Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath Book 3)
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“Guardians are designed to be undetectable. It’s how they effectively protect humans. You’d never be expected to know. I suspected there was something about him—it’s why I showed him the bike. As you can see, their form of transportation is … impressive, to say the least.” He nodded toward the bikes, fired up and filing out. “Only angels ride them.” His lips formed a hard line. “Your father must’ve loved you and your sister quite a bit to hire a Guardian.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Guardians are quite rare. They also, typically, require a great sacrifice.”

“Aren’t angels
to look out for us, anyway?”

“Angels are not quite what you imagine, Sabelle. They’re fierce. Dangerous. Not always angelic, in the sense of being pure and kindhearted. In fact, most walk a fine line between good and evil. But you have to look at the bigger picture to appreciate what they offer this world. They fight those that seek to harm humans.”


“Not all demons. Some of us have an understanding with the heavens. But yes. To have your own Guardian means that someone, somewhere in the world, will suffer at the hands of evil.”

“Thanks for the guilt trip.”

“It’s not a guilt trip. Understand the magnitude of the gift you’ve been given.”

“I don’t know what possessed Griffin to find his way into my dysfunctional world, but I can assure you, it wasn’t a gift by my asshole father. He abandoned Denya and me. Worse than that, he essentially laid out a red carpet for every screwed up male in the city to come crashing into our home.” She turned away from Gavin’s kicked up brow, unwilling to entertain the niggling thought that maybe her father’d left to allow Griffin into their lives. “Look, no doubt, Griffin has watched out for me and Denya. But attacks on me happen on a daily basis. It’s the nature of my species, I guess. I’ve never had Griffin hop in to save the day.”

“I can assure you, he would’ve, if your life was at stake. But they’re careful about blowing cover. And if you’ve never had trouble with the same demon twice, it’s likely because said demon is no longer walking amongst the living.”


“Jeven is a complication. I’m afraid the connection between pimp and succubus is one that not even the heavens can sever with all its force. It’s all politics.”

“Yeah. Tell me about it.”

“I suspect, if given the chance, one round with Griffin would end in Jeven unable to raise his hand to you again. Or any limb, for that matter.” Gavin nudged her up from the opened door, and nudged her to the front passenger door. .

“Will Griff be okay?” she asked, once Gavin had climbed in and steered them toward home. She buried her face in her palms while an ache stabbed her chest. “Please tell me he’ll be okay.”

“Yes, he’ll be fine. They take care of their own. But I don’t want you out of my sight, just in case.”

His words soothed her tense muscles and dropping her hands to her sides, she sat back in the seat again. “Who do you think did this?”

“I don’t know. But whatever it was must’ve been strong. Not even the strongest pack of lycans could take down a Guardian. And he has the power to summon his brothers, if needed. My guess? Griffin underestimated his foe. And the Noxerum.” Sabelle caught his stare in her periphery. “Again, a damn good argument for having you nearby at all times.”

She smirked. “You’re taking this bodyguard gig seriously.”

“You’ll find, Sabelle, nothing I do tends to be half-ass. I’m either all in, or not at all.” Gavin turned down a side road when he should’ve gone straight.

“Where are we going?”

“Just thought we could pop in on Denya. Make sure all is well with her and the kids.”

Sabelle inwardly smiled at that. Something she wouldn’t have expected from someone other than herself.
We might get along after all, demon


Sabelle tugged the chain attached to her bed. “Supposedly, this is the same steel they use in Obsidius. I don’t think you’re going anywhere.”

Gavin glanced up, flexed his fingers, and gripped the chain. “I guess we’ll see.”

“You should know, I don’t feel right doing this.”

“So much for being a fierce slaver.” The corner of his lip kicked up before he stretched his neck, driving the back of his head into the pillow. “I’m supposed to be at your complete disposal. You’re letting your species down with all this compassion.”

She rolled her eyes. “Who gives a damn?” An unwitting placement of her hand against his stomach had her recoiling from the touch, more so when his muscles flinched beneath her fingertips and his back bowed for a second. “What’s the deal with this, anyway? Your Savidon only hits at night?”

