I realized that my brain, not my ears, had heard the command. 

Where do you need to feel me Jess?  Do you want my mouth
on your breasts, gently grazing your nipples with my teeth?

"Yes..." I said out loud.

Can you feel my fingers on your clit as I rub you hard and
fast, just the way you like it?

"Oh Nathan...Nathan!" I screamed when my inner walls
began to spasm around his cock as my bud reacted to his touch.  Nathan's
orgasm started too, his fingers biting into my hips as he drove me down onto
his hard shaft time and time again.

"Can you feel me?" he gasped, the muscles in his
abdomen rippling and quivering beneath my hands as he surged into me again and
again.  I fell forward, groaning and writhing at the exquisite spasms
rippling through my body, caused by his penis buried deep inside me, and the
very real sensation of his fingers on my clitoris and his mouth on my breasts. 

When my orgasm subsided, leaving me weak and spent and laying on
Nathan's heaving chest, he wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair,
whispering that I should sleep.  And I did...for a while.


I woke later in the deep of the night.  I turned to look out
through the windows but I couldn’t see the sky with all the light pollution
from the city below.  Dawn could not be too far away.  I looked over
my shoulder at Nathan.  We'd moved away from each other but his arm was
still around my waist, his fingers keeping a firm hold on me as if he was
scared I would be gone before he woke.  He was right to sense that I might
wake up and realize that I should be anywhere but there.  I'd lost my
mind, too overwhelmed by him and too bent on satisfying the needs of my younger
self to treat the situation with the skepticism and suspicion it
deserved.  I stared into his handsome face and knew, on some deep level,
that he would never harm me.  But the more I thought about the path that
lead me to this moment, the more convinced I became that something very weird
was going on.  With those mesmerizing eyes of his hidden in sleep, I could
think clearly, without the fog of lust to cloud my mind.   I knew for
certain that I wasn't there beside him of my own free will, despite the fact
he'd dodged my earlier questions. 

Maybe Nathan really did have the power to influence events in Seattle, the way he had in the bed we'd just shared?  And if I believed
then why wasn't I running away from him, rather than towards him, like any sane
person should?   His intentions seemed noble, but that didn’t make it
ok for him to interfere in my life.   Sure, I was grateful to be
alive and lying beside him, but a part of me knew there would be a price to pay
for my stolen happiness. God probably didn't like it very much when people
lived longer than he'd intended them to.

I stroked the dark hair sprinkled over his forearm, and my hand
tingled where I touched him and my body echoed the sensation.   I
wanted him again and God help me, but I already knew I would never, ever get
enough of him.   My sulky inner teenager mentally poked her tongue
out at me as if to say, "See, I told you so.  It wasn't just a silly
crush."  I told her to shut up and go bug someone else - adult me
needed time to think.

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