Soul Deep (21 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Soul Deep
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Each hard spurt of semen triggered another smaller explosion in her pussy. Each hard throb of the knot locked inside her had her screaming in pleasure until she could do nothing but lay beneath him, shuddering convulsively, the ecstasy never-ending as he moaned his own pleasure at her neck.

Finally, hours, days later. But it could have just been minutes. She moaned weakly as she felt the swelling decrease and his cock slide regretfully from the hot grip she had on it.

He collapsed beside her, pulling her into his arms, surrounding her with his warmth as exhaustion began to slip over her.

“I love you, Kiowa,” she whispered against his damp chest as she felt sleep steal over her. “Forever.”

He kissed her brow gently. “Soul deep, Amanda. I love you. Soul deep.”



The wedding of Amanda Marion, daughter to President Vernon Marion and Coyote Breed Kiowa Bear was performed at the Feline Breed compound in Virginia late Saturday afternoon with over 1000 guests in attendance.

The Feline Breed compound, now named Sanctuary, opened its doors for the first time for more than just the wounded and weary Breeds rescued from various Labs around the world. Dignitaries, politicians and royalty alike attended the event, which this reporter was privileged to see as well.

The bride wore a traditional, long white gown and veil, as the groom, dressed entirely in black, watched her approach with nothing less than adoration. It has been this reporter’s pleasure to attend each ceremony so far performed among the Breeds. The wedding of Callan Lyons and Merinus. Taber Reynolds and his wife Roni, Kane Tyler and his wife, Sherra and now, Kiowa Bear and his petite wife, Amanda.

For the time being, the happy couple will return to her Pennsylvania home where Mrs. Bear will continue teaching and Mr. Bear will set up his computer analysis and programming business within their home.

President Marion was all smiles during and after the ceremony, where he toasted the happy couple and then kissed his daughter fondly before she entered the helicopter that would whisk her and her new husband to an undisclosed honeymoon location.

With the passing of Breed Law, and new Breeds arriving daily within the compound, the blood supremacists are becoming even more outspoken in regards to this new species of human. Thurman Truman, president of the Society of Untainted Genetics, announced yesterday that he will further his efforts to find the proof necessary to convince the world that the Breeds are indeed an inferior species and because of their animal genetics should be classed as subhuman, rather than being given the classification of Human, as the Senate decided weeks before.

The radical groups are becoming more vocal, and in many ways, alienating the very people they are trying to convince to join their ranks as their hysteria-induced speeches rage along the airwaves. The Feline Breed compound, Sanctuary, is now doubling its security and with the additional land the government has added to it, making plans to be assured of their own protection even as many law enforcement groups around the nation are making efforts to use the special abilities of the Breeds within their own ranks.

A special taskforce of Breed and military personnel is now being formed under a special section of the Law Enforcement Act of 2020, which gives police, DEA and the FBI special license to use extreme measures in preserving the defense and safety of the nation. This special taskforce will be tested against the most difficult assignments facing these agencies.

President Marion’s goal is to see that the Breeds are, within his four year term, given every access to the same freedoms and rights the citizens of this great country have enjoyed for centuries, while the blood supremacists are working to undermine the very foundations now being put in place.

Research into the history of our great land shows the price and the horrors of prejudice. For as long as time has been measured and history recorded, such mistakes have been shown to cost society and its people an exacting price in following such principles. We built this land and preserved our democracy against all threats, great and small, and against all prejudices that have come our way. We have, at points in time, made a mockery of human kindness and at other times, have shown a mercy as enduring as life itself.

This reporter, in watching the historic events of this new species of human unfold, can only wonder at the choices we will now make, in a time when historians and psychologists alike state that civilization is at its peak of human awareness. Will we accept, or will we once again sink into the mistakes of the past? Only time can tell…


About the author:


Lora Leigh is a wife and mother living in Kentucky. She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared.

Lora’s family, and her writing life co-exist, if not in harmony, in relative peace with each other. An understanding husband is the key to late nights with difficult scenes and stubborn characters. His insights into human nature and the workings of the male psyche provide her hours of laughter, and innumerable romantic ideas that she works tirelessly to put into effect.


Lora welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

Also by Lora Leigh:


B.O.B.’s Fall (with Veronica Chadwick)

Bound Hearts 1: Surrender

Bound Hearts 2: Submission

Bound Hearts 3: Seduction

Bound Hearts 4: Wicked Intent

Bound Hearts 5: Sacrifice

Cowboy and the Captive

Dragon Prime

Elemental Desires anthology

Feline Breeds 1: Tempting The Beast

Feline Breeds 2: The Man Within

Feline Breeds 3: Kiss of Heat

Law And Disorder 1: Moving Violations (with Veronica Chadwick)

Legacies 1: Shattered Legacy

Legacies 2: Shadowed Legacy

Legacies 3: Savage Legacy

Manaconda anthology

Men Of August 1: Marly’s Choice

Men Of August 2: Sarah’s Seduction

Men Of August 3: Heather’s Gift

Men Of August 4: August Heat (12 Quickies of Christmas)

Ménage a Magick

Wolf Breeds 1: Wolfe’s Hope

Wolf Breeds 2: Jacob’s Faith

Wolf Breeds 3: Aiden’s Charity

Wolf Breeds: Elizabeth’s Wolf



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Table of Contents

Lora Leigh

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

* * * * *

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

* * * * *

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

* * * * *

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six


About the author:

Also by Lora Leigh:


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