Soul Control

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Authors: C. Elizabeth

Tags: #Fantasy

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Soul Control

Todd opened the door. “Shall we?” he said gallantly, while bowing.

“Saydi!” Norma waved frantically in the air.

Smiling, I waved back and pushed through the crowd. Todd held onto the loop of my jeans so he didn’t get left behind.

“Hi!” I rang out, sliding across the bench seat as Todd moved in right beside me. I scanned the place. “Why does it seem super busier than usual?”

Angie leaned over the table. “Word got out that the new kids are here.”

Everyone followed her lead and closed in.

“Did you guys meet them yet?” I asked, feeling the rush of excitement.

They shook their heads. “No, but they’re sitting over in the corner booth.” Becky said, pointing. “That one.”

Todd grabbed her fingers and pulled them quickly down. “Don’t point!”

“You said many?” I asked.

Angie had a wicked grin on her face. “Triplets, boys.” She rubbed her hands together.

The rumors were right for once, and for the next big question: “How old?”

Norma glanced over in their direction, not that you could see them through the people. “We don’t know yet, but I overheard someone say they were nineteen.” Then she squeaked from the thrill, putting her hand up to her mouth.

Todd shoved against the back of his seat. “So what? A bunch of new guys,” he grunted, sounding utterly disgusted.

What a baby
. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have some new friends?” I asked of him specifically.

Crossing his arms, he chucked out, “No!”

We all knew what his problem was and Becky simply confirmed it out loud. “Are you already jealous, Todd?”


Angie reached over and touched his arm, then winked. “Todd, don’t be jealous, they might have horns or maybe warts on their noses. Worse yet, maybe they’re short.”


What They Are Saying About
Soul Control


SOUL CONTROL pulled me in from the first sentence and had me on the edge of my seat all the way to the end. Everything you could want is there...wit, banter, romance (appropriate for the young adult reader) danger,
suspense, mystery—and the list goes on. C.
Elizabeth's writing is flawless and relatable.
5 stars all the way!

Laura Burks –

Author of Altered,.



Other Works From The Pen Of
C. Elizabeth


Absolute Obstruction
October, 2012

Protecting his wife, Rose, is movie star, Michael Terrance’s, first priority, but no amount of protection can shield her from the obstruction being planned to destroy them.


Absolute Obsession
May 10, 2011

A country away a letter is mailed, setting the pulse for a love that defies all logic and sensibility between a Movie Star and a woman.












C. Elizabeth




A Wings ePress, Inc.


Young Adult Paranormal/Romance Novel


Wings ePress, Inc.




Edited by: Leslie Hodges

Copy Edited by: Jeanne Smith

Senior Editor: Anita York

Executive Editor: Marilyn Kapp

Cover Artist: Trisha FitzGerald



All rights reserved


Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Wings ePress Books


Copyright © 2012 by C. Elizabeth

ISBN  978-1-61309-112-8


Published In the United States Of America


December 2012




Wings ePress Inc.

403 Wallace Court

Richmond, KY 40475





To all the young minds who may find inspiration in these words.






I’ve always believed the soul connects us together. Being able to feel emotion, love one another, hurt one another, laugh, cry...all the things that make us human. Did I believe my soul was an actual physicality of my human make-up? That it could be whisked off into the darkness by a demon? No. To me, life held enough hurt and pain without having to worry that there were forces of evil crouched in the shadows—waiting for me to swear, or something along those lines.

There was nothing more humbling than to be wrong.

As the warmth of the morning sun brushed against my face, I heard the cries and whimpers of the ones I loved. Truth be told...dying would be better than the alternative.


When the summer was over, my friends and I settled into our last year of high school. All of us were looking forward to graduating and going to university. I wanted to be a teacher, but they still weren’t sure.

We lived in the small town of Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, where time stood still and nothing changed. Every year it was the same—no new faces, no one ever moved to God-forsaken Duck Lake, and anyone who started grade one on any given year would eventually graduate with the same classmates. If anything, it made the teachers happy, for there weren’t too many of us that didn’t have good grades… We had to...if we were ever going to escape.

Being a snore-fest, my small home town offered only three entertainment options. We could hang out at home, hang out at the local restaurant/billiards room (Sloppy Joe’s), or, last but not least, party every night with the beer heads. Our little group of four pretty much stuck with the first two, only because the last time we drank, it took me four days to recover! It also brought about other crappy consequences: I endured two weeks of no friends when my mom found out and grounded me. Of course, she cited my age of seventeen and, not to mention, what drinking did to the soul.

That was one of my mom’s little quirks. She was always adamant that I was special and needed to be extra careful. Yes, she believed there were people out there who would be particularly interested in me, working very hard to ruin
the good
I had. She always talked like it was someone she knew, when in fact, she meant the general population.

~ * ~

“Saydi,” Angie called, hurrying down the hall toward my locker. She was one of my three best friends, a trio that included Angie Kathers, Becky Meyers and Norma Pasely.

Angie was the one whom we liked to call the computer geek, all in fun, of course. She was the epitome of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Five-seven, blonde and blue-eyed, she always turned heads wherever we went. She was also the only one of us who had a car.

Closing my locker door, I waved back. “Hi!”

We walked to social studies with her arm wrapped in mine. “Did you hear there was a moving van in front of the old Winslow house? Someone’s finally moving in there.”

That surprised me, because that house had been targeted for demolition. “Really? Are you sure?”

She nodded fiercely. “I heard it right from Pat.” Pat was the town pharmacist and the biggest gossip ever.

“Hmm, that’s strange. No one’s lived in that place for years.” I stopped and looked at her. “Weren’t they going to tear it down?”

Angie shook my arm. “Don’t you remember? A few months back, someone bought the place to save it.” She rolled her eyes dramatically, throwing her other arm up in a flourish. “They’ve completely renovated or restored it, whatever it is. Remember?”

How could I forget the biggest news to hit Duck Lake in years?

“Um...not sure how that slipped my mind,” I admitted.

In typical Angie style, she rolled her eyes again. “Really, Saydi, how could you forget? It was only the biggest news all summer! Where’s your head?”

“Ladies, get to class,” Mrs. Jensen ordered, coming from around the corner.

“Yes ma’am,” I responded, tugging on Angie’s arm to move faster. Apparently, the quickness of our steps was a direct correlation to the speed of her words.

“Anyway, let’s go by there after school before we go to Sloppy’s, okay?”

There was never any reason for me to go near that old stinky house. It was on the other side of town, and besides, it gave me the creeps.

“Angie, it’s completely in the opposite direction.”

Just before entering class, Angie managed, as usual, to get the last word in. “Come on, it’s Friday! We got nothing better to do.” She grinned a mischievous grin. The ulterior motive dancing in her eyes jogged my memory. Other news came along with the renovation—it wasn’t just the house she wanted to see; Angie was dying to see if the rumors were true. Supposedly, boys our age were going to move in.

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