Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2) (26 page)

BOOK: Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2)
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Logan squeezed harder. “Answer me, fuckstick.”

“We’ll …” the paleskinned said past the throttling at its throat, “tell you … nothing.”

“Well, lookie there. Fuckstick speaks.”

“I could kill them. But I’m too curious. They’re obviously weaker than our kind,.” Gavin said, coming up beside Logan. “I don’t want them back at the manor.”

“How ’bout the interrogation room? Sanctuary? Have Britus keep an eye on them.” Logan raised a brow. “You can chase skirts the rest of the night.”

“I’m not chasing anything until I know Zeke’s safe. Besides, we have to get Ava checked out. You got those two?” Gavin asked.

“Yep. I’ll put ’em in the trunk.”

“How the hell’re you going to do that in your car?”

“Fold the bastards in half if I have to. They’ll fit.”

A grin stretched across one of the paleskin’s face.

Logan squeezed so hard his arm started to shake, and whatever blood it had inside of it rushed to its face, though its skin didn’t take on much more color, until the eyes rolled back into its head.

“Logan. Enough,” Gavin ordered. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” He scooped Ava back up into his arms. “Put one in the trunk of my car. I can’t risk you killing them, or we might not learn much of anything about them. Or where to find Ryke, for that matter.”

They took the males to the back of the vehicle. From the trunk, Gavin pulled two long, unearthly chains, fashioned from the underworld.

The males squirmed in their grip, as Gavin wrapped the chains around one of the paleskin’s arms and legs, binding them like a hogtie.

Logan did the same to the other.

The demons threw the creatures into the trunks, and Logan rested his hands on his hips. “I’m going to need a stiff drink.”

“Yeah.” Gavin gave a quick glance over his shoulder. “See you at Sanctuary.”


The duffle bag Calla had set on the bed didn’t carry much—only what she would really need for the first couple of nights.

Just long enough to find Draven. Hunt him down and kill him.

As one of the better trained Alexi soldiers, a quality that placed him as second-in-command after Ayden went AWOL, finding him wouldn’t be easy. Draven had always been a survivor. Resourceful. Intelligent.

But as Calla had come to learn, predictable. Perhaps his only fault that put him at risk.

No doubt he’d be looking for her. Giving up on her would be admitting defeat and Draven would never stoop to such a thing. The sad thing about Alexi soldiers was their unfaltering commitment to vengeance—branded into their very existence the moment each one had awakened from Mindslating.

God only knew where he could be in that city.

Though, if she had to guess, he’d probably be forming an alliance.

Ayden told her that all the Alexi had scattered the compound after she and the demons set fire to it. So, out there. On the streets. That’s where she’d start. Start with the weak ones and work her way up to the strong until she found him.

“Leaving?” The voice came from behind.

Calla swung around to find Ayden leaned against the doorframe. “I’ve got a murder to avenge.”

Ayden nodded and walked toward the bed. “I know.” She sat beside Calla’s duffle, her eyes somewhat focused. “Calla, you know it was Wade, right? The one orchestrating all the attacks. The attack on Draven. And … Jacob.”

“I have my reasons for wanting Draven dead. Not all of them have to do with Jake. Some are just personal.” Even if Wade sicced the wolves on them, no doubt Draven had every intention of using Jacob as a pawn against her. Jake had always gotten in the way.

“I know all about vendettas.”

“Look, if this is going to be an exercise in telling me to give it up, you’re wasting your breath. Every day that I stay here, my enemy still breathes.”

“I’m not going to convince you to stay, Calla. I’d be a hypocrite.”

“Then, what do you want?”

“A drink.” The curve of a smile tugged at Ayden’s lip. “What do you say?”

What the hell?
Ayden never asked her to hang out, yet she still found herself saying, “One drink. And then I leave.”

Ayden nodded and led Calla down the stairs to Gavin’s study. Once inside, she closed the doors, ushered her to one of the leather seats. After pouring amber liquor into a couple of glasses, she handed one to Calla.

A quick sniff and Calla crinkled her nose. “What is it?”

“Not sure, exactly. A demon liquor. Drink slow, it hits hard.”

“I’ve never had liquor before. I don’t want to get drunk.”

“As long as you don’t chug it, you’ll be fine.” Ayden tipped back the glass.

Calla stared into the amber.
I don’t know about this.
Yet, she took a sip, her lips scrunching in an instant pucker. “Oh, God, how can you drink this?”

“Practice.” Ayden smiled and pushed the glass to Calla’s lip. “It loses its potency after a while. Goes numb. Take another sip.”

The heat warmed Calla’s chest as the liquor slid down her throat. She focused on the liquid as the guilt of abandoning the search for Zeke struck her conscience.


Calla straightened in the seat. “What?”

“I know what you’re doing right now. You did the right thing.”

“Seems like every move I make gets someone hurt. Zeke might be here, instead of out there somewhere, if I’d done the right thing.”

“If you’re going to take the shit on yourself, then at least give Zeke credit for being the smart one. Of the two, he stands a better chance of surviving an Enforcer.”

he survives.” Calla shook her head. “I have nightmares about it. And the blood. All over the place. You should’ve seen the look on Logan’s face. Like I did it.”

“Logan’s an asshole, but his brothers are all he has. I just don’t think he trusts what he’ll do if Zeke dies.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, he might have to come to terms with the fact that someone penetrated his steel. That’s not going to be a good day for anyone within swinging distance of the guy. Deep down, there’s something there. Whether he admits to it, or not.”

“Ayden, how does it feel?”

“How does what feel?”

“Having something more than the hate?”

Ayden glanced away. “I don’t know yet. One minute I’m angry that I know, the next, I guess you’d call it relief. I don’t know how happy a person can be reliving the slaughter over and over again. Guess I’m just living minute to minute for now.”