“No. It can hit anytime of the day, but I’ve found it’s most active at night … while dreaming.”

“Just randomly?”

“Not quite.” His gaze fell somewhere along her thighs.

“Must be some interesting dreams.” Though she couldn’t help wondering what the hell a demon in his Savidon dreamed about that’d require
? “Do you need me to stay?”
Ha! Right
. Sabelle ignored the mockery inside her head. “I mean, to keep you calm.”

“No. Thank you.” Except that his lower half continued to writhe beneath the sheets. “It seems to be getting worse with each night. I can’t say for sure if that’d be safe for you.”

Or safe for you, for that matter
. Avoiding looking at the bulge below was becoming increasingly difficult the longer she stood beside him. “Can I … get you anything? Another pillow? Extra blanket? Holy water and a priest?”

He chuckled. “I’m okay.

“Gavin?” She pursed her lips. “I’m, um … thanks for ... I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.” The slight curve of his lip warmed his eyes before they clenched shut. “Sabelle … go.
.” The final word arrived on a beastly growl.

“Did I do something?”

“Your touch … your scent.” His jaw ground together, flexing his cheek. “Being chained to your … bed.” His red eyes flared as they opened. “You’re aroused.” The grit in his voice almost made him sound pissed. “I can … smell it.”

Smell it?
Heat warmed her cheeks at that. What the hell did she smell like? She scratched the back of her neck, wishing a hole would open up in the floorboards and swallow her into the pits of mortification hell. “You were chained to my bed last night just fine.”

“I know.” Gavin’s voice turned guttural, leaving behind something that reminded her of
Freddy Krueger

His skin had begun to take a red hue, as he writhed against his chains, grunting, groaning. She stood up from the bed, staring down at his body and the large bulge with each thrust of his hips.

Terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

Her mind took her to a very dark and erotic place, where she had not only the balls, but the lack of morals to climb on top of him and impale herself on it. She licked her lips as each throaty moan painted a picture of what he might sound like—the relief and agony of being buried inside of her—never wanting the ecstasy to end.

Each time he flexed upward, the urge to pull back the sheets tugged at her.

“Ride me, Sabelle. Fucking … get on and ride me.”

Damn, his words nailed her right between the thighs.

His hips bucked, casting a shiver down her spine. As inviting as it sounded, she wouldn’t. He could very well claim her, force her to bond with him, and then it’d be all over. Denya would be taken out of her custody, and Sabelle would be given up by one man only to be owned by another.

Not that Gavin and Jeven occupied the same
solar system
in terms of being alike, but the idea of giving herself up through bonding didn’t sit well. It reminded her too much of her mother, Laura. The most notable woman in her life who’d been ruined by a bond. Turned from a decent person into the source of shame that Sabelle had come to avoid most of her life. Destroyed.

That thought alone made her take two steps back. “Gavin, I can’t …”

“Let me see you.” He arched his back and howled, as if he’d been struck by lightning.

It turned her stomach to see him in pain, but his words tingled her spine enough that she stayed glued where she stood. Warmth smoldered inside her body, feeding an overwhelming desire to go to him, help him, comfort him.

Give him what he needs

“What? What do you need me to do?”

“Take your ...” His voice dropped an octave. Deeper. More demonic. More demanding. “Clothes off. Slowly.”

Except for that.

Not like she didn’t want to. Hell, her panties were soaked the moment she’d clicked him in chains. Nothing like having a prime alpha male strapped to your bed, begging you for sex. In Sabelle’s experience, though, removing clothes didn’t typically end in fond appreciation and a warm handshake.

“Won’t this make it worse?”

“No.” He grunted. “If I hear you come … it’ll help.”

“Come?” She drew back. “You’re asking me to do a hell of a lot more than strip.”


“Are you asking me to
touch myself
in front of you?” Gods, the very thought of that … okay, call her a pearl-clutching, shitty succubus, but masturbation was done
. Like, under the blankets, curtains closed.

“Yes. On top of me.”