“I’m glad … for your sake that you know.” Calla nodded. “We all want to know. Even the painful parts.” She kept her eyes focused on the coffee table. “I’ll find Draven first. Then, I’ll go after the wolf that attacked me.” Her eyes met Ayden’s stare. “Just like you did.”

She almost dared Ayden to tell her otherwise.

“You could partner with Gavin. I’m sure he’d be happy to help you.” Ayden smirked. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.”

“I don’t belong here.”

“No one really
here, Calla. It’s this or the streets.”

“I think I’d rather take my chances on the streets. Pretty sure the demons despise me.”

“Think they’re bad? Wait ’til you meet Ferno. No idea how Mad Dog deals with it.”

“Mad Dog?”

“Yeah, he’s kind of the Al Capone of the Brothers. Got that mafia vibe going on. All of them do, really. That deep-seated loyalty that most humans can’t seem to understand.” Ayden tipped back another shot.

“Zayne and Zeke are the only twins, right?”

Ayden nodded, swallowing a large gulp of her drink.

“And Zayne’s the only one who
a mate?”


“Being mated must be a big deal to the demons huh?”

“There isn’t a human on this planet that has ever felt the love and devotion of a mated demon.
his brothers.” Ayden’s stare fell from Calla’s. “When I first met Shey, I remember hating her for reasons I couldn’t understand. She was always so kind. Quiet, but kind. Her happiness, God, you could almost
it radiating off of her. Like a place in heaven you just knew you weren’t allowed to walk through. Just didn’t click with me.”

“How did she die?”

Ayden huffed. Her lip curled and her eyes turned pained, as if she didn’t want to say. “Long story. Ferno … he accidentally killed Shey. Each of the demons carries a brand of pain. His is hellfire.” She shook her head. “If you think Zayne’s a mess, you should see Ferno. He’s tried to kill himself so many different ways since then—every attempt has left nothing but a scar. And in the demon realm, suicide is a huge crime. Punishable. They face Obsidius. So you just know the guy’s screwed in the head, if he’s willing to choose that over living.”

Calla resisted the urge to glance down at her own scars.

“I don’t know if Ferno will ever forgive himself,” Ayden continued. “Even though Zayne has forgiven him. When a Wrath demon takes a mate, she falls under the protection of his brothers. They honor her as one of them. A sister.”

“Even Logan?”

Ayden grinned. “Even Logan. In his own way, of course.”

Calla buried her gaze in the shot glass. “I couldn’t imagine Logan caring that much for a woman.”

“Sometimes the ones with the darkest hearts … well, they tend not to take anything lightly. Gavin told me some pretty … messed up stuff about Logan. He’s not had an easy life. At all. I dare say, maybe even worse than the average Alexi. Cage-fighting supes. Drugs. You name it, Logan’s probably done it. He’s an adrenaline junkie on top of it. Shey was the first female he’d ever allowed himself the slightest connection with. He had to, at first, to honor his brother.” She swiped at her nose. “He doesn’t give his heart to just anyone. Those he does, he cares for pretty fiercely. Maybe even bit psychotically.”

“I think you got the psycho part right.”

Ayden raised her glass. “No doubt.” She threw back the drink.

“Ayden?” Calla waved her hands through the air. “Never mind. I know you’re not into that gossip girly stuff.”

“Shoot.” Ayden cracked a grin like the drink had begun to relax her.

“Do you ever wonder … where in our pasts we became so screwed up? I mean, were we this messed up before becoming Alexi?”

“Yeah. Sometimes, I guess. Why?”

Calla looked up. “Logan … he terrifies me, you know? Scares the hell right out of me. Like a … darkness, that you know if you fall into it, only bad things will happen. But at the same time, I’m drawn to him. In a sick way, that fear almost makes me feel alive.” Calla rubbed her temples. “I’m dumb and naïve, I know. The guy would rip my soul into a million tiny pieces and stomp on them.”

Ayden chuckled. “Logan has a bastardly charm, doesn’t he?” She poured another round for both of them. “Like you don’t know whether to scoop the guy up and hug him, or drag the sharp end of a blade across his throat.” She tapped the side of her glass. “My advice Is this. You want his respect? Don’t let him make you feel weak. You’re an Alexi soldier. Never forget that. Whether you believe it or not, Calla, you’re a tough female. A lot tougher than half the females who come and go here. So, don’t take his crap. You hold your ground and he’ll respect you.” She gave an exaggerated double-blink. “Personally, I think you’re bat-shit crazy for pursuing the guy. But if you like him, you need to let him see you’re just as much his rival.”

“I didn’t say I
him. Just so you know. I was just … curious, is all.” Calla cleared her throat. “Speaking of wild animals. Where’s Kane?”

“He insisted that I chain him at night until he’s learned to control his change.”

“Is he dangerous?”

Ayden shrugged. “Don’t know much about lycan tigers. So far, I still have all my limbs.”

“Doesn’t that feel
, being with someone who could kill you if he wanted?”

“Every man has the potential to be dangerous.” Her eyes drilled into Calla’s. “Threaten what’s theirs, and they all become killers.”

“You’re a lucky woman, Ayden.” Calla polished off her drink. “Kane’s a lucky guy, too,” she said, and hiccupped.

Both women chuckled.

“Another?” Ayden held up the bottle.

“What the hell …” Calla passed her the glass.

After all, she hadn’t felt much effect from the first drink.

Maybe she was immune to it.

* * *

Draven stared down at the sweat-drenched back of the female he’d been jack-hammering from behind for the last hour. The effects of the Shine lingered in his system, exhausting him. He gave a sharp tug on her long blonde hair and, when she turned, his breath hitched.

Calla’s face peered back at him.

Hallucination? Real?

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