“I … don’t think I can—Gavin, I don’t see how that helps.”

“My instinct … is to sate you.”

Holy shit, the words cast a chill down her spine.
Sate you
. The last time she’d felt
was with the November issue of GQ, when Gerard Butler was on the cover, and she’d managed to get some time in with her vibrator. Still, that was a less than spectacular finish to one hell of a build-up. She’d panted two hours over that cover before she had the chance to sneak off to her bedroom.

Gavin’s request carried some deep-seated primal calling. Her core ached at the thought of his strength railing against her body like a majestic beast she’d stumbled upon in the woods. Not bestial, still Gavin, but that manly, feral craving to wrestle each other in sweat, lust and blood, if need be.

“So …” She rubbed her arm. “You just … want me to climb on you and …”

“Touch yourself.”

She cleared her throat. “And this … this helps you. From becoming violent and … being in pain.”
That’s it, Sabelle. Slap a rationale on it, and you’re good.


A deep breath couldn’t smother the butterfly explosion in her stomach. Although, truth be told, the visual alone had her wishing she could climb under her own sheets and get lost in the fantasy.

It helped him, she reminded herself. Not to mention, pretending to have sex with the man would surely help
. Jesus, if her panties got any wetter, she’d be swimming in them.

Sabelle nodded and glanced up at the chains that seemed to be holding okay. “Gavin, promise me you won’t try to claim me.”

“Promise.” Though the evil in his voice pretty much voided out the word.

She huffed and slipped her fingertips beneath the hem of her shirt, lifting it up above her head.

!” He growled.

“Right.” She tossed the garment to the floor and unzipped her jeans.
. Gods forbid the stitching scraped her legs and she’d have to tug a little faster. A lazy shimmy of her hips helped slide the denim down her thighs to her ankles, where she stepped out of them.

His chest heaved, eyes lit with excitement, as she reached behind and grabbed the clasps of her bra. At the pop of the hook, he shivered, his hips rolling against the bed—his impatience reminding her of a young boy tearing into his Christmas presents. The excitement stirred her blood.

Gavin, painfully aroused while strapped to her bed, was like scoring extra fries in a Happy Meal—enough to make a girl feel really guilty, but hell if she’d pass up the opportunity to indulge her hunger.

Play with him
, a voice inside her head taunted.
Tease the beast

She bit her lip and cocked her head to the side. “What do you want, demon?”

“Show me.”

Placing a hand over it, she held the black lace against her breasts. “You want these?” Damn, she’d never teased a man before. Never tugged on his libido that way, unless she planned to hammer his face with her fist. Something about turning Gavin on for the sake of strumming his desires left her feeling turned on as well.

“Don’t toy with me, woman. Show them to me.” His head came up off the pillow and he strained against the chains. “Take it off!”

Boy, he’d gotten feisty since the jeans. Who knew Gavin could be capable of such brutish behavior? Sabelle had always considered the man to have been dipped and battered in smooth since the day he was born, because the level of charm he usually oozed couldn’t possibly be learned, but savage gave him an exciting edge. One that spoke to her inner tease, and goddamn it, she seemed to love tormenting him.

She tossed the bra to the floor, but a moment of panic washed over her as she realized her breasts were … out there. Exposed. Christ, when was the last time she’d really looked at her own breasts? Were they even considered attractive these days?

She resisted the itching desire to peek, and the urge to cover them brought her hands up to her chest—until she caught sight of Gavin’s scornful eyes. The knitting of his brows silently telling her he’d go even more berserk if she hid herself. Even still, standing almost naked and vulnerable in front of him fried her nerves.

She’d been naked in front of a man before. Many times before. Didn’t give a damn what they thought of her breasts. Couldn’t give a shit if she didn’t meet their standards for beauty. She’d only done it to take something from them—a life, a soul. For once, she’d placed herself in the spotlight to
something. Nothing but visual pleasure for another.

It felt absolutely frightening.

Gavin fell back against the pillow, a groan escaping him. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts, and he licked his lips, as if she’d dangled a steak over his head. “The panties. Let me take them off.”

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